THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter at fails City. Nebraska. jrost office, Janu ary 12, under the Act of Congress on March 3, 187l>. Published every Friday at Fails City, Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company E. F SHARTS. Manager One year r_- . -.fl.aO Six months_ --.<5 Three months. . - .40: TELEPHONE 226. REPUBLICAN TICKET for President WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT For Viee-Prnsident JAMES S. SHEW MAM For Congressman First District ERNEST M. POLLARD For Governor GEORGE L. SHELDON For Lieutenant Governor M. R. HOPEWELL For Secretary of State GEORGE C. J UN KIN For Auditor of Public Accounts JOHN II. ALDFN For State Treasurer LAWSON G. BRIAN For Superintendent of Public Instruction* E. C. BISHOP For Attorney General WILLIAM T. THOMPSON For Com, of Public Lands and Buildings EDWARD B. COWLES * For Railway Commissioner J, / . WILLIAMS For State Senator, First District J. K. CAIN. Jk For Representative. First District S. II. HOLKJACK GEORGE K. WARD O. F. ZOOK f <*r Cbtmty Attorney JOHN WILTSE Foe Sii|N»rviaor First District EON BOWERS Are the Omaha and Kansas City brewers telling you how to vote? _ Do you want the days of 15c juju, $H hogs, $1 cattle and Hoc Twhvat to return. You can help get such a result by voting for Mr. Uryan or by staying at home and not voting. 3a>b Cain has been in Pawnee (County for the past ten days meeting the people. It hardly needs the statement fur our peo ple to know that he made a uiost favorable impression. it isn’t a good nor a safe plan to vote early and often, but ev ery republican in Richardson County should vote at least »nce. if we poll our full vote Judge Tail wi.l surely carry the county. _ Nuns and lfowcra will add greatly to the business capacity ©« the county board. These metn art- among our very best riti;;.'ns- and their election will itisuie .1 business ariminislra. Vrun u. tin* county’s affairs. Dji. ; tail to vote, li you are indiffereut tu jour country’s welfare to the extent of not vot ing, don’t offer any excuses if Bryan should carry the county. A loss of live votes in a precinct means more than 10U votes in the county. Your vote will count one if lost. Don’t be a cipher, XV>4> Cain has served one term iii 'Axn Nebraska legislature and no man can successfully attack the record he made. He served that term while nothing more than a boy. He is more mature mow and his many friends con stantly expect him to be one of Mte real )eaders in the senate next winter. There is but one way to give Richardson County to Judge Taft and that is for every voter to go to the polls on election day. It is an easy matter for the city man to vote, it is not so easy for the farmer to cast his ballot. The past eight years of prosperity ought to create a personal interest on the part of every business man to do his part to insure a continuance of ibe present condition. In an interview with the edi tor of the Lincoln News, which appeared in that paper Monday last. Secretary James Wilson, head of the national department of agriculture, gave Congress man Ernest M. Pollard some high words ot commendation. This interview is as follows: “Secretary Wilson spoke in the highest terms of Mr. Pollard and I)is work in Washington and as serted that the people of the First district were to be con gratulated upon having in con gress an educated man such as at present represents them; one who understands their interests and has a practical knowledge of the industry in which they are most largely interested. As a member of the committee on agriculture, the secretary knew Mr. Pollard as an indespensiblc public official for the people of this district. Secretary Wilson stated that the work of the agricultural department is in creasing annually and is becom ing daily more valuable to the people ol the county. It is bringing its benefits right home to the farmer and husbandman by sending out experts who are able by practical demonstration to show those interested just how they may increase the pro ductiveness of their lands and the quality of their products. The department must to a great extent, depend upon congress and the members of the commit tee on agriculture and no more valuable assistance lias come from any sourse than from the member from the First Ne braska district, wlu> has devot ed the greater portion of his time and energy to this subject. Secretary Wilson thinks that it would be a distinct loss to this district, if Mr. Pollard should not be returned. John Wiltse is a young man who accepts life as a responsi bility. Ever since he opened his law office in Palls City he has given his profession and the interests of his clients his un divided attention. If he is elect, ed county attorney the citizens of the county may rest assured that the county’s legal business will never be neglected,and that the criminal affairs of the office will be prosecuted wjjh absolute fairne-s and unquestioned cour age. _______ We cannot remember of the time when the party has nomi nated a stronger legislative ticket than the one placed be fore the people this fall. Zook, Bolejack and Ward are all busi ness men of acknowledgedcapa city. Each man’s word is as good as his bond, and, unlike their opponents, they have taken the voters into their full confidence and told just what they will do if elected. It is your duty as a citizen to vote. It is your privilege to cast a vote for Judge Taft whose unselfish labors in the interest of our common country have made him one of the greatest tnen of his time. It is to your personal profit to vote for a continuation of those govern mental policies which have given us such unbounded pros perity. Go the polls and count one in the nations counsels. When it was made public that the slump in the democratic vote at the recent primaries in Cincin nati was fully 25 per cent, it was another clinching evidence that Mr. Bryan would carry Ohio—nit. Legal Notice la the District Court of Richardson Comity, Nebraska. Mary Ellen Prine. vs. Plff. Win. H. Prine, Deft. The above named defendant will take notice that on October 17,1908, plaintiff filed in the dis trict court for Richardson County, Nebraska.her petition against said defendant a non-resident, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from said defendant npon the alleged ground that saM defendant willfully deserted plaintiff for more than 8 years and has willfully failed to support plaintiff. You will plead to said petition on or before December 14th, 1908, or the allegations of the petition will he taken as confessed and a decree j entered accordingly. Mary Ellen Prine. | Reavis A Rkvvih. Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication Octoner 28—4 times DON T FORGET Tbe attention of our readers is called to the two constitution al amendments which will ap pear upon the ollicial ballot on election day. One of these amendments will permit the in vestment of our permanent school fund in Nebraska School precinct and municipal bonds and thus avoid the necessity ot sending the money out of the state for investment as we have been compelled to do in the past. The other will bring about a long needed reorganize tion of our Supreme Court by substituting four additional judges for the six commission ers now constituting a part of that court. 'Hie commissioner system i> wrong in principle and very unsatistactory to all parties, including the commis sioners themselves. The sys tem is a makeshift, but it will haye to be continued until the court is enlarged, as it is utter ly impossible for three judges to do the work. Recog^ the necessity for these two changes in our constitution all of tlie political parties gave both amendments their unquali fied endorsement at the primar ies. In order, however, to in sure their adoption at the com ing election every voter should be careful to vote for both amendments. Don't forget. In the meantime have you heard anything from the demo cratic legislative ticket on coun ty option? A candidate who fears to take the voters into his contidence before election is sure not to do it after election. SOCIETY NOTES Continued from First page. by the club to be added to the fund for buying pictures for the school- An interesting report of the meeting of the State Federa tion was read by Mrs Dayid Davies. Like a Rose, Nevins, was sung by Miss McCormick in a most charming manner. A sketch of Henry Van Dyke by Mrs. John Crook was pleasingly presented. A note of personal interest was given by the reading of a letter to Mrs. Crook from Hamilton Wright Mabic, Van Dyke’s intimate friend- Mrs. Fenton's rendition of Wee Bird was given in her best style. The last number on the program, SchutnansSeranade,played by the Misses Cleaver, was appreciated bv everyone. The guests of the club were Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd of St. Louis,Miss McCormick and Miss Nellie Cleayer- After adjournment of the formal meeting, many of the guests spent some time in con versation and in looking at the different objects of interest in this thoroughly artistic home. TO SPEAK IN PRESTON C. F. Reavis Will Address the Voters Tuesday Evening Owing to the heavy rains on Monday evening, C. F. Reavis was unable to address the people of Preston on that date, but he has kindly consented to arrange his business so he can be able to be with them on Tuesday even ing, October 27, when he will talk to them on the public issues of the day. Mr. Reavis is well versed on all the vital questions and is amply able to present them in a most convincing manner to his hearers. No doubt a large crowd will greet Mr. Reavis in Preston next Tuesday evening. A False Alarm The ringing of the tire bell called the boys out Friday afternoon, and after a long run to the M. P. depot, found their services were not needed. Some hay near the cold storage build ing caught tire but was easily extinguished by parties nearby. The wind was blowing a perfect gale at the time and great loss would have been sustained had the blaze gained any headway. WILLIAM H. TAFT AND s PACIFIC COMMERCE The Constructive Genius of Our Oriental Trade-Empire. ] Carried the Torch of Civilization to Antipodes—Made Secure Our Tar Eastern Commercial I Supremacy. i During the past ten years, under a' constructive Republican policy, the United States has assumed a position in the Pacific Ocean which is destined to give her the bulk of the vast com merce of the countries situated on the greatest body of water on ihe globe. Some of the things accomplished by the party of enlightened freedom and patriotism have been: The securing of the open door In China; the preser vation of the Integrity of the Chinese Empire; the acquisition of the Philip pines; the establishment of coaling sta tions across the Pacific and finally the transfer of the American fleet of bat tleships from the Atlantic to the Paci fic to modestly remind the Oriental na tions that, having assumed the posi tion of a world i>ower In the Pacific, we are prepared to maintain it against all comers. America mid Japan til I'acltto. Two wars have caused the whole world to realize that the Pacific Ocean Is to be the scene of the greatest hu man activities In the future. The war of the United States with Spain gave us possessions which bring us within speaking distance of Asia, and the Russo-Japanese war revealed Japan to the world as a powerful and progres sive nation, whose future sphere o»’ ac tion would of necessity he within the boundaries of the ocean separating America from the Orient. Tati n Const rued vc Slntcsmnn. The Honorable William II. Taft has been one of tbe chief udvlscrs and strongest advocates of tbe Republican administration policy during this for mative and historic period. He has been a pioneer, not only along tbe lines cf statecraft, which have had for their object the development of our western states, but he has given particular at tention to the situation In the Orient with reference to the future commerce between those far away countries and tho Pacific coast of America. In bis own Inimitable way and unit ing a unique personality with the high est authority as a diplomat, he poured oil on the troubled waters In Japan and changed the political storm there raging, Into a placid sunshine of peace. In Chinn he created such enthusiasm as the Orientals have never shown to any other visitor and left that empire with the belief on their part that the United States is not only ready to en ter into commercial reciprocity, hut to still stand ns China's friend and lend Its influence to see that Bhe gets jus tice from those who would violate her territorial integrity. Taft and Oriental Trade. In his Shanghai speech, addressing a body of Influential merchants, diplo mats and Chinese government officials, Mr. Taft spoke in part as follows: “We do not complain of loss of trade that results from the employment of great enterprise, Ingenuity or attention to the demands of the Chinese market, or the greater business ucuinen shown by our competitors. We would have the right to protest at being secluded from the trade of China by reason of our Insistence of the policy of the Open Door. The acquiescence In this policy of all the nations Interested has been so unhesitating and emphatic that It Is hardly worth while to specu late upon the probable action of the United States lu case the Interests of American merchants are placed In Jeop ardy, and how far the United States would go lu the protection of Its Chi nese trade, I cannot aay. It Is clear, however, that our merchants are being roused to the importance of the Chi neea trade and they would view with deep concern any and all political ob stacles which menace that expansion. “This feeling la likely to find expres sloa In the action of the American gov ernment. The United States and the other powers favor the open door, and If they are wlae they will encourage the Empire to take long steps In ad ministrative and governmental reform, the development of the resources of China, and the Improvement of the wel fare the people. To do this would add to China's strength and position ■a g self-respecting government and aid her in preparing to resist possible for eign aggression in the seeking of undue and exclusive proprietary privileges. Thus no foreign aid will be required to enforce the open door and the policy of equal opportunity for all." History Halting Happenings. During recent Republican administra tion* we have built up an export trade with the Far East of something like $1BO,000,000 per year. We have landed an army on Chlnesa territory, and have been drawn willy-nilly Into the vortex of the Far Eastern question. During the period policies have been formulated which hare compelled us to take a hand In momeatous negotiations. We hare definitely enrolled the Far East among the objects of our commercial and diplo matic solicitude. Things have changed , much during this ten years of Republi cs " The United States ii. s come into pos session of the Philippines nnd all the political and strategical responsibilities entailed by tills movement. The,partici pation In, and suppression of. the Boxer rebellion, the expanding recognition of the supreme importance to the future of American trade, of (lie open door, the realization that, with the ex. ptiou of Japan, no country is so well situated as the United States, industrially ami geographically, to make the most and the best of the development of China. These and other events have trans formed American indifference to the fortunes of the Far East into a real, live, tingling nnd vigilant concern. I.of;it'it 1 CoinitirrclQl Events. It did not need the Chinese boycott of American goods, or the outbreak of the trouble with Japan over the Immi gration qin ntloli, to convince an impar tial onlooker that America’s relations with the powers of the Far East woukl, before long, be more immediate, of greater moment and possibly of greater hazard than our relations with the powers of Europe. The American fleet has foreshadowed the systematic asser tion of American power in the Pacific. American interests in that ocean, com mercial. political and territorial, have been neglected far too long. Father of the Philippines. Mr. Taft is in a sense the father of the Philippines. It has been his kindly, constructive statesman’s hand that evolved order out of their original chaos. In his report submitted to Con gress. ns n result of his visit to the Philippines to be present at the opening of their first Assembly, he made four recommendations. First—action by Con gress admitting to the United States Philippine products under such condl-. tions that they would not interfere with American tobacco and sugar in dustries; second, the removal of re strictions as to acquiring mining claims and lands; third, further legislation authorizing the government to carry on an agricultural bank, which is now authorized only as a private enterprise; fourth, the repeal of the law applying to the Islands the coastwise laws of the United States. Philosophy of Developoienl. Our nation has grown by obeying the Instinct of development. We are to-day entitled to l>e called Greater America, but that greatness will be lost if we forget the political philosophy which has made us great—expansion of Amer ican thought, territory, mechanical skill, civilization and philosophy. This is an auspicious time for the creation and de velopment of our export trade. The un explored and undeveloped markets of Asia furnish the opportunity. All other fields have been occupied, and to at tempt to wrest them from ether nations would be of doubtful expediency. In the Orient the commercial possibilities exceed the dreams of the optimist. Are the American people ready toj abandon such a situation and leave it] to the mercy of the Democratic party' with its failure of fifty years looking at us from the past? THE YOUNG REPUBLICAN. In a business sense the young voters who have come forward since 1904 have more at stake than any other class in rendering a right decision. Their ac tive lives are ahead. They have more years to live, and are now laying the foundations of their business careers.. National policies and conditions are oC the highest consequence to them. Per-* haps they are farmers. If so, let them ask the older generation how farmers fared under the last Democratic admin istration. Let them take the market reports of to-day and compare them with the prices that prevailed when Mr. Bryan made his crusade for free silver and hurled defiance at President Cleve land because he stood by the gold standard. At the same time Bryan de nounced the Republican party for Its protectionist as well as sound money position. Perhaps the first voter Is to engage In manufacturing or mining, -is wage-earner or otherwise. Does he want his American rate of wages aDd the industry ho chooses reasonably pro tected against foreign competition? If he does Mr. Bryan's leadership will take him In the opposite direction.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Tide ol Prosperity. The tide of prosperity may ebb and flow, hut the great wares of Industrial wealth will continue to grow In vol ume with ever-increasing comfort and happiness to our contented people, who will soon number 100,000,000. And be cause of our Intelligent and skillful labor, made so because of good wages and good living, we shall make better fabrics and build stronger structures— that In spite of their higher cost In tbe beginning will be cheaper In tbe end and will be wanted by tbe people In every corner of tbe earth. So that we shall capture tbe marketa of the world In greater volume without ever sacri ficing our home market, the foundation of our national wealth and progress_ Hon. James S. Sherman. Henry Gassaway Davis, who was de feated with Parker four years ago, Is wiser as well ns older. He says he sees no hope for the Democracy, and thinks Parker Is again wasting valu able time in making speeches.—St Louis Globe-Democrat. It is Interesting to note to how great an extent Governor Hughes Is com manding the support of Democrats In New York State.—Springfield Republi can. Anyway, Mr. Taft never tried to •teal Mr. Bryan's government owner ship raiment.—Omaha Bee. Finding Money is not to be depended upon h_ „ I F you spend all you earn, what * are you going to do when Sick ness Accident or Lack of Employ-' ment causes extra expense or stops the income ? You Can't Pick Up Money to meet such emergencies. Put a little away each day in A Vest Pocket Bank which we loan you— FREE. Cut out some of the little extravagancies and deposit the money thus saved with this Bank. , THE Falls City State Bank Fall House Cleaning Have you some old floors or scratched furniture you wish to make look like New ? If so, we have the material— Permalac and Jap-a-Lac Also a line of Spring Wallpapers that we’re closing out at cost. See our new line of Fall Wallpapers. McMillans PHARMACY Falls City, Nebraska „ C*»(i IN W'1 ■ t - v ‘ ■- _i—s-, FOR SALE 15 Duroc-Jersey males will be priced right for the next 20 days. F. W. WITTROCK BEFORE buying a watch you should learn about the HOW ARD—the one Ameri can watch that has real finish and adjustment—real fineness. The Howard is the finest practical time-piece in the world for daily pocket use. New extra-thin model Howard is the first American thin-model we can guarantee as a time-keeper. Every Howard is adjusted in its case, and price-ticketed at the factory—$35.ooto$i50.oo. Price is never cut. We are distributor! for thii distinctive watch. R. B. SIMPSON North Window of Kerr's Pharmacy