The Value of Perfect Teeth cannot i>e overestimated. They ctn easi- j Iv make or mar a beautiful face It is | the mission of l)r. \ utzy to correct im- 1 perfections of the teeth from any cause : whatever. His inetnods are thoroughly scientific, sanitary and painlecs. He can replace your entire set, attend to a small filling, do crown and bridge work with the utmost success DR. YUTZY’S BERT W1NOI.E, l). 0. is., Assistant Fails Cilv, Nebraska Hand=Decorated China! See the wear==a full case in the south win dow at CHAS. M. WSLSON’S The Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, and manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN / The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son ' Falls City, Nebr. PRESTON GRAIN and LIMBER CO. When you have Grain or Hogs to market do not forget that we pay the top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE K® When you need anything in ■ Lumber or Builders’ Material call on us—we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. h has t^Jargest circulating flue wmnav’kin a-baseiburner! Mm ' ;* and this,with the new side ’Hue heating surface mahesit the STRONGEST HEATER for amount of fuel used.EVER PRODUCED TfoAfewROUND OAK BASE * BURNER.// wort A? in vestigoting The New Round Oak ' Base Burner The greatest heater for amount of fuel con sumed ever known in this t/pe of stove. It is a decided improve ment in base burner construction and com bines new and advanced features in flue build ing and control of the fire, owing to fine workmanship. J. C. TANNER Falls City, Neb. P'S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED, Proprietor FALLS CITY NEBRASKA The County in General Crowded off (he regular Correspondence I’age. STELLA J. W Wright of Howe was horo Sat urday. Barney lliley of Dawson was here on Friday. K. ('. Welch is thi> new night opera t >r here. J. L. Griffiths went to Lincoln to see Ben Hur. W. F. Mowery was in Yerdon the past week. C. A. ,1 ones of Auburn was in town this week. Roy Leech of Pawnee was in town last week J. S. Davis of tiuubert was here lim ing the weee. Mrs. Joseph Nedrow went to Falls City Thursday Mrs. Moore returned Sunday from a visit at Auburn. L. M. Weddle ol Shnhert was in this city Wednesday. Wtn. I.oiler of Falls City whs h vis itor here th's week II. M. Peters of near Howe was here Friday on business. Clyde Harden and family visited rela tives in Peru Saturday. Chas, Carlton of Lincoln was a busi ness caller here lust week. D. A. Watson made a business trip to Kansas City this week N. B. Bobbitt of Kimball, Neb., ar rived this week to visit friends. -Mrs. Wilts j and Mr. Ausdale of Lin coln visited relatives here Sunday. J. C>. Hoppers sale was hindered by the weather but amounted to $11590. Mrs. A. W. Montgomery of this place went to Oinulia Friday morning. J. H. Vader of Pocahantas, Iowa.left Friday with a car of apples for ttiat place. W. J. Hodge and wife left Wednes day for California where they will locate. Guy Crook of Falls City brought a couplt of traveling men to this place Wednesday. W. T. Young returned Sunday from Pierce, Neb, where he had been with a car of apples. J. D. Rollff of Ravenswood, W. Va.. arrived last week to visit relatives west of town. I. S. Vader and wife returned last week from Iowa, where they had Been visiting relatives. Mis. James who hus been spending a ftw weeks with her parents at Auburn returned Thursday. Miss French who is one of the leach er» iu the public school spent Sunday at Salem wi\h her parents. Mrs. \V. H. Stringfield arrived Thursday afternoon from Geneva for a vi-it. with her children. Arthur McCray bought 21 head of steers from John .Tenkius Friday and will tf?gin feeding soon. A. L. Bourke while at work one day this week run a nail in his hand and made a very painful wound. J. F. I.lchart bought two lots in the west part of town of H. E. Clark Sat urday and will erect a house. Sunday, Oct. 25, Rev Shirck pastor ol the Lutheran church will preach in the Rosefield school bouse at .‘1 o’clock. The town board huvo been repairing the street south of Barstkr's store this week which makes a good improve ment. E. W. Stoltz and T. J. Kehrer who have been farming here left Friday for Twin Falls, Idaho, where the former owns a farm. Blanche Monnette, Hazel Hogrefe and Ettie Martin ol Midland college of Atpbison visited with home folks here over Sunday. Over fifty from this place registered for Tripp county land. All are anxi ously waiting to see if they are among the lucky ones. Prof. Hearst and live boys and girls of Falls City high school were here Saturday on their way to Auburn to play basket bail. Mrs. .T. H. Kiester, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Lambert returned to her home in Kansa3 Sunday. K. A. Tynan of this place was on the train wrecked at Shannon, Kas. He was returning from Kansas City and escaped injury. Mrs. John Jenkins and daughter Ruth went to Verdon Thursday and on Friday left for Rockport. Mo., to visit her brother. A. Hhellenbarger who is in charge of the cider mill received 300 empty bar rels Thursday and has 4500 bushels of apples ready for use. Geo. Spaulding, frvin Curry and Guy Montgomery returned from Colo rado, where they were building some houses on the land homesteaded by the Montgomerys. The pastorial year closed last Sun day for Rev. SbiroK at the Lutheran church. EJe has done much good work Nov. 8 will be observed as Home Mis sion day in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther. W. A. Vandeveer of north of town made a trip to his farm tu A Ete'ope count v thi* week and brought a sample of corn and potatoes home with hint. The corn is good and the potatoes are much better than the ones grown in this part. A Sunday school convention was held Sunday afternoon at Pleasant View chuceh. W. 11. tiogrefe was chosen delegate from thl« place representing the Lutheran Sunday school and owing to the threatening weather be was un able to attend. About noon Thursday sparks from from an origin 1 caused a fire south of town. In the lla\s timber the pasture was ail burned otT. North of town it burned everythingin iLm reach. Mr. Norris lost several tons of hay in the stack urul his meadow burned off, .1. E. Winfrey all his bottom pasture and S. I). Curtis a lield of corn. A pain perscriptiou is printed upon each 2i e. box of Dr. Shoop’t Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not com plete. Head pains, womanly pains, anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by all dealers. BARADA Mrs Heine Kuker tins been quite ill of lute, Mrs, A C. Orr went to Fulls City one day lust week. Miss Katie Shulenburg was n guest at John Kelly's Sunday. H. Gerues and wife of Falls City were visiting relatives here this week. Miss Hattie Lilly spent Sunday at her home near Verdon. Miss Maggie Wrick of Verdon is visiting Miss Zetta Isabel. Mrs. Tom Davis visited her uunt Mrs. Kelly on Wednesday. Miss Lizz’e Kelly attended the dance at Shuhert Saturday night. Fulton Peters returned Sunday from his trip ti» Rosalie and O’Neil. Barada was well represented in Falls City on Bryan day of last week. Conrad Buehholz and family spent Sunday at the home of John Kelly. J. Spiekler and family returned Thursday from their auto trip to Kan sas City. Grandpa Hanika spent Saturday and SundHy with his daughters Mesdames Palmer and Kelly. Anthony Buehholz and wife weut to Falls City Tuesday of lust week to hear Hoke Smith speak. Word was received here from Green Burgess who is at Mound City that he is badly hurt and not able to travel. L. H. Morehead and wife spent last, week in Kansas City. He was attend ing to business and she visited a sister at, that place Miss Priscilla Woodring visited Sat* urday and Sunday with her sister Mrs. Charles Shulenherg near Shubert. They were shopping in Kalis City Sat urday. Dr. Van Osd"i reports the birth of a son to Jonii Mullen burg and wile on Oct. 12; a daughter born to Walter Orr and wife on Out. 15: and a son to It K. Hendricks arul wife on Oct. 15. Are You Only Half Alive People with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley’s Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak delicate people are restored to nealth. Refuse any but Foley's, Kerr’s Pharmacy. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures colds eoughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. VERDON. L. B. Cornell went to Lincoln Inst week. Tom Hall returned from Lincoln Tuesday. Torn l'ain was a county sent visitor .Saturday. Kd Fwlng returned Thursday from Topeka, Kas. Newt Cox and wife returned to Hlk ... Monday. Win. Cook took a lond of Hour to Fails City Friday. John Hascnyager and family drove to Falls City Friday. Wm. Cook and wife were in Falls City one day this week. Julia Fraunfelder came up from Falls City to spend Sunday Gertrude Lum went to Falls City Friday returning Saturday. Mrs. Hoy Swlsegood and daughter drove to Falls City Saturday. Hazel llaper of Omaha visited her Hunt,. Mrs. Goolsby, Tucsdry. Dave Griffith and Charley Wear at tended the football game ut 1’eru Fri day. John Weaver and wife and Charles Wstiver and wife were Peru visitors Friday. Dr. Griftith and wile moved to Falls City Tuesday. Faina Grillith accom panied them. I). G. Grittith and wife and F. W Hohb and wife attended the foot bull game at Peru Friday. Mrs. Draper came down from Daw son and took the train for her homo in Manila, Iowa, Thursday. Grandma Hoopes who has been sick for the past four months died at, her home Saturday The funeral services were held ut the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Hev. Ogden of Lincoln. Interment In the Verdon cemetery. SHUBERT G. T. Griffith of St.cllu was hero on Tuesday. T. A. Hays of Pierce, Neb, is visit ing his brother here. Mrs. James Weddle was shopping in Falls City last week. Miss Flattie Lilly of Barada spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Verna Taylor and son of Bur chard are visiting relatives here. Prof. Collins and wife entertained his sister of Gartield. Wash, Monday. Mrs. Wheeler was the guest of friends at Falls City during the week. Mrs. Chrts. Shulenberg and Miss Priscilla Woodring were In Falls City Saturday. Mrs-. .Too Spiekler and daughter ac companied by Miss Floy Stotts were Falls City visitors Saturday. Word reached us that Mrs. Mary Felt and Lewis Saver of Oklahoma Oklahoma were married at Auburn on Tuesday. . Mi«s Priscilla Woodring of Barada who is spending a few days with her sister Mrs Chas. Shulenberg. was in town Saturday. The supper which was given by the members of the W. R. C. Saturday evening was largely attended and a good time was enjoyed. Mrs. Carrie Quiggle who has been visiting relatives here left Saturday for Kansas where she will visit after which she will leave for Utah. Little May Brown met with an acci dent one day last week which might have proved fatal while riding horse back was in some manner thrown from the horse breaking her arm and bruis ing her quite bad, but under the care of Dr. Shook is doing fine. She has the sympathy of a large number of friends. ©REAM KING PtWDEH You will find it a great satisfaction to do More Home Baking You will make biscuit, cake and pastry clean, fresh and tasty—better every way than the ready made foods. I)r. Price’s Baking Powder is specially devised for home use, and makes home baking easy and a delight. It will pro tect you from the dread alum baking powders, which are too frequently found in the ready made articles, and insure you food of the highest healthfulness. Heart Troubles The heart may he weak just llie same as the eyes, stomach or other organs. It often happens that a person is born with a weak heart. Then again dis ease, levers, over-exertion, anxiety, nervousness, rheumatism, etc. weaken the heart. The result is shortness of breath, pal pitation. pain in the heart, or in some of the nerves of the chest or abdomen. The heart should be strengthened with a tonic, and for this nothing equals Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. "I lmd J.aGrlppo last fall an I thought In a mild form. I was weak, tired feeling, and short of breath: could hardly go about, and a good deal of the lime sort of an asthmatic breathing and extremely nervous. I began taking l>r. Miles’ Heart Cure and Nervine and now I feel ao much better In every way. I am so thank ful that I began taking this medleine, and shall not hesitate to tell others how much good It has done me," MRS. F. J. NORTON, Freevllle, New York. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind DEATH CAME FROM THE GODS Chinaman Firmly Convinced That His Brother Was a Victim of Super natural Wrath. How Frank Moy fell asleep while propitiating the heathen gods by the burning of a candle under his bed, and was slain by them in their wrath at his defection, was told by Willie Sing, a brother of the victim, who was the proprietor of a chop suey restaurant which was attacked by fi re. The police say the house was acci dentally set ablaze through Hoy’s carelessness, hut Willie Sing knows 1 ef tor. Did not Frank Moy send to Shanghai for a candle blessed by a Chinese priest? asked Willie of Lieut. Coughlin at the Englewood station. And does not everybody know that a candle so sanctified will i ure the most obstinate ease of rheu matism if placed under the bed of the sufferer, provided he prays all night without ceasing, and thus keeps away the evil spirits, who oth-' erwise would spoil the charm? “No doubt,’’ said Sing, “he go sleep. Plesently ’long come dleviis, plulf out candle. Hod’s velly mad; no let Flank Moy live.”—Chicago News. Real Estate Transfers Wui.C’ar -h him! wife In Joseph Canh wd to one-third interest in nw qr of section 18-2-14.$11X10 Joseph Carsli to Win. harsh wd to one-third interest in nw qr of section 18-2-14.$1000 Mary Plumb to Chas Oaverzagle wd to lots 1, 2 and 3, block 5, Ruleau & Bedard’s add to Rulo..... $1300 Henry Bean to Lois Spencer wd to lots 17, 18, 10, 20, blk 04, Falls City .... | .$800 John Buss el at to L Knickerbocker wd to w bf of nw qr section 24-1-17....' ..$0000 E. L. Snyder to Thus. Messmer, wd to all the nw qr of section 33-2-18 .. $1 Elmer and Sarah James to S. E.i Twist, wd to 20 acres in section 27 72-15j .#7ir»00 ’ i 4 J A Jeweler's Experience C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler. 1000 Vir ginia Ave., Iodianapidis, Ind , writes, ■‘I wna bo weak from kidney trouble I could hardly walk one. hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney remedy cleared my complexion, cured my backache and the lrreg ’larities disap peared, and I can now attend to busi. ness every dav and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to ml sullerers as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. Kerr’s Pharmacy German Evangelical Ghurch 9:45 h. in. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Sermon. 7 p. m. Young People Alliances 7:30 p. m. Sermon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. ni. Friday choir practice H p. in. Petek Schumann, Pastor. Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver I am now prepared to do all kinds of Pump and Windmill repairing Can also furnish you Pumps. Wind mills and Gasoline Engines. Phone calls answered. 12-11 J. D. HAYS.