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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
The Falls City Tribune. Vo,^V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1008. Number 40 SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDI i OR Various Rinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. The Royal Neighbors will give a "tacky'' party at their hall this, Friday, evening. The Married Ladies’ Kensing ton met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Pence, and enjoyed a very pleasant session. Mrs. Satn'l. Wahl entertained a number of her lady friends at a' (> o'clock dinner Wednesday. A very pleasant time is reported. The members of the W. R- C. enjoyed a kensington at their hall Monday afternoon. In the evening a ten cent tea was served to a large crowd. The Knights of Columbus en joyed a very pleasant social allair at Wahl's hall Wednesday even ing. A splendid musical pro gram was rendered and an excel lent banquet was served by the ladies. Mrs. Susan Maddox has issued invitations to the marriage of her daughter, Blanche Violet, to Guy P. Greenwald of this city. The wedding to take place at her home in Montpelier, Ind., on Oct. 28. The young couple will make their home in this city, having rented the cottage vacat ed by Steve Miles. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peck of near Morrill, entertained a num ber of their friends at their coun try home, on Thursday. The house was beautifully' decorated with autumn leaves. The even ing was spent in music and var ious games and the entire pro gram was greatly enjoyed by the forty guests present- An elegant supper was served. The Friends in Council were guests of Miss Minnie McDonald Friday evening, and enjoyed a splendid program. Miss Lum oi Verdon was present and read a most interesting paper on “The difference between the creative and analytic conception of the style of Shakespeare.” This was followed by a general discussion of current topics. Mrs. Guy Spencer of Omaha and Miss Fay DeVVald were guests of the club. After the program nice refresh ments were served. The Royal Highlanders enjoy ed a social session at their hall on Tuesday evening. About <>5 were present and were more than pleased with the program pre pared. Each gentleman present was requested to write a descrip tion of some lady in the room, while each lady drew a picture of some gentleman present, a prize to be awarded to the one produc ing the best w-ork- Mrs. Jellison and Dr. Boose were declared the winners. The moving picture show- also furnished much amuse ment Refreshments were serv ed and the remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing. Now that the weather is cool the Highlanders have decided to de vote much of their time to the social side of their lodge work, and the pleasant time on Tues day evening is one of the many which will be had during the winter The Woman’s Club held its regular meeting at the home of the Misses Cleaver. The inter est with which this year’s work is taken up is evidenced by the large attendance at each session. The school exhibit of Turner's pictures was taken under consid eration, and a sum appropriated Conclude on Fourth Pago INJURED BY AUTO Jeff Smith of Fairtficw. Kansas.Run Down By Machine On last Thursday, while the long string of automobiles were malting the trip to the Missouri Pacific depot, Jeff Smith of Fairview, Ivans., was run down and quite badly injured. The accident happened i n front of Mettz' livery barn, just after the speaking, and while Mr. Smith was crossing the street. Dr. Fast was summoned and upon examination found that aside trom being badly bruised the man had three ribs broken. The injured man is an Odd B’ellovv and was cared for by the local lodge. He was taken to the City hotel and his wife sent fur who remained until the first of the week, when her husband was able to be removed to his home. The automobile belonged to a Mr. Zoeller of near Hiawatha, but was in charge ot a boy. who was running at good speed. MEETING POSTPONED Heavy Rain Interfered With Speak ing Monday Night On account of the heavy rain on Monday night, the speaking advertised for that evening’ at the court house was postponed, which was a great disappoint ment, as with favorable weather the court house would have been inadequate to hold the many who were anxious to hear J. lv. Cain, jr., and the members of the legislative ticket, who were to speak. The only open date now will be on Saturday evening, Oct.Ill, whet ali the speakers schedul ed for last Monday night, to gether with some prominent state speaker will be here. A splendid meeting is expected and it is hoped that nothing will happen to prevent our peo ple from oeing present on that date. * Drank Amonia Neal, the little 2-year old son of Mrs. Belle Mulligan received painful burns from amonia Sat urday afternoon. The little fellow secured the bottle by climbing on a chair, and before it could be taken from him he had it to his mouth. The lips and tongue were badly burned, but as he swallowed very little, if any. At this writing he is him self again and his mouth healed. Made Good Showing In the coursing meet at Sut ton last week, the dog owned by George Prater won tirst place in one of the races. George was offered $100 for bis dog but refused the offer. In the next race, however, the dog broke the toe nails off ol both front and one hind foot, rendering it almost worthless. It is feared the animal has run his last race. THE LUCKY ONES _. Several Richardson County People Draw Valuable Land During the week the dailies i have been watched with great, j interest by those who had reg istered, to see if by chance their | names could be found among the lucky ones. A great many of our citizens had made the trip to | Dallas and O’Neill to try their \ luck and the returns up to the {time of going to press show that six in this immediate vicinity draws land. John Wilson, our taylor drew number 127 which : means a good farm. Following [ are the names and numbers of the lucky ones in this county: ! 127—John Wilson, Falls City |374 Geo. Segrist, Humboldt 717—G. C. Goolsby, Straussville 739—S. L. Davies, Falls City 887—L. Q- Beaver. Falls City 1873—Oliver Emmert, Salem WINS THE MEDAL MISS LOUISE RULE CARRIESOFF THE HONORS Five Young Ladies Compete in Cold Modal Contest at Court House Saturday Night Ouite a crowd gathered at the court house Saturday evening to see their favorite win in the gold medal contest- Aside from the contest a musical program con sisting of selections by the high school chorus, and vocal and in strumental solos were rendered and greatly enjoyed. There were five contestants, Louise Rule of this city, Elma Cook ot Verdon, Emerson Heim, . . i Beesie Bacon and Anna Khma ol Dawson, and each one did excel lent, but we all feel proud of the fact that our representative car ried off the honors. Miss Louise recited ,‘Nell” in her inimitable manner, and her vivid portrayal could not fail to win All of the contestants have been winners of the silver medal which made them eligible to this contest, and now Miss Louise is eligible to the Great Gold Medal contest, and we fee! sure that when the time comes she will again prove the winner. SUSAN ANN DUNN One of Richardson County's Citi zens Coes to Her Reward Susan Anna Mittower was born in Seneca County, Ohio, Decem ber 14, 1827 and died at JBarada, Nebraska, Oct. 20, 1908. At the age of 15 yrears she united with the English Lutheran church. In August 21, 185*> she was united in marriage to Jeptha Dunn and a few years later they removed to Michigan where>thev lived for fourteen years, from there they went to Ohio and in 1890 they came to Nebraska where they have since made their home with their son R. J. Dunn of this place. Her husband preceded her to the better world on April 28, ld07. To this union two sons were born, R. J. and I. A. Dunn both of this place. Grandma Dunn, as she was lovingly called by all who knew her was a gentle, sympathetic friend and was beloved by all. Since the death of her husband she has never been satisfied and now while it’s hard for her loved ones to give her up we can only realize that their loss is her gain. Yet quiet and unassuming as was her life she will be greatly miss ed by all and all joJh in extend ing heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved and sorrowing relatives. TURNER ART EXHIBIT Proved One of the Interesting At tractions of the Week In spite of the extremely disa greeable weather the Turner Art Exhibit at the council rooms Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, given under the auspices of the Falls City Public schools, was tairly well attended, a great many people viewing the beauti ful collection of pictures on dis play. At the evening sessions a splen did program was rendered, which was greatlj' enjoyed- The affair was given for the purpose of raising funds for school room decoration and a great many pictures will be purchased for that purpose, which will add greatly to the beauty of our school rooms. Notice Anyone knowing the where abouts of Hazel Hunt, a girl about lb years of age, who left her home in this city last Thurs j day night, will confer a favor by j reporting same to Mrs. H. I. I Hunt or Chief of Police Marts of I Falls City, Neb. JUDGE RROADY DIES AT HIS HOME IN LINCOLN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15 A Pioneer of Nebraska And Tor Years a Leading Attorney of The State Judge Jefferson H. Broady, long a well known lawyer in South eastern Nebraska, died at his j home in Lincoln, Thursday Oct. ' 15th, at about the hour of four j o’clock in the afternoon. He had j not been in robust health for some months previous to his death, but there was no appre hension on/the part of his family and friends that anything serious would result on that account, and but for an unexpected stroke of paralysis some six weeks ago, he might have regained his health. It was ordered otherwise, and while there was hope of his re covery from the first stroke of the fell disease, a second one ensued the Sunday before his death, the result could not be doubtful. He is gone and will not be seen as of yore, when our court shall sit. Judge Broady came to Nebras ka some forty-one years ago, and located at Brownville in Nemaha county. It was about the time Nebraska put off its territorial swaddling clothes and became a member of the family of states that compose the great republic He did not help to build the state but he rendered marked assist ance in illustrating its judicial polity. For several years he was associated in the practice of law at Brownville, with the late E. W. Thomas, who was for a long lim.. a leading member of the bar of the state. Judge Broady was an able lawyer and an honest man. but he didn’t blazen the fact on his card or proclaim it from the housetops. He was modest, unassuming and to some extent retiring in his general dis position, but firm in his convic tions, and untiring in his efforts in the service of his clients for whom he fought. In the course of his career in Nebraska, Judge Broady was honored by the people with several offices of public trust,and was true to them all. His eight years on the bench of our district court, in point of efficient service, will compare favorably with that of any of his predecessors or successors in that eminent station. This is not a biography, but a simple note of the fact that the country has lost a good citizen; the profession of the law one of its best practitioners, and the writer a friend of long years standing. He is the last but one of the lawyers in Nebraska, south of the Platte River, who were here in the decade of I860. The others have one by one preceded him to their rest and to silence, as the ceasless procession of tne years, will carry all living in the time to come. The writer recalls among that number many that were known to our present citizenship, and 1 many others who were not known. I Of those who were here in 1800 j but three in the stare are still in : life. The others are all dead. We may recall the names of Daniel Gantt, O.P. Mason, Wm.II.Taylor, Wm.McRanan,Nebraska City; T. i M- Marquette and Pottinger ! of Plattsraoutli: l'. C. Johnson, 1 Dan McGary, O. B- Hewitt, K. W. Thomas and James Bedford | of Brownville; R. S. Dundy, A i Schoenheit of Ralls Citv, and Gov. David Butler of Pawnee 'City. These were all residents of the South Platte country, and the roll of the dead north of that river is still more numerous, and may not be mentioned here. Among all these Jefferson H. 1 Broady, the last tocross the river, was the peer of the very best He has been with us, served the purpose of his creation, and gone hence to his reward. Peace to his ashes. R THE LAST GAME Falls City and Highland Meet With Our Team Winner Only one of the two games ad vertised for last week betweeen Falls City and Highland was played,and only a portion of that, with our boys in the lead. There was a little trouble between the players, which is greatly regret ted by all, and as some of our boys were going to leave town which would weaken our team to an alarming extent, it was thought best to pay the visitors the amount of their guarantee and allow them to go home, which they did. This will doubtless be the last game this season, and it seems to us that now is an opportune time to talk base ball for next year. With the splendid bunch of players we have,and this year’s record to back them, there is no reason why a champion base ball team for 1909 could not be made an assured fact. The boys deserve much praise for the efforts they made this season, and for the excellent sport they furnished our people. It has all been done without one cent of recompense to them, and it is sincerely hoped that our peo ple will show their appreciation by a boost for a 1‘*0<i base ball team. WERE ON THE TRAIN Two Falls City Ladies Passengers in Wreck Near Atchison While returning from Kansas City last week, Mrs. Allen D. May of Auburn and Mrs. Will Uhlig of this city, were passen gers on the train which was wrecked near Atchison. Both ladies were pretty badly bruised and shaken up. being unable to leave their beds for a couple of days. On Saturday the claim agent ol the Missouri Pacific was in the city and called on the ladies giving them $35 and $75 re spectfully, in settlement of the injuries received. The wreck was caused by the train running onto a burning culvert, the same going down. Three cars were burned includ ing the coach occupied by the above ladies. Mrs. Uhlig received the most severe injuries as she was stand. | ing up when the crash came and was thrown across the back of the seat. WEATHER UNFAVORABLE Rain Interfered With Republican Meeting st Preston A large crowd of voters gath ered at Preston on Tuesday even ing to listen to the speaking by C. F. Reavis and the legislative candidates. The latter were there but Mr. Reavis was unable to fill his appointment on account of the heavy rain. He had been in Lincoln and was met at the train here by George Holland and Roy Heacock with Roy’s automobile, but when about half way to Preston they found the roads so bad from the heavy rain that they were forced to turn back. There was a good meeting however, addressed by J. R.Cain, jr., John Wiltse and our candi dates for the legislature. It has been arranged that C. F. Rc-avis will address a meeting at 1’reston on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27th. Loses Good Horse ’‘Old Nell," who has done such good and faithful service on the laundry wagon for so many 'years, is no more, she having died on Monday night at the ripe old age of years. With this loss coming a* it does so soon after the burning of the laundry. “China ’has abcut made up his tnind that there is a hoo-doo hanging around some place near. DOUBLE HEADER FALLS CITY ACCEPTS CHAL LENGE OF AUBURN TEAM Wins Two Games of Basket Ball From Opponents on Last Sat urday Afternoon About t wo week-, ago our High School bo vs and girls’ basket ball teams received an invitation to come to Auburn Saturday, Oct. 17. for the purpose of being slaughtered by players representing the Auburn High High School. Accordingly, last Saturday morning our teams, loaded in three automobiles, made their way over hill and vale to the fair village to the northward, to play a practice game. They arrived in Auburn at high noon and were well fed be fore the game. At two thirty the girls’ teams came forth upon the field of bat tle. The whistle blew, Lucille our center, gave the signal and the game was on. The feature of the game was the guarding by Maud Davis and Grace Reavis, by reason of which the ball scarcely got into Auburn’s half of the field. Camiile Leyda did some gxiod work at goal throwing and our two forewards, Clara Stockton and Bertha Stumbo were free from the grounds nearly all the time. One of the Peru Normal’s star players said the team work was the best he had ever seen in a girls’ game When the dust had cleared away and Auburn had linaally awakened to what was going on the score stood 21 to <> in favor of Falls City. The score in the boys’ game was a little closer but no time in the game did Auburn show either as good individual or team work as Falls City. I vast year when our boys bea{ Auburn, Auburn attributed it to the fact that our boys were heavier, but this year they have by far the heavier team in avoir dupois We haye proved to you now, Auburn that your defeat last year was not due to the boys weight. When the din of battle ceased, the referee announced* “Falls City wins the game, score 20 to 14.” Everyone of the boys played the game every minute. The line up was Fred Herbster center; David Keavis and Frank Kanaly, forwards; Amos Yoder and Virgil Falloon, guards. We were nearly “slaughtered’’ alright but we had two good “practice” games and brought home their scalps. Messrs. Nel son, Crook and Grush drove the cars, and much credit is due them for the careful manner in which they handle their cars and for their courtesy and kindness. The salute and sign of recog nition of the crowd was, one finger up and two short whistles, taught us by Nelson, who never forget to salute those wrho passed. The ladies of Auburn hod a hard time taking care of Crook during the game. Everyone enjoyed the trip, and especially the victory. Rally! Rally!! Rally!!! A monster mass meeting will be held in the court house on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the interest of County Option. The ministerial association met on Tuesday afternoon in the parlor of the Union House and arranged for a mass meeting to be held in the court house on Sunday afternoon with local speakers in the interest of County Option and an exchange of pul pits in the city on Sunday night when addresses of County Option will be given by the clergy.