CVetting a fine J w a t c h is not necessarily a matter of money, but of know ing watch facts. A Howard watch—the only American watch that is always made, finished, and adjusted as a fine watch — can he had from $35.00 to $150.00. Every Howard is adjusted in its cast, and price-ticketed at the factory—and the price is never cut. We are distributors for this dis tinctive watch. R. B. SIMPSON ; North Window of Kerr s Pharmacy f 1 School Supplies If you want the best for your money in Tablets, Pencils, Inks or any thing in School Supplies TRY US! A larger assortment than ever before. We solicit a share of of your business. McMillans PHARMACY Falls City, Nebraska W A Hides and Purs Wanted Hi^lies', market jir oes 1st liouse s 'Utli I’eter l'reder ioit, * r. PORTER RANDOLPH Phone 3U‘> B DAVIES & 5 W ENS Absolute Confidence is safely placed in the materi al. the styles, distinctiveness of any suggestion we make regarding our lines. We enjoy going into details of the mak ing and materials, pointing out the elements of strength, or weaknesses, as the case may be—of showing you why every article should be scrupulously examined to meet certain wear conditions. You get the benefit of our technical know ledge and also of our clean out up-to-date business methods. DAVIES & OWENS To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever CaDdy Cold Cure Tablet called Preven tics at the sneeze stage, to head off all oolds. Box of 48—25c. Sold bv all dealers. The County in General Crawilinl off tin* regular C’orr<'^|K»nf Si .loe - visiting relatives here. W. P. Leslie was over from Shnhert one day last week. Otis Splekler made a trip to Kansas in the auto this week. Miss Crouch of Verdun visit**.! with the Franklins this week. Mi«s Effle Spieklerof Shnhert visited friend* here the past week Y, P. S O. E. at the Big Bethel church next Sunday evening. Ies«e r>nnn took a load of produce to town Saturday for it. J. Only*. Mrs. Henry Wagner is -pending the week with relatives in Falls City. Frank Mort-L and family of Eiden, Iowa. ar“ visiting relatives here Ed Lawrence and wife of Craig, Mo, visited last wei I* with fr iends here. The reading circle meets weekly and splendid interest, is h< ing manifested. R. N. Williamson and wife and Earl and Jesse Cox spent, Sunday near the riyer. Al Kelly at.i) Otis Spichler with their Indie- made a trip to Shubert Saturday. II. II. Dunn and Dr. Van Osdel re turned Sunday from O'Net! where they registered for land. The Willing Worker- entertained the Mine Ribbon society with a very pleasing program on Frida.v. Jacob Peters accompanied A. A. Hendricks of Auburn to O'Neil to make a land entry Monday. .1. T. Sailors met with a -evere acci dent Monday. While leading a hpef the animal pulled him about burning his hands witli the rope and caused him to strike his head against, a tree rendering him unconscious. He soon recovered but cannot use his hands. On Thursday, Oct. ft, W C. Yager of St Joe and Mata Kuker of this place were married at Falls City. On Situr day evening a dance was given at the home of the bride in their honor to which a host of friends were invited. A delightful evening was spent and all join in extending them best wishes for future happiness. Sunday, Oct. 11, being Miss Lottie Dunn’s loth birthday she entertained in a novel way. A party of her girl friends were taken by Miss Lottie for a pleasant ride to the Indian cave. After rambling for a couple of hours about the wilds they started homeward. A very charming afternoon was speut, and all vote this party the finest ever. Last Sunday evening about filty of the friends of Miss Augusta Horn gath ered at her home. Miss Horn was completely surprised but soon rtcov ered and entertained the guests in her usual charming manner Much excel lent music was rendered by several of those present. A splendid time is re ported. Nice refreshments were ser vi d Surprise parties seem to be the order of thi' day, and when Mrs. Nellie Peters birthday rolled around her many friends were prepared to cele brate it right royally. About fifty guests gathered a*. W. P. Butler's and tnen proceeded to her home. The sur prise was perfect, Mrs. Peters having retired for the night, but she soon joined the party and a delightful even ing was passed. The beautiful moon light was too strong to lie res’sled and the center of tile evening's amusement was the outdoor games indulged in. All to quickly the time had come to say goodnight, und after dainty re freshments were served, the guests de parted iii-hing Mrs. Peters many’ happy returns of the day' FRANKLIN J. W. Dodds is building a new cellar. Joseph Goldstein of Dawson visited at the home of J. W. Dodds, Sunday. The mule belonging to Mr Harding, which was cut on the disc a couple of weeks ago, died. The school children of district 11 are very thankful some repairs which were very much needed on the school grounds. Howard Snoke sold his stock and machinery at public sale Wednesday. He will leave in the spring and make his home near Iola, Kansas. A box social was given last Saturday evening at the school house in district 90 for the purpose of raising funds to secure pictures and books. They got a little over $10. Mr McIntosh and family of Table Hock were in this vicinity Saturday looking for a place to locate. We shall be glad to welcome so highly a respected family. Frank Snow, who has been road supervisor of this township, has moved to Humboldt where he will take charge of the dray line. We are sorry to have them leave here. A pain perscription is printed upon each 25 c, box of Dr. Shoop’t Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not com plete. Head pairs, womanly pains, anywhere tret instant relief from a Pink Paiti Tablet. Sold by all dealers. MARKET LETTER From Our Regular Kansas City Stock Yards Correspondent Kansas City Stock yards,Oct. 12 l'.H)H—Cal tie receipts last week here amounted to 07,50<> head, in cluding 14,000 calves. This was the greatesr number of cattle ever received here in a single week, and also established a new record on number of cattle and calves combined received for one week. The market declided 10 to 20e early in the week, but held steady after Tuesday, good grades of westerns showing some strength the last of the week. Stockers and feeders sold steady at 25 els lower according to quality, trade greatest of the season in country grades, purchases by country buy ers ltiUO car loads for the week. Receipts toc'ay are 28,< 00 head, a liberal run, but 10,000 head less than receipts n week ago. Good runs are expected the balance of the week, attracted by tbe cattle show which opens here today. The market here is strong to ten cents higher. Some choice steers from the Harbuugh feed lots in Nebraska, received a bid of $8.00 early today, highest price this fall. Packers continue their lib eral buying, and take a portion of tue steers classed as feeders. The grass killing westerns bring $3.<50 to $5.2o; grass cows $2.75 to $3.75 calves $3.50 to $7.00; feeders $3.50 to $4.80. Hog receipts last week were 1)1,000 head here, as compared with 43,000 same week a year ago, which big increase in receipts, iu connection with the increase of HO per cent in receipts of hogs in September, furnishes ample grounds for the steady decline iu prices, commou at all markets. The market closed last week with a net loss of 50 cents for the week, and prices are 5 to 15 lower today, run 13,000 head. Top today $0.30 Sheep and lambs weakened after Tuesday, and closed 10 to 15 cents lower thau best time. The run was55,000 head last week, supply today 12,000 head, and good runs nre expected fm i few weeks yet. when receipts om Utah will drop off. The market is steady today on lambs a: $5 to $5.90 for killers; sheep, m ! yearlings strong yearlings $ I $4.50; ewes $8. SO to SI.l'i; in. .i ■ 11, wd, to It 4, blk 8, Stella ... $450 Mary and do-oi (Haze to Lester M. Anderson, wo, i. west 125 feet lot 2. block 5, llulo .$25 E. W. [!n-i r an I wife to L L. Kin sey, wd. to on,- i. >t off north side of lots 5, ti ami 7. o.k 25, Dawson... .$3500 Thus. A. Frank to Peter Frederick, sr., lots 1, 2 .'! and 4, block 40, Falls i City ..$1400 John Hus- t.u John Mulvany, wd, to blk 50, Rulo.$.110 Ross L. kiniiin to Elvira Banks Curtis, wd, in lots 4 and o, blk 19, Shu bert.$850 Elvira Banks l urtis and husband to Ross L uml E; > t Klnton, wd, to 80 ; acres in section 5-3-16.$4800 E. and Jennie Sewell to Harry Fear ing, wd to lot 4, blk 11,-Verdon.$1 James Hooper and wife to Elmer E. James, wd, lo 161) acres in section 23-3 14. SI2000 Mary and David Smith to Merrick Harding, wd, to part of lot 1. block 11. Humboldt.S1000 Heirs of Robt. Wilson to Benj. Morgan and Jacob Schaible, wd, to strip of land fur road in section 16 1-16 .$40 John Morehead and wife to Benj. Cummings, wd. to lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 blk 198 Falls City.$200 W V Meluney to Dr. Lydia Van Deusen wd to lots 9, 10, 11, 12, block 219, Falls City.$175 Elizabeth Ewing and husband to S. H. Harvey lots 3 and 4, block 165,Falls City .$137.50 M. J. and Mary F. LeBlanc to T. H. Marsh wd to lot 3 block 34Rulo....$l Robert Williamson and wife to John Rumbatigh wd to lots 13, 14, 15, block 3 Barada.$400 Charles Rawlings ana wife to Lewis Berry wd to 76 acres in section 21-3-17 .$2600 John aud Nellie Anderson to Cora Meredith wd to lots 37 and 48 blk 120 Salem . $850 Peter Frederick, sr, and wife to A.E Stumbo wd to lots 3 and 4 blk 94 Falls City.8*50 E. E. and Sarah James to A. E. Twist wd to 2(1 acres in section 27-2-15 . .$2500 F E. and Patriea Howell to Joseph Poutra and W B. Howell wd to north half lot 4 and all lot 5 block 24 Dawson .. ...... . .. ..... ,. $»o00 Genevieve Corner and husband to city of Falls City wd to lot 21 block 4 .$112.50 VV. H. Crook and wife to Ben Cum mings wd to iols 21, 22, 23, 24, block 198 Falls City . $500 Mary and David Smith to Merrick Harding wd to part of lot 1 block 11 Tinker & King's ad to Humboldt $1000 Emma and George Segrist lo Susan nah Segrist wd to s hf ~\v qr section 27 and the n hf of n\v qr section 34 all in town 3, range 13 .$1 ANOTHER LEAP YEAR CAPTURE. Lady Barber—Now, young man, will you marry me or not? DOMESTIC ECONOMY. “Does your wife understand how to train a cook so that she will be worth keeping?” asked the gloomy optimist. “My wife,” replied the cheerful pessimist, “knows enough to let a cook have her own way so that she will think we are worth staying with.” ANOTHER LITERARY NOTE. “He failed in literature, didn’t he?” “Sure did.” “What’s he doing for a living now?’ “Ttunning a literary bureau!”—• Atlanta Constitution. The Prudent Woman in buying new apparel looks for two things GOOD STYLES and GOOD VALUES. Women are finding these two qualities in bountiful measure in our New Fall Line of Women’s Tailored Suits, Coats and Skirts Our buyer secured an extraordinary good price on this Fall’s purchase of Women’s and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Goods— Less than 75c on the Doliar and we are now offering this new, nobby line at what most merchants had to pay. We will appreciate a visit whether you buy or not. F. W. CLEVELAND ® SON Falls City, Nebraska