The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 16, 1908, Image 2

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Thoughts From an Old Richardson
County Citizen
Grand Junction, Colo., Oct. ■">,
Falls City Tribune Dear Editor
— I sec from the press of Nebras
ka that the issue in the state is
largely on the county option ques
tion. and especially m Richardson
county. Now Mr. Editor this is
when some people carry their pol
itics in their stomach and act ac
cordingly, They do not consult
their conscience, their moralitj
or their pocket book but vote with
what class of people; do they dare
If I am correct you will tinrl
many business men opposing
county option, claiming it takes
from them self government, giving
the farmer and tax payers over the
county a right to say what their
town shall permit under license.
Now we know, you know, and they
know, that every person who has
been buying from Montgomery
Ward and all such houses are on
their black list, and not one of
them could receive their support
in h convention, or election from
the fact that they boycoting
their home town. If the town is
entitled to their trade, is not this
person entitled to say what kind
of a town he shall give his trade
to? I have known men in the
west end of your county who
have bought hundreds of dollars
worth of goods from these houses,
just because their town was a wet
town. Now, I never believe in a
boycott but I do think every per
son, who gives a town his trade
should tiHve as much interest in
what kind of a town it shall be as
he does in what kind of a post
master they shall have. Would
they think for one moment if they
were taking a vote to see who
shall handle their mail that the
rural patrons would be excluded
from having a voice in the elec
tion? Are these farmers to give
a town their loyal support, when
they send out on the highways
some of their finished products
from their saloons with teams
ran by maniacs made by those
bouses. Now, business men, if
you don’t want the farmer to say
your town shall be a safe and
decent place to do business in
don’t ask him to refrain from buy
ing his goods elsewhere.
Mr. Bryan says,shall the people
rule (of course this is net to in
clude thesouth) now will the men
on his ticket in Richardson county
give the people a chance to rule
on the saloon question. I fear not,
though I do not know who are on
their ticket.
While I mn no longer a citizen
of Nebraska I still wish her to re
main a progressive and up-to-date
stale, but if she don't adopt county
option sle will surely fall down,
and Hint bard.
The moral wave is raising her
surfs higher each year and she is
lapping the Rockies and Colorado
is going to keep right in the push,
and give Taft her vote and equal
rights to all men and women.
Voters of Richardson county,
give your vote to men who will
give you a right to vote on any
and all questions that interest you
in any way.
Henri Patterson.
“Jane Eyre."
The brand new dramatization
of “.lane Eyre-' is even more in
teresting than the novel. The
literary cobwebs ot a former
generation have been brushed
away, and much of the gloom of
the book has disappeared before
the touch of bright, snappy
comedy of the lighter goasamy
sort. In spite of the novel
treatment of the book by the
author, the basic story remains
and the reading public will be
glad to see their old friends
with bright smiling faces and in
new clothes. The scenic pic
tures are in keeping with the
splendid company which is pre
senting. “.Jane Eyre” will be
the attraction at the Gehling
and Manager Gelding’s best
ottering tins season. Friday,
October 1(5.
A Display of Enterprise
A visit to the cemetery at Stella
will convince one of the enterprise
of the ladies of that town, who
have raised funds for the placing
of beautiful iron gates hung on
massive pillars at the entrance of
their cemetery, nt a cost of several
hundred dollars. < )ii Sunday
afternoon an automonile exeur
sion whs run for the benefit of
those who desired to inspect the
work, which netted the Indies a
neat sum. Following is a list of
the ladies belonging b> the assn,
Mrs. A. W. Montgomery, President.
Mrs. I. L. Piasters, First Vice President.
Miss Jennie Wood, Second Vice President.
Miss Jeanette Weller, Treasurer.
Mrs. A. J . Baldwin, Secretary.
Mrs. A. M. Anderson Mrs. Medu Armstrong
Mrs S H. Bailey Mrs. C. T. Baldwin
Mrs. J . H. <’aia, jr M rs. 1. L. <'allison
Mrs. J. I). Curtis Mrs. ILL. Coe
Mrs. II. V. Davis Mrs. C. J. Fraker
Mrs. L T. Uergen Mrs. J. M.(I<mkI1oo
Mrs. II. L. Hogrefe Mrs. M. L. Hays
Mrs. W. H. Hogrefe Mrs. Bessie Hapgood
Mr-. Elvia Hinkle Miss Eunice Haskins
Mrs .1.11. Holland Mrs. Maria Henderson
Mrs. Frank Johnson Mrs. Chus. Johnson
Mrs. 1». II. Kroh Mrs. M. W. Knapp
Mas. A. McCullough Miss Maud Montgomery
Mrs. H. A. Montgomery Mrs. I. H. Martin
Mrs. A. T. Moritz Mrs. Hattie Mitchell
Miss Katie Mourer Mrs. L. M, Mourer
Mrs. L. M Overman Mrs. ,J. 11 O’Hrien
Mrs. Willmnn Pritts Mrs. 8. Beynolds
Mrs. Ida M. Schick M rs.Auua Shellanberger
Mrs. Nancy Htinecipher Mrs. Jane Shellanlierger
Mrs. M. Shafer Mrs. Mattie Scott
Mrs. Laura Sawyer Mis. Jason Timmerman
Mrs. C H. Thomas Mrs. A. Tynan
Mrs. S. A. Thomas Mrs F. L Wixon
Mrs. II. D. Weller Mrs M Wood
Mrs K Wlusder Mrs. Caroline Young
Are You Only Half Alive
People with kidney trouble are
weak and exhausted that they are only
half alive. Foley’s Kidney Remedy
makes healthy kidneys, restores lost
vitality, and weak delicate people are
restored to health. Refuse any but
Foley's. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Go to the blood. If you are to drive
out rheumatism. It Is more than skin
deep. A Wisconsin physician, Dr.
Shoopdoes this with his Rheumatic
Remedy-and with seeming success.
Rub-on’s says the doctor never did
cure rheumatism. It is more than
skin deep—it is constitutional always
Because of this principle Dr. Sboop's
Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the
most popular in existence. It goes by
word of mouth from one to another,
everywhere. Greatful patients gladly
spread resuits. It is an act of human
ity. to tell the sick of a way to health.
Tell some sick one. Sold by all deal
Ladies' Cloaks
' E are selling many Cloaks daily,
shoppers finding that our
values are superior. There are
hanging on our racks nearly 200
Ladies’ Cloaks, including Blacks,
Greens, Blues, Browns, Tans, Castor
and Fancies. Prices range from
$5.00 to $50
Children's and Misses' Cloaks—every
novelty, color, price and size. Do
not pass us by before buying.
The following proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska, as herein
after set forth in fall, is submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska, to lie voted upon at the
general election to be held Tuesday, November
3rd. A. I). lWh .
A JOINT lif-SOLUTION to amend Section?
two J), four l , five (5), six (6) and thirteen (18)
«>f Article six *» of the Constitution of the State
! of Nebraska, relating to Judicial Powers.
Hr it Keholved by the Legislature ok the
State ok Nkubahka :
Section 1. Amendment Proposed. That Sec
tion two (21 of Article six *»■ of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as
I follows :
i Section ' Supreme Court: Juimkm: Juris*
' diction.) The Supreme Court shall consist of
seven (7; judges; and a majority of all elected and
qualified judges shall be necessary to constitute
a quorum or pronounce a decision. The Supreme
Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating
to the revenue, civil cases in which the state is a
party, mundmnufl, quo warranto, habeas corpus,
and such appollute jurisdiction as may be pro
' vided by law.
Section 2. (Amendment Proposed.) That
St non four. (4) of Article six »») of the Constitu
tion of t he State of Nebraska, be amended to read
as follows :
Section 4. (Supreme Court, Judges, Elec
tion, Term. Residence.) The judges of the Su
preme Court is hull lie elected liy the electors of
the state nt large; and their term of office except
as heieinaftor provided shall lie six years. And
said Supreme Court judges shall during their
term of office, reside at the place where the court
is holder).
Section a. (Amendment Proposed.) That
Section live [5] of Article six [Hj of the Constitu
tion of the State of Nebraska l»e amended to read
as follows.
Section!). [Supreme Court. Judges, Elec
tion, Term, Chief Justice. | That at tin* gen
eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska
in the year 1909, and each six years thereafter,
there shall be elected three | 3 | judges of the Su
preme Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general election
to be held in the state of Nebraska in the year
1911, and each six years thereafter, there shall he
elected three 181 judges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period of six
years; and at the general election to be held in
the state of Nebraska [in the year 1913 and each
six years thereafter, there shall l>e elected a <’hief
JUHtice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his
office for the period of six years. Provided that
the member of the Supreme Court whose term of
office expires in January 1914, shall 1st Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his term of office. And pro
vided further, that upon the adoption of these
amendment* by the electors of the State, the
Governor shall, immediately upon issuing his
proclamation declaring said amendments adopt
ed, appoint four 14) judges of the Supreme Court,
two | 'i | of whom shall lie appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall lie elected at the
genera ^election in 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two [21 shall hold their office until their
successors shall lie elected at the general election
held in 1911, and have qualified.
Section 4. [Amendment Proposed.] That
Section six [6] of Article six (t» | of the Constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska, he amended to read
as follows :
Section ft. (Chief Justice.) The Chief Jus
tice shall serve as such during all the term for
which he was elected. He shall preside at all
terms of the Supreme Court, and in his absence
the judges present shall select one of their number
to preside temporarily.
Section 5. [Amendment Proposed.! That j
Section thirteen |13] of Article six |t>| of the
Constitution of Nebraska be amended to read as
follows :
Section 13. J Judoes, Salaries.] That judges
of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary
of $4500, and the Judges of the District Court
shall each receive a salary of $3000 per annum,
payable quarterly.
Approval April h, 1907.
I, Goo. C. J unkin. Secretary of State, of the
State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore
going proposed amendment to the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct i
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill,
as passed by the Thirt ieth session of the legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as appears from
said original bill on tile in this office, and that
said proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at. the general election to
be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November. A.
D 190*,
In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of
N« braska. Done at Lincoln, this 15th day of
July, in the year of onr Lord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred ami Light, and of the Indepen
dence of the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty-second.
[heal | Secretary of State.
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Richardson county.
State of Nebraska.
Myrtle Schaibie Mulligan
Carrie Schaibie, widow of
John Schaibie jr, deceased.
Laura Schaibie, Roy Schai
bie, Edward Schaibie, Edna I
Schaibie and William Mul
Defendants J
To Laura Schaibie, non-resident defendant:
You are hereby notified that Myrtle Schai
bie Mulligan did on the 12th day of Septem
ber, 1(K)*, file her petition against you and the
above named defendants in the District court
of Richardson county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer of which is to procure a decree of
partition of the following described real
estate, situated in Richardson county, state of
Nebraska, towit; The south half of the north
east quarter of section Thirty |Ho] in township
One (11 North Range Sixteen Uo| in which the
plaintiff and you, Laura Schaibie and the
other defendants -except Carrie Schaibie,
widow of John Schaibie jr, deceased, who has
a dower interest in said land and William
Mulligan husband of plaintiff—are tenants in
common of said real estate.
And you are further notified that unless
you plead, answer or demur to said petition,
on or before the ?nd day of November 1908,
the same will be taken as true and the
prayer thereof granted as of conrse.
Reavis A: Reavis
Attorneys for Plaintiff
First Publication September 18 5 times
Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that I will offer at
public sale in front of the west door of tin
court house at Falls City, on Saturday, the
24th day of October. 1908, at the hour of one
o’clock, p. ni., of said day, the one undivided
9th. | ninth | interest or part of the following
described land, situated in Richardson county.
State of Nebraska, to-wit: the south sixty
ltk)J acres iti the south-west quarter [%]?of
section seventeen (lTI and the north half I1?]
of the north-west quarter 1 % 1 of section
twenty I20).all in township three[3J,range north
sixteen ildl east of the fith P. M. The sal«
will be made subject to a mortgage on tin
whole tract for the sum of twenty-five hun
dred dollars. $25,000.00 and subject also to the
dower estate of Emily Leslie, widow of Hen
ry Leslie, deceased. Tin* land to be sold
pursuant to the levy of an execution thereon
to satisfy a judgment rendered in the Dis
trict court of Richardson county, in favor ot
Blanchard. Enrke & Wilderman vs Henry C.
Leslie, owner of said undivided 9th interest.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. Fenton,
Sheriff of Richardson County
Rea via & Reavis,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs in Execution.
First publication, September 18, 5 times
Married Man in Trouble
A married mao who permits any
member of the family to take anything
1 except Foley's Honey and Tar. for
i coughs, colds ami lung trouble, is
I guilty of neglect. Nothing else is as
| good for all pulmonary troubles. The
j genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no opiates and is In a yellow
package. Kerr's Ptarmacy.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an or
tier of sale issued out of the office of the clerk of
the District Court of Richardson County. Ne
nraska. on the 14th day of October. 1908, directed
to me as sheriff of said county and commanding
me to advertise and sell as upon execution the
undivided two-fifteenths interest of Elmer (ir f
fith in and to the southwest fractional quarter of
section number seven, township number three,
range number fifteen, east ti IV M Richardson
County, Nebraska: said interest being subject to
tin undivided t wo-fifteenths part of the right of
homestead of the widow of Silas B. Griffith de
ceased as shown by the return to the order of at
tachment issues! in said cause of William B Al
bertson, plaintiff vs. Elmer Griffith, defendant,
on the llth day of March, 190*, and subject to
which said sale is ordered made. 1 will ou the
10th day of November. 1908, at the houi of '1
o'clock p. m. on said date, at the west front door
of the court house of said county, in the city of
Falls City, Richardson County* Nebraska, sell
said real estate to satisfy tlie judgment obtained
in said cause in the sum of sixteen hundred
eighty two dollars and interest from date of
udgment, May 5th, 1908, at * percent per annum
and all costs of the case, said sale will tie at
public auction for cash.
Dated this 14th day of October, 1908.
William T. Fenton,
Sheriff of Richardson County, Nebraska.
IV B. Weaver, Attorney.
First publication Oct. 10, 5 times
Notice of Sale
In the matter of the application of Harvey
Heaston, administrator of the estate of Frances
Heaston, deceased, for license t<» sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Hon. John B. Raper one of the
judges of the District Court of Richardson Coun
ty, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day of October,
1908, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will Is* sold at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash at the west frontdoor
of the coart house in the city of Falls City in
said county on the 2nd day of November, 1908, at
the hour of 2 o'clock 1*. M., the following de
scribed real estate to-wit: Lots seven (7), eight
(8), nine (9) and ten *10). block one hundred one
(101) in the city of Falls City, Richardson County,
Nebraska. Raid sale will remain oj>en one hour.
Dated this 7th day of October, 1908.
Harvey Heaston,
Administrator of the estate of Frances Heas
ton, deceased.
P, B. Weaver, Attorney.
(First publication Oct. 9th 4 times)
Phones: Nos. 177. 217
Sam‘l. Wahl Building
Office and Residence over
McMillan’s Druy Store.
Phone 329. FALLS CITY, NEB.
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 200 Residence Phone 271
Phone 248 Over Richardson County
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
contains no opiates, gently moves the
bowels, carrying the cold off through the
natural channels, Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
Pain In the head—pain anywhere, has Its cnnsa.
Pain iscongestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing
else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to
prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet—
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers.
Its effect ischarrning. pleasinglydelightful. Gently
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circu
If you have a headache. It's blood pressure.
If it’s painful periods with women, same cause.
If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, It’s blood
congestion—blood pressure. That Burely is a
certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets Btop
It in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't It get red, and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con
gestion, blood pressure. You’ll find it where pain
Is—always. It s simply Common Sense.
We sell at 2i cents, and cheerfully recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Winter In
while the low colonist rates
are in effect. Daily through
tourist sleepers via Denver,
scenic Colorado a id Salt
Lake. Go ahead of the
rush at the end of the month.
First and thirds Tuesdays
each month to the far west,
northwest and the south
west. These make very low
rate winter tours.
The best chances of the day
in the Big Horn Basin and
Yellowstone Valley. Gov
ernment irrigated lands one
tenth down, remainder pro
rata in ten years without in
terest. Corporation irriga
ted lands equally cheap and
favorable. A paramount
and ruling fact in this region
is the never failing water
supply. Do not make your
new home in any irrigated
region without a full study
of the water supply.
Write D. Clem Deaver. General Ayt
Land Seekers' Information liureau,
Omaha, or
Local Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELEY, (i. P. A.,
Omaha. Neb.
D. S. flcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska
^J©pm Whytsk.
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:23 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m.
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press. 1:52 p. m.
Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m.
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192—To Atchison.11:10 a. m.
South Bound y
Tr. 191—To Auburn.1:23 p. m.
J. B. VARNER. Agent