The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 02, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends' Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block,
opposite court house.
George Hall was down from
Verdon yesterday.
Cold weather is coming. Get
your Coal of C. A. Heck.
A1 Tanner of Lincoln was in
the citv for a short time Tuesday.
—The Leo Cider and Vinegar
Co. want a million bushels of ap
ples. tf
Dan. J. Riley wrote Irom Daw
son to have Ins name added to
our list.
W. F. Butler of Barada wTas in
the city Friday and made this
office a very pleasant call.
Mrs. S- E. Hellyer left Monday
for Lincoln to take charge of a
fraternity rooming house.
J. G. Hunker on Route 3, while
in the city Friday, called and
added his name to our list.
Dr. Fast reports Mr. and Mrs.
J. E- Hill as fast improving from
their recent serious illness.
Louie Wallace came down from
Omana and spent Sunday in this
citv the guesfs of old friends.
Rev. G. L. Neide was called to
Hiawatha, Friday to administer
the sacrament of baptism to sev
eral persons.
Ferd Harlo'w is nursing a very
sore hand caused by a full grown
felon, which is causing him no
end of trouble.
Ed Fraunfelder of Verdon was
in town the latter part of the
week. He was trying to get
home from St. Joe.
The court house was too small
to accomodate the large crowd of
people who wanted to hear Bur
kett, Thursday night.
John Hossack and family are
now living in the Davison prop
erty on Church street, having
moved there this week.
Mrs- Dr. A. Keller returned
from an extended trip through
Germany, Switzerland and Aus
tria on Friday afternoon. She
brought with her a niece Miss
Emma Spaeth, who will make
her home here for an indefinite
Louis Plege and family left
Wednesday for their new home in
Lebanon, Mo. Of course the
Tribune will be a weekly visitor
to them and keep them posted on
Falls City happenings. Here’s
wishing them all kinds of good
—Blue Monday is no more. The
Adams washer puts the clothes
on the line in half the time that
is taken with the old style wood
en washing machine, and they
are never torn out boiling or rub
bing. Don’t take my word for it
but come and get one on trial.—
W. L. Sears. tf
Stomach trouble would more quickly
disappear if the idea of treating the
cause rather than the effect, would
comr into practice. A tiny inside hid
den nerve, said Dr. Shoop, governs
and gives strength to the stomach.
A branch also goes to the heart, and
one of the kidneys. When these in
side nerves fail. then the organs must
falter Dr. Shoops Restorative is dir
ected specifically to those failing ner
ves. Within 48 hours after starting
the Restorative treatment patience
say they realize a gain.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver
Good Morning!
Let Us Advise
what is BEST for the eyes
Falls City, Neb.
Married Man in Trouble
A married man who permits any
member of the family to take anything
except Foley’s Honey and Tar. for
coughs, colds and lung trouble, i
guilty of neglect. Nothing else is as
good for nil pulmonary troubles. Tne
genuine Foley’s Honey ami Tar con
tains no opiates and is In a yellow
paeiiuge. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Martin Katialy shipped his ear
of household goods to Wesington,
S. D., the first of the week, while
he and his wife left Thursday
tor their new home. It was with
regret that they said good-bve to
their many old friends, but they
feel that the change is for the
best, and they take with them
the best wishes of all.
I had thought of looking up a
different location. I visited a
number of places and have con
cluded there is no place so good
to live ill as Falls City and have
fully determined to make Falls
City my future home.
Dk. M. L< Wilson.
Claj ton Morton of Sabetha,
Kas., spent a few days the latter
part of the week in this city with
his sister, Mrs. Jim Powell. He
was enroute to the western part
of the state for the purpose of
looking over the'land with a view
of buying.
—The attention of the ladies is
called to the elegant line of hair
goods on display at tire Patzman
Sisters millinery store. You can
get anything you wish in the way
of switches, puffs, curls, etc.
K. L. of S. No. 612—All mem
bers are requested to meet at the
Masonic hall, Wednesday evening
October 7 at 8 o’clock. Installa
tion of officers and banquet—
Mrs. 12. C. Mead. Sec.
W. S. Korner and wife will oc
cupy the cottage just vacated by
Mrs. Wentworth until about the
first of the year, when they will
go to California for the balance
of the winter. •
Mrs. Sedlmayr and grandson,
Harry Huber, returned Sunday to
their home in Kansas City, after
a two weeks pleasant visit in this
city with their many old friends.
Mrs. John Putnam and little
son left Wednesday for Louis
ville, Ky., wrhere she will spend
several weeks among relatives
and friends at the old home.
Ed May writes to have the ad
dress of his Tribune changed
from Salem to 2523 St. Mary’s
Ave, Omaha, where he and his
wife have recently moved.
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of
near Rulo, returned to their home
Saturday, after spending a few
days in this city with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Martin Ivanaly.
Mrs. Koebrick and little daugh
ter of Atchison, spent a portion
of the past week in this city a
guest of her sister, Mrs. Martin
Mrs. Charlie Hargrave and
Mrs. Hargrave, sr., left Tuesday
for Kansas City, where they are
sbending the week with relatives.
Mrs. Wilbur Dean of Kansas
City spent Wednesday in this city
with her mother Mrs. E- K.
Walter Tanner arrived in the
city Tuesday,and will be employ
ed in the hardware store of his
Mrs. Ed Fisher returned home
Sunday from a visit with her
grandmother in Leonardsville,
The Auburn fair is on this
week and a number of our people
have been in attendance.
Mrs. Wentworth left Wednes
day for California, where she will
spend the winter
J. L- Gandy was among the
many Humboldt people in our
city Wednesday.
Henry Hobbs of Missouri is in
the city visiting his sister Mrs. J.
S. Branutn.
C. Hershey was a business visi
tor in Humboldt the first of the
P. Backaos and wife spent
Wednesday and Thursday in St.
— Fresh candy made every day
at the Candy Kitchen.
Mrs. Oliver Hall of Humboldt
j was a visitor in this city Satur
Show cases and mirrors for
sale at the Bor. Ton millinery
| store.
Father Feeney of Auburn was
the yuest of Father Bex in tlbs
city Friday.
Mrs. Dr- Wilson left yesterday
for a few days visit with relatives
in Essex, Iowa
Prof. R. L. flolT came down
from Humboldt Saturday to at
tend to some business affairs.
John Hutchings and Fred Se
bold were among those who were
sight-seeing in St. Joe Thursday.
Mrs. Edith Clark Schell and
daughter, Margaret, of Oregon,
returned home after a short visit
in this city.
Ferd Harlow went to St. Joe
Thursday bringing back with
him four coopers. This makes a
large force of men now at work
in the Heck & Harlow cooper
shops, kept busy almost day and
night to meet the big demand for
The Auburn Herald last week
came out with a 24-page paper,
each filled with good reading
matter and every branch of busi
ness represented by a big display
ad. When it comes to liberal ad
vertising Auburn can put the best
of them to shame.
The Adams washer washes
I easier, faster and cleaner than
j any other in town. Ousts but $8
land is guaranteed lor live years.
That's but three cents per week
:or its ip.uranteed life and it
i saves enough soap to pay for
itself. W. L. Sears. tf
w. H. Putnam leaves Sunday
night for Geneva, where he will |
spend a month building corn
cribs to care for his rental corn
on a line farm he owns in that
Mrs. Laura Neiger Seat of
Denver, Mo-, was in the city the
latter part of the week to attend
Pflum-Pribbeno wedding. She
was the guest of Mrs. K. ().
Herman G. /oeller w as a pleas
ant caller at this office Wednes
day. Herman is one of the faith
fuls, and always sees to it that
his name is ahead on the list
Jake Marmet is taking a vaca
tion from his duties on the road
this week long enough to put up
stoves and get things in shape
for cold weather.
If there were no men at church
Sunday, the preachers can blame
the fact to the weather clerk.
They were all busy putting up
Mrs J. W. Powell leaves today
fora visit with relatives in Kan
sas City.
Benny Werner, who was injur
ed last week in a runawav is fas'
improving, and again able to be
John Dorrington left Monday
for his home in Yuma, Arizona,
after a visit of several months
with relatives in this city.
Miss Lois Spencer returned
Tuesday evening from Kentucky,
where she'had been called by the
serious illness of her aunt, whom
she reports as somewhat im
Paul Smith and wife are the
proud parents of a baby boy, the
little one arriving last Saturday.
Dr. Lawrence reports all parties
doing nicely.
Go to Dr. Fast’s sale on next
Tuesday, Oct. <>, at his farm 3
miles north of town. Horses,
mules, buggies, harness and
household stuff. Lunch at noon
for everybody.
For Salk—200 acres well im
proved land in Fillmdre county,
Nebraska, 1 mile from town
Good schools, 2 railroads. Snap
if taken at once. Address, T. C.
Palmer. Sliickley, Neb. 37-2t
J. A. McCormick returned from
a two weeks visit at Blair, Neb.,
with two sisters and one brother
and also made a visit with his
daughter at South Omaha, Neb.,
and reports a good time all
i Women Interrupts Political Speaker
A well dressed woman interrupted
a political “peaking recently by con
tinually ouug hing. if she had taken
Foley's Honey and Tar it would of
cured her cough quickly and expelled
the cold from her system. The genu
ine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no" «
opiates and i“ in a yellow package.
Refuse substitutes. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Mrs. Kva Davison snipped her
household floods to Humboldt the
last of the week, she and her
family eoinir Saturday. Mrs.
Davison has leased the Central
hotel in Humboldt and will take
immediate charge of the same.
It is a splendid opening and we
feel sure she will make a success.
Washing the family' clothes
is women’s hardest work. Many
women suffer untold pains re
sulting from using the wash
board or heavy clumsy out of
date wooden washer. Try
an Adams washer free. It has
no contraptions to it.—W. L.
Sears. tf
The ladies of St. Thomas
church will conduct a food ex
change at Morsmau's drug store
Saturday afternoon. They will
have a good supply of home
cooking, and you can get every
thing needed for your Sunday
Joe Kay,Albert Stalder and W.
A. Thompson were down from
Humboldt Wednesday.
Copyright 1908
The Home of
n Kuppenheimer 8c Co. Fine Clothing
—■■■■■ . is sold exclusively by us in Falls City. The new pat
terns for Fall and Winter are remarkably beautiful,
appealing to all men who appreciate nobby apparel.
You may pay higher prices, even twice as much, to some tailor,
but you can’t get better fitting or better looking clothes. This is a
strong statement you may say, but it’s a straight fact.
We call special attention to the fine KUPPENHEIMER
SUITS priced at
$18= $20 $22= $25
♦ Other strong Suit values at $12.00, $13.50, $15.00 and $16.50.
Hargrave 8c Hargrave
“The Home of Good Clothing”