The Falls C ty Tribune. Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1908. Number 37 SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various. Kinds of Entertcinment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches, Etc Mrs- John Wilson entertained about thirty ladies at her home Saturday evening as a farewell for Mrs. Martin Kanaly before leaving for her new home. It was a “tacky” party and the cos tumes were all original and unique. bringing forth fresh bursts of laughter as each guest arrived. The evening wes spent as only a crowd of ladies bent on pleasure could spend it, and all were sorry when the clock warned them of the near approach of the Sabbath. A nice lunch was served, and it was a happy lot who thanked Mrs. Wilson for such a pleasant evening, but through it all was a vein of sad sadness, brought by the thought of the separation so soon to take place, but as Mrs. Kanaly is to entertain them all at a house party next summer, the sorrow was lessened by the hope of the meeting in the near future. The Royal Highlanders will meet in regular session at their hall next Tuesday evening, and it is earnestly requested that every member be present, as several questions of importance will come up for discussion. Mrs. John Oswald was hostess to the Young Married Ladies’ Kensington club yesterday after noon. The usual good time is reported. The M- E- Kensington met with Mrs- Fred Farington on Wednesday afternoon and enjoy ed a most pleasant session. There was a good crowd in attendance. A splendid lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Misses McDonald and Pittock. The home ot George Schock in this city* was the scene of a happy gathering last Thursday, the oc casion being a big family dinner prepared by Mrs. Schock in honor of the birthday of her brother, Grant Stetler, of Burlington,Colo, who with his wife were guests at her home. It was a sort of a Stetler reunion, as all of the rela tives near bv were there, and it was indeed a jollv crowd which gathered around the dinner table to do justice to the elegant re past which had been prepared. Those from out of town who were present were A. R. Stetler and wife of Pawnee Citv, A.L.Stetler and family of Salem, and W. H. Schock and family. It was a gathering which will long be remembered. The Woman’s club will meet in the Elk rooms on Tuesday af ternoon, Oct. 6th. at 2:30 o’clock, when it is hoped there will be a good attendance. - The young ladies of the Epis copal church are preparing to put on an opera in the near fu ture which promises to be of the very best. The date has not been definitely fixed, but full particulars will be giver, next week. The ladies of the Presbyterian church served lunch Thursday to the hungry crowd in town to wel come Taft. The D. of H. kensington will meet with Mrs. L- Evans, Friday afternoon, October The W. C. T. U. meets Mrs. R. R. Teeter, Wednesday afternoon. A free will offering will be taken. Hugh Boyd was one of the good republicans from Humboldt who came down to see our next president. COUNTY OPTION CONVENTION Monday, October 5 is the Date Set For the Meeting Whereas, The liquor interests of tiie state under the leadership of the Merchants A Manufactur ers Association of Omaha, an organization of saloon interests of Omaha, are making a syste matic and vigorous campaign to control the next legislature, and Whereas, There are many voters in Richardson county, not withstanding their partv affilia tions on National and State is sues and candidates, and who are in favor of a vigorous campaign being made to secure the election to the legislature of men who are known to favor County Option, and who will not take orders from the snloon interests of Omaha, Therefore, We, the under signed, call on all voters favor able to County Option to meet in mass convention, on Monday, October 5, 1908 at 2 o’clock p. tn. at the court house in Falls City, j Nebraska for the purpose ofor-i ganizing the Richardson County OptionLeague and the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. V. G. Lyfokp, Falls City W. J. McCray, Stella E. L. Evans. Shubert J. M. Robertson, Verdon H. C- Zoeller, Preston John, Humboldt S. P- Gist, Salem With 240 others who have signed the call. This convention will afford an opportunity to show the people that we consider County Option the paramount issue and we hope a good delegationfrotn each town in the county will attedd to as sist in making plans for a vigor ous campaign. Suffering From Blood Poison Frank Smith is confined to his home this week with a severe case of biood poison in his foot, caused by a corn. > He is able to hobble around a little with the aid of crutches, and the doctor apprehends no serious results, but still it will be some time before he has fully recovered jerry Kanaly is also a victim of blood poison, his being on his hand caused from a scratch on his finger. It is causing him a great deal of trouble but he thinks he will soon be all right. SKIPPED WITH THE CASH A Falls City Man Left in the Lurch at Robinson Fair Yol It. Sears of Falls City, had the novelty privilege at the fail and being short of help employed a young fellow who showed up here Thursday morning. The young man was given a stand to himself to sell whips, return halls, squawkers, etc. Saturday after being busy most of the afternoon he skipped out with what funds he had and left Mr. Sears in the lurch He was Been going west up the railroad track and the authorities at Hiawatha were noti fied. Sunday he was captured there. He gave his name as Sam Burk, He had $17.25 on his per son when caught, but Mr. Sears claimed he sold enough stuff to make $32.50. He waived his pre liminray hearing and is laying in jail until the November term of court. Thursday nigh -T. P,Rush slept in his stand at the grounds and awoke during the night to find some fellow searching his clothes. He jumped up to get a hatchet that was lying close and the would be robber jumped over the counter and ran away in the darkness with out Mr. Rush recognizing him. It is suspicted that Burk was guilty of this too.—Robinson In dex. HON.E.J.BURKETT PAYS TRIBUTE TO BOTH STATE AND NATIONAL TICKET Court House Filled to Overflowing and Marty Were Uuable To Cain Admittance The large and enthusiastic crowd which heard Senator Burkett at the court house Thursday night was but a repetition of the greet ings he is receiving wherever he goes. The court house room was far too small to accommodate the vast crowd and many were the dis appointed ones who could not get in to hear the senators’ splendid talk. As popular interest seems to I center on national candidates and national issues, Senator Burkett devoted much of his time to the discussion of the same. His ten years service in congress has given him a familiarly with these sub : je'ds which enables him to present j them to his hearers in both an in- J structive and entertniniugniamier. He impressed upon those present | the necessity of continuing the good work accomplished in the | past by the republican party in national legislation, by the elec tion of candidates who stand pledged to the carrying out of the work so well begun. He dwelt at considerable length upon the JUDGE W. H.TAFT OUR NEXT PRESIDENT RECEIV ED WARM WELCOME HERE Gives Short Talk at Burlington Depot to Thousands of En thusiastic Hearers “Taft" day in Falls City was one long to be remembered. The weather was perfect with bright sunshine and just enough bracing air to imbue all with the republi can spirit and make them eager for the walk to the Burlington to catch just a glimpse of our next president, and hear the few words he had to say. On account cn Ills short stay ill this city no effort was made to decorate or put on holiday attire up town*- although there was a goodly display of bunting and flags and Taft’s pictures were displayed in every conceivable place, while everyone wore Taft badges. At the depot however the decorations were more pro fuse, but what we lacked in this respect was made up in the hearty ovation accorded Mr. Taft when the special train pulled in at the depot. The cheers of the vast crowd were deafening, and for a time it looked as though the brief time here would be taken up by their uncontrollable enthusiasm, but finally »juiet was restored and “BY THEIR FRUITS ” The Governors of two s'ales are in the polit ical lime light--Governor Haskell of Oklahoma and Governor Hughes of New York. Mr. Bryan champions Haskell and criticises Hughes. Judge Taft champions Hughes and criticises Haskell. Two United States Senators have engaged pub lic attention for the past two weeks--Senator For aker of Ohio and Senator Bailey of Texas. Judge Taft has repudiated Foraker. Mr. Bryan is silent on Bailey. Not from the words of men but from their works shall the citizens of a republic separate the sheep from the goats--the politicians from the statesmen. strength of the republican national i and state ticket, speaking in glow ing terms of Taft, referring to him as the best and strongest candidate any party had ever nominated and assured bis bearers that his elec tion guarantees the continuance of the present progressive policies. In speaking of the state ticket Gov. Sheldon and Nebraska,under his leadership, was paid a fine tribute. Among other things he j said: •‘No party in any state at any time ever had such a magnificient | record to point to, and no set of I men ever had so much to their glory as has Governor Sheldon and that, republican legislature of two years ago. Sheldon was the in spiration of the hour-t-his was the guiding hand. Like the great general that he was with h s party ! platform as iiis chart of action calmly,patiently and unrelentingly he directed the battle until every fortress of opposition had been stormed and every pledge had been redeemed. Upon that record alone the party is entitled to b^ endorsed, and Governor Sheldon is entitled to be re-elected.” The speech throughout was free j from all malicious and mud sling ing attacks, so common in political speeches, he presenting his theme in a lair, broad minded manner which won for him many new ad mirerers, and republicans and democrats alike pronounce it one of the very best talks ever listeued to in our city. we were privileged to hear good things our next president had to tell us. The speaking over, there was a wild rush for a hand shake, and while all were not accorded this privilege, still hundreds grasped the hand of one of the greatest inen our nation has ever known. In the party were Congressman Pollard, who introduced the speaker, Senators Burkett and Brown, Will Hayward, secretary of the national committee; J. W. Keifer,chairman state committee; Mr. Teejarden, a congressional committeeman; Victor Rosewater national committeeman, Mr. 1 Ransdell, sargent of arras of U. S. Senate; Dr. Richardson a throat specialist of Washington; H. C. Lindsey, clerk of the Su ' preine court; Frank Helden one of the state committeemen; and our own Robt. Cain, jr., who joined the party at Pawnee City - ' besides a number of press repre sentatives. The special train was trans fered from the Burlington to the Missouri Pacific at this place, and | with only a few moments delay I was permitted to go on its way. I the speaker scattering words of jcheer to the vast throngs that greeted him at every stop. Yesterday afternoon Ed Jones was brought home from St. Joe, I where he underwent an operation : for appendicitis. His many j friends will be glad to know he is improving. DISTRICT COURT Second Week a Busy One with Many Cases Still on Docket District court opened up Mon day on its second week Judge Raper is presiding, and while no time has been lost and much work accomplished, there are still many cases to be disposed of and it will require several days more to clear the docket- The jury will possibly be discharged tomorrow. The following cases were con tinued : Floyd Sterns ys. Joseph Ray, appeal. Sarah Morris vs. M. R. Wilson, appeal from justice court. In the matter of application of Frank Simon to sell estate of Chas. Gagnon, deceased. First National Bank, Hum boldt, vs- F- W. Satnuelson, et al, action on bond. John Spengler vs. M. ly Kent ner, appeal trom justice court. Whitaker Bros, vs. S. J. Clark, appeal. O. K. Wertz vs. C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. damages. Heirs of James Hosford, de ceased, vs. Drainage District No. 1. Wenzel Skalak and C. W. At wood vs. Luther Loop. In the case of State vs. Fren chy on the charge of burglary, French}- was given thirty days in the county jail State of- Nebraska vs. Fred Thieman, selling liquor without license, defendant was fined $200 and costs. State of Nebraska vs. Fred Thieman, selling liquor without license, dismissed by county at torney. William Otto vs. C. JJ. & Q. R. R. Co. damages, verdict for Otto for $1,100. Benjamin Poteet ys. unknown heirs of P. Bolen, deceased, to quiet title, findings in favor of plaintiff. Amelia Reiger vs. heirs of Henry Reiger, deceased,mandate, findings in favor of defendant. Application of Harvey Ileas ton, administrator, license to sell real estate, license granted. Christina Prosser vs. Wm- II. Prosser, divorce, granted. Peter Frederick, sr., vs. Jacob Gebhart, et al, foreclosure and to cancel partial release, judgment and foreclosure ordered. State of Nebraska vs. Delin quent Taxes. scavenger law, judgment against C- B. & Q. State of Nebraska vs. Guy Stabler, bastardy. This case is on trial at this time and we go to j press to early to give results. Stereopticon Lecture The second historical and bio graphical illustrated lecture upon the Brethren in America will be given at the Brethren church next Sunday evening. The people will have to go early to get a seat, as two weeks ago when the first lecture was giveu the audience that came could not nearly all get in the church. Miss Edna De Wald will sing a sacred solo lllus jtrated with beautifully colored I view’s. The public is welcome. ! An offering will be taken for ex | penses. Bought a Home K. Horrocks closed a deal this j week, whereby he becomes the possessor of the Battreal property | in the southwest part of town, he trading one of hispiecrsof land j near Welsh, Okl., for the same. This is a very desirable home anil Mr. Horrocks is to be con gratulated upun securing it. He j will take possession at once. Did Not Show Up The ball game advertised for Tuesday between Falls City and the Haskell Indians was not pull ed off for the reason that the redskins failed to put in an ap pearance. It was a disappoint ment to our fans as many had arranged to attend, and as the season is drawing to a close we regret missing even one game. FLAMES VICTIM COAL OIL STOVE CAUSES A DISASTROUS FIRE Mrs. Henry Been Receives Fatal Injures. Which Resulted In Her Death The quiet of Sunday afternoon was disturbed by the ringing of the tire bell, which called our lire department to the home of Henry Been in the east part of town, where it found the house in flames The fire was checked without much trouble but not be fore it had done its deadly work on Mrs Been. The facts, as near as we can learn are these. Mr. Been had tilled the coaloil stove and in doing so had spilled a great deal of the oil on the stove and with out his knowledge had run down on the floor, and when he at tempted to light the stove, in an instant the whole thing was a mass of flames and the oil tank exploded. Mrs. Been, who is a paralytic and has been unable to walk for two years, was sitting near and soon the Hames reached her. She fought hard, and when the neigh bors arrived, who had been at tracted by her screams, she had reached the door, but in her crippled condition could get no further. She was taken to the home of Mrs. Sol Stump and medical aid summoned, who at first hoped for the best, but it developed later that she had in haled the llames and nothing could be done but to make her last hours as comfortable as pos sible and the unfortunate one lingered until Monday evening, when death relieved her of her terrible sufferings. Mr. Been was also badly burned and for a time fears were held as to the outcome, but it is now thought he will recover. The house was damaged to quite an extent but the loss is fully covered by insurance. This is indeed a sad case, coming as it does to this couple, who had al most finished this life’s journey, and to the one who is thus left alone in his old age, the sympa thy of the entire community is extended. Emma Howell Been was born in Griggsville, Mo., in 1833, where she passed her girlhood days. About twirty-seven years ago she came to Nebraska, resid ing most of the time since then in this city. During her long residence here she has gathered about her many friends, who are deeply grieved at her sad and awful death. She was married to Henry Been about 12 years ago. Since June, 1907, she has been an invalid, being almost hel( less most of the time, but through it all was always kind and patient- Besides her hus band she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Sare of Mound City, Mo., and Mrs, Libbie Burdick of San Francisco. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Sol. Stump, con* ducted by Rev. Mastin of ;tie M. E. church and the remains laid to rest in the Steele cemetery. To Have Another Paper L- S. L. Rohmeyer of Auburn was in the city Saturday looking over the field for the purpose of establishing a German paper in this city. He made this office a pleasant call and informed us that he is very favorably impress ed with the outlook and hopes 'o have the Nebraska State Citiz- i s Gazette, which will be the nam of the publication, in circulatior in about four weeks Mr. Rohmeyer has been run ning a German paper in Auburn for about eight years, and it is his intention to divide the plant and bring part of it to this city. We extend the gentleman a hearty welcome and wish him success in his venture.