The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 25, 1908, Image 8

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    240 acres well improved, 1£ miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1>* miles from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or .80 acres as part payment
160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
80 acres *4 -mile from Falls City high school.
<140 acres, $8,OIK) improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres a~ part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
Henry C. Smith
The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Guy ami Albert Burk were guests of
Ralph Nedrow.
Geo. Parchen and family spent Sun
day with Long Bros.
Luey Smith spent Sunday in Falls
City with Marie Grotty.
Geo. Prichard and wife were guests
of Mr. Shaffer Sunday.
W. M. Hutchison went to Peru Sat
urday to attend school.
Francis Smith and wife spent Sun
day with the latters parents.
Gust Strauss and family visited with
John Kains and family Sunday.
Geo. Slums and family were guests
of Guy Licbty and wife Sunday.
Sophia Schulenberg spent a portion
of the week at G'has. Sentner’s.
H. Gulllians and family spent Sun
day with O. B. Prichard and wife.
Herman Beeehy and wife were guests
of Wes Nedrow and wife Sunday.
Mrs. N. Peek aud children spent
Sunday In Falls City with her parents.
Jennie Burk is spending the week in
Falls City with her father, Mrs. Chas.
Me Wain.
John Hutchison and Jesse Bueholtz
drove to Shubert Saturday night to
attend a party.
(Jeo. Prichard and wile Delos Spick
ler and wife and Win. McGowen went
to St. Joe, Wednesday.
Geo. Sturns, Guv Llchty, John Hut
chison ai>d Hyrry Blake attended the
ball game at Barada Sunday.
Frank Llchty aud family spent Sun
day in Auburn the guests of Mrs. Lich
ty’s brother, Mr. Harkins and family.
F. S. Llchty, H. J. Prichard, Sam
Klramel, and John Llchty went to St.
Joe, Tuesday to attend the fair. They
went in Frank’s automobile.
About fifteen boys and men of this
neighborhood went out coon hunting
Saturday night with a goodly number
of hounds. The game they got the
dogs ate. The lmys say to ask Geo.
Sturns about the trip, he can tell you
all about it.
Miss Hart was in Shubert on Tues
Jim Clark was a Falls City visitor
Win. Schafer of St, Joe was in town
Dr. Houston was up from Falls City
Wm. Mowery of Stella was a Verdon
visitor Monday.
Blanche Arrabruster came up from
Falls City, Sunday.
Geo. Abhott drove up from tt\e
county seat Friday.
Mrs. D. A. Dick and baby arrived j
from Omaha Saturday.
Myrtle Bowers of Falls City visited
relatives here over Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Sloan and sons visited
relatives in Stella over Sunday.
Henry Corn, T. Reese, and Harry
Baldwin were in Falls City Friday.
Mrs. Clyde Bart and daughter re
turned to their home in Grand Island,
Mr’ and Mrs. Homor House of Peru
attended the funeral of the latters
mother, Tuesday.
Henry Kiel, Walter Veach andChas,
Weaver went to Lincoln Monday in
the la.iers auto.
Mrs. Harness arrived from St. Joe
Thursday on a visit to her daughter,
Mrs. C. W. Ocamb.
Artour Chase was called here from
Fort Leavenworth, Monday by the
death of his mother.
Jennie Wear, Cleta Moran and John
Wear went to Peru Tuesday where the
the two latter ones will attend school.
The funeral of Mrs. Chase was held
at the Congregational church Tuesday
afternoon. Interment in Verdon cem
Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey
and Tar have been sold without any
person ever having experienced any
other than beneticial results from its
use for coughs, colds and lung trouble.
This is because the genuine Foley’s
Honey and Tar in the yellow package
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs. Guard your health by refusing
any but the genuine. Kerr’s pharmacy.
R. N. Williamson made a trip to
Shubert Tuesday.
Henry Flshburn and wife were vis
itors in this vicinity.
Charles Sargent mored his family to
Falls City last week.
Chas. Mitchell of Omaha Is visiting
his sister, Mrs. .laeob Petars.
J, F. Isabel moved his family up
from Falls City during the week.
The Rhodes saw mill is busy in the
timber on C. H. Martins lower place.
Ira Prosser of Corning, Mo., is visit
ing his brother, I. S. Prosser and
Morehead Bros, have moved their
lumber yard onto their lots on Second
J, W. Martin aed wife and C. H.
Martin and wife Sunday with ,1.
A. Martin and wife.
Conrad Gerdes, R. J. and R. H.
Dunn with their families spent Sunday
at Moreheads island.
Mrs. 1. A. Dnnn was called to James
town, S D., last week by the serious
illness of her parents.
Mrs. A. C. Surman and children of
Armour, visited last week with Mrs.
Mary Prlne and famH^.
D. E. Spicker and wife spent a
part of last week in Craig, Mo., the
guests of Ed Lawrence and wife.
The canning factory Is doing a big
business these days. The only draw
back is tlie scarcity of hands for all
kinds of work.
Otis Spickler went to Omaha in his
auto Saturday for the purdoseof secur
ing autos for Elmer King and Sehutz
Bros, of Slnibert. ,
Geo. Taylor wife and son of Percival
Iowa, Mrs. McCoy of Plattsmouth, and
Mr. and Mrs, Goff of Nemaha were
guests of J. W Goff and wife over
The traveling library reached the
Barada schools on Monday. The books
arc very interesting and will be great
Iv appreciated by nil the patrons, both
old and young.
J. W. Martin and wife who have
been visiting relatives here for the
past three weeks went to Falls City
for a few days visit. In the near fu
ture they will make their home in
Tickling or dry cough will quickly
loosen when using Dr. Shoop's cough
remedy. And it is so thoroughly
harmless that Dr. Shoop tolls mothers
to use nothing else,even lor very young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healing
shrub gives the curative properties to
Dr. Shoop's Cough remedy. It calms
ttie cough and heals the sensitive bron
chial membranes. No opium, no chlo
roform, nothing harsh used to injure
or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's and
accept no other. Sold by all dealers.
Harry Elanna is rapidly improving.
Several farmers have started the
eorn binders.
Mr. Brohst speul u few days of last
week in Butler, Mo.
James Standerford and wife were
Pawnee City visitors.
Ira. Crook of Salem spent most of
last week in this vicinity.
A baby girl was welcomed at the
home of Ben Unland and wife.
Mrs. Richards of Humboldt sold her
to Franklin pgeolnct to Fred Sehmel/.el
lor $70 per acre.
The people here are wishing for
rain. The eorn is firing: the pastures
| are failing and the roads are terribly
The Epworth league held a social at
the home of Henry Eierr, Wednesday
evening. The proceeds amounted to a
little over $10. Each one present re
port a very pleasant evening.
It’s a pity when sick ones drug tho
stomach or stimulate the Heart and
kidneys. That is all wrong. A weak
Stomach means weak stomach nerves,
always and this is also true of the heart
and kidueys. The weak nerves are in
stead crying out for help. This ex
plains why Or. Shoop’s Restorative is
promptly helping stomach, heart and
kidney ailments. The Restorative
reaches out for the actual cause of
these ailments—the failing ‘inside
nerves.’ Anyway test the Restorative
48 hours. It wont cure as soon as that
but you will surely know that help is
coming. Sold by all dealers.
Mr. Marsh is building a new howling
Rob Kanaly was in Falls City last
Mable Koeler of Fargo is visiting in
St. Joe.
lid Toupan was a St. Joe passenger
Mrs. John Santo was a Rulo visitor
last week.
Mrs. Taylor was in Falls City one
day last week.
Mrs. Henry Reiyer visited relatives
here last week.
K. Dunn came down from Chester to
visit his family.
Mrs. Fastine and son Wyley went to
St. Joe this week.
The band gave an open air concert
Saturday evening.
J. A. Osburn has purcnased a new
rubber tire buggy.
Clein Davis went to St. Joe Monday
to spend the week.
Walter Graves came home from
Verdon last week.
Harry Simons attended the fair at
Hiawatha last week.
A dance was given at the opera
house Friday night.
Mrs. Enig and children left for
Council Bluffs Saturday.
Mr. Carpenter, tha jeweler moved
his family to Humboldt.
Elarry Marsh went to Highland Fri
day with a load of honey.
Mrs. Arthur Darveau and children
were in Falls City last week.
Orvil Meyers and wife of Preston
visited Rulo friends last week.
Mary Carpenter returned from a^
months stay in Dakota and Minn.
Steve Cunningham's baby was quite
sick a few davs tho first of the week.
Mrc. Rob Paul has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs.Jas. Hosford at Dawson.
T. H. Plumb and wife of Falls City
visited Mrs. Addie Rouker last week.
Mrs. Dode Anderson went to Oregon
Mo.,last week to have her eyes treated.
Mrs. Ormabee of St. .Toe is visiting
her parents, Joseph Frederick and
Mrs. John Larando and Mrs. Frank
Brown were Falls City visitors last
Mrs. Jim Ratekin, Mrs. Cesser and
Mrs. Belpere were in Falls City last
Norman Kermodo has been laid up
the past week with a gathering on his
Mrs. McNcal and little son of Chica
go, were guests at the home of Dode
Will Walkins came down from
Table Rock and spent Sunday with Ills
family here.
Wm. Carico and wife of Falls City
spent Sunday with Mrs. Kern and
daughter Edith.
Freemen Heater an old resident of
Rulo. died in Oklahoma, August 22,08,
aged 0>2 years.
Mr. Watts, wife, and daughter of
Watson, Mo., are visiting relatives
here this week.
Mrs. Henry Sehmith and daughter
Emma went to Craig, Friday to attend
the soldiers reunion.
Alice and Alta Gilbert wero guests
of their cousin, Gladys llatiken in
Falls City last week.
Max Gesser, Mr. Edgeeomb and
Lew Ziegler were among the Itulo
people in Falls City Monday.
Mrs. Lizzie Haith of Auburn and
Mrs. Louis Seigler of Falls City visited
with Ilulo relatives recently.
Will Morehouse and family have
moved into the telephone building and
will start a bakery and restaurant.
Mrs. Jakobson of Dorchester return
ed to ner home Sunday after a two
weeks visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Mrs. Mattie MoWain returned from
Falls City the first of the week, where
she has been making the acquaintance
of a new grandaughter, at the home of
her son Charles.
While bringing cream to town one
day last week, the horse of Alois Dan
neeker became frightened and ran
away, throwing Mr. Dannecker out but
no bones were broken.
Ray Hart was married in St. Joe, to
Miss Lillian Slagle of that city. Ray
is working in a barber shop, and they
will make that place their home. May
their married life be happy.
Little Eddie Dicks died at the home
of his parents Saturday night. Fune
ral services were held from the Holi
ness church, Sunday afternoon at 3
o’clock. Interment in the Rulo cem
Hiram Stotts and son wean in Kan
sas this week.
Henry Fishburn and wife were in
Falls City Monday.
John Shook is visiting at the home of
his son, Dr. Shook.
A baby boy was born tff Jno. Blake
and wife September lfi.
Warren Hutchings of Falls City was
a business visitor here last week.
It. A. Lord of Oklahoma is visiting
his brother, C. A. Lord and family.
Mrs. Dr. Shook was the guest of
Mrs. J. Boyd near Nemaha last week.
Prof. Collins and wife are now en
tertaining the former’s sister of Peru.
Mrs. J. D. West of Brownville is
nowatthehome of Mrs. John Bergs
Mrs. Butch Chandler and children of
Curley, Neb., are visiting relatives
Mrs. Elizabeth Walker of Richmond,
Kentucky is now the guest of Mrs.
Mrs. Elmer Else and Mrs. Dolph
King spent Saturday with Mrs. F. M.
Levi Bright and wife are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Cbas. King of
l’awnee county.
Howard Green and wife left Tuesday
for Wapello, Iowa, where they will
reside in the future.
Aruret Hart of Verdon expects to
make this place with her millinery
goods one day next week.
Jtss Palmer and wife of Oklahoma
'spent last week with his parents, D.
G. Palmer and wife of this place.
Mrs. Graham of Wapello, Iowa, who
has been visiting relatives here, re
turned home the first of the week.
('has. Bacon and wife returned home
after an absence of several months.
Mrs. Bacon’s health is much improved.
Mr. Lily of this place had the mis
fortune to loose a horse Tuesday.which
was cut in tue wire. The animal bled
to death.
Willard Shubertand wife left Tues
day for South Dakota, where they will
spend several days at, Gettysburg, with
C. H. Pond and family.
Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers
Foley’s Honey and Tar affords inime
diate relief to as think sufferers in the
worst stages and if taken in time will
effect a cure. Kerr's pharmacy.
L. Jones of Sbubert was here Satur
C'eo. Lewis was over from Sbubert
Elmer Jones of Howe was here lust
Mrs. 'A. Pixley returned from Hrock
H. L Hogrefe and wife are spending
j the week in St. Joe.
Thornley Hoppe went to l’eru Mon
day to attend school.
H. D. Weller and B. Mullen left
Tuesday for St. Joe.
Mable Montgomery is very ill at her
home north of town.
Mrs. D. G. Palmer and daughter of
Shubert were here Saturday.
Mrs. F. R. Shaiek returned from a
visit with her sister at Atchison.
Mrs. John Jenkins spent Sunday
afternoon at the home of H. M. Peters.
Mr. Peabody of Nemaha visited his
daughter, Mrs. W. F. Higgins Tues
Horace Clements left for Askaloos,
Iowa to take up the work for the min
Katherine Mourer left Monday lor
Peru to take the teachers training
Arthur Barstler went to Burr, Mon
day to visit relatives and friends until
A few of our people went to Auburn
Tuesday to see the Omahu-Auburn ball
Arrangements are being made to
install a new gate at the cemetery
this week.
Born to H. V. Davis and wife of this
place on Tuesday morning a baby
Mrs John Chism of Milan, Kansas
was called here by the illness of Mrs.
W. R. Chism.
Karl Weick sold his interest in the
Goodloe-Weick blacksmith shop to
Goodloe this week.
J, M. Goodloe went to Falls City
Monday morning to sit on the jury if
he could not be excused.
I. W. Harris started for St. Joseph,
Sunday and took sick and returned
to this place Monday afternoon.
Rev. Clarence Swihart of Colorado
spent a few days with his parents, J.S.
Swihart and wife of this place.
Born to Guy Schrader and wife
Thursday, Sept, id a baby boy, weigh
ing, eight and one-half pounds.
Earl Spickerman, while enroute
: homeward to Peora. 111., was killed in
the switch yards at Verdon. Sunday
evening about four o'clock. Ms Spick
ermati and two companions were on a
west bound freight when the accident
happened. While the car was being
run in the switch it was bumped
against another car with such force as
to throw the lumber against the car,
completely crushing the young man
from thn waist down. He was on his:
way home to see his sick mother.
Spickermau is a nephey of night oper
ator, James Freeder of this place. The
remains were shipped to his home
Monday. He was 1!) years of age.
Hoy,Ed ward Sbefferd, infant son of
Perry She fferd, living west of town,
died early Tuesday morning after only
24 hours sickness. The cause of his
death being impaction of the bowels,
caused from eating grapes. Little Roy
Edward was one year, five months and
two days old. He is the ouly child and
his loss is greatly mourned. The par
ents have our sympathy.
A Harvest Day service will be ob
served in the Lusheran church the first
Sunday in October. The building will
be decorated with tne fruits of the
season, which will be furnished by the
farmer. After the services the fruit
and grains will be distributed among
the poor. The sermon will de preach
ed by their pastor, Rev. Shlrek.
N. H. Lowe of this place has the
largest apple tree in the state of Ne
braska, on his farm south id town. It
is a Northern Spy tree and measurea
oyer 40 feet in diameter. Apple men
claim there are 20 barrels of apples on
this tree and offer $1 per bn.
Mable Goldie Montgomery, youngest
daughter of VV. Ferry Montgomery and
wife, died at her uome Monday even
ing after an illness of twenty-four
hours. The cause of her death being
uraemic poison. Aged Hi years, 10 mo
and 19 days.
Vade Diugman who moved with his
funiily to Dakoto !a-t spring !~ visiting
iu r tni-. week and trying to rent a
farm here. He says the crops aDd
iafid are good, but his family uoes not
like it there.
J. T, LeflF started to town on his
motor cycle Sunday, and when about
three and one-half miles from town
the spark plug blew out and Mr Leff
walked to town pushing the wheel.
G D. Jenkins and lone Snick left
Monday for Feru to attend school.
Mr. Jenking will be an assistant in the.
labortory this year.
Free Exhibition
of the Farm Products of the central portion
of the Great Northwest Texas
now at the Grocery Store of Fred E. Schmidt,
Falls City, Nebraska
Come bring your family, friends
and neighbors and see for yourself the
proof of the grand opportunity that
awaits you in the golden grain belt of
To those who are prepared and
ready to buy a new home we have the
best proposition to offer that has been
presented to you, ask about it. Get a
map description of the shallow water
district of Texas.
Come today.
Main Off ice, Canyon City, Texas THE RIFE LAND CO.