NOT AN ISSUE POLITICIANS PRESENTING RELIG IOUS ISSUE DENOUNCED BY EMINENT EDITOR. Philadelphia "North American" Scores Politicians Who Would Deny the Constitutional Right of Lib erty of Conscience. The un-American .inn indefensible attempt of democratic politicians to make a partisan political issue out of the religious beliefs and church at tachments of William 11. Taft has re ceived the following deserved anil fitting condemnation from the editor of the Philadelphia "North American," one of the best and most intelligently edited newspapers of the United Stales. The "Norih American” says: "We have received numbers of let ters inquiring about the religious be liefs of Taft. The two which wo print below we have selected as fair samples, lA eam - they raise the two questions which constitute the basts of all similar communications: To the Editor of the North American. It is rumored In this place that William Taft is a staunch Roman Catholic. Is it true? If so, can Americans, and especially those horn on American soil, support him for president, as he would be subject to a for< ign potentate? JOHN It. MYERS. Hanover. Pa., June 10. To the Editor of the North Atnorleau. 1 have heard a report today, in Pittsburg, to the effect that the Hon. William II. Tafl is a Unitarian and does not believe in (lie divinity of our Jesus Christ. I do not wish to crit icise or question the wisdom In se lecting our candidate for presidency, but desire to rail it lo your atten tion, and (rust you will make propc tnvestlgation and let the facts be known promptly. If he Is an unbeliever, we cannot hope to elect him at a general elec tion to the presidency of a Christian country, and ! trust you will see the advisability of a proper investigation and use your powerful influence to place a man with proper standing at the head of our ticket. We cannot count on the support of a Christian people for an unbeliever. lb It. EVANS. Jeannette, pa„ June 15. To dispose of questions which should not bo asked, ns speedily as possible, let 11s sav that Mr Taft is not a Roman Catholic. He is a member of the Unitarian church. That was the ehurch of his parents, and he has never separated himself from if. His wife, however, Is an Episcopalian, and he worships more often beside her in her church. 'I host arc Hie facts, which are ut terly and absolutely unimportant. TVi matter of a man' religion hus re 1 ghtful place in consideration of bis fitness for the presidency. The constitution of the nation, ordained an i t s'ahltshed "to secure the bless ings of libert\ to ourselves and our posterity," expressly places the ver> *ugg> stion of siu-i, thought outside the | ;,le of putt ioi i-o,. Vo words can Ir' clearer than these from our country'; fundamental law: '•1 'Ions lest ever shall be re