The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 25, 1908, Image 2

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Many Good Things Offered at
Public Auction
Here are a few of Col. Marion's
sale dates, which are among the
good ones this season:
Preparatory to moving t o
Texas, Robert Paul will sell at
public auction on his farm two
miles north and a halt mile east
of Halo, on Tuesday, Sept, 226,
at 10 a. in., a line lot of horses,
cattle, hogs and all kinds of
farm implements and household
On Friday Oct. ‘2. Win, Heiser
will offer at public sale at his
farm one-f<>urth mile south and
one mile east of the 15. & M.
stock yards, 8 head of horses
and mules, 36 head of cattle and
35 head of line hogs. Sale will
begin at 11 o’clock a. m,
As Dr. Fast has decided to
move to St, Joseph, Mo., on
Tuesday, October (ith, he will
offer at public sale on his farm
known as the Thompson place,
on the Muddy, three miles north
of this city, 35 head of fine
horses and mules and 1M head
of cattle. Also farm implements
and vehicles and a lot of house
hold goods. Everything offered
at this sale must go.
Will hold his third annualsale
of live stock at lus place 7V
miles northeast of Falls City,
and 5 V miles northwest of Rulo,
. on Thursday, Oct. H, at 1:30 p.
m., when he will offer for sale,
1H head oi horses, IT mules and
5 head of cattle. All are well
bred and in good condition.
On Monday, October 5, John
Wissman will sell at his place
six miles north of Rulo, 3 head
of horses, 1 cow.lH head of hogs
farm machinery and household
goods. He will also sell to the
highest bidder his 40acre farm,
and 30 acres ofeorn in field.
Card of Thanks
To all those who ministered to
us in our recent bereavement, in
the loss of our dear wife, mother
and sister, we wish to extend our
thanks. Mav you never know
such sorrow.
J. E. Morrison and Family
Mrs. Annik Clink
Mrs. Lillik Fadkly
Mrs. Carl McDonald
Every person should know that good
health i' impossible if the kidneys are
deranged. Foley’s Kidney Remedy
will cure kidney and bladder disease in
eyery form, and will build up and
strengthen these organs so thev will
perform their functions properly. No
danger of Bright’s disease or diabetes
if Foley’s Kidney Remedy is taken in
time. Kerr’s pharmacy.
Real Estate Transfers
Claude (7. Saylor to Van Saylor wd
to one-seventh int. in nei- sec 14-2 15
Wilson Wamsley and wife to Harry
Cline, wd to 120 acres in See 19-3-17
Nancy B. Beller to Wm. C. Sloan
wd to its 5 and 0 blk 9 Verdon... $90
Kdith M. < lark to S. II. Freed, wd
to It 3 blk 2 Stella. $200
Catherine Hoppe to Grace M. Hoppe
wd to Its 13 and 14 blk 159 Falls City
. .$100
Martha Klwell etal, to Elizabeth F.
Stotler. wd lowest 50 acres of si swi
see 31-2-15 .$3000
Maggie Stratton to Krnest L. Brown
wil to } int in nei of see 7-2-15... .$5000
Martha C. Ryan and M. M. Ryan to
Kdward N. Melton wd to Its 20 and 21
blk 219 Falls City.$75
Chas Zoeller and wife to Emil Deueh
ler, wd to si swi sec sO-1-17. also 2.95
acres off one end It 4 in nwi said sec
tion, also the ni swi of ne'+' sec 30-1-10
M. V/. Harding and Medora Hard'
lug to Orlando It. Trimmer, wd to
yart of sec 3-2-13.$100
John M. Livingston and wife to C.
I). Rntterfield wd to lot 9 and si of lot
10 blk 7 Itulo.$20,OIK)
Margaret U. Scott und Henry A.
Scott to Agnes C. Richards wd to east
54 feet of It g blk 7 Humboldt... .$3000
A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure
Tablet eu lei Freventies is being
dispensed by druggists everywhere.
In a few hours Freventies are said to
break any cold completely. And Fre
venties being so safe and toothsome,
arc very tine for children. No quinine
no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick
ening. Box of 48—25c Sold by all
Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that on the 11th
day of September lrKW, the undersigned
Henry C. /.oeller, Edwin Ilowty, James T.
Margrave, Harry C. Herman, Clyde Thacker,
and William C. Margrave filed the following
articles of Incorporation with the county
clerk of Richardson county. Nebraska.
The name of this corporation shall hi- The
Preston Mercantile Company.
Tile principle place of transacting the
business of this corporation shall be Preston.
Richardson county. Nebraska.
article tti
The general nature of the business to be
transacted by this corporation shall Is* a
general retail lumber business and general
mercantile business and a general elevator
business with the power to buy and sell
grain, to buy feed and sell live stock, and
to hold such real estate as may Is* necessary
for the proper conducting of the business
herein enumerated.
Tin' amount of capital stock authorized
-liall be ?25,OOO.o<>. of which there sliall ire
paid in #20,000.00 at tin- time of the com
mencement of the corporation and before any
business sliall Is1 conducted by the cor
article v
The time of commencement of the corpor
ation shall be at the time of filing these
articles with the county clerk of Richardson
county. Nebraska, and such corporation
shall terminate twenty years thereafter.
The Itigitest amount of indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation may at any
time subject itself shall not exceed two
thirds of the paid up capital of said corpor
The affairs of the corporation arc to be
conducted by a president, a general manager,
which two offices may Is* held tty the same
person, a treasurer, a vice-president and
secretary, and a board of 'directors con
sisting of five members, ail of whom shall
be stock holders in the corporation.
Hi shy C. Zoklli K
Edwin Dowry
Jas. T. Margrave
Harry C. Herman
Clyde Thacker
William C. Marghay e
State of Nebraska i ss
Richardson County '
On this lltli day of September, l<Kltt, per
sonally appeared before me, a Justice of the
Peace within and tor Richardson county
Nebraska, Henry /fueller. Edwin Dowtv.
James T. Margrave, Harry C Herman, Clyde
Thacker and Wm. Margrave known to me
to be the Identical persons who sub
scribed the foregoing instrument and each
acknowledged the execution thereof t- be his
free and voluntary act and deed for the pur
pose of organizing and incorporating The
Preston Mercantile Company.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and notarial seal the day last above
I,. D. McCemker, Justice of Peace.
Re avis A Ki avis
Attorneys for Incorporators.
First publication Sept. 1# 4 times
IHnk Pain Tablets Ur.Shoopi—stop
Headache, womanly pains, any pains
any where in 2D minutes. Formula on
the 25c box. Ask yjur druggist or
doctor about this formula—if’s tine.
Sold by all dealers.
1 will hold my third annual Stock Sale at my place 7% miles northeast of
Falls City and 5% miles northwest of Rulo, on
Thursday, Oct. 8th
sale to commence at 1:30, the following first class stock :
18 - Head of Horses -18
As follows : 1 team of work mares, in foal; 4 teams of coming three
year-olds, Percherons; 1 team of trotting bred colts, coming three years
old; 4 yearling colts, Shires; 1 grade Shire stallion; 1 good saddle mare.
17 - Mules - 17
As follows ; 2 teams of work
mules; 5 coming two-year
old mules; 8 suckling mules.
Lunch on Ground
5-Head of Cattle-5
As follows : I cow and 4 calves.
Nine months time will be given on a bankable note without interest if paid
when due. if net so paid note to draw 10 per cent interest from date of sale. A
• discount of 3 per cent for cash. Sums of $10 and under, cash.
The following proposed amendment to the
constitution ot the State of Nebraska, as herein
after set forth in fall, is submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the
general election to be held Tuesday, November
3rd, A. I>.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sections
two (2). four (4 , live (5), six (15) and thirteen (13)
of Article six (8) «*f the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska, relating to Judicial Powers.
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Amendment Proposed. That Sec
tion two (2) of Article six •'> of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska be amende*I to read as
Section 2. (Supreme Court; Judge*: Juris
diction.) The Supremo Court shall consist of
seven (7) judges: and a majority of ail elected and
quaHtitRl judges shall be necessary to constitute
a quorum or pronounce a decision. The Supreme
Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating
to the revenue, civil cases iu which the state is a
party, mandamus, quo warmnto, habeas corpus,
and such appellate jurisdiction as may l>e pro
vided by law.
Section 2. Amendment Proposed.) That
Section four, (1) of Article six (8) of the Constitu
tion of the State of Nebraska, lie amended to read
as follows :
Section 4. (Supreme Court, Judges, Elec
tion, Term. Residence.) The judges of the Su
preme Court shall In* elected by the electors of
the state at large; and their term of office except
as hereinafter provided shall be six years. And
said Supreme Court judges shall during their
term of office, reside at the place where the court
is holden.
Section 3. (Amendment Proposed.) That
Section live [J of Article six [8J of th«* Con&titu-'
v ion of the State of Nebraska be amended to read
as follows:
Section 5. [Supreme Court, Judges, Elec
tion, Term, Chief Justice.] That at the gen
eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska
in the year 1909, and each six years thereafter,
there shall lie elected three [3J judges of the Su
preme Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general election
to Is* held in the state of Nebraska in the year
1911, and each six years thereafter, there shall be
elected three 131 judges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period of six
years; and at the general election to lie held in
the state of Nebraska fin the year 1913 and each
six years thereafter, there shall be elected a Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his
office for the period of six $ *ars. Provided that
the member of the Supreme Court whose term of
office expires in January 1914, shall be Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his term of office. And pro
vided further, that upon the adoption of these
amendments by the electors of the State, the
Governor shall,! immediately upon issuing his
proclamation declaring suid amendments adopt
ed, appoint four 14 J judges of the* Supreme< ’ourt,
two 12 J of whom shall In* appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall be elected at the
general'election'in 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two j - j shall hold their office until their
successors shall be elected at the general election
held in 1911, and have qualified.
Section 4. [Amendment Proposed.] That
Section six |t> | of Article six |rt] of the Constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska, he amended to read
as follows:
Section 9. [Chief Justice. | The Chief Jus
tice shall serve as such during all the term for
which lie was elected, lie shall preside at all
terms of the Supreme Court, ami in his absence
tin* judges present shall select one of their number
to preside temporarily.
Section 5. [ AMENDMENT ’ PROPOSED. I That
Section thirteen |13| of Article six | »i | of the
Constitution of Nebraska In* amended to read as
follows .
Section 13. (Judges, Salaries.] That judges
of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary
of ,*4.-|<)0, and the Judges of the District Court
shall each receive a salary of $30<KJ per annum,
payable quarterly.
Approved April *, 1907.
1. (ieo. (\ Junkin. Secretary of State, of the
State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore
going proposed amendment to the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill,
as passe I by the Thirtieth session of the legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as appear* from
said original bill on file in this office, and that
said Proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their
adopt toil or rejection at the general election to
lv. held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.
I). 190*,
In testimony whereof, l have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the Great Heal of the State of
Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this lath day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Eight, and of the Indepen
dence of the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty-second.
[seal] Secretary of State.
Legal Notice.
hi the District court pf Richardson county.
State of Nebraska.
Myrtle Schaible Mulligan
Carrie Schaible, widow of
John Schaible jr. deceased,
Laura Schaible, Roy Schai
ble, Edward Schaible, Edna
Schaible and William Mul
Defend ants j
To Laura Schaible, non-resident defendant:
You are hereby notified that Myrtle Schai
ble Mulligan did on the I2th day of Septem
ber, 19Q*. file her petition against you and the
above named defendants in the District court
of Richardson county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer of which is to procure a decree of
partition of the following described real
estate, situated in Richardson county, state of
Nebraska, towit: The south half of the north
east quarter of section Thirty [30] in township
One ID North Range Sixteen [16] in which the
plaintiff and you, Laura Schaible and the |
other defendants except Carrie Schaible,,
widow of John Schaible jr, deceased, who has
a dower interest in said land and William
Mulligan husband of plaintiff are tenants in
common of said real estate.
And you are further notified that unless
you plead, answer or demur to said petition,
on or before the 2nd day of November 190*,
the same will be taken as true and the
prayer thereof granted as of course.
Reavis & Rea vis
Attorneys for Plaintiff
First Publication September 18 5 times
Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that I will offer at
public sale in front of the west door of the
court house at Palls City, on Saturday, the
24th day of October, lf>08, ..t tin* hour of one
o’clock, p. m., of said day, the one undivided
9th, 1 nitr. Ii 1 interest or part of the following
described land, situated in Richardson county.
State of Nebraska, to-wit: the south sixty
[d0] acres in the south-west quarter 1/4) of
section seventeen [17) and the north half l!. )
of the north-west quarter I %) of section
twenty 1201,all in township three[3], range north
sixteen llbl east of the Hth P. M. The sale
will l>e made subject to a mortgage on the
whole tract for the sum of twenty five hun
dred dollars, £25.000.00 and subject also to the
dower estate of Kmily Leslie, widow of Hen
ry Leslie, deceased. The land to be sold
pursuant to the levy of an execution thereon
to satisfy a judgment rendered in the Dis
trict court of Richardson county, in favor «»i
Blanchard. Ehrke Wildermait vs Henry C.
Leslie, owner of said undivided 9tli interest.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. Fenton,
Sheriff of Richardson County
Reavis & Reavis,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs in Execution.
First publication, September 18, 5 times
h»-h immnumnniM
:: D. S. flcCarthy ;•
drat and ::
' J Pro- pt attention given | '
! ' to the removal of house- J J
!' hold goods. ) |
:: PHONE NO. 211 ;;
t I « MW 1 t I ItHtlH > I I W
* ♦ 4» *'<•.“ fV4 4> 4h£><5v£<4x£
I _- t
— t
*; Sales conducted in
7 5
k scientific and busi- f
% nesslike manner f
4 *■"■* " 1 ■ '■. 1 1 <2
| Falls City, Nebraska :f
Office and residence first door
north of city park. Phone 268.
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'i,. Wahl Building
Office and Residence over
McMillan’s Drug Store.
Phone 329. FALLS CITY, NEB.
John Wihtse
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To. (
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
( Residence 160
Rhone*. otftce 55
Phone 248 Over Richardson County
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
contains no opiates, gently moves the
bowels, carrying the cold off through the
natural channels, Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu
matism! Not a remedy that will straighten the
Jistorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony
Kfowths back to flesh again. That is impossible.
ut I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disease. . , ,
In Ger .iany—with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shonp's Rheumatic Remedy was made j
a perfected, dependable prescription. Without .
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many,
many cases of Rheumatism: but now. at last, it uni- .
form!y cures all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those snail-like granular j
wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood seem todissolve
and pass away under the action of this remedy as
freely as does sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism Is gone forever. There is now no
real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with
out help. We sail, and in confidence recommend I
Dr. Shoop’s
Rheumatic Remedy!
Low rate excursions to east
ern cities and resorts.
Northern Michigan, Canada
and New England, daily un
til September 30th.
Attractive 1 o w excursion
rates daily to the Pacific
Coast, Yellowstone Park,
Utah, Colorado, Big Horn
Mountains and the Black
' •
During September and Oc- *
tober to Puget Sound, Cal
ifornia and hundreds of in
termediate points.
Ready for Immediate
a t Garland and Powell,
Wyo. Personally conduct
ed excursions to these lands
the first and third Tuesdays
of each month. Govern
ment engineer at Powell
shows the land. Also deed
ed and Carey Act lands.
Write D. Clem Deaver. General Agt
Bund Seekers’ Information Bureau,
Omaha, for new folder. Its free.
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip, afid let us advise you
how to make it the best way at the
least cost.
Local Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Magic Lantern
For the Boy or Girl
Any boy or girl who will se
cure eight new subscribeis for
the Kansas City Weekly Journal,
at 25 cents a year each, making
a total of Two Dollars, and send
the full amount, together with
the names to us, we will mail to
Ins or her address a beautiful
Magic Lantern with fifty views
Any boy or girl can use it. Just
stretch a white sheet on the wall
and you can have all kinds of
fun. Full directions for use is
with the lantern.
Any boy or girl can secure 8
new subscribers in a short time
and get this beautiful magic
lantern. Send for samples for
canvassing. Send all money by
post office money' order or draft.
TheKansasCity Journal
Kansas City, Mo.
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:23 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m.
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:52 p. in.
Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m.
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192—To Atchison.11:10 a, m.
South Bound
Tr. 191—To Auburn.1:23 p. m.
J. B. VARNER, Agent