The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc
The Presbyterian Juniors were
delightfully entertained last Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Helen Whitford. It was also
Helen’s birthday. Over fifty
were in attendance.
Mrs. I. C. Maust entertained
the boys of her Sunday school
class one evening last week. The
time was spent in true boy style.
A watermelon feast was provided
by the hostess, which made the
evening’s enjoyment perfect.
The Sunny- Slope kensington
met with Mrs. Jesse Deaton last
Wednesday. Dainty- refreshments
were served and a good time en
joyed by all. The next meeting
will be with Misses Daisy and
Mollie Stewart, Wednesday Sept.
Sorosis met with Mrs. George
Schock as hostess, Wednesday
afternoon. A paper on Minerals
was read by Mrs. Ewalt, and she
had a collection of pictures to il
lustrate her subject. Mrs. Banks
read an article on “Turkish Wo
men in a Peaceful Crusade for
Freedom.’’ During the social
half hour, refreshments were
served. The club will meet Oct.
14, with Mrs. E. Falloon.
On Tuesday evening the Re
bekahs celebrated the 57th anni
versary- of that order by enter
taining the Odd Fellows and
their families in roval style. A
fine musical program was render
ed,and Rev.R. Cooper Bailey,Ph.
D., gave a very interesting histo
ry of the order. The evening
was then given oyer to a general
social time. A .watermelon feast
was one of the principle features
of the evening, to which all did
ample justice. The Odd Fellows
feel indebted to the Rebekahs
for such a pleasant time.
One of the really pleasant
events of the week, was the wed
ding in high life at the Davis
home in this city last Friday ev
ening, when “Earl E- Wedd” and
“Eloise Hope” were united in
m a rri age. “Parson Fecken
Looper. Ph. D.,” performed the
ceremony. At the appointed time
the happy young couple, with
their attendants, entered the car
lo. as the strains of “America”
were being played by one of the
guests, and the solem words were
spoken. After congratulations
the guests partook of an elabor
ate supper consisting of red lem
onade, weinerwurst, rye bread
and the bride’s cake. The cos
tumes were beautiful and deserve
special mention, but space forbids.
The presents were many and
co9tly(?) In justice to all we
will say that the affair was a bur
lesque, but was most enjoyable
and will long be remembered by
the guests.
The Friends in Council met
with the Misses Cleaver, Friday,
evening and enjoyed a delightful
session. Roll call was answered
to by Ed Howe's Globe Sights,
and caused great amusement.
The program throughout was
fine- The club having decided
to take up the study of Shakes
peare, for the coming year, sev
eral interesting papers were read
by the different members on
Shakespeare and his works. Miss
Helen Martin, w’ho was a guest
of the club, favored them with
two vocal selections, “Who is
Sylvia" and “Hark, Hark, the
Lark,’’the words being by Shake
speare and the music by Schu
bert. Miss Alice Cleaver, ac
companied by her sister. Mis?
Florence, gave several of Schu
bert's violin selections, while Miss
Sallie Schoenheit gave a Schubert
piano selection. After the pro
1 gram an eiegent lunch was serv
ed and the club adjourned to meet
in two weeks with Mrs. Paul
Greenwald. Mrs. JIarrv Pence
was also a guest on this occasion.
Mrs. Martin Kanaly was the
victim of a pleasant surprise on
Tuesday evening, perpetrated by
the many friends as a farewell be
fore leaving for her new home in
South Dakota. As prearranged,
Mrs. Kanaly had been invited to
go riding, and when she returned
it was to find her home occupied
by about thirty ladies. The sur
prise was complete and so great
as to almost overwhelm the vic
tim, but she proved herself ei|iial
to the occasion and made all feel
their welcome. At an opportune
time, Mrs- W. H. Kerr, on behalf
ot the guests, presented Mrs
Kanaly with a handsome mantle
clock, as a slight token of their
high esteem. She spoke with
feeling of the separation about
to take place, and of the many
silent messages of love and cheer
which the constant tick of the
clock was intended to convey to
her in her western home, Mrs.
Kanaly endeavored to thank her
friends, but it was a silent min
gling of tears which was more
eloquent than words- The even
ing was then given to a general
good time, and after partaking
of nice refreshments, the guests
departed for their several homes,
each wishing their hostess a hap
py life in her new home.
Mrs. Edward Morrison is One of
Death's Victims This Week
Mrs. Edward Morrison died at
her home, six miles southwest of
Falls City, on Saturday, Septem
ber 19, 1908, aged 36 years, 3
months and 2 days.
Why death should claim one so
much needed in this world, and
when in the prime of life, is one
of the mysteries which can only
be made known in the future.
Leaving as she did. a loving hus
band and family of little ones,
who just now require a mother’s
care and guidance, the vacancy
thus caused is one which can nev
er be filled.
Just five weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Morrison were called upon
to give up their baby, jtnd at
that time the mother contracted
rheumatism and has been a great
sufferer since, death being caused
by the disease going to the heart
Just seventeen years ago, Lin
me Eakins became the happy
bride of Edward Morrison. To
this union seven children were
born, of the six living, the oldest
is but 16 and the youngest 6.
She had always been a faithful
wife and loving mother, unselfish
to a fault and with no thought
save for her family, and the grief
which they now experience can
only be lessoned by time.
The funeral service was held
Monday afternoon from the fam
ily home, conducted by the Bretli
I ren minister of Morrill. Kas.,
and was largely attended by the
| sorrowing: friends and neighbors,
j Interment was made in the Steele
To the breaved ones the Tri
bune joins with many in extend
ing deepest sympathy.
Big Apples
Wm. Thompson on Saturday
I sent to this office one of the
I largest apples we have seen in
! many a year. It is perfect in
form and weigs seventeen ounces.
Mr. Thompson does not know the
name of the variety, and the ap
ple buyers do not know, but it is
certainly fine.
! Horse Frightened by Automobile
is Cause of the Little Boy's
Serious Accident
Tuesday afternoon about 5
o’clock, Bennv Werner, the 14
year old son of Ernest Werner,
accompanied by his brother Hen
ry and Harold Miller, were driv
ing along Wilson street, near the
ball park, when their horse be
came frightened at an automo
bile. In the runaway which fob
lowed, the right shaft of the
buggy dropped and the vehicle
was overturned and the occupants
thrown out. Harold and Henry
escaped with only a few scratches,
but when they reached their com
rade, he was found unconscious
and badly bruised about the head.
He was taken to his home and
Ur. Boose summoned. At first it
was feared the injuries might
prove fatal as the little fellow did
not regain consciousness until
the following morning. At this
time however, it is thought there
will be no serious results, and
while he will be confined to the
home for some time, it is hoped
there will soon be a complete re
H. W. Wolff Answers Summons
Friday Morning
H. W. Wolff died at his home
in this city Friday, September
18, 190B, aged 72 years, 1 month
and 12 days.
Deceased had always enjoyed
the very best of health until
last February, when be had a
severe attack of the grip, the
same leaving him in a some
what. weakened condition, but
still able to attend to his duties
until a week prior to his death,
when he began to complain and
was forced to take to his bed,
suffering untold agonies from
the effects of an abcess on the
brain, which was the direct
cause of his death.
Mr. Wolff was born in Ger
many, coming to this country
when a boy about 10 years of
age, locating in Wisconsin,
where lie grew to manhood.
He was married forty-five years
ago to Miss Bridget Golster in
Black River Falls, Wisconsin.
To this union nine children were
born, two ol them preceeding
him to the great beyond. Be
sides his widow there are seven
children, all of whom were
with him at the last. They are
Mrs. Geo. Brietler of Beatrice,
Mrs. Will Goolsby, Henry and
Joe and Misses Elizabeth, Rose,
and Minnie, and little Willie,
an adopted son, all of this city.
The funeral was held from the
Catholic church Sunday morn
ing at ten o'clock, Mr. Wolff
being a life long member of that
denomination. Rev. Bex had
charge of the services. Inter
ment was made in the Catholic
To the sorrowing ones, The
Tribune unites with all our cit
izens in expressing deep sym
Baptist Church
Regular services as usual. Our
| attendance at all services is in
creasing especially the Sunday
school. Next Sunday morning
we will observe the ordinance of
| the Lord's Supper. One week
\ from next Sunday our evening
j hour will be given over to the
' musical talent of our church and
| friends. There are very few peo
j pie who do not enjoy good music
and a special effort is being made
so we can assure vou that this
service will be both attractive and
helpful. All are cordially invited.
I '*
Results of Other Games Played By
Falls City Boys During the
Past Week
Well, Omaha has been here
and gone, taking with them two
nice scores and leaving to our
boys nine big goose eggs as a
souvenir of the day. It wasn’t
hardly a fair exchange, but the
big crowd was satisfied and
more firmly convinced than ever
that we have a tine bunch of
ball players.
The visitors scored in the first
and again in the fourth, and
that’s all they did do.
The only real chance we had
for scoring was in the seventh
when Tommy Poteet put on one
of his stunts and made a long
drive for third, and then—well
he didn’t receive the proper
coaching and they caught him
at the home plate. It was an
awful disappoihtment,but that’s
base ball.
The visitors made live hits off
ol Kelsey, while the colts found
the leaguer for four good ones.
The game was replete with
double plays on both sides,
while the fielding was of the
best. Heck, Ed. Poteet, Tom
Poteet and Kelsey each have a
hit to their credit and are justly
Talk about fast ball. The
game was played in one hour
and ten minutes, and that is
about as fast as any of them can
There was a good crowd in
attendance and all were glad to
be there, and even if we did lose
we are proud of our boys and
the showing they made.
Score by innings:
Omaha.1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Falls City.. . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Umpire—George Segrist.
Time of g-ame, one hour and
ten minutes.
Poteet, Kelsey, Heck, Heacock
and Foehlinger went to Robinson,
Kas., Saturday, where the three
former figured in the line up of
the Robinson-Severence game.
Heck played third for Severance
and Poteet in his usual position
for jRobinson. while Kelsey was
on second. It was a great game
so they say, resulting in a score
of 11 to 0 in favor of Robinson.
Poteet never will forgive Heck
for throwing him out at home in
that mean way.
The Colts played a return game
with Everest at that place on
Sunday, and played one of their
star games, shutting Everest out
in a score of 2 to 0. Kelsey
pitched the game of his life, al
lowing but one scratch hit in the
ninth inning. Everest played
(good ball, too, and altogether it
was a line exhibition, but they
| will have to admit that our boys
are just a little bit the best play
ers. _
Gets Two Years in Penitentiary for
Bill Perkins, who has been in
I jail for some tune awaiting trial
on the charge of burglary, ap
peared in court Tuesday and
plead guilty. He was sentenced
by Judge Paper to two years in
the penitentiary.
His partner in the crime,
Charley Prencby, will be tried
on the same charge in this term
of court.
j This is Jnot the first offense
; for Perkins, as he has done time
! before and seems rather proud
! of the fact.
Dies on Monday in Hospital In Lin
The following was taken from
the Lincoln Journal of Tuesday.
Eugene will be remembered by
many ol our citizens, lie with
his parents having lived here
for some time a number of years
ago, at which time, his father,
Joe Opelt, was landlord of the
Union House.
“Eugene Opelt, son of Mrs.
Joseph Opelt, died of dropsy at
1 o’clock yesterday afternoon at
St. Elizabeth’s hospital at the
age of forty-one years. He will
be buried at 2;510 Wednesday
afternoon from the Walton
Roberts chapel on north Elev
enth street. Mr. Opelt had been
living in Omaha for several
years, but was brought to Lin
celn about five weeks ago. He
was unmarried and leaves one
brother, (’lyde Opelt of Denver,
besides his mother, who lives at
1035 J street, this city. The
Opelt family were among the
pioneers of Nebraska and tvven
ty or more years ago were the
most prominent hotel keepers
in Lincoln. Mr. Opelt died
about nine years ago, and the
family have since been scat
N. B. Judd and Wife Attend Home
Coming in Illinois
N. B. Judd and wife return,
ed last Friday from Wenona,
111., where they had been to at
tend a Judd home coming, and
they report the time of their
There were ninety-two present
at the gathering, all Judds and
their decendants, and at the ele
gant dinner prepared, eighty
were seated at one time. The
oldest one present was a lady
95 years of age, while the com
bined age of tne eight oldest
was 590. Beside the home com
ing celebration, the guests had
the pleasure of attending the
twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary of one of the relatives.
Mr. Judd informs us that
among the number, there were
many he had never met, while
there were others he had not
seen for forty years, but there
were no strangers, as it was
one huge family.
He also says that while it is
dry and dusty here, it is noth
ing to be compared to Illinois,
and Falls City looked mighty
good to them when they got
back home.
German Day
A great crowd attended the
German day celebration at Falls
City. The First Regiment band
was the feature of the day but
disappointed the people by not
giving an evening concert in the
band stand. The Banda Rossa
wouldn't do that—and our boys
must always be generous with
their music. They generally are
and the Falls City friends feel
bad because they cut out the con
cert. Well, sometime the band
will make good for the omission.
The boys were making for a train
which happened to be late but
they didn't know’ it. Had the
Falls City managers looked up
the train a concert would have
been had. The floats, parade
and fireworks were excellent. It
was a proud time for marshal of
the day, Peter Kaiser. Everest
defeated Falls City at base ball
7-0. Up to the last half of the
eight inning the score was 7 0 in
favor of Everest. Then the Falls
City crowd and the umpire gave
Everest the worst of it and came
very nearly winning the game,
getting in six runs in the last
i half of the eight inning. But
1 the robbers were foiled by Provi
dence and the Cood Young Men
from Everest were spared.—Hia
watha World.
Many Important Cases Are Dis
posed Of Jundge Raper
On the Bench
District court convened in
this city Monday morning, and
since that time it has been a
constant grind and much work
has been accomplished.
A grand jury was empaneled
but were discharged on Tuesday.
Court will adjourn tomorrow
lor a recess, but will be in ses
sion again next week.
Following are the cases dis
posed of;
Stale of Nebraska vs .fumes M. Har
ris, selling intoxicating liquor without
license; tried to jury uod found guilty.
State of Nebraska vs W.n. Perkins,
bvrglary; plead guilty: sentenced to
two years in penitentiary.
State of Nebraska vs I. N. Phillips,
subornation of perjury; recognisance
of $500.
James W. Hosford vs Geo. W. Brown
et al, ejectment, dismissed.
Lydia Sperry, et al, vs City of Fails
City, damages, dismissed.
C. B, & Q. It. It. Co. vs City of liulo,
Injunction, continued.
Charles Paradise vs James Hopper,
appeal from justice court, continued.
Adelaide Bode vs I'. H. Jussen and
G. W. Holland, to cancel mortgage,
Louis Knickerbocker and J. H.
executor, vs C. B. A Q. it. It Co.,
damages, continuea.
Wm. Lefever vs C. B. A <J. It It,
Co., damages, continued.
Peter Frederick, sr. vs Mrs. Ellen
Moran, foreclosure, continued.
Joseph Miles, executor, vs C. B. A
L>. 11. R. Co., damages, continued.
Stiite of Nebraska vs Sim Burk, bas
tardy, dismissed.
Edward Nolte vs Frank Howard, ap
peal, settled and dismissed.
John H. Tlehen, vs. Hiram itautsma
ct al, damages, eontinued.
Wm. Gossett vs C. H. Heineman and
G. B. Holt, to set u-lde contract and
for damages, continued.
John J. Kemper vs Frank Snethen,
equity, continued.
J. S. Boeck real name Jonc S. Boeck
vs S. B. Taylor, real name unknown,
equity, to eompel specific performance,
Herman Tjadeu vs William Tjaden
et al, partition, confirmed.
Wm. (Hto Vs O. B. A Q. K. It. Co.,
damages, on trial.
S. H. Bayne vs Dr. W. L. Kenney,
appeal, dismissed.
Emma Boeek vs Johu Boeck. divorce
J. H. Miles, executor, and John
Williams vs. County of Kiehardson,
L. J. Segrist vs Joe Graves, appeal,
Mary L. Carpenter vs Lyman J. Car
penter, divorce, dismissed.
Chas. Pribbeno vs Edwin Kouhidoux
et al, settled and dismissed.
Benjamin F. Stump vs Jennie M.
Stump, divorce, dismissed.
Elizabeth Wissman vs John Wiss
mnn. divorce, granted.
Wm. Shook, administrator of estate
of Elenry Leslie, deceased, vs Elenry
L.eslie, jr, judgment.
Chas. F. Pribbeno vs A. A N. and C.
B. A Q. It. K. Co., damages, contin
Missouri Pacific R. K Co. vs Drain
age Dist. No. 1. appeal, continued.
C. 15. A Q. Et. It. Co. vs Drainage
Dist. No. 1. appeal, contin ed.
Kiehardson Co. Neb., vs Drainage
Dist. No. 1, appeal, eontinued.
Wtll Co to South Dakota
Martin Kanalay, who disposed
of his house in this city a few
weeks ago, together with his
brother, John, has invested in
land in Wessington, S. D.. hav
ing purchased 420 acres. Martin
and his wife expect to leave for
their new home as soon as possi
ble. This estimable couple have
many friends here, and while they
dislike to see them leave, all wish
them unbounded success in their
northern home.
Ed Jones Better
The welcome news reached
this city that Ed Jones, who
underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis at a St. Joseph hos
pital last week, and who for a
time was in a critical condition,
is improving nicely and hopes
to be able to come home soon.