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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Rat Sowles Candy. S. A. Little was a Hiawatha visitor Friday. Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block, oppcsite court house. L. R. Chaney, the democratic war horse of Stella, was in the city Saturday. Dorothy White spent Friday with friends in Hiawatha and enjoyed the fair. Roscoe Anderson of Humboldt was transacting business at the hub, Wednesday. “Bob Curtis,” Milo Shields’ horse, got first place in the race at Hiawatha Friday. Miss Nelle Snyder attended the Hiawatha fair Friday and wit nessed the ball game. Dorothy White went to Lin coln Monday to enter on her sec ond year in the State University. Mrs. Frank Norris came down from Table Rock, Friday tor a visit with. relatives in this city. Nelle bnvder returned the lat ter part of the week from an ex tended visit with friends in Mon tana. The Lucky Bill Show drew a good crowd here Thursday night and all were pleased with the en tertainment. H. C- Davis and L. Knicker bocker were among the Falls City people who attended the Hia watha fair Friday. Mrs. Fred Cleveland, j r,. acd Nettie Cleveland of Nebraska City spent the latter part of the week in this city. Grace and Gertrude Lyford left Monday for Lincoln where they will be students at the State University the coming year. L. A. Ryan came up from St. Louis the latter part of the week to visit with his many friends and look after his interests here. Mrs. Bruno Hansen and little son went to Kansas City Satur day morning fora few days visit with her brother, Dr. Lee Kerr and wife. Pete Frederick and wife and Frank Smith and wife went to Hiawatha Friday to help our boys win that game from Horton. They made the trip in Mr Fred ericks’auto. Dressmaking I am now prepared to do gener al dress making of all kinds. First door south of Harlan street school. Hattie Bkannum Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver Don’t Rush Past! A good 8-room house, well located, 3 good cor ner lots, close in, well improved—a snap, only * i,Soo. See, or write, us at once. Cleaver &Sebold On Tuesday Win Mohler and family left thi;, city for their new home at Walton. Kas. These estimable people have been resi dent'. of thi' city for a longtime and we are sorrv they teel that a change is for the best. Mr. Mohler will give up hi' nursery business, having decided to ac cept the call to take charge of a church in his new home. Of course The Tribune will keep them posted on the doings in their old home. Our best wishes go witli them. Wm. Boose made this office a pleasant call Friday and ordered The Tribune sent to his son. Frank, at San Marcial, New Mexico, w-here he has been em ployed as superintendent of their schools, a position which he is well qualified to fill, and is in deed a compliment to one so yound in years On Tuesday evening of next week the Rebekahs of this city will hold an open meeting for all Odd Fellows. The affair will be in commemoration of the 51st anniversary of the Rebekali de gree. The ladies are arranging for a good time with a nice pro gram and refreshments The improvements at the Sunnvside green house are about completed, the large new boiler being put in place this week. Three large new houses have been added during the summer and now this popular firm are better prepared than ever to look after their vast trade. T. C. Cunningham was down from Verdon Saturday visiting with his old triends. He made this office a very pleasant call, renewing the subscrition to this great paper for F. C. Cook of Sabetha, Kas. Lon Bowers, the republican candidate for supervisor from Barada precinct, was a pleasant caller at this office while in the city Monday. Mr. Bowers is a new member ot The Tribune family. Horseback riding is becoming the popular pastime among our young ladies, and we have a number of good riders in our city. There is nothing more healthful or enjoyable than riding. One young lady was heard to re mark that“it was hard to believe she was away from home during her visit at the Hiawatha fair, as nearly all the people she saw were from Falls City.” All Baptists and their friends are invited to the annual church gathering, Wednesday, Septem ber 23. Refreshments and enter tainment free. All are invited to attend. Oddie Lapp returned Sundav evening from a six weeks trip through the west. She visited many places of interest and re ports an excellent time. Bill Brandow and O- K. Zook of Humboldt and S- H. Bolejack of Dawson were among those from the west end in our city Saturday. Remember the Candy Kitchen is the place when you want any thing in pure IceCream, Ices and Candies. Lost — Gold pin, oblong in shape, about one inch in diame ter. Return to V. G. Lyford’s store. Louis Plege and family will leave the last of this month for their new farm home in Missouri. Rev. Elza Martin of Peru spent a couple of days in the city the last of the week. W. L. White came in from his road duties Saturday and spent Sunday with his family. The usual busy crowd in town Saturday and the merchants were correspondingly happy. Mrs. John Martin of Lincoln is a guest of her parents, M. Gian nini and wife. Geo. Smith of Dawson was a pleasant caller at this office Sat urday. Miss Fields is entertaining a sister from Lincoln this week. A1 Adams was down from Salem Saturday. Allie‘Keeling is taking a two weeks rest from her duties at the telephone office Steve Miles left Monday for a week’s stay in Denver, taking a much needed rest. Rev. Teeter and family return ed Friday from a visit of a few weeks with relatives in Ohio. Evening services at St.Thomas church were resumed Sunday evening with a good attendance. Allan D. May and family came down from Auburn and spent Sunday with relatives in this city D- M. Meyers and wife of Mor rill, Kas., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Musselman over Sunday. Harry Cain is among the many Falls City students at the state university, having left for that place Sunday. John Mosiman sr., and Mrs. R. R. Johnson left the latter part of the week for a few weeks stay at Excelsion Springs. John Mosiman and family and Ernest Werner and wife attend ed the Mission feast at the Bau man church Sunday. The Misses Maddox went to Lincoln the first of the week, where they will be students at the Wesleyan university. Misses Ruth Heacock and Mil dred Holland went to Lincoln Monday, to again take up their studies at the state university. William Bobst, an old Richard son county boy, but now repre senting a Chicago millinery house was in the city Monday John Martin of Lincoln was in the city the first of the week,look ing after business and visiting at the home of M. Giannini and wife. According to the Hiawatha World, there is not a habitable empty dwelling house in Hiawa tha. Neither is there in Falls City. Frank Smith and wife are now occupying the Ryan cottage re cently vacated by Mr. Keiler and family who have moved to Hia watha. Miss Dorothy Morehead will be among the many from this city attending school in Lincoln the coming year, having left Tuesday for that place. The attention of the ladies is called to the elegant line of hair goods on display at the Patzinan Sisters millinery store. You can get anything you wish in the way of switches, puffs, curls, etc. Beginning with next Sunday our evening service will open at 7:30 o’clock, our other service will continue as usual. The young peoples’ chorus is becom ing an interesting and helpful feature of our church. They practice Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. 103 people came down on the plug Thursday morning. A large crowd came down on the afternoon train. The Falls City people support their base ball team in a way that is good to see. They sent four car loads of people to Auburn to see a game in which the Falls City team played.—Hiawatha World. Clyde Thacker, the gentleman ly and obliging cashier of the Farmer’s State Bank of Preston, left Monday for a months visit in Alberta, Canada. Clyde has been closely confined to his work for some time and no doubt this out ing will do him a world of good. L. W- Green will have charge of Mr. Thacker’s affairs at the bank during his absence. Good Morning! Did it ever occur to you that those Dull Headaches, from which you suffer, come from Eye Strain ? 7 ? • • • My “Headache" Classes relieve Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Falls City. Neb. Drive rheumatism out of the blood with lit, Shoop’s Rheumatism remedy and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real dis ease. Rheumatism isn't in the skin. It's deep down. Its constitutional. Get ting rid of the pain, is after all what counts. That is why Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic remedy yocs, by word of mouth from one to another. And here in lies the popularity ot the remedy. It is winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or liquid. Sold by all dealers. Steve Miles, son of Millionaire Miles, of Falls City, brought down part of the First National batik of that place, and offered even money on Falls City. lie had such a big wad of bills that he bluffed the whole crowd. He then offered to bet as high odds as 5 to 1 but no one wanted to put up their little old money against such a big w a d.— Hiawatha World. Rev. R- Cooper Bailey, D. D., lett Monday for Fairbury to at tend a meeting of Presbytery in session in that city this week. From there he goes to Hastings to look after matters pertaining to the Presbyterian college at that place. D. M. Harbaugh of Dawson, who has been topping the fat cat tle market at Kansas City for some time past, was down the past week with three car loads of black steers that were good enough to bring $8.(>0. Miss Bijou Meisenheimer of Hiawatha came over Monday and in company with Miss Dorothy White, went to Lincoln where she will attend the state university the coming year. Over in Hiawatha one corner of the court house yard is fixed up as a play ground for children, and is provided with a merry-^o-round swings, etc. They are not afraid of the grass over there. Rev. C. A. Mastin went to Au burn Wednesday, where the an nual conference is in session. There will be religious services at the church Sunday morning, but none in the evening. Mrs. James Isabelle and family returned Saturday night from quite an extended visit with rela tives in St. Louis, Kansas City and other Missouri points. Household goods, a two-seated surrey, buggy, cutter, harness, etc., will be sold at public sale at the home of W. S- Korner next Thursday. Thos Davies and wife Sun dayed with Councilman Riechers and wife. They returned to Au burn Sunday night. James Jaquet is at home help ingin his father’s store after rus ticating in the hay fields of Sher idan county. Mrs. John Startzel went to Wymore and Blue Springs, Fri day, to visit with relatives for a short time. Lloyd Shaffer left Monday for Lincoln, where he will enter the state university for the coming year. Misses Lois Spencer and Mat tie Shock are home after spend ing a few weeks in old Kentucky. John Hall, O. P. Veal and Walter Veach of Verdon saw the ball game here Wednesday. Joe Spickler and John Colglaz ier were among the Shubert peo ple in our city Monday. J. H- Pittock left the first of the week for St. Joe to pursue medical studies. Mrs. Hayden Bowers of Verdon spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Sidney Lapp returned Monday from a few. weeks stay in Sheri dan, Wyo. James Wiltse and wife of Rulo, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Mrs. Al Doe me r and son, Ed spent Sunday with relatives in Rulo. Sixty head of long yearling heifers for sale on one years time. :i4t2 E. S. Towle. Jake Marmet Sundaved with his familv in this city. Joe Glaze was up from Preston Monday. J L. Gandy of Humboldt was in the city Tuesday. Miss Isabel Nicholas leaves to day for a short visit at Red Oak, Iowa. Many good things will be otier ed at the W. S. Korner sale Thursday-. Earl Jellison who had his foot injured last week, was able to be in town Tuesday. Miss Daisy- Arnold of Verdon, was among the many visitors in this city Tuesday. Wm. Reynolds of Chester was the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Cox, the first of the week. John Wiltse and family spent Sunday on the old homestead with C. II. Wiltse and family. Mrs. W. A. Greenwald and Guy Greenwald, returned the lat ter part of the week from a few days spent in Chicago. A. McIntyre, representing the Kreis-Hubbard Umbrella Co. of Chicago, was in the city Tuesday, the guest of J. M. Jellison. Miss Katlirine Santoof St. Joe, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Joseph Santo, re turned to her home Thursday. W- S. Korner returned Thurs day- night from Canton, Ohio, where he had been in attendance at the G. A. R. National encamp ment. Mrs. T. L. Lewis of San Diego Cal., arrived in the city Monday and will visit for a time at the home of her brother-in-law, E- O. Lewis. O. T. Leyda and family return ed to their home in Weeping Wa ter Sunday, after a visit in this city with the families of J. E. and Wilber Levda. Arnold Schuetz was among the Humboldt people in our city Tuesday. He made this office a pleasant call, renewing his sub scription to this family necessity. Ear! Goddard, one of our old college boys, was in the city Monday, on his way home. Earl says Falls City looks good to him yet. He lives at Troy, Kas., now. Mrs. Wm. Gossett and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder were called to Horton, Kas.. Monday, by the serious illness of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gossett, wno is suffering with brain fever. Senator Burkett will tell you next Thursday evening in Falls City how to continue this pros perity for the next four years. Be sure and secure your ‘deposits’ before worrying about guaran teeing them. Miss Mary Glines returnedMon day, from Kansas City, where she had been visiting for some time with her friend, Mrs. Thompson, who starts shortly for England, where she meets her husband and together they will visit many places of interest in that country. Foley's Orino laxative is a new rem edy, an improvement on the laxative, of former veare, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Kerr's pharmacy. When Trifles Become Troubles If any person “ti*pe ■- •' it their kid neys are deranged they -hould take Folev’- Kidney llemedy at oaoe and not. risk having Height's disease or dia heti's. Delay gives t to* disi i-e a strong er footlai d and mu should 'iv delay taking r’eley's Kidney I! ne dy. Kerr's pha i nniey. BEFORE buying a watch you should learn about the HOW ARD—the one Ameri can watch that has real finish and adjustment—real fineness. The Howard is the finest practical time-piece in the world for daily pocket use. New extra-thin model Howard is the first American thin-model we can guarantee as a time-keeper. Every Howard is adjusted in its case, and price-ticketed at the factory—$35.00to$150.00. Price is never cut. We are diitributora for tbia diitioctive watch. R. B. SIMPSON North Window of Kerr's Pharmacy School Supplies If you want the best for your money in Tablets, ( Pencils, Inks or any thing in School Supplies TRY IS! A larger assortment than ever before. We solicit a share of of your business. McMillans PHARMACY Falls City, Nebraska " - ^ Hides and Purs Wanted Highest market prices—1st house south of Peter Freder ick, sr. PORTER RANDOLPH Phone 369 B For headache l)r. Miles’ Anti-Fain Fills. _ The Correct Styles ARE SHOWN IN OUR AUTUMN EXHIBIT OF JEWELRY IMfHATEVER it is in the Jewelry line, if you see it here, you mav be sure it is the correct style. Careful buying enables us to sell fine Jewelry at low prices—not cheap Jewelry, but good val ues at moderate figures. Satisfy yourself on this point by giving our goods your personal inspection. Apr iaaii FTThe “0,d Re,iab,e” • Ei* JMV^UE 1 Jeweler and Optician