The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 18, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals. Lodges. Clubs,
Churches. Etc
A dance at Wahl’s hall fur
nished amusement for lovers of
that pastime on the evening of
German day.
The teachers of the Central
school chartered a hack on Sat
urday morning and spent the day
in the woods. Tliej' report a
very pleasant outing.
The ice cream social given by
the Methodist Ladies Missionary
society at the home of Ed Fal
ioon on Friday evening was one
of the pleasant social functions
of the week. The ladies netted
a nice surn for their treasury.
There will be a meeting of the
City Federation of Womens clubs
at the Elk rooms on Saturday
afternoon at 3 o’clock and it is
earnestly requested that there be
a good attendance as business of
great importance is to be trans
Mrs. John Jones made Friday
a day long to be remembered by
the Degree of Honor ladies of
this city, whom she entertained
in a royal style at her beautiful
home on that daj\ Twenty-one
ladies were in attendance and
each reports a splendid time
The hostess served an elegant
lunch during the afternoon.
The Seniors furnished enter
tainment for the pupils at the
high school Friday forenoon.
Miss Schoenheit rendered a piano
selection, Schubert's Impromptu,
and Helen, accompanied by Miss
Morsman sang “Who’s at My
Window.” Prof- Downey of
Peru was then introduced, who
gave a very interesting talk.
These social entertainments are
becoming quite popular in our
schools and are greatly enjoyed.
The Woman’s Auxiliary of St.
Thomas church, met with Mrs.
John Crook Monday evening and
enjoyed a most pleasant session.
The lesson, “Missionary Work in
Alaska,” was led by Mrs. Mors
man, followed by an interesting
and general discussion. After
the program Mrs. Crook served
splendid refreshments. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. J. M,
Jellison, where a continuation of
the same lesson will be the study,
with Miss May Maddox as leader.
The Shakespeare club held its
initial meeting of the year with
Mrs. T. L. Himmelreich on Fri
day, Sept., 11. Mrs. T. J. Gist
gave an instructive talk upon the
meeting of the convention of the
Federation of Women’s clubs
held in Boston last June. Mrs.
Banks supplemented Mrs. Gist’s
address bv a few well chosen re
marks. Mrs Lyford was elected
delegate to the state convention
to be held in Omaha. October 12.
Adjourned to meet with Mrs.
Holland, Sept. 25.
The Soplimores entertained the
Freshmen at the high school Fri
day evening- It was their initi
ation into the high school anu
from all reports the program
must have been unique as well as
enjoyable. Lavender and white
was the color scheme used in
decorating the rooms which were
used, especially the dining room,
where brick ice cream and cake
were served. The freshmen are
now consoling themselves by
thinking of the good time in
store for them when they expect
to play even- Just the high
school pupils and the faculty of
the high school building were
Dies in Hastings. Nebraska. Sun
day, September, 13
The sad news reached this city
Monday morning of the death oi
Edwin P. Glines, which occur
red at* Hastings, the day before.
Ed was born and grew to man
hood in this city and counted his
friends by the entire circle of his
acquaintances, for he had nc
enemies. He was always an up
right, industrious boy, and had
been employed for years in the
cigar factory in this city.
About three years ago Ed’s
health began to fail, and despite
all efforts he could get no relief,
and when death came to relieve
bis suffering, to him it was a
welcome visitor.
Edwin P. Glines was born
August 1«>, 1875, in Falls City
and died in Hastings, September
13, 1908, aged 35 years and 27
days. He was married to Miss
Clara Babb, July 20. 1905. He
was an honored member of the
Masonic, K- of P. and I O. R.M.
orders, being past chancellor
commander of the K. of P., and
past sachem of the Redmen. He
was at one time president of the
local cigar makers" union. The
remains were brought to this city
Tuesday morning, and the fu
neral service was conducted at
the cemetery by Rev. Neide and
the Masonic order.
He leaves besides his wife, a
father, three brothers and two
sisters, all of whom were at the
funeral except Jack Glines. it be
ing impossible for him to get
here in time. To the bereaved
ones The Tribune joins with a
host of friends in extending their
The Preston Mercantile Company
a Pretentious Corporation
“Tell me the character of your
business men,’’ once said the late
Marshal Field, “and I will tell
you the future of your town.”
This article is not an adver
tisement. we wouldn't accept a
cent for it. Rather, it is a volun
tary tribute to some young busi
ness men who are determined to
put Preston on the map.
Not long since these young fel
lows, with a few of the older
heads, organized a bank down
there. Preston had always need
ed such an institution and the
welcome it received,together with
the aggressive and conservative
management made the bank a
success at once. A member of
the banking board recently spoke
to the writer in the most glowing
terms of this bank.
And now comes Henry Zoeller,
Ed Dowty, Harry Herman, the
Margrave boys and several others
and incorporated the Preston
Mercantile Co., with a paid-up
capital of $20,000, and an unlim
ited capital in the confidence and
respect of the entire community.
This company will do a gen
eral elevator, lumber, coal and
mercantile business. All of its
different branches are already
established, but that the enter
prise will prove a success goes
without saying- In the mean
time look for Preston to grow,
for this crowd is made up of
pushers, and pushers are the
ones who do things.
Omaha Will Be Hera
All arrangements have been
made and the Omaha base ball
team will sure be here Wednes
day afternoon- This is the league
team which finished second
place in the pennant race just
closed, and we are sure of a fine
exhibition of the national game.
While our boys are not league
players, here’s dollars to dough
nuts, they’ll make Omaha play
i ball.
A Large Crowd Was in Attendance
and Everyone Enjoyed
The second annual celebra
tion by our German friend*, was
even more of a success than that
of last year, and the program
as carried out was greatly en
joyed by the large crowd in at
During the forenoon the time
was given to getting ready for
the crowd and entertaining the
early arrivals.
The atternoon trains brought
hundreds of visitors from sur
rounding’ towns and at 8 o’clock
the parade formed and marched
up Stone street. It was headed
by the marshal of the day, fol
lowed b}T the mayor and council
in gaily decorated automobiles.
Then came the Hiawatha band
playing their splendid music
throughout the entire line of
march. The floats, Columbia
and Germania,were very pretty.
They were occupied by Mrs.
Conrad Brecht and Mrs. L’eter
Kaiser, dressed to represent
each country. The Falls City
band followed and compared
most favorably with the other
in the music furnished. The
members of the Deutsche Ges
sellschaft made a tine showing,
being there in a body, and were
an important feature in the pa
rade. The Kaffee Klatcli club,
composed of a number of Ger
man ladies, occupying a nicely
decorated lloat, made a very
pretty picture, while the farm
ers threshing wheat in old time
style, was true to life. Werner
& Mosiman and George Fall
stead each represented their
business by decorated automo
biles. Sigmund Spaeth and his
German band were there, and
tbeonly fault to find with them
was that they did not furnish
more music. John Hossack and
his society for the recovery of
stolen horses, brought up the
rear of the very creditable pa
The line of inarch led to the
park where the following pro
gram was rendered:
National Hymn - - America
Address of Welcome Mayor Abbey
Overture—'‘Diehter Bauer"
Hiawatha Band
Oration—John Mattes, Nebraska City
Overture—‘ Deutsche Liecter"
Hiawatha Band
Address - • Hon. A. E. Gantt
Kaiser Frederick March
Hiawatha Band
German National Hymn
“Es Braust ein Iluf*
In the evening there was an
other parade consisting of bands
illuminated floats, automobiles,
etc., and the program fnr the
day closed with a tine display
of lireworks, after which a gen
eral good time was indulged in.
The day was a huge success,
and those who had the affair in
charge did themselves proud.
It was one of the largest
crowds Falls City has seen tor
Nebraska City was well rep
Tne Hiawatha band was here
and everyone enjoyed the excel,
lent music they furnished.
The street ‘•fakir’’ was very
much in evidence, and their
numerous booths and the bark
ing of the ‘speelers, ’ gave Stone
street the air of a midway.
As a marshal, Peter Kaiser
looked very commanding in his
gay uniform.
Everyone was good natured
and caused the police no trouble.
Uncle Jesse Crook Surprised or
82d Birthday
I'ncle Jesse Crook was the vie*
i tim of a pleasant surprise Satur
day evening, perpetrated by his
many relatives in thiscitv.
The plans had been arranged
by his daughter, Mrs- J. K. Wil
hite, and all had been kept so
quiet that the surprise was com
The victim and his wife had
been persuaded to take supper at
the home of their son, W- R.
Crook, and in the meantime sev
eral of the lacties went to his
home and made ready for the
guests. The flora! decorations
were confined entirely to wild
flowers, while the house was
lighted with candles in oldfash*
ioned candlesticks.
Shortly after 8 o clock the un
suspecting ones started for home
and when they reached there, the
surprise which greeted them was
almost too much to bear. After
a time, however. Uncle Jesse got
his bearings and the most pleas
ant evening of his life was the
result. The time was spent in
pleasant reminiscence and sing
ing old time songs, while Uncle
#esse told many of the experiences
of his pioneer life.
At an opportune time, G. J.
Crook, in a few remarks, started
the penny shower. Each family
was requested to bring a penny
for each year of their host's life,
and in the final summing up, it
was found taat Uncle Jesse had
about all the pennies in town,
there being -,000 in the pile. The
recipient, tried to thank the
guests, but was so overcome that
the happ3’ tears flowed and words
were unnecessary.
A large table had been placed
on the porch and a water melon
feast was much enjoyed.
It was indeed a pleaeant even
ing and one long to be remem
bered by the forty relatives pres
Prof. Z. O. Dean a Victim of
A cablegram received by rela
tives the first of the week an
nounces the death of Prof- A. O.
Dean, which occurred in Manila
on the 8th of September, the re
sult of an operation for appen
Prof. Dean is well known in
this county, having taught a year
in Preston and was superintend
ent of the Rulo schools for two
years. He also spent a great
deal of time over the county in
the interest of a school supply
house. About four years ago, he
with his wife and little daughter,
went to the Philippines, where
he has been employed as a
The death was doubly sad as
the end came without his wife
and daughter with him. They
returned to this country about a
year ago on account of the lat
ter's health and had sailed about
the first ot August, tor their
home, but had not yet arriyed at
the time of his death. Deceased
had many friends here who ex
tend condolence to the bereaved
Two Hundred Years Old
To celebrate the two hun
dredth anniversary of the found
ing of the Brethren church in
Germany, a stereoptican lecture
will be given at the Brethren
church Sunday evening, show
ing people and places promi
nent in the church in America.
The public is invited to the
services at 7:30 p. m- A
free-will offering will be taken
to meet the expense of the en
Win Three Out of Four Games
Played with Horton
and Everest
Those who witnessed the ball
games in Hiawatha last, week, say
they were by far the best games
played by onr boys this season.
Everyone played professional ball,
and the large crowd that went
over from this place were well re
paid for their trip.
The following account of Thurs
days game taken from the Hiawa
tha World, will show you how it
“The Falls City baseball teasers
cnyie down Thursday afternoon
and went out to the ball park.
The Horton Star soon began to
fall and at the end of the nine
innings of hard base ball playing
they were all down except Harry
Page, who went around the hori
1 zon for a home run in the ninth,
after it looked like a shut out.
Foster, the first man up for Falls
City, got a hit, but Poteet who
followed, struck into a double,
spoiling the chance to score. Par
ker, for Horton, did the teg nning
of the double pet by quickly field
ing to Chappie, who doubled to
Page. In their half Horton pop
ped up a little fly and Kelsey, the
Irish pitcher for Falls City struck
out two. FaiiB City did their
stunt in the second when Sears
got a life on Cobbs’ error. Foeh
linger put a liner down to first
but Page gobbled it up. Ileucock
got a fielders choice and then
swiped one with Foehliuger on
third. Kelsey, the Irish slab
artist, saw the pinch and sent a
grounder down between short and
second that sounded like the tear
ing of a. mile of canvas. Two
dents in the pan showed for the
Brewers and that was all they
needed. Kelsey was clearly the
star for Falls City, striking out
an even dozen Horton players and
winning the game by his ground
hit. Heck for Falls City made a
wonderful catch, nabbing Parker,
who was stealing second, thus
keeping Horton from scoring in
the seventh. Page’s homer in the
ninth was the saving feature of the
game, scoriug Horton's only run.
Falls City.0 20000002
Horton.0000000 0 1
Batteries,Kelsey and Poteet ;Bark
tey and Burke. Umpire, A. Hut
chinson of Robinson.”
Friday’s game was equally ns
good, but our boys were a little
stingy and did not allow Horton
to even look at home plate. The
score for the secoud game was
it to 0. Horton had a fine bunch
of players but were just a little
out classed.
The game on Tuesday after
noon with Everest and Falls City
as opponents, was about the
worst mixture of good and bad
ball playing our fans have wit
nessed in some time. Heacock
pitched winning ball, striking out
eight men and allowing but four
hits. The twirler for Everest
! did not do nearl) such good work
! but he had the support.
The first and second innings
were good, but in the third Ever*
est succeeded, through a bunch
of errors and a home run, to score
three men and there was nothing
more doing until the seventh,
when by another bunch of errors,
mingled with a good display of
■ boy play on the part of our boys,
Everest added four more to their
credit, making the score 7 to 0.
This stopped ihe fun for the
visitors as our boys finally decid*
Continued on Eighth page
The Gehling Will Open on Thurs
day Night Of Next Week
“Down Vermont Way” is the
attraction secured by Manager
Gehling for the opening of bis
popular play house on Thursday
night of next week, September 24.
The attraction is one of the best
dramas touring this season and no
doubt will be greeted by a large,
The patrons of the Gelding will
see on this opening night several
changes, which the manager has
made during the closed season,
which will add much to the con
venience of the house. While the
building inspector, during his re
cent visit to the city pronounced
the Gelding far above the average
in point of safety in case of fire,
still these few changes have been
made in order to make it doubly
secure and that none may feel in
the least way timid about entenug
Mr. Gelding lias many' fine at
tractions booked for the season
and our theater goers may look
for a pleasant winter along this
Taft Boom To Be Opened Here
Thursday Evening
Senator Burkett will lie with
us next Thursday evening. Sep
tember 24, ami this will be your
opportunity to hear the issues of
the day discussed by one who
knows. A rousing meeting is ex
pected and it is hoped every voter
in the county will hear Burkett
on that night
Ed. Jones Seriously III
Ed. Jones was sie/.ed with a
sudden attack of appendicitis
on Monday morning, and dis
pite all efforts, -'ontinued to
grow worse. Dr. Geiger, a
noted physician frofn St. Joseph,
was sent for, arriving Tuesday
night and at once decided that
an operation was necessary and
the patient was taken Wednes
day morning to St. Joseph,
where he was placed in a hos
pital. An operation was per
formed that day hut up to the
tune of going to press, we have
not learned his condition. Ed’s
many friends here sincerely
hope for a speedy recovery.
Clias. Putnam and Miss Cora
Daniels of this city, quietly
slipped away to Auburn last
Wednesday, where they were
inui i itrd, thus surprising llieii
many friends in this city.
Both young people are well
known in this city. The groom
is the son of W. H. Putnam,
and is identified with the pop
factory. The young couple will
go to housekeeping in the north
part of town for a short time,
until a home can be prepared
nearer his place of business.
The Tribune unites with many
in extending congratulations.
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our heart
felt thanks, to friends,neighbors,
lodge associates and others who
so kindly assisted us, during the
illness and death of our beloved
mother, Caroline Lange.
Mks. F. W. Millkk.
Mks. Chas. Lokek.
Mks. Aug. Neitzkl
Mks. I. L. Beaulieu,
Mks. j. c. Tannek.
Card of Thanks
We wish to return thanks to
i all who were so kind to us at the
j death and burial of our son and
brother. Especially do we thank
the members of the Masonic,
Knights of Pythias and Redmen
orders, for their kindness.
E- P- Glines and Family
John Evans of Shubert, was a
visitor here yesterday.