The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 11, 1908, Image 8

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    Henry G. Smith
240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Rest of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1 miles from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment.
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. S12.000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
.107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
80 acres ?4-mile from Falls City high school.
640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan ,
L. i
The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Harry Huber 1- working m tn. post |
Will Calkin* went to Table Kook j
Herman Kloepfel v\as in Fall* City
Mrs. Olive Graham was in St. Joe
Will Hinton of Omaha was in Rulo j
last week.
Mrs. Cha- Huber wa* in St. Joel
last week.
T.R. Long of Hamburg,Iowa arrived
here Saturday.
A baby girl was burn to Mr. and j
Mrs. Ed Dav L.
Wilbur Long came down from j
Omaha Friday.
Grover Daugherty of Fort Hazel Is!
visiting ir: llulo.
Frund Simon and wife were St Joe
visitors Monday.
Mrs. P. J. Emig and children visited
Atchison friends.
Chas. and Lila 1‘ifer were Atchison
visitors Saturday.
Elmer Arnold and wife attended the
state fair last week.
Dodo Anderson and A1 Moore went
to Hiawatha Monday.
Mrs. Plumb of Lee Summit is visit
ing old frjends in llulo.
Mr. and Mrs. Relnkc of Barada were
Rulo visitors last week.
Ralph Wlnterbottom i* attending
school in Atchison this week.
Earnest Koeler and family of Fargo
visited llulo friends last week.
H. M. Smith who is working at
Beatrice spent Sunday in Rulo,
Will McCurnber of Preston visited
friends here the first of the week.
Nellie Coupe of Falls City will teach
the grammar room here this year.
Mrs. John Chany and children re
turned from the Big lake Sunday,
J. W. Mann of White Cloud was vis
itfng old friends In llulo la-t week.
Mrs. Arthur Lytle and children re
turned from a visit at Maitland. Mo.
II. J. Emig went to Nebraska City
week to look after business interests
Mrs. Bessie Dolman of Kansas City
is visiting her parents, Mr. LeBlaneb
and wife.
Mrs. Will Cunlngham and daughter
Lueile attended the circus at St. Joe
Mrs. Todge McKiever and children
of Falls City are guests of Mrs. Cronin
and family.
Max Gesser. wife and daughter Ruth
returned frmr. a visit with Nebraska
City relatives
Dolph Pierce came up from Iowa
Point, Saturday and spent Sunday
with home folks.
Will Craig of North Burrow arrived
here Saturday to attend the funeral of
his father in-law.
School commenced Monday at the
public school and also at the convent
with good attendance.
A1 Moore of Council Bluffs arrived
here Saturday to be present at th*e
funeral of John Anderson.
Floyd and Mable Long of Council 1
Bluffs were called to Rulo by the death J
of their grandfather, John Anderson.'
Agnes Schrader left Sunday for1
Preston wbere she will teach in the:
primary department the coming year.
J. A. Hinkle and family visited with
his father at Forteseue Sundao. A
family reunion was held there that
Mrs. Osburn and son returned from
Lincoln Sunday. She was accom
panied by her mother. Mrs. Jacobson
of Dorchester.
Roy Dykes and mother who have >
been visiting Kulo friends moved to I
Jensen, Neb., where Roy has a posi-1
tion iu the city schools.
Rev. Maze preached at the Holiness
church Suuuoy morning but was com
pelled to hasten home owing to the
serious sickness in his family.
The oldest son of Walter Palmer fell
from a tree wbere he was picking
apples Saturday and broke his arm
At this writing he is doing nicely.
The younger members of the band
gave a party one night last week at
the home of Mrs. John Cayerzagie.
All present report a pleasant evening.
A dainty lunch was served and al! re
port a pleasant evening.
James Ford suffered Sunday from
what threatened to tie lock jaw. In
some manner he run a splinter us
large a-a match in his hand. . It took
two doctors to remove the splinter.
At this writing he is some better.
On Tuesday night of last week about
forty of the friends and neighbors of
Mrs. Mary Simons met at her home
for the purpose of giving liar a birth
day surprise. They presented Mrs
Simmons with a beautiful rocking
chair ami a set of nice plates, cups and
saucers. A nice lunch was served and
at a late hour all departed for their
several homes.
On Sunday a number of the friends
and many relatives gathered to cele
brate the diamond wedding of Wm.
Jones and wife which oceured a few
days ago. An elaborate dinner was
served on this occasion Seventy-five
years is a long time to travel life’s
road together and this couple have
seen great changes take place in the
country since they came to Ilulo in
18811. Both enjoy the best of health.
Uncle Billy, as all know him, is past
!Hi and Mrs. .(ones will be !i!i in January
Those from a distant were Ben Car
penter and wife Toledo. Ohio: Anth
ony Fut8eheo and family and Lydia
and Rufus Brown. Wyoming: Lafe
Founts, St. Joe, Selma and Albert
Smith, Biglow, Mo.
Mr. Wyke of Stella spent Sunday
Wm. Snelling wa; in Lincoln Wed
Mrs. C. A. Townley spent Sunday near
Worth King and wife attended the
state fair.
C. A. Lord and family weut to Falls
City Sunday.
Millard Goodloe of Stella was in
town Sunday.
Robert Palmer attended the stute
fair la^t week.
Ralph Clark was a business visitor
here this week
F. N. Kinton and wife were country
visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Culp of Nemaha is here
visiting relatives.
Jake Motsinger is now very sick
with typhoid fever.
Willard Shubert returned Friday
from his Iowa visit.
John Ahern sr, left Tuesday for
Soline, North Dakota.
Mrs. M. T. Hill was the guest of rel
atii es at Nemaha Tuesday.
Ed Lambert and wile of Hastings
are here visiting relatives,
Born to Herman Race and wife on
Tuesday, Sept. I a daughter.
Theodore Hill left Tuesday for Oma
ha where he will attend school.
H E. Williams and wife were Ne
maha visitors during the week.
Joseph Spickler, wile and children
returned from Oregon Tuesday.
Wm. Boatman and wife of Verdon
was In our town a few hours Wednes
J. P. King and wife attended the
Home Coming picnic at Brownville,
A. N. Harris and wife are now en
tertaining their friend, Mrs. Sam Otto
of Verd#n.
Grandma Evans returned home Fri
day from a several weeks visit with
relatives in Ohio.
Mrs. Frank Oalhout lias been enjoy
ing herself visiting relatives at Meiiea
Minn., during the past week.
Lee Pond and wife arrived here
Tuesday from Gettysberg, S. D. where
they expect to visit for some time.
Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers
Foley’s Honey and Tar affords imme
diate relief to asthma sufferers in the
worst stages and if taken in time will
effect a cure. Kerr's pharmacy.
Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey
and Tar have been sold without any
person ever having experienced any
other than beneficial results from its
use for coughs, colds ami lung trouble.
This is because the genuine Foley’s
Honey and Tar in the yellow package
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs. Guard your health by refusing
any but the genuine. Kerr's pharmacy.
Gardner McKee was down from pu r!
ing over Sundav.
Kd. Seits was a Falls City visitor the
first of the week,
E. C. Collapp and wife were Lincoln
visitors this week.
Archie Webster has returned from a
visit with St. Joe friends.
F. W, Elliott visited Auburn rela
tives the first of the week.
Miss Mildred Shirley has ret'rned
from her visit with Lincoln relatives.
Miss Grace Shurtleff has returned to
Lincoln to resume her musical studies.
L. M. Billings and wife of Table
Uock, were to attend the funerui of O.
I. Hall.
Mrs. Uert Kuper of Auburn, wasthis
week visiting her parents. Win. Tjaden
and wife.
Mrs. Martha Burgett died Sunday at
her home south of town, after an ex
tended illness.
Mrs. John Power arrived home Mon
day Jnight from a several week's so
journ in Kansas,
Herbert Ford left Saturday night for
Grand Island, where he will attend
college this year.
Mrs. A. J. Edwards and Mrs. Hark
Bradley, returned Monday from a visit
with Auburn friends.
Mrs. M. E. Kentner and Helen were
down from Beatrice a few days this
week visiting friends.
Mrs. VVm. Tjaden returned to Hia
watha, Kas., to continue treatment in
a sanitarium at that place.
Mabel Buerstetta of Tecumseh, spent
u few days this week with her brother.
A. S. Buerstetta and family.
Lulu Hummel returned to Lincoln
the past'week to resume her musical
studies at the conservatory.
Mrs. Grace Abbott arrived in this
city Friday from her home in Kearney
to visit her friend Zoe Nims.
Claud Fergus has workmen employed
in laying a foundation for a fine resi
dence on his farm east of town.
Mrs- Maggie Stratton returned Mon
day from a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Zora Cochran, in Wymore.
Dottle Moser of Riverside, Cali., ar
I rived here Thursdav for a vitlt with
j former friends and acquaintances.
J. T. Briggs and family have this
j wreek been entertaining Misses Edna
and Verne Briggs, of Onedia, Kas.
Mrs. Lelia Clydesdale and baby of
Gaylord, Kas., arrived Tuesday for a
visit with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Meyer.
Miss Maude Vance came from Beat
rice the fore part of the week to spend
a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ellen
Belle Shrader returned Friday to
Chicago, after a visit with her sisters,
I Mesdatnes W. D. Elmore and Emma
Oakley James departed Monday
night for Smithvlew, Mo., where he
has secured the superintendeney of the
Floyd Furse and wife have recently
moved to Auburn, where Mr. Furse
will be employed by the music compa
ny of that city.
Mrs. Freeaian Lynch, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Brandow,
left Thursday for her home in Gay
ve*'•*, South Dakota.
Miss Hattie Mobley who has been
here for soma time visiting her sister.
Mrs. Wm. Kershaw, returned Sunday
to her home in Salem.
Mss. E. C. Wittwer left Saturday to
spend a few weeks with her husband,
Dr. Wittwer, who is holding a position
in a hospital in St. Louis.
W. A. Winheim of Summertleld,
Kas., visited several days the past
week at the home of James Philpot.
He returned .Monday accompanied by
his wife, who had been here for a few
weeks visiting her relatives.
E. D. Loekard, one of the pioneer
settlers of this locality, died Sunday at
his home in the north part of town, af
ter an extended illness. Funeral ser-*
vices conducted by Kev. Cantrall, from
the home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs.Chris BonzhotT died Friday at
her home east of town after a sickness
of short duration. Funeral services
were held from the German M. E.
church Sunday afternoon, conducted
by the pastor. Rev. H. A. Hohenwald.
Mack Seits, son of Sam Seits, sr..
died Friday at his home in Pawnee
conuty, from the etTects of injuries sus
tained in a runaway. The remains
were shipped to Humboldt Saturday
and interred in the cemetery adjoining
this city. He is survived by a wife
two children.
Crowd i'll Out Last Week
Flemming llobb and wife of Verdun
saw the Gill 1 game here Thursday.
Hurt Davis of Oklahoma is visiting
friends in this vicinity this week.
.M illie Benson o! Geneva spent Sun
day with lone Shiek at this place.
Ilichard Morris intended to leave
for Texas Tuesday to look for land.
Thos. Higgins and family returned
to their home at Elk Creek Sunday.
I.lz|e Bicknell of Eik Creek was the
guest of lone Shiek of this place Fri
C. F. Vaught and wife visited with
.J. A. Vaught and family the past
John Timerman has been visit
ing his brothers and daughter the past
Joseph Cornelius of near Humboldt
spent Friday at this place visiting
F. N. and Florence Nutter went to
Hiawatha Sunday afternoon to visit
Geo Harral of Humboldt cnme to
thu place on business last Saturday
M H. Vandeveuter and family re
turned from their trip to the west Fri
day evening.
Dr Fitzsimons of Teeuraseh who is
running for congressman came to this
place Friday.
Mrs. Margaret Wood and daughters
returned from their visit with rela
tives in the north.
Emma and Tillie Genzlinger of Burr
spent three days with their friend Miss
Lydia Barstler while here.
Nelson Timmerman of Verdon visit
ed at the home of his brother, S, E.
Timmerman Sunday afternoon.
Dennis Wpller who has been visiting
his parents at this place returned on
Sunpay to his work at West Point.
Claud Crandall of Burr played in the
bund here during the picnic and was
the guest of A. H. Barstler while here.
John Mark of Verdon came to this
place and put the big tent for our
people. John is a handy man at this
T. A. Walker who has been visiting
relatives in Kansas for some time re
turned home Thursday afternoon and
attend school at this place.
Allan D. May and wife of Auburn
visited friends and attended the picnic
Friday. Mr. May played the clarinet
in the band that afternoon.
A. E Camblin of Nemaha is again
made manager of the Stella opera
house and has been very busy the past
week iretting in shape for the coming
Clyde HardeD, wife and daughter
Ena of Verdon visited friends at this
place the last afternoon of the picnic.
Mrs. Harden went to the country and
qisitcd her parents until Sunday.
C. A. Lord has been a visitor at this
place several times the past week and
he is always given the glad hand. Mr.
Lord now has a touring car and makes
the trip from Shubert to Stella in a
Melvin HoutK of Verdon buys a
small tract of land from L. D. Troxeie
Wednesday evening. The land lies
over in the bluffs near the river and is
considered good land. The deal was
completed at this place.
Prof. Leister of Falls City was a vis
itor at this place Thursday afternoon
and making acquaintances with the
many people of this community. He
h«s charge of the business college ajd
is undoubtedly a good man for the
L. L. Davison had a runaway Thurs
day when he was returnidg from where
he had been repairing his threshing
machine. Just north of the Withee
place his horse gave a jump and began
to run throwing Leslie to the ground
and battering his face up in such a
shape that he had to come to town and
get it patched up, Nothing serious
was the result other than flesh wounds
and bruises. The buggy was a com
plete wreck.
Elijah Stanley was in town on busi
ness this week.
Jim McFarland was in town a few
hours Tuesday.
A baby boy was born to T. L Briggs
and wife last week.
Roy Tomlinson and wile spent Wed
nesday in Falls City.
H. E. Winfrey of Carroll, Nebraska
arrived Friday morning for a visit
with parents and relatives. His wife
and babies have beep visiting at this
place a few days.
M. Barsiler returned from Herman,
Neb , Friday evening.
K T. Lambert and wife are visiting
home folks pear Shubert.
L). S. Krob of this place has bought
a -ix chair barber shop at Lincoln.
Ambrose Weller of West Point i
here this week visiting his parents.
F. S. Strioglield, wife and little son
of Fort Orook are visiting relatives
Charles Tiffany of Kansas City was
trie guest of Dan Sarvis and wife over
W. E. Lusk left Tuesday for Ottawa
Kansas where he will attend school
this year.
Joseph Wagner and John Jenkins
are at Elk Creek this week buying
some steers.
Geo. Coffman and wife of Hubbell,
are visiting their daughter,, Mrs. Lea
Crofford this week.
J. W. Armstrong of Auburn visited
his daughter, Mrs. E. W. James at this
place over Sunday.
Little Verne Faradice has been visit
ing his grandparents, Daniel Sarvis
and wife the past week.
Blanche Monnette and Hazel Hog
refe left this week for Atchison where
they will attend college.
Hlma Plasters left Sunday for Au
burn where she will enter the senior
I grade of the high school.
Marion Thomas of Illinois and Lor
ton and Elisha Thomas of -Missouri
are visiting Mrs. Joseph Marts.
T. L Briggs left Tuesday noon for
his home town in Indiana where he
will visit and look for a location.
Jess Scott who has been in the army
for some time is at this place on a fur
lough visiting his brother Claude.
Blanche and Lela McCray left the
latter part of the week for Bethany,
where they will enter Cotner univer
W. II. Wheeler of this ulac'e left
| Saturday morning for New Vork state
i where he will spend six weeks visiting
j friends and home folks,
i Daniel Sarvts took the ballots for
I West Muddy to Falls City Wednesday,
and J. R. Gergens of west of town rep
resented Porter township.
The teachers in the Stella schools
this year are Prof I. G. Wilson, Miss
McCready of Pawnee, Miss French of
Saiem, Miss Riggs of Shubertand Miss
! Jennie Thompson.
Rev. F. R. Shick left Tuesday for
Hardy to atteud the Lutheran church
convention which begun Wednesday.
No services will be held in the Luth
eran church at this lace next Sunday.
J.Clyde Baldwin who has been work
ing in Mexico for the past year arm
ed home for a visit with his parents, A.
J. Baldwin and wife of this place until
about tne middle of November. Clyde
has come home to cast bis ffat vote for
the president elect.
It's a pity when sick ones drug the
stomach or stimulate the Heart and
kidneys. That is all wrong. A weak
Stomach means weak stomach nerves,
always and this is also true of the heart
and kidneys. The weak nerves are in
stead crying out for help. This ex
plains why Dr. Shoop’s Restorative is
promptly helping stomach, heart and
kidney ailments. The Restorative
reaches out for the actual cause of
these ailments—the failing ‘inside
nerves.’ Anyway test the Restorative
48 hours. It wont cure as soon as that
but you will surely know that help is
coming. Sold by all dealers.
The Pine Ridge school began Mon
Mr. Steliks spent Sunday in DuBois,
visiting relatives.
The farmers in this vicinity are pre
paring their ground for wheat.
John Church spent Saturday and
Sunday in DuBois visiting relatives.
Mrs Scouten and daugnter of To
peka. Kansas spent the week in this
Gilbert Dodds, weo has been work
ing for D. W. Ryan near Shubert dur
ing the [last week, returned home
George Alberts who has been in
South Dakota visiting his brothers,
Herman and Henry returned home
Mike Butler accompanied him to look
after some land in that state.
Miss Mildred Briggs, who began I
teaching the Franklin school Monday,
Aug. Ill is giving evidence of being a
good instructor. She is capable of
imparting practical knowledge about
the Pacific Ocean and western IT. S
having lived near Puget Sound for a.
few years.
Every person should know that good
health is impossib'e If the kidney? ai
deranged. Foley’s Kidney Remedy
will cure kidney and bladder disease in
every form, and will build up and
strengthen these organ? so they will
Perforin rheir fnrction? properly. No
danger of Bright's disease or diabetes
if Fole> '? Kidney Remedy is taken in
time. Kerr’s pbartnaey,
.Take Bloom was in Nebraska City
O. P. Veal was a Lincoln visitor
last week.
Mrs. Maud Veal was a Falls City
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. .Sarah Goolsby visited relatives
at Falls City Sunday.
Heath Griffiths has returned from
his visit to Wytnore.
Landon Yantis of Long Island, is
visiting relatives here.
Blanche Armbruster was up from
the county seat Sunday.
Miss Lippold of Fails City spent
Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. Fogle.
Nelie Weaver and Lizzie Conover
were Auburn visitors Friday.
Mrs. Moore of Wvmore is here visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. D. G. Griffiths.
Mrs. Ed Fraunfelder and daughter
Julia spent Saturday at the county
Mesdames Harden and Heineman
have returned from their trip *o Penn
Geo. Abbott and wife of Falls City
spent Wednesday with C G Humph
rey and wife.
Chas. Weaver. Jesse Smith Lou
Parsons and Rollie Frandlln attended
the ball game at Auburn Friday.
Estray Notice
Taken up on my farm 6! _■ miles
southwest of Falls City a Poland
China boar, 4 white feet with
tusch on one side, weighing- about
430 pounds.
E. .1. SatthkWHITE
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Legal Notice
In the Matter of the Application f
of Clyde Thacker. Guardian to -
Sell Real Estate l
Now, on this 31st day of August, I'm*, the pc
titlon of Clyde Thacker, guardian of Frr.ttk I*.
Davis, a minor and Harry Davis, a minor, for
permission to sell the Interest of said minors in
tile West half of the Northeast uunrtcr of Sec
tion 33, Township 1, Range IT. in Richardson
County, Nebraska, for the reason that it would
be for the benefit of His wards that their interest
in such real estate should he sold and the pro
ceeds thereof put out at interest, and, it appear,
ink to the court from such petition that it would
be beneficialt o said wards that such real estate
should be sold, it is hereby ordered that the
next of kin of said wards and all persons liter
ested in the estate, he and appear before the
district court of Richardson County. Nebraska,
on Tuesday, the 22nd day of September, l‘*OW, to
show cause why a license should not be granted
the petitioner for the sale of such estate.
It is further ordered that a copy of tin, or(t„r
shall be published for three successive weeks in
the I alls City Tribune, a newspaper of general
circulation in Richardson County, Nebraska.
John B. Rater. Judge.
Reavis & Reavis,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication Sept. 4. 3t