THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENiNtJS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Thsir Friends Hava Been Doing the Past Week. Eat Sowles Candy. Dr. Tefft, Dentist, Maddox block, opposite court house. Ewing Herbert and his auto were in town Sunday H. M. Jenne and wife were in Auburn Friday afternoon. C. E. NimSjOf Humboldt is a new subscriber this week. George Weaver, wife and baby, were down from Stella Friday. A baby girl was born to Mrs. John Nulk on Friday evening. The Ursuline convent opened Monday with a good enrollment. N. C. Campbell, one of Hum* boldt’s leading merchants, was in our city Friday. Neilie Dore returned to her home in Omaha Saturday’, after spending a week with relatives here. C. E. Nims, the next supervisor from the west end, was mingling among- his Falls City friends Sat urday. An eleven pound boy was born to Elva Crook and wife one day last week. All concerned are do ing nicely’. E. H. King left Monday for Los Angeles, after a few days pleasant visit in this city with his many old friends. Word retched us this week thai Neal Thornton has purchased a butcher shop in Muskogee, Okla homa. and has a good trade. Mrs. John Conner and children of Auburn returned home after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Sue DeWald and other relatives here. Hacel Wing left Friday for Humboldt to assume her duties as teacher at Cottage district near Humboldt during the ensuing year. Dr- Laurence reports Fred Diet rich to be improving rapidly and he is now out of danger. He has been very sick at the home of John Carico for the past two weeks. Mrs. I. Mead and daughter Vergie were called from Omaha Thursday night by the illness of the former’s husband. At that time his condition was considered dangerous, but we are glad to re port he is now much better. Wstn Trifles Become Troubles If any person suspects that their kid neys are deranged they should take Foley - Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Bright’s disease or dia betes. Delay gives the di 'ase a strong er foothold and you should not delay taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Kerr’s pharmacy. Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank- 3-tf A. J. Weavkk Don't Rush . Past! A good 8-room house, well located, 3 good cor ner lots, close in, well improved—a snap, only $800. See, or write, us at once. Cleaver &Sebold Tickling or dry cough will quickly loosen whtfu ti-ing Dr. Shoop’s cough remedy. And it is so thoroughly harmless titat Dr. Snoop tells mothers 11 u-c nothing else,even ior very young babies. The v' holesome green leave a id tender sietus of a lung healing shrub gives the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough remedy. It calms the cough and heals the sensitive bron chial membranes. No opium, no chlo roform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's and accept no other. Sold by all Dealers. Some ot the ball boys had an exciting time of it getting to Au burn Friday. The majority of the players went in Poteet's and Peacock's motor cars. The steering gear on Poteet's car broke at Shubert and the boys had just seven minutes to catch the train at Stella. They made it in Roy's car by breaking all records between Shubert and Stella making but a little less than 50 miles an hour between the two towns. Mrs. Lettie Bollman left Sun day morning for Kansas City where she will spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Wright. From there she will go to Okla homa City to again take up her work in the millinery establish ment of Mrs. Frank Marvin. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will conduct a food ex change at Morsman's drug store Saturday afternoon, where you can get a supply of everything suitable for Sunday dinner. John Hutchings, J. S. Lord, Win. Fenton, E- E. James, E. F. and Charles Sharts were among those front this city who attend ad the funeral of O. I. Hall in Humboldt Sunday. M. F. Noble and wife, Mrs. Chas- Gagnon, A1 Doerner and wife and son chartered an auto mobile Sunday and went to Kulo and spent the day with Mr3. Frank Simons. Mr- and Mrs. Fowler returned Saturday evening from a visit with their son in the western part of the state. They stopped in Lincoln for a few days visit at the fair. Ned Towle is making substan tial improvements at his lumber yard in the way of new sheds, and when completed it will be as near perfect as it is possible to make it. Charles Reed and Miss Leota Frenchy, both of this city, were married Sunday evening at the Methodist parsonage. C. E. Nims, O. E. Zook and S. H. Bolejack were down from the west end Saturday mingling with their many friends. Mrs. Tjaden of Humboldt and daughter, Mrs. Rena Kuper of Auburn were in the city Monday enroute to Auburn. Capt. J. P. Grinstead of Salem was in the city Monday and filed complaint against George Tuttle as a depsomaniac. Lon Eaton, a former familiar figure in this city, was in town Monday celebrating his 81st birthday. Joe Lepik and family of Hum boldt spent Sunday in this city with Mr. Boxstine and family. Matt Scbulenberg of Barada was looking after business in-1 terests here Monday. Mary Sinclair left Friday night for Gorden, Neb., tc visit for a time with relatives. Mayor King and Col. Ualby were down from Shubert the lat ter part of the week. Jack Jeliison is again holding down his old position on the laundry wagon G- E. Hall of Verdon helped swell the crowd on our streets Saturday. Geo. Hall ot Verdon is another one to join our big family this week. A number of our people are at tending the Hiawatha fair this week. Our German friends are count | ing on a big time next Tuesday. Frank Nims was down from Nims City the first of the week j Prot. Harnack was over from Hiawatha the first of the|week. A baby girl was born to Paul B Weaver and wife Monday night. John Crook left Sunday night on a two weeks trip through Ok lahoma Walter Boyle was in the city Sunday the guest of bis mother, Mrs. J. C. Yutzy W. L. White returned the lat ter part of the week from a busi ness trip to (hnaha. Hal Sowles came up from St. Joe and spent Sunday with his parents in this city. John l'utnam and wife this week moved into a cottage in the north part of town. Mr. Keiler, a Missouri Pacific employe, this week moved his family to Hiawatha Ora Ross of Nelson, was a vis itor to his parents in this citv be twe.en trains Monday. L. C. Edwards spent a portion ot the week in Humboldt looking after business matters. Dr Wilson spent Tuesday last with his parents in Nebraska City returning that evening. Situation wanted by young man, high school student, to work for board. Call at office. Miss Clara Tanner is again *at her old position in the post office, after a month’s vacation spent in Colorado. Mrs. J. R. Wilhite and W. H. Crook went to Humboldt Friday to attend the funeral of Uncle Tom Brown. The ladies of the Episcopal church have arranged to serve meals arid lunches in the Maddox building on German day. Wanted.—An office girl. It is not necessary that she has a knowledge of stenography. Ap ply at Maust Bros, office. Mrs. II. Gensichen and daugh ter, Miss Margaret of Leigh, Nebr., are in the city guests at the home of Carl Buthman. Alice Jaquet left Monday for Galesburg. 111., where he will be a student in a young ladies semi nary during the coming year. The ideal weather of the past week has added materially to the corn crop in this section. All the late corn now shows great prom ice. George Keeling of Aurora, 111., who has been visiting in this city with his brother, Majpr Keeling, left the first of the week for To peka, Kas. Mrs. W. A. Stewart and child ren arrived in the city Monday from Okmulgee, Okl., for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jessen. Rev. D- Everett Smith of In dianola, Iowa, was in the city on Tuesday to see Dr. Bailey about lecture courses and next summer Chautauqua work. Lela Powell, Edna DeWald nnd Hazel White went to Hiawatha yesterday to be present at a social function. They will re main to witness the ball game. Anita Wilson left Sunday for Omaha, where she met Edna Spencer and together the two! went to Valparaiso, Itid., to j enter school for the coming year 1 Miss Lois Keeling, who has been assisting in the post office for some time, has accepted a po-1 sition in the office of the county clerk, beginning her duties there Monday. Carl Eietzke, who has been in j Albany, N- Y., for the past year, is in tli»cityr visiting his parents, Charles Lietzke and wife. The visit was a happy surprise to the j family here. Rev.George Cornford of Frank J lin county, Iowa, preached for Dr. Hailey last Sunday evening at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Cornford is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornford who live in the south west part of the city. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet ca lei Preventin' is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours Preventics are said to break any eold completely. And Pre ventics being so safe and toothsome, are very line for children No quinine no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick ening. 13ox of 48—25c Sold by all dealers. Drice rheumatism out of the blood with Dr, Shoop’s Rheumatism remedy and see how quickly uain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real dis ease. Rheuinat'srn isn't in the skin it's deep down, its constitutional. (Jet ting rid of the pain, ts after all wlitu counts. That is why Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic remedy goes, by word of mouth from one to anot her. Ami here in lies the popularity ot the remedy. It is winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or liquid. Sold by all dealers. Cordv Houghlan, a bronco rider who has liccn performing some marvelous feats at the different fairs, came down from Lincoln the first of the week for a few days visit with his parents here, lie left Wednesday lor St. Joe where he will ride in a frontier wild west show. Martin Kanaly and wife this week sold their home property to Henry Sandrock ot near Salem, who will move to town us soon as possession can be obtained. Mart has not decided as to their future intentions but we hope they will decide to remain with us. Mr. Sipe of Illinois, arrived in the city’ the latter part of the week and spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Jane Bohrer, leav ing Tuesday accompanied by his wife who lias been visiting with her mother for the past few weeks. The evening services at St. Thomas church, which have been suspended for a time in order to permit Rev. Neide to assist in other parishes, will be resumed on Sunday evening. Mrs. . •runo Hansen and little son came down from Omaha Tuesday and will visit for a time at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Kerr. Mrs. Lloyd Peck and little son, of Reserve, spent a few days the last of the week in this city with ner parents, Henry Ruegge and wife. Mr. and Mrs- Bailey who are visiting their son in this city, are spending a few days this week with numerous Humboldt friends. Mrs. Herbert Hedges and child ren returned home Tuesday morn ing from a visit with Relatives 10 the western part of the state. Henry Berry and wife came up from Atchison the latter part of the week and will visit for a time with relatives in this city. Mrs. J. R. Farris ot Lincoln, came down Monday to attend the funeral of her father, V. W. Bat treall. Mrs. Chas. Baldwin of Western, Neb., is in the city visiting with her parents, Wm- Palmer and wife. J. C. Gillispie of Chicago, was the guest at the home of Mrs. Katherine Wylie over Sunday. Stanley Stump has been quite sick this week, suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis. The Pattern hats are now ready for inspection at the Patz man Sisters millinery store. Mrs. Doc Brockman of Stella spent Wednesday in this city the guest of Mrs. .T. R. Wilhite. Florence Wylie began her school in the Knickerbocker dis trict Monday morning. Cvril McCarthy left this week for Omaha, where lie will enter the Creighton college. Miss Ollie Petrashek of Hum boldt, is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Wolfe, in this city. Henry Brecht and wife returned Saturday from a few days spent at the sta & fair. Mrs. Maude Wigton is now em ployed as assistant clerk in the post office. Miss Sarah Hutchins will leave next week on an extended east ern trip. The Leo Cider and Vinegar Co. want a million bushels of apples. Mrs. Amos Gantt spent Sun day with friends in Table',Rock. Max Werner was a Nebraska City visitor Sunday. Claud Rowe spent Sunday with friends in Humboldt. Mrs. Wm. Uhlig was quite sick during the week. Mrs. Sam lJavtie was a Salem visitor Sunday. S L. Redwood was a Dawson visitor Sunday. The Pattern hats are now ready for inspection at the Pat:< 111 an Si>ters millinery store. P. S- Ileaeock and son Roy> were Humboldt visitors Tuesday, making the trip in the 1 attors auto. Have you arranged your affairs so that vou can attend {he Ger man day celebration in this city next Tuesday. Frank Greenwald left Tuesday for his home in Mitchell, S. I)., after a few days visit with rela tives in th is city. C. M. Bohrer catne in this morning from Wilsonville, where he has been for some time look ing after building contracts. The Preston Mercantile Co. is a new business venture in Pres ton. It is in the hands of the Margraves which insures its suc cess. John Musselman returned Sun day to his home in Kansas City, after a very pleasant visit in this city with his aunt, Mrs. P. H. Jussen. Mrs. Mary Ashcom who has been visiting in this city with Mrs Kate Steele, for the past few weeks, left Tuesday for her home in Washington, D. C. Married at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Schrader Wednesday even ing, Ray Conner to Oatees Odell both of Auburn. Key. Mastin uniting them in marriage. Bijou Mcisenheimer, Emma Dilley, Ben Dilley and Mr. Fin ling came over from Hiawatha, Tuesday, via. the automobile route and spent the evening with Miss Dorothy White. Dr. W. M. Balch, pastor of the M. E. Trinity church in Lincoln, has resigned his charge there and accepted a call to Dover, N. H. Dr. Balch is known to many of our people, being a brother-in law of Mrs. Dora Richards. Nellie Lee Holt is about the happiest little girl we know of, all on account of a neat little tnrnout purchased by her father while in Lincoln last week. It is a wee little black and white Shet land pony and a little rig to match. Nellie Lee will be the envy of all. Cards have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Ed. H. King to Blanche Williams at the bride’s home in Shubert, on Tuesday, Sept. 8. They will be at home at 730 E- 20th street, Los Angeles, Cal., after Sept. 25. We unite with their many friends in extendingcongratulations. Mrs. Wm. Sears this week re ceived a letter from her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Vincent, now in Den ver for the benefit of her health, stating 'that she had been thor oughly examined by the best physicians there, who say that with proper nursing, they can perfect a complete cure. This is indeed welcome news to Elva’s many friends in this city. Foley’s Orino laxative is a new rem edy, an improvement on the laxative, of former year-, as it does not gripe or nauseate ami is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Kerr’s pharmacy. Have You Seen Those Hew Electric Clocks? WE have on display .in our window, several Geo. S. Tiffany Electric Clocks. They never need winding. Davies & Owens Jewlers and Opticians BEFORE buying a watch you should learn about the HOW ARD—the one Ameri can watch that has real finish and adjustment—real fineness. The Howard is the finest practical time-piece in the world for daily pocket use. New extra-thin model HOWARD is the first American thin-model we can guarantee as a time-keeper. Every Howard is adjusted in its case, and price-ticketed at the factory—$35.00to$150.00. Price is never cut. We are diitributora for thia diitiuctive watch. R. B. SIMPSON North Window of Kerr's Pharmacy School Supplies If you want the best for your money in Tablets, Pencils, Inks or any thing in School Supplies TRY US! A larger assortment than ever before. We solicit a share of of your business. McMillans PHARMACY Falls City. Nebraska Good Morning! Did the letters blurwhile you were reading last g^ evening's paper.• Mv Glasses Make the Vis ion Clear ! Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Falls City. Neb. Hides and Furs Wanted Hii^liesf market prices—1st house south of Peter Freder ick, Hr. PORTCR RANDOLPH Phone .109 II