The Falls City Tribune. Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. Number 34 ODD GAME OURS AUBURN ONCE MORE SUFFERS DEFEAT The Game Proved an Interesting One Throughout With a Finai Result of 5 to 2 The hall game at Auburn last Friday was probably one of the most exciting games in which our boys have participated this season. Notwithstanding that Falls City took the lead in the first, inning and maintained it to the end, the game was constantly in doubt and the tentiou was not removed until Heck ran into right field and caught the last man out. The ideal feature of the game was the rooting of the Auburn fans. A Falls City crowd is as silent as the dead compared to an Auburn bunch. A magaphone chorus ex tending in a line four deep from first to third base, split the air when the teams took their places in the first inning, and every member of the chorus searched his soul for sounds to rattle our boys, but there was nothing doing. The team worked together both in the field and at bat. Clare Foster played especially brilliantly, some of his stops brought even the Au burn rooters to their feet, Kelsey pitched his usual reliable game and outside of a few lucky bits in the seventh inning, Auburn could not locate him at all. Paris, the negro from Tecumseh, pitched the first two innings for Auburn, when lie was stabled and the Indian with the dutch name, Kratzberg, was substituted, (ieo. Segrist umpired with acknowl edged fairness, as he always does. THE GAME IN DETAIL 1 Foster turned the third base man around with a hard smash on the ground and beat it out. Po teet bunted safely down the third baseline, Foster taking second. Heck reached first on an error of third and the bases were full. The boys were playing a bunting game and Auburn was in the air. Cor nell struck out. Foehlinger walked,forcing Foster in with the first run. Sears flew out to left field and right here Tommy Po teet pulled off a heady piece of base running. The left fielder looked for Poteet to try to score on the catch, but Tommy made no such effort. The fielder then threw the ball to second and Tom struck out for home. When the second baseman caught the ball and turned arcund to see why the crowd was yelling, Tom was cross ing the plate with the second run. Heacock walked and Kelsey struck out with the bases full. Two runs. Stiue went out from Kelsey to Heaeock, Bright struck out, Doyle flietl to Sears. No runs 2 Eddie Poteet walked. Foster bunted and reached first on an er ror of first baseman, Poteet going to second. Tom Poteet bunted down first base line, Foster being thrown out at second, Ed Poteet going to third, Heck bunted to short, going out at first, E. Poteet scoring. Cornell Hied to pitcher. One run. Kratzberg hit safely over second. Auburn’s crack base runner, Bright, is put in to run for him. The crowd is yelling for Bright to steal second which he tries and is caught, Poteet to Heck by thirty feet. Paris Hew out to Cornell. Hale strikes out No runs. 3 Kratzberg now pitching for Auburn, the negro is playing third and Stine is shifted to right field. Sears out on a long Hy to center. Foehlinger Hied to right. Rea cock hits safely over second. Kel sey walks. Ed Poteet out on Hy to third. No runs. Souders struck out. Frazier Hied to Fleck. Caldwell struck out. No rune. 1 Foster struck out. Torn Bo teet walks, Heck hit into a double play, short lo second to riiet. No runs. Stine hit a long fly to Sears which lie dropped after a hard run. Bright hit a screamer to Foster which he scooped on the run and shot to Heck lightning fast, catch ing Stine. Fleck in iiis eagerness to complete the double, overthrew Heacock, Bright taking second on the error. Doyle hit a line drive to Foster and was out. Kratzberg out from Kelsey to Heacock. 5 Cornell out from short to first. Scars struck out. Foehlinger hit to r gilt for two bases. Heacock struck out. No runs. Paris struck out. Hall out Kel sey to Heacock. Souders walked. Frazer hit to Foehlinger who caught Souders at second. No runs 6 Kelsey hit safely to center, Cornell put in to run for him. Cornell stole second. E 1 Poteet struck out. Foster hit a line drive to left on which Cornell by fast running scored. Foster going to second on the hit and was called out for cutting Hrst. Tom Poteet out on bunted tli rd strike. Cine run. Caldwell out, Heck to Heacock. Stine knocked a long foul-fly to right which Ed. Poteet caught af ter a long run and was heartily cheered. Bright Hied to Sears. No runs. 7. Heck struck out. Cornell hit safe to center. Sears out third to tirst. Foehlinger struck out Doyle dropping the ball and threw him out at tirst. i Kelsey bit Doyle in tlie back. Kratzberg "hit safely to center. Paris trying to bant bit a Texas bagger over Heacock. Doyle second on Poteet’s error. Hall likewise tiieil to bunt and hit safe ly over second,Kratzberg scoring. Souders drove a hard one at Fos ter which he picked up, putting Paris out at third, Frazer out from Heacock- Caldwell struck out. Two runs. 8 Heacock struck out. Kelsey out second to tirst. Ed. Poteet out on a long tly to -u!er that was near a three bagger. Stine out Heck to Heacock. Bright out on a floul fly to Tom Poteet which the crowd tried to keep hi n from getting but was bowled over by Tommy for its trouble. Doyle popped to Kelsey. No runs. 9 Foster hit to deep left. T. Poteet struck out. Foster stole second. Heck hit to center Fos ter scoring by a long slide, Cor nell hit to short who threw Heck out at second. Sears walked Foehlinger struck out. One run. Kratzberg hit safely to center. Paris bit safely to right,Kratzberg taking third. Falls City getting nervous but Kelsey tightened up. Hall and Souders struck out on three pitched balls to each. Fra zer hit a Hy to right held that looked safe but Heck went way back picking the ball off his shoulder as he ran. No runs. Falls City 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1— 5 Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0—2 Hits off Kelsey f>, off Paris 1, off Kratzberg 9. Errors Falls City ff, Auburn l>. Stolen bases Foster, T, Poteet, Feacock, Cornell. Double plays, Paris unassisted: Bright, Frazer to Souders. Two base hits Foehlinger. Struck out Kelsey 9, Paris 2, Kratzberg 8. Batteries Kelsey and Poteet ; Paris Kratzberg and Doyle. Umpire George Segrist. Senator E. J. Burkett Will Speak The following dates have been fixed for speeches by Senator E J. Burkett in Richardson county. Humboldt, Sept. 24 at 2 o’clock p. m. Salem, Sept. 24 at 5 p m. and Falls City at 8 p. m. Tell your friends of these dates. SOCIETY NOTES AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc M iss Dorothy Miller entertained a few of her young lady friends at her home Thursday evening. The Ladies M. F. Missionary society will serve ice cream and cake at the home of Mrs. Ed. Falloon this (Friday) evening. All are given a cordial invitation and a good time is promised. The Presbyterian ladies en joyed a very pleasant afternoon at the home of Mrs. Boyer Friday afternoon. There was a large crowd present and at the proper time refreshments were served. Mrs. P. S. Jussen entertained about twenty young people at lior home Friday evening, in honor of her nephews, John Musselman and Sam Ashmore. The even ing was given to various amuse ments and splendid refreshments were served. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas church, will meet next Monday evening with Mrs. John Crook as hostess. The lesson for the evening will be a continua tion of the study of Alaska. In teresting papers will be read and a pleasant session is anticipated. All are invited. The Friends in Council met Friday evening with Mrs. C. H. Barton. A large number were present and an enjovable evening spent. After roll call much new business was transacted. Refresh ing refreshments wore served. Gertrude bum came down from Yerdon to attend this meeting. Mrs. Christ Wamsley enter tained the Sunnyslope Kensing ton Thursday afternoon with a goodly number of the members present. Music was rendered by Mrs. Elmer Coon and Mrs. Jessie Deaton. Refreshments were served by the hostess and all pres ent report a very pleasant aiter noon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Jessie Deaton Septem ber ldth. The tirst meeting of Sorosis was held Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Banks. “Waiting” sang by Miss Mar tin and the obligato played by Miss Alice Cleaver, accompa nied by Miss Morseman, was thoroughly en joyed by the club. But few ladies have a richer or a better trained voice than Miss Martin. The hostess, in a neat speech, presented the club with a gavel made from the timber of the historic ship “Constitution.” Mrs. Frances Morris having resigned as President of the c-ub, Miss Margaret Steele was elected to till the vacancy. Mrs. Ewalt was elected as delegate and Mrs. Heacock as j alternate to the State Federa tion which meets in Omaha on J the 13th of October. The re port of the Biennial convention by Mrs. Banks and historic! points of Boston by Mrs. Gist were not only entertaining but decidedly instructive. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Geo. Schock. Sep. 23. Almost Completed Work is being pushed as rapid ly as possible on the new laundry and Mr. Windle informs us that in two weeks, or less everything will be in working order. The laundry will be equipped with the best of new and up-to-date machinery and will turn out work equal to the best to be found in any city. REAPER IS BUSY DEATHS RECORD FOR THE WEEK APPALLING Many of Our Old Citizens Are Summoned Into The Great Beyond MRS- LEWIS SCHULER. Lottie Faustner Schuler died at her home seven miles north of Falls City, Thursday morning, September 8. The deceased was horn March 3, 18,s7. On July h, PHIL, she was married to Lewis Schuler. Five years ago she joined t!ic Brethren church and was a faithful mem her until her death. She leaves a sorrowing husband, father, tour sisters and a brother. The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. A. Mastin from the fam ily residence Friday afternoon and the remains laid to rest in the Brethren cemetery. JOHN ANDERSON Died, at his home south of Rulo, John Anderson, aged sixty seven years. The deceased was born in Indiana 1841, was mar ried to Loretta Watts in Craw ford county, 111., in 1866. He was a soldier having enlisted in Co. B. 155 Illinois Infantry. Mr. Anderson had lived in Ne braska sixteen years and was an honorable, upright citizen and prior to his death expressed re ligion and felt keenly the mis doing of not having given all his life to the upbuilding of mankind in holiness. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mastin of this city from the Pentecost church in Rulo. LANGE Mrs. Caroline Lange died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Loree in this city Tues day, Sept. 8, 1008 after <|uite a long illness, aged 82 years. 3 months and 27 days. Caroline Uckermann was born in Germany May 11, 'TS2(> was married to Frederick Lange, May 11. 1851. Immediately after their marriage the young couple came to America, living in New York five years when they moved to Wisconsin, then to Indiana, finally settling in Nebraska in I860 and have lived here since that time. Eight children were born to them, three dying in in fancy, the remaining ones are Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Charles Loree, Mrs. Gus Neitzel, Mrs. J. C. Tanner of this city and Mrs. Ike Beaulieu of Missoula, Mont., all teing present and able to minister to their mother's com fort in her last hours. Grandma Lange was a good Christian woman, having been baptised and confirmed in the Lutheran church at the early age of fourteen years, and has always lived up to the teachings of her chosen faith. For several weeks she has been a constant sufferer but'** bo re it all with a wonderful Christian spirit always patiently waiting for the end and when the summons came it found her glad to go to meet the life partner who had gone to his reward five years before. The funeral was held from the home of Chas. Loree Thursday morning conducted by Rev. R. Cooper Bailey of the Presby terian church, and was largely attended by old friends. Inter ment in Steele cemetery. BATTKKAU. V. W. Battreall died at his home in St. Joseph on Monday Morning, Sept. 7 aged S4 years. Deceased was born in Carlisle, Ohio, June 10, 1824. He came to Falls City in 1872 and resided here almost continuously since that time until last October when he uml his wife removed to St. Joseph in order to he near their sons Since December he had been a great sufferer from gangrene, brought on from old ago, and from the first the physicians gave him no hope, but through it all he was very patient and was glad when the summons came to relieve him from his pain. He leaves an aged widow and eight children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The children are Mrs. Louise Thomas of Muncie, Ind-, George W, of Half Way, M<>., James M. ol Camden, Ind., John W., Wal ter, C. A. and Joe of St. Joseph and Mrs. J. R. Farris of Lincoln. The remains were brought to this city and services were conducted from the Christian church by Rev. Ray of Omaha. Interment in Steele cemetery. niKTKicir Mrs. Sarah A. Dietrich, one of the old and respected residents of this county, died , at her home very unexpectedly, seven miles northwest of Falls Citv, Sept. J, 1908. She was born in Burks county, Penn., May 14, 1844, where she (Concluded on Pa«e 7| WILL LEAVE US Dr. Fast has Disposed of Property and Will Leave Falls City This week Dr. W. S. Fast sold his home in this city to Simon Beechy and as soon as the neces sary arrangements can be made, will leave us. It is not definitely settled as to their future home, but we understand it is their in tention to locate in St. Joe at present. Dr. Fast and wife have lived among us for many years, mak ing many friends who greatly re gret their departure. The Doc tor is one of our leading physi cians and will be sadly missed both by his many patients and professional associates. Wherev er this estimable couple decide to locate, the best wishes of all the Falls City people go with them Mr. Beachy and wife are to be congratulated upon securing the Fast property, as it is among the best in the city, and just the place to enjoy the remainder of their lives after so many years spent on the farm- We welcome them to our city. "The Time,-The Place And The Girl" Steering wheels are a nuisance anyway. All the young fellows will tell you this, •'and what all the young fellows say must be true It was on the road north west of Falls Citv which is lined by a row of walnut trees. The time was about the hour of twelve Friday night. The girl—well, that’s the secret. But beneath the shade of the walnuts stood a silent motor car, its lights turned to the cornfield making its green leaves pale and unreal in the glare. The front seat was un occupied while the rear keat was in the shadow. Another car on its way from the Auburn ball game came gliding down the road wav and stopped by the silent motor. “What’s the trouble” anxiously inquired the driver of the second car. No trouble you neut” replied a voice from the rear seat, “drive on.” Honk. honk, said the horn, which means go ahead. The home bound car glided on its way to the city. The lights of the silent car still shone on the corn blades. The steering wheel was neglected, for steering wheels are a nuisance anyway says the | young fellows—and what the ! young fellows say must be true. BADLY INJURED EARL JELLISON HURT BY A THRESHINC MACHINE While Moving Machine, Antone Smith Runs Over Boy's Foot Karl Jellison, son of J. \Y. Jel lison, living south of town re-t ceived injuries one day the lirst of the week which will coniine him the house for some time. He had been assisting with the threshing and Antone Smith was moving a machine from the field when Karl noticed a pitch fork in the road and attempted to re move it. and the engine gave a sudden lurch and passed over Earl’s foot One bone was badly broken and while the foot is bad ly bruised it is thought it will not be necessary to amputate it. To Fruit Growers We have on display in this office samples of apple, sprayed and unsprayed, grown on the Henrv C. Smith farm one mile east and a quarter of a mile south of Barada, and the difference is most marked, the sprayed being almost perfect while the un sprayed are perfectly worthless. That all may become better versed in the methods used in obtaining this result, Congress man Pollard has succeeded in his elTorts, and obtained the services of G. E. Merrill special field agent of the department of agri culture, who will give a demon stration on Mr. Smith’s farm next Monday from 10 a. in. until 2 p- m. when it is hoped that every fruit grower in these parts will avail himself of the opportu nity and see the good results ob tained from the spraying method. Meeting Postponed Owing to the small crowd in attendance the Chautauqua meet ing lor Tuesday night was post poned until Monday evening September 21st when it is urged that a good crowd will be in at tendance. Most of the commit tees appointed at the previous meeting were ready to report but there was no one to hear the re port. It is sincerely hoped that at the next meeting there will be enough there that some definite action can be taken. If you want a Chautauqua next year show it by your presence. Will Sell Western Horses On Tuesday, September 15th, Vastine