The County in General Crowded off the regular Correspondence Page. RUl.O Si May lost a valuable cow Sunday. Frank Ball took atrip to Kansas last Monday. Arba Duncan Las moved from Pres ton to Rulo. Mrs. Pope was a White C'oud visitor last Friday. Mrs. Larando was a White Cloud visitor Friaay. Ira Kay came down from Humboldt the other day. A1 Randolph was a Falls City visitor last Saturday. Clyde Asbury and wife wore St. Joe visitors Sunday. Tom Bowker was a Falls City visitor one day last week. Opal Hays wa> a White Cloud visitor one day last week. Mrs. Henderson was a White Cloud visitor last Friday. Ira Philips of Wymore was a busi ness visitor Monday. Mrs. Will Cunningham wus a White Cloud visitor Friday. Frank Biair of Highland, visited his mother here last week. Della Martin attended the street fair at White Cloud Friday. Mrs. Gagnon of Falls City spent the week here with relatives. P. J. Emig was a business visitor in St. .Joe last Wednesday. Mary Hoimtz visited with Ilulo rela tives a few days last week. Abe Vanvaulkenburg of White Cloud was a Rulo visitor last week. J. M, Gustafson of Wyraore was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wollly of Hiawatha vis ited here the first of the week, Mrs. Henderson went to White Cloud Friday to attend the street fair. Robert Paul and family visited Mr. Peabody and wife here Sunday. Mable Koeler of Fargo was a Rulo visitor for several days recently. Mrs. Dick Goolsby of Dawson arrived Sunday fora visit with relatives. Stella Butrisk of Fortescue, spent a week with her grandmother here. E-sie Marsh returned from Stella Sunday after taking in the picnic Mrs. Hayward’s daughter has been visiting her for the past two weeks, John Ryan returned to Preston Sun day after a short visit with relatives. Lewis and Sophia Thomas were busi ness visitors in Rulo one day recently. Rob, Ruth and Gertrude Kanaly at tended the White Cloud picnic last week. Retta Winterbottom of WTiite Cloud, visited with her grandparents here last week. Emma Shepherd left Tuesday for Wa keeney, Kan#., where she will trim this season. Maude and Virgie Close returned last week from a visit with St. Joseph friends. Merl Harrison went to St. Joseph last week for a few days visit with friends. Eward Davis, Less Cronin and Char ley W'halen were Falls City visitors Sunday. Will and Lemon Butrick went to Missouri Friday to spend a week with relatives. A. H. Vogelein, principal of the High school, spent several days here last week. Charles Richardson has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past two weeks. Emma Paul returned recently from a visit with her sister, Mrs. James Has ford at Dawson. Ray McVey returned the first of the week from a visit with his brother’s family at Crete. Mrs. Kern and daughter Edith have returned from Kansas City after a few days spent there. Mrs. Witman and son have returned to Auburn after visiting her mother for several days. Edith and Amy Brinegar returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives at Salem. D. C. Kcnneburgand family of Wash ington, Kan., were visiting Rulo rela tives for several days. W' H. Gingrich and family of Beat rice, spent several days last week in Rulo visiting relatives. Bess Miller left Friday for Shubert after spending several days with Mrs. Wm, Carico in Falls City. Henry Scott has changed the name of the hotel since taking possession of the same. It is now the Hotel Burling ton instead of the Commercial. Mrs. Roy Hart and children returned Sunday from a ten days visit with rela tives at Crete, Neb. After a three days stay with relatives here, they went on to their home in St. Joseph. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and .daughters. Mesdames Charles Boerner, Will Ful. ton and Harry Spicer, returned Wed. nesday of last week from Falrview. Kans., where they had been to visit re latives, who are ill with typhoid fever. | Mr. and Mrs. Huttertield of Ham* i burg, Iowa, left for their home alter a | short visit here. While here, they I superintended the placing of a beauti | ful monument at the grave of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, and had the burial lot cleaned off. which adds to the beauty 1 ot the cemetery. They also had a stone j placed at the grave of Leo Dennis, a grandson, who died several years ago. 1 Mrs. Huttertield is a sister of the late, j Mr. Dennis. Fred Harrison and family who have i been visittng Ruin relatives for several I days went to St Joe to visit his broth er's family, from where they will re turn to their home in Ridgeway, Mo. Two steamooats passed through Rulo the same day last week, one going up the river, the other one down, and an other one scheduled for night, which failed to put in an appearance. Fluid True, accompanied by his grandfather, arrived from Union Sat urday for a few day’s visit. Fluid will return with him and attend school at Union this year. Charley Frederic has purchased two lots across the street from where he lived and moved his house on them. Cecil Kanaly went to Salem Satur day. Monday her school work for the coming year commenced. Charlie Johndrow hauled peaches to Kulo last week, which were being shipped by Mr. Christian. Mrs. Van has returned from Smith Centre, Kans., after a month spent with her daughter there. Mrs. Emily Fischer, who has been visiting her daughter here returned to her home last week. Mrs. James Osburn and son Merrill went to Lincoln Monday to spend the week with relatives. John Dunn visited with his son Ro bert and family in Rushbottom Wed nesday of last week. Apple packers are busy these days and a great many peaches are also be ing shipped out. James Tagney Jr. aud family en joyed a pleasant trip to Atchison one day last week. U. T, Duncan and family have moved from this place to .heir farm northwest of town. Mrs. Peter Niedecker and daughter Anna were Kulo visitors one day last week. Mollie and llalpn Winterbottom at tended the White Cloud street fair Friday. Mrs. Emma Wallace and Vearl and Ilva True were Atchison visitors Sat urday. Sue Hinkle of Bigelow spent a few days with relatives here the first of the week. Ralph Clark and L. It Chamy of Stella were in town one day last week. Dode Anderson, wife aud daughter, visited his parents at Reserve Sunday Mr. aDd Mrs. Wit, Carico of Falls City, visited relatives here Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid Society met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Aikman. A1 Doerner of Falls City was a busi ness visitor one day last. week. John Christiun of Rockport, Mo , visited his son here this week. Agent Hope sold eighty-four tickets to White Cloud, Friday. Dr. Josephine Printy came over from Oregon Saturday night. Mrs. Frank Brown was a White Cloud visitor Friday. Louise Russell was a White Cloud visitor Friday. Herman Kloepfel was a White Cloud visitor Friday. Dave Zeigler was a Falls City visitor last Saturday. Grace Cronin is visiting home folks this week. George Davis left for the West last Sunday. Real Estate Transfers Eli M. Knapp to Ethel Brown wd to lot 21, blk 2 Clark's add to stella 8400 John Huss to John Randolph wd to ten acres in Sec 36-1-17.$100 Mrs. Mary Stevens and husband to O. F. Harlan wd to Its 3 and 4 blk 102 Falls City.$200 John L. Scott and wife to Harriet Parker, wd to 40 acres in Section 4-2-1.} . $1 V. C. Blair, Mrs. H. M. Edgecomb, to Elizabeth Jones, wd to ne$ sw'+ or the sei Sec 7-1-18.$1000 E. J. Duryea and wife to Randolph Marmet wd to Its 1 and 2 blk .'IS and all of blk 39 Dawson .. _.$1800 Wilson Lilly and wife to Thomas Lilly wd to one-sixth interest inne‘+ of Sec 15-3-15.$2800 Karl Wessell and wife to Alice O. Keiser Its 1, 2 and 15 blk 25 Hum boldt.$150 W. E. Dorrington, etal to city of Falls City wd three fourths of an acre in Sec 15-1-16.... .$1 John W. Dorrington etal to city of Falls City wd to 5 acres in Section 15-1.16. $1750 P. J. Enig and wife to John W. Livingston wd to lot 9 blk 7 iiulo .$15,000 MADE LABOR FOR ENGINEERS Elephants and White Ants Played Havoc with Poles and Wires Along Line in India. Some American engineers, in eon | struct ing n power-transmission line ! in Inii'j, had several things to eon* j sider and avoid that had never eon i fronted them before, perhaps. The | line, which was nearly a hundred miles in length, was carried on tall poles through the jungle, and in 1*011 strueting it the ravages of white ants and the playful pranks of wild ele phants had to he provided against. That sounds amusing, hut the en gineers found it a serious problem. The ants attacked the first poles set and fairly riddled them; and the elephants reached up with their trunks and tore down the wires. So iron sockets seven foot in height were used to set the poles in. which cir cumvented the ants: and after a careful measurement of the highest reach of an elephant's trunk, the poles were made tall enough to keep the wires out of the way. STUDENTS BUILDING A CLOCK. For live years students in the senior class of the University high school have been constructing a giant clock to be hung shortly in the Mitchell tower of the University of Chicago. The clock, which meas ures 13 feet in diameter, will he finished on May 20. Prof. Idarl Bixbv Person designed fhe timepiece, but all the work lias been done in iho shop of the manual training department of the school. The clock will hang 150 feet from tlie ground, and will have four dials, all of them transparent, so that the time may be read at night. WOMEN DO GREAT WORK. The report of the Woman’s For eign Missionary Society at the Meth odist conference in Baltimore shows that there are 5,998 auxiliary socie ties, 158,100 members, 1,493 young people’s societies with 38,923 mem bers. The finances of the society for the quadriennium totals $2,392,378. The society gave $73,000 for the In dian jubilee and $42,956 for the China centennial. The society lias real estate valued at over a million dollars. It lias 313 missionaries in active service, 108 new' missionaries having been sent out during the past four years. WOULD JOIN HIM. Ernest Henan, the great author and member of the French academy, lived a life of great simplicity, going to lied with the chickens and arising with the lark. Not long ago a min ister of state pressed lit nan ft) attend a ball lie was giving. Henan at first stubbornly refused, but after awhile he said : “By the way, when do you go to supper ?” “About five a. m.” “Very good,” said Henan. “I’ll get up half an hour sooner, join you and make it my breakfast.” HIS NERVE. She—I hear you are a lover of music. He—Oh, yes; but don’t let that pre vent you from playing. CORNERED LORD KITCHENER. Lord Kitchener a in uses himself by making a wonderful collection of old china. This amiable weakness is becoming a positive passion with the commander-in-chief. Lord Kitehen er still holds his view that matri mony means the end of a soldier’s career. One lady, the wife of an of ficer, is credited with having reduced Lord Kitchener to silence on this point by asking him, “if tlie ollicers of the army of to-day an; not to marry, where will you look for thy offieprs of the army of to-morrow.” PROOFS. “What we want is to keep striving for greater, higher things,” said the idealist. “Well,” answered the architect, “aren’t we? Look at our sky scrapers.” PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to flu* constitution of the State of Nebraska, as herein after set forth in full, is submitted to the elector® of the Slate of Nebraska, to l»e voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 3rd. A. 1>. m ~. A JOINT HRSOLUTION to amend Sections two (2), four (4), five (5), six (tl) and thirteen (13) of Article six (fl) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to Judicial Powers. Hk it Hkhoiakd by thk Lkoisi.m i uf of thk State of Nkbh \hka . Section I. Amknomknt Puopohf/p. I'lmt Sec tion two (2) '.T .Article six »P of tin* Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows • Section 2. (SUPHKMK COURT; JUDOKN Jt'Rls DIOTION.) The Supremo Court shall consist of seven (7) judges; and a majority of all elected and qualified judges shall l>e necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce adecision. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating to the revenue, civil cases in which the state is a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction as may he pro vided by law. Section 2. (Amknpmkni Proposed.) That Section four, (1) of Article six »t) of the Constitu tion of the State of Nebraska, lie amended to read ns follows : Section 4. (Supreme Court, Judges, Li.ku tion, Term, Kehidknck.) The judges of the Su preme Court shall be elected by the electors of the state at large; and their term of office except as hereinafter provhhnl shall lx* six years. And sail! Supreme Court judges shall during their term of office, reside at the place where the court is holdou. Section 8. (Amendment Propohkd.) That Section tive |5| of Article six |t»| of the Constitu tion of the State of Nebraska lie amended to road as follows: Section 5. [SUPREME COURT, .1 EDGES, Kleu tion, Term, Chief Justice. | That at the gen eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1909, and each six years thereafter, there shall lie elected three [81 judges of the Su preme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; that at t he general election to bo held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1911, and each six years thereafter, there shall l>o elected throe 181 judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; and aft he general election to Is* held in the state of Nebraska till the year 1918 and each six years thereafter, there shall bo elected a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided that the member of the Supreme Court whose term of office expires in January 1911, shall he Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And pro vided further, that upon the adoption of these amendments by the electors of the State, the Governor shall,* immediately upon issuing his proclamation declaring said amendments adopt ed, appoint four | 1 j judges of the Supreme Court, two |8j of whom shall be appointed to hold said office until their successors shall l>e elected at the general election.iu 1909, and have qualified; and t he other two 181 shall hold their office until their successors shall be elected at the general election held in 1911, and have qualified. Section 4. [Amendment Proposed.! That Section six (fij of Article six (6] of the Constitu tion of the state of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Sectionfi. |Chief Justice.] The Chief Jus tice shall serve ns such during all the term for which he was elected, lie shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court, and in his absence the judges present shall select one of their number to preside temporarily. Section 5. | Amendment Proposed. | That Section thirteen |18| of Article six [»>| of the Constitution of Nebraska lx* amended to rend us follows : Section 18. | Judges, Salaries. J That judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary of $4500, and 'the Judges of the District Court shall each receive u salary of $3000 per annum, payable quarterly. Approved April H, 1907. J, Geo. C.Munkin, Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fo in going proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is \ true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Thirtiet h session of the legisla ture of the State of Nebraska, as appear- from said original bill on tile in this office, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to l>e held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1908, lu testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 15th day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eight, and of the indepen dence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty-second. GEO. C. JUNK1N, [seal 1 Secretary of State. Notice. Seal'*I bids will be received nutil 1 o’clock p m.. of Friday, September 1m, HHJH, at office of A. K. heiin, for constructing the ditch es, dykes, levees, spillways, flood gates, in lets, etc., in Drainage District Number One, uk: hard sou County, Nebraska Each bid must Ik* accompanied by a certified check on a National Hank doing business in the State of Nebraska, or Chicago or St. Ijouis exchange, payable to the Treasurer of the Drainage District, in tin* sum ot five per centum of the amount of the bid, un less the said per centum exceeds ten thousand dollars, in which case the certified check shall Is* for ten thousand dollars. The successful bidder will Imi required to furnish a bond in an umount equal to twenty-five jH*r centum of the amount j of the contract. The right is reserve* 1 to reject any or all bids. Flats, plans, profiles, and speci fications can be seen and examined at the office of Drain Commissioner, K. E, (irinstend, Salem, Nebraska, or at the office of A. M . Munn, engin eer, Nebraska City, Nebraska. II. E. (J KINS'! I'D, 31 t Drain Com. nssioner. First publication August 21, 1908. Notice of Probate of Will I s the County Count ok Kichahdson County, Nebhakka: In the matter of probating the Last Wiil and Testament of James M. Whitaker, d«* ccas* d. Notice is hereby given to all persons in t.Tested that E. H. Towle has deposited in said court an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of said James M. Whitaker, deceased, and filed a petition praying that said instrument may be allowed and probated as the last will anti testament of said deceased, and that lie may bo appointed executor thereof. It. is or dered that the same Is* heard by the court on Thursday, the 17th day of September, 19UH, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the county court room in Falls City, in said county, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the prolmte thereof. By order of the court, dated Ah^nst 26th, 19U*, John (taonon, C«kinty Judge. First publication Aug. 2s. 3t Pink Pain Tablets Ur.Shoops -stop Headache, womanly pains, any pains any where in 20 minutes. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it’s tin*. Sold by all dealers. Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln Monday, August 31 Lincoln Pay Tuesday, Sept. 1 Governor’s I)ay Wednesday, Sept. 2—Bryan Day Thursday, Sept 3—Taft-Oinaha Day Friday, September 4—Parade Day Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits ever shown in Nebraska $30,000.00 in Premiums $12,000.00 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races Pain's stupendous spectHcle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF NAPLES 500 people. Immense display of fireworks each night Liberati'a New York Festival Military Band and Grand Opera Com pany of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singors of national reputation. State bauds from Hqbron, Beatrice. Aurora, St. Paul League Base Ball Athletic Meet Wild West Show New 923,000.00 cattle barn, 171 x 255 to hold 636 head of cattle New 810,000.00 steele frame Auditorium, to seat 1,500 people, to be dedicated by Kon. W. J. Bryan, on Wednesday, September 2d For premium list and entry blank, write W. N. Mellor, Sec, Lincoln, Neb. Wheat Harvest Over! Before you plant another crop on the high-priced lands of the old States, pay a visit to Texas and the Southwest Examine the cheap lands, and many opportunities are there for the farmer. Excursions Twice Monthly On the first and third Tuesdays, a special low round trip rate is offered -OVER THE MISSOURI PACIFIC IRON MOUNTAIN touching every part of this Resourceful and Healthful Region Liberal stop-overs are allowed, and limit for return is extended from 21 to 25 days. You can stop over in either direction, make side trips to any point and return from any station short of final destinatian, if the complete journey allowed by the ticket is not desired. Such liberal privileges give the homeseeker an excellent opportunity to see and appreciate the country. Round Trip Rates Very Low Ask for full information re garding homcseekers’ rates, and secure some of the inter esting literature about the various states in the South west. U H- PALNint SolX. J- B. VARNER, Local Agent The Kansas City Star’s Campaign Offer From Date to 30th November, 1908—$1.00 We will, upon receipt of One Dollar, mail The Kansas City Star, Morning, Evening and Sunday, from date received to 30th November, 1908. ACCEPT THIS REMARKABLE OFFER TO KAY The Star reported the Republican and the Demo cratic Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper. If you want facts about all parties accept this offer and read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in expression. Send along your dollar to-day, together with your name and address written plainly. ADDRESS f Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.