The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 04, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Dr. Tefft, Dentist. Maddox block,
opposite court house.
Anna Pyle came up from Pres
ton Monda3r afternoon.
Heck & Harlow want peaches,
apples, grapes, plums and pears.
Mrs. Bert Ohara and babies are
in Nebraska Cit3' visiting rela
Mrs, Kate Steele r c t u r ned
Tuesday from a short visit at
Casey, Iowa.
The new fall hats are now on
display at the Patzman Sisters
millinery store.
Irene Prior is in Concordia,
Kansas, visiting her sister, Mrs.
Carroll Oberland
The Misses Snidow left this
week for LaMars, Iowa to be
gin their school work.
Lost—A bracelet with ame
thyst settings. Return to this of
fice and receive reward.
F. W. Cleveland & Son will have
Special Sales in nearly every de
partment Friday and Saturday.
W.W.Jenne returned the latter
part of the week and will spend
several days with his family.
G. Fred Cummings of Omaha
spent several days the past week
at the home of Thomas Naylor.
Misses Mary and Jessie Paxton
returned this week from an ex
tended visit with their father in
Tom Coleman of Omaha spent
Sunday in this city with his
mother and sister. Mrs. W. T.
Jennie Prater returned Satur
day from a week’s visit with Mrs.
Carroll Oberlan at Concordia,
Kev. and Mrs. Holland of Ed
gerton, Mo., spent Saturday in
this city guests at the home of
Samuel Prater.
John Hossack and wife and
Mrs. Margery Grant spent Sun
day with Matt McMahan and
family near Preston.
Mrs. R- B. McMahon and Mrs.
MaryMosiman returned Sunday
morning from Des Moines, after
spending a week at the state fair.
Misses Kate and Mary Mc
Mahan returned this week from
an extended visit with relatives
in Canada. Michigan and Chi
Mrs. J. R- Stains went to Sa
lem Friday, where on Monday
morning her schooi began. She
has charge of the fifth and sixth
grades. __
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver
If you want the best for
your money in Tablets,
Pencils, Inks or any
thing in School Supplies
A larger assortment than
ever before.
We solicit a share of
of your business.
Falls City, Nebraska
School Shoes That Pay!
Have You Bought Your School
Shoes for the Boy and the Girl z
We have the KIND of Shoe you want, in the LEATHER you want and at the PRICE you want.
REAL STYLE, GOOD VALUE and EXCELI ENT SERVICE are the strong selling points of our Shoes.
The Place to Buy Your Shoes
&“) Is at a SHOE STORE
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
When Trifles Become Troubles
If any person suspects that their kid
neys are deranged they should take
Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and
not risk having Bright’s disease or dia
betes. Delay gives the disease a strong
er foothold and you should not delay
taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Kerr’s
Miss Clare Bigelow of Leeds,
S. D.. has been a guest at the
home of the Gehling girls. She
is a daughter of Prof. Bigelow,
who was connected with the Falls
City schools a few years ago.
Prof. Bigelow is now superinten
dent of the Leeds schools
Elva Cox, the little boy who
advertised for his lost dog in last
week’s Tribune, received a tele- i
ohone message at midnight
Thursday night telling h i m
where to find his dog. It surely
pays to advertise in the Tribune.
W. S. Leyda and wife returned
Saturday night from an extended
eastern trip. They visited many
places of interest and visited with
Mrs. Leyda’s mother in Ohio.
They report an excellent time.
Mrs. Elizabeth Carney returned
last week to her home in West
ern, Neb., after spending about
six weeks in this city with the
Lawrence girls and other friends
We stop the press to announce
the marriage of Evalyn Maud
Hart to Arthur J. Weaver on
Wednesday Sept- 2 at White
Pigeon. Michigan.
Miss Rosa Wolfe left the first
of the week for Marysville, Mo.,
where she will act in the capacity
of a trimmer in one of the lead
ing millinery stores there.
Mrs. Riley Shaffer returned
Sunday from the Hot Springs in
Arkansas. She has been there
several weeks and is much im
proved in health.
Mrs- Geo. Prater and two
daughters returned Friday from
St. Joe having been called there
on account of the illness of the
former’s sister.
Word was received here this
week from Clem Stump and wife,
who are now located at Phoenix,
Arizona. They are getting along
Maud Graham returned from a
visit with friends and relatives at
Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma
She reports a very pleasant time.
Frank Haller returned Sunday
to his home in Grand Island after
spending several days at the
home of his uncle. Ferd Parchen.
Miss Mabel Beachy and sister
from Ottawa, Kans., are visiting
relatives in this city. The Trib
une acknowledges a call
Frank Gossett and wife return
ed Sunday to their home in Hol
ton, Kansas, after visiting rela
tives here.
Lizzie Wolfe left Sunday tor
Greenleaf, Kansas, where she
has a position in a millinery store
Mrs. Henry S. King came down
from Omaha Sunday to visit at
the home of R. A. Coupe.
Call and see the advance fall
styles now on display at the
Patzman Sisters
Geo- Martin came down from
Shenandoah and spent Sunday
with his parents.
Tables full of Special Sale articles
at Cleveland &. Son's--Friday and
Gotlob Wechter is in Blue Hill,
Nebr., visiting relatives.
Edith Kern of Rulo was shop
ping here Monday.
R. P. Thomas added his name
to our list this week.
See the Directoire hats at the
Boil-Ton millinery store.
Beulah Greenwald leaves today
for an extended stay in Wyoming.
Zetta Camblin returned Sun
day evening from a few days
visit in St. Joe.
John Musselman of Kansas
City is visiting his aunt, Mrs. P.
S. Jussen, this week.
Sam Ashcorn, of Sapulpa, Ok.,
is in this city visiting at the home
of his uncle, P. H. Jussen.
F. W. Cleveland & Son will have
Special Sales in nearly every de
partment Friday and Saturday.
Miss Anna Richelieu of Omaha,
arrived Monday for a visit with
her friend, Kate Shulenberg.
Nellie Dore of Omaha is visit
ing her cousin. Kate Shulenberg,
and other relatives in this city.
Heck & Harlow will buy any
thing you have in fruit, produce,
poultry and hav. They pay
Mrs. J. J. Tanner returned this
week from Lincoln, where she
has been visiting her son Albert
and family.
Claudia Harris returned home
Sunday after a two months stay
in the western part of the state
visiting relatives.
Agnes Moran left Friday for
Shelton, Nebr., where she will
again take up her duties as teach
er in the public schools.
Wes Keiler this week moved
his family to Hiawatha, their
future home. He is in the em
ploy of the M. P. railroad.
Margaret Flynn returned Fri
day to her home in Omaha, after
a short visit in this city with her
cousin, Mrs. J. P- Gehling
M. J. Schaible returned the
latter part of the week from a
short visit at the home of Chas.
Rieger at Fairview, Kans.
Mrs. Rose Orouek returned to
her work in Omaha after a two
week’s visit with her parents,
James McFarland and wife in this
Miss Shirley Wilcox came in
from Burlington, Col., Saturday,
to be here in time to begin her
studies at the high school Mon
day morning.
It was a sorry looking bunch of
ball players that came home from
Stella Friday night. The boys
had two days hard work but they
played good ball.
Mrs. Bert Wright and son Bob,
returned Saturday to her home in
Kansas City, after a months
visit in this city at the home of
Mrs. Mattie Stoughton.
W. S. Korner and George
Schock left Friday night for
Toledo, Ohio to visit their old
home and attend the National en
campment of the G. A. R.
Clara Tanner returned this
week from a trip through Colora
do. She visited her brothers in
Arapahoe on her return home.
She says she enjoyed her vacation
very much.
Sheriff Fenton received word
the latter part of the week that
the infant child of Dan Fenton of
Tecumseh. was so badly burned
Friday morning that it died that
evening. Dan Fenton is a cousin
of Sheriff Fenton
A. H. Voegelein went to Kulo
the first of the week and will
commence his duties as superin
tendent of the Kulo schools next
Monday. Prof. Voegelein has
proven himself an excellent
teacher and Kulo is indeed fortu
nate in securing his services.
Helen Brebeck returned the
latter part of the week from the
wholesale houses where she has
spent several weeks in the inter
est of her millinery trade.
The crowd in town last Satur
day would naturally cause a stran
ger to believe there was a circus
or something unusual going on,
but it was the usual Saturday
crowd in a good lively town.
Mrs. R. Porrocks and little son
Robert, returned the latter part
of the week from a ten days visit
in Shickley with her daughter,
Mrs. Tom Palmer.
George Scholl on Route 4 re
membered the printer on Saturday
and brought to this office the finest
basket of peaches we haye seen
this year. Next.
Mrs. Katheryne Wylie and
daughter Florence returned Sat
urday from Auburn where they
were visiting her daughter Mrs.
Allan D. May.
S. A. Matthews, inspector ifor
the Nebraska Fire Insurance In
spection bureau, was looking af
ter business in this city during
the week. /
About a hundred local fans fol
lowed the ball team to Stella
Thursday and were well repaid
by the excellent game they wit
Mrs. John Crook and little
daughter returned Saturday from
a few days visit with her parents
at Coin, Iowa.
Billy Bell sjent a portion of the
past week in this city being call
ed here by the death of his uncle,
E- E. Bell.
Ed King returned Tuesday
from California and on Wednes
day went to Lincoln to attend the
state fair.
Mrs- Edwards and daughter,
Mrs. Bradley and her children of
Humboldt, visited relatives here
We received a postal from Jas.
Bascoin this week who tells us he
is at Steinauer, Neb-, hard at
The Gehling sisters will soon
begin the erection of a fine new
home on their lots on south Stone
Solomon Beacliy of Morrill,
Kas., was the guest of his brother,
Simon, and family, during the
Mrs. Wm- Schmelzel spent a
few days of last week with Stella
friends, attending the picnic.
W. R. Cade left Saturday for
Osborne county, Kans., to look
after his farming interests.
G. W. Spragins came in the
latter part of the week to spend a
few days with his family.
Mrs. Clarence Heck attended
the Stella picnic Thursday and
witnessed the ball game.
Ernie Bell came down from
Omaha to attend the funeral of
his uncle E. E. Bell.
M. B. Sharp and wife went to
Omaha Saturday for a few days
visit with friends.
Tables full of Special Sale articles
at Cleveland & Son's--Friday and
E<1. May of Salem spent Friday
in this city.
Mike Melina of Verdon was in
this city Monday.
Joe Holmes came up from Hia
watha Tuesday.
Mrs. John Startnel was on the
sick list during the week.
Ethel Parchen is now employed
as stenographer by II. C- Smith.
Ed Murphy of Rulo visited his
sister Mrs. Dennis McCarthy,
Miss Nan Hutchins returned
this week from aa extended stay
in Colorado.
Mr. Beauchaupt came up from
Hiawatha Tuesday and spent the
day with old friends.
I. E. Smith one of Humboldt’s
attorneys, was in this city on
legal business Monday.
S. L. Davies of Trenton, was
in the city this week to attend the
Reicners-Davies wedding.
Margeruetie Davies of Nelson
is in the city visiting at the home
of her cousin, D. M. Davies.
D. Sutorius of Humboldt was a
business visitor here Tuesday and
a pleasant caller at this office.
J. Rock Williamson of Dawson
was in town Saturday mingling
with his many old time friends.
Mrs. E. H. Jones came down
from Fairbury to attend the wed
ding of her brother, Tom Davies.
Mrs. 0. M. Jellison and Mrs.
Elton Sherdeman left Wednesday
for Lincoln to attend the state
Katherine Meliza who finished
the high school here last year,
will attend the university at Lin
Clarence Smith and wife drove
up to Verdon Friday in a Ram
bler automobile and visited the
Vedette family.
Ethel Cade accompanied her
father to Oberlin, Kansas, Satur
day, where she will visit her
brothers for a time.
A “gang” representing the
Bell Telephone Co. were at work
repairing the system in and
around this city this week.
Grace Saylor returned to her
home in Verdon the latter part of
the week after spending a few
days at the home of E. E. Scott.
Mrs- J. E. Ley da and Mrs. F.
E. Schmidt were called to Weep
ing Water this week by the death
of the former’s nephew, James
Albert Maust and wife returned
Friday from their extended east*
ern trip. They visited many pla
ces of interest and report a most
pleasant time.
J. G. Dodds of Franklin pre
cinct will hereafter keep our read
ers posted on the doings in his
neighborhood, he having been
added to our staff of correspond
ents this week,
“Bert Baker don't think much
of the new ballot system,” said a
friend of his. “In his haste to
be the first republican voter in
his ward he filled out a whole
democratic ballot before noting
the mistake.”
Mrs. George W. Reneker and
i little daughter are spending this
week in Troy, Ivas. At that
i place they are celebrating a
“home coining” where all old
residents are invited home to en
joy a time.
Miss Virginia Hargrave and
Mrs. Pyle, who have been visit
ing with the former’s brother,
Charles Hargrave and family, for
some time, returned to their
home at Kaufman, Texas, Wed
The Misses Schilling were in
the city this week visiting their
sister, Mrs. Sam Mower. They
were on their return to their
home in Illinois from a several
weeks stay in Denver.
Bert Whitaker is reported much
improved in his physical condi
tion ,’t present. All his friends
are anxiously waiting to greet
him in his accustom place about
E. O. Lewis was in the city a
few hours Monday. He went
from here to Lincoln, where he
has his hop dip and stock powder
on display at the state tair.
Heck & Harlow will furnish
you apple barrels,peach crates or
baskets to ship your fruit. Will
sell you a barrel or crate or a car
load, pet our prices.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold an exchanpe at
the Morseman's drup store, the
second and fourth Saturdays of
each month.
Mrs. Dolph Messier accompa
nied by her son Hart, went to St.
Joseph Tuesday for a short visit
with relatives.
Dr. J. L. Gandy of Humboldt,
was a business visitor in this city
Tuesday. He made us a pleas
ant call.
John Wiltse was in Humboldt
precinct Saturday nipht assisting
in the organization of a Taft
John Dorinpton returned Mon
day from a short visit with his
nephew, John W. Towle in Oma
Mrs. McMillan and Mrs.
Knight leave tomorrow for a
week’s stay at Sun Springs.
Henry Gerdes and wife were
passengers to Lincoln Wednes
Heck & Harlow want peaches,
apples, grapes, plums and pears.
Mrs. G. W. Inskeep was re
ported sick the first of the week.
Norman Musselman is spend
ing this week in Lincoln.
Bart Messier came down from
Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Elliott left Tuesday for
School Children
from imperfect vision and
are called dull in studies.
We give careful attention
to the fitting of children’s
study glasses.
George W. Reneker, M. D.
Graduate Optician
Hides and Purs
Highest market prices—1st
house south of Peter Freder
ick, sr.
Phone 369 b