The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 28, 1908, Image 3

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It lias been said, and rightly,
that the atmosphere of a home,
the room empty of all but its
furnishings, silently proclaims
the character of its inhabitant.
A tew volumes, well selected, a
few pictures of real artistic merit,
simple though they may be, be
speak to the observer, cultuie
and refinement as plainly as
crowded shelves indiscriminately
filled disclose the immitator or
the untutored.
It is as equally true that the
surroundings stamp the individ
ual, not only the immediate sur
roundings, but the section of
country in which he lives, stamps
liini with its own mark, recogniz
able by the keen observer.
In a recent visit to the east,
the writer found hourly demon
strations of tlie above statement,
for although we are one people,
one nation under one flag, we are
nevertheless divided into sections,
with sectional interests, sectional
tastes, and oddest of all, a sec
tional language- Sectional in
terests were plainly shown when
every clerk, street car conductor,
or vendor of any sort, would ap
oligize, if in changing money he
had to give more than a dollar in
silver and a silver dollar is an al
most unknown piece of money.
It certainly is not in circulation
only as the west carries it east.
During a month’s stay in that
section, the only silver I saw I
had in my own purse.
To enjoy the sectional lan
guage one need stay but a day in
Atlantic City and listen, for this
beautiful and popular resort,
standing as it does, on the coast
of the big, solemn ocean, visited
by thousands of people, is a city
of all nations, all sections and all
people. A fact fully appreciated
even by the news boys, for from
every corner on the famous
“Board Walk’’ can be heard,
“Name your town, I have your
papers.” On hearing that one
beautiful evening, when we had
settled ourselves to watch the
restless ocean under a placid
moon, and the restless people as
well, a certain little Nebraska
boy hurried ofT to purchase a pa
per. He soon returned and with
just a touch or impatience in his
voice remarked, “I asked for a
Falls City Tribune and all I could
get was a Lincoln paper. ” Little
Nebraska was disappointed and
he was certain that newsboy had
failed to appreciate the possibili
i ties of his vocation, for he said,
“It the State Journal is worth 15
cents the Tribune is worth a
quarter. ’
By using one’s eyes and ears at
such a place, there is certain fac
iuation in selecting the real from
the false and the genuine from
the counterfeit. And listen, can
you not tell the Philadelphian
who goes “daown t’ Atlantic”
from shop, bank or rush of busi
ness, on Saturday, to enjoy the
invigorating air. one day out of
every week, and the Bostonian
who “cannt” breakfast on a Sun
day morning without his baked
beans and brown bread: and the
one from “Baltimore” or “Yohk
State” who has the tune and ac
cent on one who is monarch of
all he surveys and has pre-empted
all in sight, even the blue sky
above him
Ana wnen Knoae isiana wun
nasal tones enlarges upon the de
light of a “clayrn bake,” one from
the interior smiles at the Yankee
drawl marking the New England
er, with just a shade of difference
for each state, even within the
narrov/ limits of little Rhode Is
land is an accent or twang heard
no place else.
Dignified, stately Maine pat
iently endorses Chicagoians gush
ing effusion upon the “be-au-ti
ful” oceaii that is “simply out of
sight’’ and being painfully ignor
ant as to Chicago’s colloquialism.
Maine exclaims “the idear,” for
to him the ocean is very much in
And Kentucky, looking on, re
marks “that is the bluest ‘waiali’
evah I saw" and Virginia with a
softening of her “a’s” agrees.
The Californian wagers “two
bits’’ against a Washingtonians
“quarter «f a dollah” that Long
Beach is a more popular resort
than Atlantic City and Missouri
being called in to settle the dis
pute, says she has never been out
“that away,’’ will have to vote
for Atlantic City. Thus it goes,
and to the interested listener it
becomes a pleasant pastime to
speculate on one’s locality from
bis accent.
Now an then we met one from
Nebraska, dear, fitful Nebraska,
that is either wet or dry, hot or
cold as the mood strikes her, l?ut
evening it all up in the long run,
until the is just about right—and
it was like an occasional breeze
from the west to heaf one speak,
not with an accent “wild and
Model “10"
Represent.the highest possible value. They
are made in the largest Automobile factory in
the world, at Flint, Michigan.
; We carry in stock a complete line of
Cars and Supplies.
Two Car Loads Now on the Road
A 40-Horse Power, Model “5” Touring Car, $2,500
A 30-Horse Power, Models ”D” and “S”, $1,750
A 22-Horse Power, Model “F” Touring Car, $1,250
A 18-Horse Power, Model “10”, with Rumble
seat. $900
Falls City Auto Company
LGarage West of the State Bank Falls City, Nebraska
Try The Tribune for Job Work
woolv." but as broad and flowing
as her wide extended fields- and
valleys anil .is good to bear as
those same tields and valleys are
to look at.
But with all the lamination of
the east with its natural beauty
and things that belong to the
years of yesterday, with its
crowds and evidences of wealth,
and all these will charm for a
time, the best part was in turn
ing westward to a land with no
yesterday but with energetic peo
ple feeling today with events
that make history turning west
ward to the southeastern portion
of Nebraska that held the spot
dearest of all on earth . the home
block beautiful.
The little count was trying to
make a good impression.
“Ah,” he whispered, suavely, “I
should like to take you coaching
through our castle grounds. I am
an expert handler of the ribbons.”
The sensible heiress smiled.
‘■Indeed!” she replied, sweetly.
“How lucky!”
“Lucky P”
“Yes, if you don’t succeed in find
ing a rich wife you can easily obtain
a position at some ribbon counter.”
Following is from an exchange:
“Beware of theologians who have
no sense of mirth; they arc not alto
gether human.”
“Keep your chin up.”
“Don’t take your troubles to bed
with you; hang them on a chair with
your trousers or drop them into a
glass of water with your teeth.”
“I am sure I do not know what
will become of Bessie,” said Bessie’s
mamma. “She came home from
Sunday school yesterday crying.
When T asked her what she was cry
ing about she said f
“ ‘Because poor Eve never had any
mamma.’ ”
Miss Bridge Fiend—You ought to
be able to write fine comedies, Mr.
Young Author—You flatter me.
Miss Beatrix. Why ought I to ?
Migs Bridge Fiend—Because you
make such amusing plays.
Lege' Notice
In the Richardson County, District court
State of Nebraska.
Peter Frederick sr.
Plaintiff j
Jacob Gebhart, the Uncle I
8am Oil Company, a Kansas i
Corporation and a bankrupt
Peter VV. Goebel trustee in
bankruptcy of bankrupt es
tate of Uncle Sam Oil Co.
and Martha C. Gray
Defendants I
To the Uncle Bam Oil company, a Kansan coi
poration, and declared a bankrupt by the judg
ment of the United States District court for the
District of Kansas, Peter W. Goebel trustee in
bankruptcy for the bankrupt estate of the Uncle
Bam Oil Company and Martha C. Gray, non
resident defendants. You will take notice that
the plaintiff, Peter Frederick sr., did on the
30th day of July, 1VI0H file his petition in the* dis
trict court of Richardson county, State of Ne
braska the object and prayer of which is to fore
close a mortgage on t fie following described
real estate situated in Kichnrdson county state
of Nebraska and in which it is alleged you
severally claim some interest to-wit. Com
mencing ut the southeast corner of the land
deeded by Towle & Crook to J. W. Hamel in the
southeast quarter C*) of the northwest quar
ter (*4) of section No. Fifteen (15) Township
One (1) Range Sixteen (16) east. Recorded iu
Rook seven [ 7 J page 2M6 Richardson county
Nebraska d<*ed Records, thence running sonth
[751 seventy-five feet; thence west one-liundred
and twenty-five feet [125] thence north seventy
five feet 175] thence east one hundred and
twenty-five feet 1125] to the place of beginning.
Also lots twenty 1201 twenty-one 121) twenty
two [221 twenty-three [23] and twenty-four 124]
in block No. two-liundred-thirty-one 12311 iu
the city of Falls City state of Nebraska.
Also the following tract of land situated iu
the corporate limits of Falls City to-wit:
Commencing at a point seventy-five [75] feet
south of the southeast corner of land deeded
by Towle & Crook to J. W. Kamel in the south
east quarter 114] of the northwest quarter IK1
in Section fifteen (151 Town one 111 Range six
teen (16) east, thence running south from that
point 37 feet, tin*nee running due west to Ben.
Poteet's corner, thence north 112 feet to J. W.
Kamel's corner, thence due east about 145 feet,
thence south seventy-five (751 feet thence east
120 feet to the place of beginning.
And you are further notified that unless you
plead, answer or demur to the petition of
plaintiff on or before the 7th day of September
1008 the same will be taken as true and a
decree iu accordance with the prayer thereof
will be rendered by the cou/t.
Reavis & Reavis
Attorneys for Plaintiff
First publication July 3l 4 times
Notice of Probate of Will
In the County Cotai of Khtiakdmon County,
Nebraska: lu the matter of probating the Last
Will and Testament of James M. Whitaker, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons in
terested that E. U. Towle has deposited in said
court an instrument purporting to l>e the last
will and testament of said James M. Whitaker,
deceased, and filed a petition praying that said
instrument may be allowed and probated as the
last will and testament of said deceased, and that
he may lie appointed executor thereof. It is or
dered that the same be heard by the court on
Thursday, the 17th day of September, 100h, at iu
o’clock, a. m., in the county court room in Falls
City, in said county, when and where all persons
interested may appear and contest the probate
By order of the court, dated August 26th, IPOs
John Gagnon, County Judge.
First publication Aug. 28. 3t
The following proposed amendment to the
const it ut ion of the State of Nebraska, as herein
after set forth in full, is submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska, to Is* voted upon at tin*
general election to be held Tuesday, November
3rd, A. D. lPOh.
A JOINT HKSOH’TlON t«* amend Sections
two (2), four (4 . five (5), six (fi) and thirteen (13)
J of Article six (tl) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska, relating to Judicial 1’owors.
Hk rr 11. solved by the LeoislVTUUK of the
State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Amendment Proposed. That Sec
tion two (2) of Article six (ti) of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska Is* amended to road as
follows :
Section 2. (Supreme Court; Judges; Juris
diction-,) Th** Supreme Conrt shall consist
seven (7) judges; ami a majority of all elected and
j qualified judges shall Is* necessary to constitute
a quorum or pronounce a decision. The Supreme
Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating
to the revenue, civil case?, iu which the state is a
party, mandamus, quo warranto, hultens corpus,
and such appellate jurisdiction as may hi* pro
vided by law.
Section 2. (Amendment Proposed.) That
Section four, (I of Article six (H) of the Constitu
tion of tin* State* of Nebraska, Is* amended to road
as follows :
TION, Tkum, Residence.) The judges of the Su
preme Court-shall be elected by the elect ora of
the state at large; and their term of office except
as hereinafter provided shall be six years. And
said Supreme Court judges shall during their
term of office, resident the place where the court
is holden.
Section it. (Amendment Proposed.) That
Section five 15J of Article six 11» | of the Constitu
tion of the State of Nebraska Is* ameuded to read
as b»llows
Section 5. (Supreme Court, Judges, Eleu
tion, Term, Chief Justice. | That at the gen
eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska
in the year 1909, and each six years thereafter,
there shall lie elected three 13] judges of the Su
premo Court, who shall held their office for the
period of six years; that at the general election
[ to lie held in the state of Nebraska in the year
1911, ami each six years thereafter, there shall lie
I elected three 131 jndges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period of six
years; and at the general election to Is* held in
: the state of Nebraska in the year 1913 and each
Hix years thereafter, there shall lie elected a Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his
office for the period of six years. Provided that
the mem tier of the Supreme Court whose term of
office expires in January 1914, shall In* Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court during that time until
j the expiration of his term of office. And pro
I vided further, that upon the adoption of these
amendments by the electors of the State, tho
j Governor shall,! immediately upon issuing his
I proclnmat ion declaring said amendments adopt
ed, appoint four 111 jndges of the Supreme Court,
two [ 21 of whom shall lie appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall he elected at the
general.election'in 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two 12 | shall hold their office until their
successors shall lie elected at the general election
held in 1911, and.have qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment Proposed.] That
Section six (*i( of Article six (tl| of the Constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska, be amended to read
as follows:
Section tb ( Chief Justice. | The Chief Jus
tice shall serve as such during all the term for
which he was elected. He shall preside at all
terms of the Supreme Court, and in his absence
the judges present shall select one of their nnmlier
to preside temporarily.
Section 5. (Amendment Proposed.| That
Section thirteen |13( of Article six |*>( of the
Constitution of Nebraska lie amemh*d to read as
follows :
Section 13. [Judges, Salaries. | That jndges
of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary
of $4500, and ‘the Judges of the District Court
shall each receive a salary of 13000 per annum,
payable quarterly.
Approved April H, 1907.
I, Geo. C.'Jnnkin, Secretary of State, of the
State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore
going proposed amendment to t lie Constitution
of the State of Nebraska is a true ami correct
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill,
as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as appears from
said original bill on tile in this office, and that
said proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general election to
Ik* held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A.
1). 1908,
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of
Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 15th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Eight, and of the Indepen
dence of the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State tie* Forty-second.
( heae] Secretary of State.
Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that I will offer at pub
lic sale in front of the west door of the court
house at Falls City, on Saturday, tin* 19th day
of September, 1908, at the hour of 1 o’clock, p.
in., of said day, the one undivided 9th" [ninth]
interest or part of the following described land,
situate in Richardson County, State of Nebras
ka, tc-wit: the south sixty [oO] acres in the
south-west quarter [ Va ] of section seventeen 117)
and the north half ( K1 of the north-west quar
ter [ Va ) of section twenty [20), all in township
three [3), range north sixteen |l(>) east of the
fitli P. M. The sale will be made subject to a
mortgage on the whole tract for the sum of
twentyfive hundred dollars I$2,ii00.o0) and sub- 1
ject also to the dower estate of Emily Leslie,
widow of Henry Leslie, deceased. The land to
be sold pursuant to the levy of an execution
thereon to satisfy a judgment rendered in the
District Court of Richardson County, in favor
of Blanchard, Ehrke & Wilderman vs. Henry
C. Leslie, owner of said undivided 9th interest.
Terms of sale. Cash,
W. T. Fenton,
Sheriff of Richardson County,
Rea vis & Reavis,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs in Execution.
First publication Aug. 14. five times.
Healed bids will lx* received until l o’clock p.
in., of Friday, September is, lifOs, at office
of A. U. heim, for constructing the ditch
. as, dykes, levees, spillways, flood gates, in
lets, etc., in Drainage District Number One,
nichardson County, Nebraska Each bid must
be accnmiMinied by a certified check on a National
Bank doing business in the State of Nebraska, or
Chicago or Ht. Louis exchange, payable to the
Treasurer of the Drainage District, in the sum
of five per centum of the amount of the bid, un
less the said per centum exceeds ten thousand |
dollars, in which case the certified check shall lx* |
for ten thousand dollars. The successful bidder
will 1m* required to furnish a bond in an amount
I equal to twenty-five per centum of the amount
of the contract. The right is reserved td reject
' any or all bids. Plats, plans, profiles, and speci
fications can lx* seen and examined at the office
of Drain Commissioner, K. E, Crinstend. Salem, i
Nebraska, or at the office of A. M. Munu. engin
! eer, Nebraska City, Nebraska.
31-4 Drain Commissioner.
First publication August 21, 1908.
Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln
Monday, August 31 Lincoln Oav Tuesday, Sept, I Governor’* Day
Wednesday, Sept. 2—Bryan Day Thursday, Sept d —Taft-Omaha Day
Friday, September 4—Parade Day
Best Agricultural, Live Stuck and Machinery Exhibits
ever shown in Nebraska
$30,000.00 in Premiums $12,000.00 in Speed
Fifteen harness and eight running races
Pain's stupendous spectacle
500 people. Immense display of fireworks each night
Liberati's New York Festival Military Hand and Grand Opera Com
pany of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of
national reputation; State bands from Hebron, Beatrice, Aurora, St. Paul
League Base Ball Athletic Meet Wild West Show
New $211,000.00 cattle barn, 174x255 to hold (13(1 head of cattle
New $10,000.00 steele frame Auditorium, to seat 4,500 people, to he
dedicated by Him. W. J. Bryan, on Wednesday, September 2d
For premium list and entry blank, write W. R. Mellor, Sec, Lincoln, Neb.
Wheat Harvest Over!
Before you plant another crop on
the high-priced lands of the old
States, pay a visit to
Texas and the Southwest
Examine the cheap lands, and
many opportunities are there for
the farmer.
Excursions Twice Monthly
On the first and third Tuesdays, a
a *
special low round trip rate is offered
touching every part of this
Resourceful and Healthful Region
I iberal stop-overs are allowed, and
limit for return is extended from 21
to 25 days. You can stop over in
either direction, make side trips to I
any point and return from any
station short of final destinatian, if
the complete journey allowed by the •
ticket is not desired. Such liberal
privileges give the homeseeker an
excellent opportunity to see and
appreciate the country.
Round Trip Rates
Very low
Ask for full information re
garding homeseekers’ rates,
and secure some of the inter
esting literature about the
• various states in the South
B. H. PAYNE, G. P. A. . D vadncd i
Saint Louie, Mo. J* VARNER, LOCdl Agent
The Kansas City Star’s Campaign Offer
From Date to 30th November, 1908—$1.00
We will, upon receipt of One Dollar, mail The
Kansas City Star, Morning, Evening and Sunday, from
date received to 30th November, 1908. I
The Star reported the Republican and the Demo
cratic Conventions on a scale never before equaled by
any paper. j
If you want facts about all parties accept this offer
and read The Star as it is independent in politics and
fearless in expression.
Send along your dollar to-day, together with your
name and address written plainly.
Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.