The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 28, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
Contract for Pump. Pump House
and Wells Awarded to Mr.
Merkle of Kansas City
At the meeting of the city
council Friday evening, Aug. 21
the bids for the pump, power
house and wells were opened
and read and the contract for
same awarded to Mr. Merkle of
Kansas City, at the price of 82,
850. The test well now on the
grounds, will be used and the
contract calls for three addition
al wells. Work will be com
menced at once, the same to be
completed by November 1st.
This is the last of the con
tracts to be awarded for the new
water and light plant, and the
council feel that they have ac
complished much good work,
since all the improvements con
tracted lor will come within the
appropriation fund.
The contractors for the taak,
tower and pipe line will arrive
in the city this week to begin
their work. Their first work
will be the work on the tower,
which will be located on the
Miles block, as first decided up
It is now only a matter of a
very short time until Falls City
will have a water and light
plant which will be a pride to
our citizens.
The council have had a most
strenuous time during the past
few months in settling these vi
tal questions, and now that they
are settled, let us at least be
thankful |to them for the time
and labor spent in the interests
of our city.
It Is False
All statements ol whatever
sort, coming from whatsoever
source, that the Methodist-Epis
copal church has committed it
self to Bryan is false and mis
leading. The Methodist church
never has in all its history7
pledged its members to the sup
port of any party, neither have
they tried to influence them one
way or the other, no circular has
been issued, nor word sent along
the line, no article written in
any of its numerous publications
seeking to influence its members
to vote either for Mr. Bryan or
for Mr. Taft.
Rev. C. A. Mastin.
School Opens Next Monday
On next Monday, Aug. 31, our
public schools will open for the
term. Everything is readiness,
and a big enrollment is looked
for. During the summer vaca
tion fire escapes have been add
ed, the buildings thoroughly
renovated and put in first-class
condition. Be on hand at the
ringing of the bell Monday
Building Addition
In order to accommodate their
increasing business, Heacock A
Son are building quite a large
addition to their mill to be used
as a storage house for flour.
Our people all wrant the best,
and as a result this firm is kept
busy almost night and day.
Special State Fair Rates
TheBurlington have announced
their rate of one and one-half
fare for the state fair, good for
all week. This makes the cost
from Falls City, including admis
sion to the grounds and street car
fare, S3.40.
Closing Out Sale
Eobt Paul will hold a closing
out sale on his farm two and
one-half miles north of Eulo, on
Tuesday, September 29. Fuil
particulars will be given later.
-What Ed Howe of The Atchison
Globe Has to Say
That Ed. Howe still has a
hankerin’ after Falls City, his
old home, or anything pertain
ing thereto, is very evident from
the following items taken from
the Atchison Globe of Aug. 20:
“Considering that we used to
play in the Falla City band, it’s
funny it didn’t serenade the
Globe office today.’’
“This reporter points with
pride to the Falls City band,
which is in town today; he used
to play in that organization.
But it is safe to say that no
member of the band remembers
the time when this reporter
played in the Falls City band;
more than thirty years ago.”
“Alois Philipp, an old band
teacher, said today: ‘The Palls
City band is pretty good.’ That’s
the band we used to play with.
We began on the bass drum and
then took the tuba, or bass horn.
Then we tried alto, tenor, and
cornet. We never could play
alto, tenor or cornet very well,
but we played the tuba so well,
that the teacher was jealous; he
had a son who played tuba in
the Arago band, and the teacher
used to tell around that we were
no better than his son, Emil.”
Tendered a Number of Our People
Who are Leaving the City.
On Thursday evening a recep
tion was given at the home of
Rev. Dr. Bailey, as a sort of a
farewell to a number of his con
gregation who are leaving the
city. A large crowd was present
to wish them success in their new
fields and the program consisting
of vocal and instrumental selec
tions, reading and speeches was
very interesting. Nice refresh
ments were served.
These people will be greatly
missed by the pastor in hischurch
and Sunday school work but they
go with the good will and best
wishes of all.
Those leaving are Mrs. Maud
Davies and daughter Helen who
go to Eames, Iowa; .Viable Green
wald and Miss Snidow to Lamars
Iowa. Beulah Greenwaldto Idaho
to teach; Anita Wilson to Val
paraiso. Ind., to study music;
Dorathea Morehead and Ruth
Heacock to Lincoln to University
and Alice Yoder and Anna Mason
will teach in the country.
.. . . —
Miss Anita Wilson to Attend School
at Valparaiso. Indiana
Miss Anita Wilson is expecting
to leave next week for Valoaraiso,
Ind., where she will attend the
school of music which has made
that town famous in the past few
While Miss Wilson expects to
take special work in the school
she will also continue her violin
and vocal studies. Miss Anita’s
ability in these branches have
given her great prominence in
the musical circles in this vicini
ty, and her many friends here
feel that she has a splendid fu
ture before her. She has a beau
tiful contralto voice and has dis
played more than ordinary skill
on her favorite instrument, the
violin. We are sure to hear more
of Miss Anita.
Baptist Church
Morning service at 11 o’clock,
evening service 8 o’clock, Sunday
school 9:45 a, m., prayer meeting
Wednesday 8 p. m. All are in
vited to these services.
G- F. Reichel, Pastor.
Marriage License
Gold a Bowers, Barada.19
^ Maude Davis, Nemaha City .... 23
Robt. R. Edie, Humboldt.22
; Ethel Wilkinson, Humboldt.. .19
| Falls City Took Two From Troy,
Kas., and Lost One With
The two ball games at l’oteet’s
park last Tnursday and Friday
between Troy, Kas., and Falls
Citv were among the best ever
played on our home grounds- The
First game resulted in a victory
for Falls City by a score of -4 to 2
and was exciting throughout. It
was apparent from the start that
the teams were evenly matched
and at no time could either side
claim the game, and it was only
won by hard work and the best of
Floyd pitched for Troy and
Schtnelzel for Falls City, each al
lowing but five hits. Each man
played his position and the game
from start to finish was a fine ex"
Score by innings:
Troy.0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0—2
Falls City.. ..0 0 0 10 1 2 0 0—4
The second game was even
better than the first. Our boys
played without an error and Troy
made but two.
Wakefield, the colored gentle
man, was in the box for the visi
tors, and the way he did curve
that ball was a caution, but our
boys landed on him for six hits.
Heacock did the twirling for the
home team, and while he let sev
eral men walk, that seemed to be
the only way they could get to a
base, as he allowed but two hits,
and try as they would, all they
could do would be to knock little
pop-ups, making good practice
work for the fielders.
The result by innings:
Troy.000000 0 0 0—0
Falls City ....12000000 0—3
Willard Sears wa» back at his
old place in left field, and as usual
got everything coming his way.
The Troy ball team are among
the nicest young fellows that ever
played ball in our city, and we
hope they will play here again
before the season closes.
Troy’s third baseman is a dan
dy, but he can’t beat Clare Foster.
The double plays on Friday in
which Foehlinger,Heck and Wapp
figured would have done credit to
any of the big league players.
Poteet didn’t allow a ball to
pass him.
Cornell can play any place you
put put him, but he has no equal
when it comes to getting the ball
into the diamond from center
field. ____
Our boys again lost to Atchison
Tuesday by a score of 4 to 0, but
even at that, it was a dandy
game, and greatly enjoyed by the
large crowd in attendance.
Kelsey pitched a fine game for
the home boys and but for the
few costly errors, the score would
have read differently. He struck
out eight men, while Morgan,
who did the twirling for Atchi-|
son, had but seven to his credit.
That Atchison has one of the
very best ball teams, cannot be
denied, but we still contend that
they have to play their very best
when they go against Falls City,'
and it's anybody's game from I
start to finish. A feature of the
game was the splendid fielding by
both teams and two double plays
by Atchison.
For three innings there was as
fine an exhibition of ball playing
as one could wish for, but in the
fourth Atchison scored three
runs on errors and an earned run
in the seventh, and while our
boys succeeded in making several
hits, they were so scattered that
they failed to draw a prize.
The only excuse we can offer
for the defeat is errors, or a hard
luck story.
Atchison 0003001 0 0—4
Falls City 00000000 0—0
Is Now in a Critical Condition At
His Rooms in the National
The sad news has reached us
that our townsmen, R. R. Hell,
was stricken with appoplexy
about 1 1 o’clock at the National
Mr. Bell lor sometime has been
traveling for a drug firm but gave
up bis position recently, intend
ing to rest as he had not been
feeling well. His condition was
not considered serious, however,
and when the stroke came it was
a great shock.
Up to the time of going to
press he is still unconscious and
the attending physicians give no
hope of his recovery.
Miss Emma Brecht and William
Koso United in Marriage
On Thursday afternoon, Aug.
20th, occurred a pretty little
wedding out at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Brecht, north
east of the city,
Promptly at 3 o’clock the
bridal party entered the parlor
when the Rev. Dr. Bailey pro
nounced the words that made
Mr. William Koso and Miss
Emma Brecht husband and wife.
Only the immediate friends of
tlu* family were present to wit
lie'ss the ceremony. Mr. George
Brecht performed the duties of
best man and Miss Maude Mc
Caun very- efficiently served as
It is the intention of Mr. and
Mrs. Koso to go to farming a
few miles north of the home of
the bride's parent’s where they
will be glad to welcome their
The usual dinner served
so generously in the dining
room was appreciated by all
Both poung people have
many friends in this vicinity
who unite with the Tribune in
extending congratulations.
' j
This Splendid School Will Open
September Seventh
The convent sisters returned
Tuesday evening from York,
where they have been attending
the institute. They will have
everything in readiness for the
opening of the Ursuline convent
in this city on September 7. This
is a splendid school and parents
will make no mistake in arrang
ing to place their children under
the charge of these instructors
It is both a boarding and a day
school, the surroundings are
home like and pleasant, with
beautiful grounds for out door
sports, together with the splen
did instruction received makes it
an ideal spot for the training of
our young people
Aside from the regular course
special attention is given to art,
music, languages, etc.
On Monday of this week Frank
Dilts and Mrs. McDaniels of this
city quietly slipped over to Fia
watha and were married. It was
a surprise to their many friends
here, but all unite in extending
best wishes to the newlv wedded
In the evening the groom en
tertained their friends at Wahl’s
hall at a very pleasant dance in
honor of the important occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Dilts will reside on
a farm west of town.
A Fine Program Arranged by Our
Teutonic Friends
Our (lerman triends have their
arrangements about completed
for one of the best times our
city lias enjoyed tor a number
of years. All they ask is for
the weather clerk to furnish
good weather on September 15,
and they will furnish everything
The exercises will beat the
park and will consist of good
speaking and plenty of band
music by both the Hiawatha
and Falls City bands. There
will be one round ol pleasure
from early in the morning un
til late at night, the festivities
to close with a tine display of
fireworks at the court house.
One of the features will be the
parade, in which there will be
many pretty floats. Excursion
trains will be run from Omaha,
Lincoln, Nebraksa City, St. Joe
and Atchison.
It will be a big day, so ar
range your affairs that you may
give yourself a holiday on Sep
tember loth.
Oh. Those Au/ful "Pipe Oreams"
They're Something Terrible
We are acquainted with an edi
tor that Binokes a cob pipe, and
we are able to slate with some de
gree of accuracy, that the pipe
weighs no less than ten pounds,
empty. Now, when this veteran
editor, las well as smoker) tills
that pipe with good old corneake
tobacco, and then starts it to going
with a-match, information just
seems to stew right out of him,
and lie dreams—dreams lie can see
Bryan in the while house, and
dreams that he has a larger circu
lation than any other paper in the
county, that lie pays more help
than any other print shop in the
city, that his printers nre better
workmen than those cinployed in
the office of his contemporaries.
He says so himself. The pipe he
smokes must be a merry widow
’cause we never saw anything its
equal. We’ll have to take his
word for the rest. We never took
much stock in Dr. Osier’s theory
that all men should be chloro
formed when they reach the age
of 50, but we are about to change
our mind. Stand up for Richard
son county.—Dawson News Boy.
A Meeting at Court House Next
Monday Evening
On next Monday evening a
meeting will be held at the court
house by the Chautauqua Associ
ation, at which time a report of
the recent Chautauqua will be
offered those attending.
All are urgently requested to
be present and become informed
just where and how all moneys
were disposed of.
The work of organizing a per
manent Chautauqua association
will be taken up and it is hoped
by the present members of the
association that everyone inter
ested in the welfare of our city
and surrounding country, will let
it bd known by being present at
that time.
Are you a booster?
Stand up tor Falls City !
Attend this meeting ! !
Lost His Dog
The little son of John Cox of
this city is mourning the loss of
his dog companion. The animal
is a coal black water spaniel, with
a few white hairs on front of its
neck. When last seen a chain
collar was around its m k. Any
information concerning same will
make several little hearts glad
and a reasonable reward will be
paid. Notify John Cox, Falls
| City, Neb.
Carried Away About All the Prizes
in Sight at Iowa State
Last week W. R. Holt shipped
the pick of his fine herd of Herk
shire hogs to Des Moines. Iowa,
where they were placed on exhi
bition at the state fair, proving,
as in former years, one of the
principle features in the line stock
On Wednesday morning, M.
Giannini received word that this
herd had captured six first prizes,
three seconds, three thirds, two
fourths and three sweepstakes.
We have now come to the conclu
sion that if there had been any
thing more of importance to get,
Hilly would have landed it.
For several year Mr. Holt has
spared no expense in getting the
best available stock, both in breed
ing and individuality, at the head
of this excellent herd, while his
experience has favored his choice
at each change made. It is now
the universal judgment of the
leading breeders of the west, that
this is the leading herd of Berk
shires either in this or adjoining
states, a reputation of which he
and his numerous friends are just
ly proud.
We often wonder if the average
farmer and stockman fully appre
ciate the value of such a herd at
their very door. They certainly
know that scrub stock of any kind
has had its day. It has cost years
of experiment and thousands of
dollars to build this herd to its
present perfection. Not every
farmer can afford this, yet what
a change, with but slight extra
expense under these conditions,
by placing a youngster from this
famous herd each year with your
own hogs. How long would it
be ere your herd would surprise
you? A good, smooth, even bunch
of hogs always tops the market
and this is the way to get them,
especially when you have the
very best at your door and Holt
pays the freight
From DcsMoines Billy will
ship his herd to Lincoln for ex
hibition at the state fair next,
week. They have always been
winners at Lincoln and no doubt
will prove just as attractive this
year. They will also go to To
peka, St. Joe and finally the win
ners will then enter in the Royal
Stock Show in Kansas City.
Small Blaze Damaged Automobile
Friday Evening
There was quite an excite
ment stirred up at the garage
Friday evening, when one of the
automobile caught fire, and for
a few moments it looked like a
big blaze would be the result.
Charley Harkendorff came to
town in his car, and finding his
gasoline had about given out,
ran the machine to the garage
for a fresh supply. Tn tilling
the tank a quantity of the fluid
was spilled on the machine
which caught tire from a lamp,
and in a second it was a mass
of flames. Guy Crook with
great presence of mind, jumped
into the machine and backed it
out of the building, thus keep
ing the llames from spreading.
A tire alarm was turned in but
the tire was extinguished before
the department arrived. The
car was badly scorched and one
tire burned, but received no ser
I ious damage.
Will Buy Cider Apples
The Leo Cider and Vinegar
Co. will buy apples suitable for
cider after August .'1st. See
them for prices.