The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 21, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Fr -nds Have Been Doing the
Past Week. •
George Watkins ot Verdon was
in our city Tuesday.
Dr. Geo. W. Reneker.—Gradu
ate Optician. Eyestested. frames
fitted. tf
Herbert Hedges spent a few
days of this week with his latmly
in this city.
Miss Zetta Isabel returned Sat
urday trom an extended visit with
friends in Stella.
Only one more week of vaca
tion. Our schools will open on
Monday, August 31st
Roy and Ruth Bohrer are visit
ing their grandparents in Speiser
precinct for a couple of weeks.
Genuine Heatherbloom Skir‘s,
well worth $3.00 each, will be only
$1.70 on Friday and Saturday at
Cleveland & Son's.
i Mrs- James Isabel and family
left Sunday for Kansas City and
St- Louis, where they will spend
several weeks with relatives.
Mrs.Geo. Prater and two little
daughters, who have been visit
ing in Lincoln for the past two
weeks, returned home the first of
the week.
Mrs- Clarence Peabody return
ed to her home in St. Joe Satur
urdav, after spending a week
with her parents, Sam Prater
and wife.
Mr. Mead came down from
Omaha this week to spend some
time at the home of his son Cass.
Mr. Mead is recovering from a
long illness.
The finest peaches we have seen
this year was the sample sent to
this office by Rudolph Vogley.
They are certainly fine and tasted
just like more.
Miss Zetta Camblin this week
severs her connection with Maust
Bros-, and after a week’s visit in
St. Joe will be employed as assist
ant in the office of Recorder Ed
Wm. Thompson left Tuesday
for Seattle, Wash., in answer to
a telegram announcing the fact
that his brother had been killed
' in that city. No particulars are
known of the death
The Patzman Sisters returned
Sunday from their trip to the
wholesale millinery markets,
where they have spent several
weeks looking after the interests
of their many patrons.
John Hossack and family fitted
up a covered wagon and equipped
with the necessaries of camp life,
started Tuesday for a week’s fish
ing trip along the Missouri river.
Of course they will have an ex
cellent time and bring home
enough fish to supply all their
Next week the big picnic will
be on at Stella. The big day
will be Thursday, when the Falls
City ball team will meet the Au
burn aggregation, which means a
good crowd from this place. Au
burn has a good ball team and no
doubt there will be a close and in
teresting game.
Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold.
A. S. Nusbaum, Batesvllle, Indiana,
writes: ‘'Last year I suffered for three
months with a summer cold so distress
ing that it interfered with my business.
I had many of the symptons of hay
fever, and a doctor’s prescription did
not reach my case, and I took several
medicines which seemed only to aggra
vate it. Fortunately I insisted upon
having Folev’s Honey and Tar. It
quickly cured me My wife has since
used Foley’s Honey and Tar with the
same success.” Kerr’s pharmacy.
of inferior quality we never
buy. We insist upon getting
the BEST, we pay for the
BEST and if your Glasses
come from here—
They Are the BEST
George W. Reneker, M. D.
Graduate Optician
How to Avoid Appendicitis
Mo^t victims of appendicitis are those
who are habitually constipated. Fo
ley's Orino Laxative cures chronic con
stipation by stimulating; the liver and
bowels and restores the natural action
of the bowels. Foley's Orino Laxative
does not nauseate or gripe and is mild
and pleasant to take. Refuse substi
tutes. Kerr's pharmacy.
Mrs. S. L. Davies and little
daughter are visiting her par
ents in Wyoming. Before re
turning home she will visit in
Mrs. M. Giannini returned Sat
urday evening from a visit in
Lincoln. She was accompanied
home by her daughter, Mrs. John
Our Falls City Military band
went to Atchison yesterday to
furnish music for the big picnic
which was the attraction for that
Mrs. Glen Brunson and little
son of Verdon visited her parents
John Ramel and wife over Sun
day and attended the Chautauqua.
Mrs. Robert McMahon, Mrs.
Mary Mosiman and the Misses
Mosiman left yesterday for a
weeks stay in DesMoines, iowa.
Florence Beachaupt came up
from Hiawatha Sunday to at
tend chautauqua and visit her
many girl friends.
Mrs. John Towle and little
daughters came down from Oma
ha Monday for a visit with rela
tives in this city.
Enid Levy of Hiawatha came
to attend the Chautauqua Sunday.
She was ihe guest ot Grace Ly
ford while here.
Charley Scott and wife came
over from Mound City Sunday
and spent the day with E. E.
Scott and wife.
John Ward and wife after vis
iting a few days in this city re
turned to their home in Tecum
seh, Sundav.
Fred Mosiman and wife left
Monday for DesMoines, Iowa
where they will remain during
the fair.
Fred E. Schmidt and wife left
Tuesday for a visit with the
foimer’s parents at Savannah,
Mrs. Jake Bloom and daughter
Minnie ot Verdon spent Sunday
at the home of W. A. Greenwald.
Mrs. Rose O’Rorak of Omaha
is visiting at the home of her
parsnts, Jas.McFarland and wife.
Emma Goldner of Kansas City
is in the city visiting at the home
of her brother, Will Goldner.
Callie Edwards of Humboldt
spent Sunday in this city with
his brother, L. C. Edwards.
DeWitt Yantiss of Long Island
was in the city over Sunday the
guest of Pearl Lawrence.
Guy Crook, Wes Maddox and
Dr. Fast returned the latter part
of the week from Lincoln.
Fancy Combs worth from 25c to
50c each. Friday and Saturday only
10c, at Cleveland & Son's.
Frank Martin came down from
Council Bluffs and spent Sunday
with his parents.
On Sunday morning a little
son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Miles.
Lizzie Wolf left Monday for St.
Joe to enter the wholesale mil
linery house
Oliver Hall of the Humboldt
Standard with his family were
here Sunday.
Martha King of Verdon was
the guest of Agnes Moran over
Ernest Gagnon is another new
one to add his name to the Trib
une list.
Hiawatha was well represented
on the chautauqua grounds Sun
Mrs. Margaret Maddox was on
the sick list the first of the week.
Mable Auxier of Verdon was
in the city over Sunday.
Sunday was by far the biggest
day of the Chautauqua.
John Cox made a business trip
to DuBois Monday.
Miss Emma Grant is employed
at the central office.
Dr. Tefft, Dentist, Maddox block,
opposite court house.
Ed. Poteet is quite ill at his
home in this city.
Clyde Thacker of the Preston
bank was a Sunday visitor in this
Miss Clara Boose left Sunday
for Arizona, where she expects to
spend the winter.
Miss Crete Stewart of Hiawatha
was the guest of Miss Hazel White
a portion of the week.
Bob Kule left Monday for Ohio,
where he will spend a month vis
iting with old home folks.
The Misses Boss and Oberly of
Humboldt were among the many
visitors in our city Sunday,
Winnie Burger of Keserye, was
among the many who enjoyed the
Sunday Chautauqua program.
Miss Carrie Inskeep, who has
been visiting with her parents in
this city for the past two weeks,
returned Saturday to Chicago.
Mrs. M E- Gandy and Mrs. Ed.
Dorland were down from Hum
boldt Sunday to spend the day
with their many friends and at
tend the Chautauqua.
Wanted—Girl for housework
on farm. Good wages and pleas
ant home for competent girl.
Address Mrs. E. J. Satterwhite,
Route 2. Salem, Nebr. Phone
252 N.
Chas. Keilman, wife and daugh
ter, on Route 3) were pleasant
callers at this office Saturday,
coming in to renew their sub
scription to this great family ne
W. R, Cade has our thanks for
a very liberal sample of peaches,
which he brought to this office
Monday. They are from his own
orchard, and are large in size and
excellent in flavor,
F. II. Brown of Stillwater,
Okl., spent a few days of this
week in the city looking after
business matters. He was the
guest of W. L. White while in
the city- Mr. Brown was at one
time our leading photographer
and owned a great deal of prop
erty in and near this citv, but
has disposed of all of it, with the
exception of forty acres west of
town, which is now mixed up
with the drainage ditch proposi
tion. Mr. Brown is much pleased
with his Oklahoma home.
Taken Up
A stray hog on the Miles ranch j
i)1;- miles southwest of Falls
City. For information call Em
met Sat ter? bite.
A Boon to Elderly People.
Most elderly people have1 some kidney
or bladder disorder, that is both painful
and dangerous Foley’s Kidney Reme
dy has praven a boon to many elderly
people as it stimulates the urinary or
gans, corrects Irregularities and tones
up the whole system. Commence taking
Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and be
vigorous. Kerr’s pharmacy.
Miss Lois Spencer, our libra
rian, has been granted a much
needed vacation by the library
board, and left Tuesday for Ken
tucky, for a three week’s visit.
She will visit many noted places
during her absence. As an evi
dence of their appreciation of Miss
Spencer's work, the board gives
her three week’s vacation on full
Saturday afternoon the little
son of Chas.Foehling while play
ing on Stone street, was bitten
on the nose by a dog. The dog
belonged to Ed Allen. The bite
was a painful one but the little
fellow is getting along nicely.
Our ball boys will plav two
games with Horton, Kas., at Hia
watha, during the fair. The
dates are September 10 and ll.
This means a big crowd of Falls
City people in attendance at the
Hiawatha fair on those days.
Mrs. Ward Knight and daugh
ter returned Friday night from
Waterloo, Iowa, where they have
been fcvisiting relatives for the
past three weeks. Ward’s fun is
all spoiled now. He will have to
be good.
Michael Shaffer of Beaver City,
Neb., is here visiting friends and
relatives. Mr- Shaffer will buy a
carload of Richardson county
peaches and apples to ship to his
home, where they will be a great
Misses Dora Glines and Eliza
beth Sanford left Thursday for
Kansas City where they will
enter a wholesale millinery house
preparatory to accepting their
fall positions as milliners.
Miss Mabel Whitaker, who has
been teaching school in Zia, New
Mexico, writes to have the ad
dress of her Tribune changed to
Defiance, Arizona, where she has
recently moved.
Phineas Fisher and two sons on
Route 4. were very pleasant call
ers at the Tribune office Monday.
Besides adding his name to our
list, Mr. Fisher also left his order
for stationery.
Jennie Higgins returned to her
home in Robinson, Kans., Sunday
evening, after a very pleasant
visit with her brother, Everett
Higgins, west of town.
Mrs. Eph Peck and Mrs. Geo.
Peck returned Friday night from
an extended visit with relatives
in Waterloo, Iowa.
Mrs. Frank Veach and son of
Verdon came down in their auto
Thursday and spent the day at
the Cnautauqua.
Mrs, Ella Ward and baby of
Tecumseh, came down Thursday
to visit her parents, Fred Miller
and wife.
Now that the Chautauqua is
over we can all look back and re
alize what an excellent program
we had.
Fok Salk—A slightly used but
newly painted Stanhope buggy.
Inquire of Mrs. Dr. Wentworth.
Mrs. LeRoy Swisegood chap
eroned a party of friends from
Verdon to Chautauqua Friday.
Turkish Towels worth 30c, for
Friday and Saturday only, ISc each.
Cleveland & Son.
Mesdames Cunningham, Ocornb
and Henderson of Rulo were in
the city Sunday.
Mrs. John Walker of Verdon
was among the Chautauqua visit
ors Thursday.
Chas. Hargrave was a business
visitor to Wymore the first of the
Mrs. George Story is visiting
relatives in Kansas this week.
Carrie Green wald is yisiting in
Lexington, Neb.
Dean Windle of Salem was in
town Sunday,
Marv K-Strunk returned to her
home in Dawson Friday.
Mrs.12- Pickenpaugh of Ottawa
Kansas was in the city Thursday.
Sam Stewart and wife were
over from Reserve Sunday to at
tend Chautauqua
Mrs. George Davis of Hiawa
tha spent Sunday with Mrs. Wes
Keller in this ciiy.
Mrs. N. 12. Morgan of Center,
Col., sends a renewal to the
Tribune this week.
100 Lace Curtains worth up to
$1.00. for Friday and Saturday, 19c
each--at Cleveland &. Son's.
Alvin Porr, Harry Boyd and
T. James were among the Hum
boldt people in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Long
were among the many Humboldt
visitors in this city Thursday.
Dorothy Miller returned home
Thursday after a two months
stay with her sister in Tecumseh.
Rev. Gromech of Syracuse. N.
Y., is visiting his father at the
home of his lathcr-in-law. Gust
Jas. McDowell of Tecumseh
came down Friday for a visit
with his parents and to take in
the Chautauqua.
George Lippold of Pennsyl
vania is here visiting his many
boy friends. He says this old
town looks good to him.
Mrs. Chas. Leister left Satur
day morning for Columbus, Ohio,
where she will visit for a time
with her daughter.
Mrs. Fred Cain left Thursday
for Bozeman, Montana, where she
will visit for a time with her
daughter and other relatives.
R. R. Draper was down from
Dawson Saturday, and while here
made this office a pleasant call
and joined the Tribune family.
Fred Mosiman came in Friday
from a few weeks trip through
the w 'st. He and his wife will
leave in a few days for DesMoines
Mrs. Ed Frauenfelder returned
to her home in Verdon Friday,
after several days spent in this
city with her sister, Mrs. Ferd
Now that we are to have a
Chautauqua next year, make your
suggestions early, and don’t do
your kicking during the session.
Mrs. Edna Griffith of Verdon
came down Friday to visit her
brother, Grant Windle and at
tend Chautauqua.
Miss Bijou Meisenheimer, who
has spent the past week in this
city the guest of Dorothy White,
returned to her home in Hia
watha Friday.
Among the many Hiawatha
people who attended Chautauqua
here Sunday were Marge Haver,
Crete Stewart, Ralph Sinclair,
Ray Stull, Findlev Graham, Ca
leb Bowenj Frank Spaun. Hiram
Jensen. Ralph Dilley and Ray
Mrs. Barker, who has been a
guest at the home of Dr. W. H.
Kerr during the past week return*
ed Saturday to her home in Kan
sas City. She was accompanied
by Mrs. Kerr, who will visit with
her son Lee and wife for a time
S. H. Bolejack of Grant pre
cinct was a pleasant caller at this
office Friday. Mr. Bolejack is
the choice of the republicans of
Grant precinct for representatives
subject to the choice of the prim
aries. He is one of the best cit
izens of his precinct, and should
he be the lucky one will serve
his people faithfully.
August time, tells on the nerves
But that spiritless, no ambition feeling
can be easily and quickly altered by
taking what is known by druggists
every where as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative.
Within 48 hours after beginning to use
the Restorative, improvement will be
noticed. Of course, full health will not
immediately return. The gain, how
ever, will surely follow. And best of
all, you will realize and feel your
strength and ambition as it is return
ing. Outside influences depress first
the “inside nerves’’ then the stomach,
Heart, and Kidneys will usually fail.
Strengthen these failing nerves with
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see now
quickly health will be yours again.
Sold by all dealers.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Wbavbr
Instead of taking a vacation as
was offered him, tne rector of St.
Thomas church is giving his
Sunday evenings to the vacant
oarishes and missions in South
east Nebraska.
Dr. M. L. Wilson, Physician
and Surgeon, over McMillan’s
Drug Store. Oflice Phone 320,
Residence Phone 32'*. All calls
promptly attended, day or night.
The ladies of the Friends in
Council entertained their triends
at their tent Thursday evening,
A splendid supper was served and
a good time enjoyed.
George Gerhardt shook hands
with the disapcarless leader in
Lincoln and is now receiving the
congratulations of an admiring
Mrs. Richard Ilazlet and Miss
Alma and Lincoln Zook and wife
of Hamburg, Iowa are visiting in
this city at the home of A. J.
Will C. Reichers of Horton,
Kansas arrived in the city Thurs
day for a visit at the home of
George Reichers.
Mrs. Ed Frauenfelder of Ver
don was the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Ferd Parchen during the
Mrs. Chas. Edwards of Stella
was here for a few days the guest
of Mrs. Jolin Oswald.
Lola Sturns came down from
Stella Thursday to remain a day
or two with friends.
Mrs, Blanch O’Grady of Daw
son wa3 the guest of friends in
this city Thursday.
J.E. Harrison of Council Bluffs
came down Thursday for a short
stay with friends.
Mrs- J. T. Shrimpton of Salem
was the guest of friends here
Katie Meliza of Verdon was
the guest of Miss Anita Wilson
Dr. Griffith and wife were
among the Verdon people here
Jas. Lively, one of our rural
route carriers, is enjoying a va
Mrs. I. Dunn and Mrs. C.Dunn
of Barada spent Thursday in this
Pearl Klima and Charles Heim
of Dawson were in town Thurs
John Constantine and wife were
here from Barade Thursday.
J. Ogle and wife were down
from Dawson Thursday.
Ed Stiles was down from Daw
son Thursday.
Ben Dilley was over from Hia
watha Friday.
If you want the best for
your money in Tablets,
Pencils, Inks or any
thing in School Supplies
A larger assortment than
ever before.
We solicit a share of
of your business.
Falls City, Nebraska