The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune.
~V^I. v FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1908. Number 31
His Guilt or Innocence Must Be
Passed Upon by the
Those who heard ("handler of
New York deliver his lecture on
“The Trial of Jesus at the Chau
tauqua last Sunday, heard the
most scholarly and absorbing lec
ture of the course. Jesus was
tried three times in one day. The
first trial was by the Jews upon
the charge of blasphemy. He had
claimed kinship with the Jehovah
and the mob had howled until he
whs taken before the Sanhedrim or
great council of the Jews before
which all religious trials were had.
Some of the laws which governed
the proceedure in this court, the
violation of which should have
been sufficient to set aside a trial,
were we follows:
1. The court could not try an
accused person at night.
2. If all seventy members of the
Sanhedrim agreed that the accused
was guilty it should be no trial ns
such a verdict would indicate that
tlie accused had no friend present
but was in the hands of a mob.
J No accused person could fie
compelled to testify against him
4. The youngest member of the
Sanhedrim should vote first in or
der that his judgment should not
be influenced by the votes of his
Every one of these laws was vio
lated in the Jewish trial of Jesus.
The arrest in the garden was made
a little before midnight and the
mob followed him to the great
council where he was immediately
tried. The verdict of the Sanhed
rim was unanimous, all voting for
his guilt. When Jesus was brought
to trial and no witnesses could be
secured against him the High
Priest twice tried to force Jesus to
take the stand and testify, finally
saying "I adjure thee by the living
God, that thou tell us whether
thou be the Christ, the son of
Jesus saitli unto him, “Thou
hast said: Nevertheless I say unto
you, hereafter shall ye see the son
of man sitting on the right hand
of power, and coming in the clouds
of heaven.”
Thus it was that all law ami pre
cedent was set at naught, and Je
sus, the accused, compelled to tes
tify against himself.
The youngest member of the
council should have vote 1 first, but
upon the statement of Jesus above
quoted, “The High Priest rent his
clothes saying, He hath spoken
blasphemy: what further need have
we of witnesses.”
Thus every known form of law
and precedent was violated in the
trial of the Christ.
Rome having conquered Judea,
a Roman Governor, Poutias Pilate,
was in control of the common
wealth. Rome recognized the San
hedrim and all of its judgments
save the death penalty When
ever this judgment was pronounced
a Roman trial must be had. Con
sequently when the Jewish coun
cil condemned Jesus to death the
mob hurried him to Pilate for
trial. Pilate was a coward, lie
heard the witnesses and found no
evil in Jesus. Put the mob howled
“crucify him,” and Pilate washed
his hands of the whole matter and
permitted Jesus to be executed for
blasphemy, which was not a crime
under Roman law.
The lonely Jesus scourged
through the hours of the night by
y the mob, maltreated, denied the
| rights granted by the law, rail
Iroaded to the cross, presents a fig
ure of sorrow and pathos that shall
■ -
appeal to the hearts of man ''til!
the surges cease to roll.
“Was he guilty?” asked the lec
turer. “Had he blasphemed when |
lie claimed kinship with Hod?'*!
If he were u mere man he was
guilty. If lie was the son of Hod
he was innocent. His guilt or in
nocence must he passed upon by
the individual. All through the
ages man lmslieeti asking himself
tin' question of Pilate, “\\ hat
shall 1 do with Jesus which is
called Christ?”
The great crowd which heard
Mr. Chandler was delighted with
the lecture, which, by common
consent, is acknowledged the best
of the course.
All Should Feel Grateful to Our
Chautauqua Management
Now tlUit the Chautauqua is
over our people should stand
as a unit in their thanks to the
management for its success.
It was a success and a grand
one. True, there were a few
weak’ points, as is always the
case in long programs of like
nature, but all in all it was far
above the average Chautauqua,
and the experience of the past
two years will enable the man
agement to strengthen the weak
points in the future.
To the gentlemen who had the
affair in charge too much praise
cannot be given for their untir
ing efforts. JThey gave their
time, labor and money without
a thought of compensation oth
er than success, and that this
was gained was evidenced by
the large crowds on the grounds
Now that the Chautauqua is
to be an annual entertainment
in our city, let everybody carry
his share of the burden and aid
in making it an affair worthy of
the community in which it is
held. _
Will Leave Falls City
VVe are more than sorry to
state that Rev. Dunkleberger
has accepted a call It) assume
charge of the Christian church
at Harvard, Neb., and he and
his estimable family will leave
next week for their new home.
Rev Dunkleberger and his
family have made many warm
friends among us who are sorry
to see them go but wish them
success in their new home.
Mr. Dunkleberger in leaving
goes with nothing but the most
kindly feeling for all his church
people here, and knows that he
is leaving some of his dearest
friends, especially the clergy of
the city, who have shown him
nothing but kindness during his
residence among them.
Rev. Dunkleberger's year with
us has been a very busy one.
Aside from his regular duties
he has officiated at twenty one
funerals and many weddings.
The Harvard charge is a
splendid one, having a member
ship of 500, a beautiful brick
church and nice parsonage, and
they have made a wise choice in
their leader.
The Tribune is especially sor
ry to lose Mr. Dunkleberger, as
he has always been of great ser
vice to us in his reports of all
things of importance in hi> line.
1 Our best wishes go with him.
Baptist Church
Morning service at 11 o'clock,
levelling service K o'clock, Sun
| day school 0:45 a. m., prayer
1 meeting Wednesday * p. m.
After the recreation and many
good things we have received
during the Chautauqua, we
! ought to be ready for good
'church work and lots of it. Our
Sunday services will be made
I more interesting and helpful by
special music. Miss Snydow's
singing needs no coment and
we want you to come to our
| services and enjoy them.
All Bids Wjre Rejected and Board
Agreed to Rc-Advcrtise for
New Bids
Tile drainage board met Tues
day morning and It. In. Orin
stead, drainage commissioner,
in the presence of the board
opened the sealed bids for the
construction work on the ditch
es and other drainage improve
ments. The following bids were
11 Sternberg A Sons of
South Mend, Ind., S337.0a0.01.
Northern Construction Co.,
Elkhart, Ind., *270,207.22.
(1. A. McWilliams, Walnut,
111., *277,*1 *.01.
A. V. Wills A- Sons, Pittstield,
111., 8277,331.0*.
Callahan Mros., Omaha, Neb.,
part of work only, 8103,Out.71.
Canal Construction Co., Chi
cago, part of work only, *100.
Walsh Construction Co., Dav
enport. Iowa, 8277,004.7(5.
Pollard -Campbell Dredging
Co., Omaha, Neb., 8272,22*.*3.
After the bids were tabulated
Mr. (Irinstead tiled a report rec
ommending that all the bids be
rejected as being largely in ex
cess ol the estimates of Engi
neer Munfit and for the further
reason that lie believed that a
combination existed among tin
contractors and that there was
no fair or free bid offered.
Upon consideration of the
circumstances connected with
the bidding, the board rejected
all bids offered and ordered a
readvertisement for bids Sep
tember 1S lbOH.
Some of the firms represent
ed have had large experience in
this class of work and have
successfully completed their
contracts in other states. The
members of the board feel that
this work should be done for 0
cents per cubic yard or less,
while the best offer was about
lfU cents. The contractors
claim that owing to the many
crossings of the stream tin
work cannot be done as cheap
ly as they have taken contracts
for elsewhere, some as low as h
cents, where the work is
straight away work and contin
uous digging.
Horse Badly Injured
The old family horse of John
W. Powell received injuries Sat
urday evening which may prove
fatal. \fr. Powell had made a
trip from the Chautauqua ground
and was returning again and
just as he was turning the cor
ner near the Weaver barn ran
into a horse driven by Charley
Whetstine and coming from the
opposite direction. The Whet
stine horse was going at a pretty
good gait and neither driver saw
the danger in time to turn out
and in the collision the shaft en
tered the breast of the Powell
horse to the depth of about
twelve inches causing a very
ugly wound. The other horse
was hurt in the same manner
but not so badly. Itoth animals
were given prompt attention,
and it is thought the Whetstine
horse will recover completely,
but there is some doubt as to the
Big Cattle Sale
We will sell at Mettz’sale pa
vilion, Falls City, at 1:550 p. m.
on Saturday, August 22nd, to
the highest bidder, lu head of
coming 2-year old steers, all
good color, good quality and
Ed Morgan will sell 21 head
of the best Wyoming horses ev -
er sold in Falls City, at the
same place and date.
Mkykks & Hoovkk.
After Considerable Sweating' by
Our Officers Robert Gordon
Admitted Cuilt
As Hilly Casey and Con Sanford
were coming from the depot last
Saturday, they met a man riding
a horse and in conversation with
him the man let drop a few re
marks which aroused the boys’
suspicions and they at once re
ported to Sheri IT Renton and Chief
of Police Marts, who later saw
the man watering his horse at the
fountain on Stone street and be
gan questioning him. Assoonas
he discovered lie was talking to
officers of the law he made an ef
fort to get awav, but was placed
under arrest not. however, with
out resistance and a gun play,
but the weapon, which was loaded
all around, and a goodly supph
of cartridges were taken from him
and he was then taken to the cell
in tin- court house and after a
great deal of coaxing on the part
of the officials confessed that lie
had stolen a horse. The facts
are these: The man, who gave
his name as Robert Gordon, had
worked for a John Huerstiug near
Troy, Runs,, and went from there
to St. Joe. Hast week he came
back to his old employer and stole
a horse from the pasture, aim also
a saddle from a neighbor. He
rode to k’ulo, where he traded
horses to a Mr. Young, receiving
SlO in money and the horse found
in Tr’s .possession here. After a
complete confession, Deputy Sher
iff Griffin of Troy was notified
who came to this city and took the
prisoner back to the scene of the
'Flic two horses were delivered
to their rightful owners on Mon*
Our officials always have their
eyes open, and when a criminal
lands in Falls City he is just as
good as caught, for they will get
him before he has a chance to
leave town.
A Farmer s Views.
Suppose some eloquent fakir
should advise the people, and
the farmers especially, to vote
for schemes that would reduce
the price oi their products at
least one half, and ask them to
contribute money to elect him
to carry out those-principles: in
complying to such a request we
farmers would be marked down
on the bargain counter as mon
umental suckers. Now what
more is Mr. Itryan doing when
he calls on the farmers to pay
one dollar or more to elect him
president, after advising them
against protection, sound money
and a general expansion oi busi
ness. Imagine Lincoln, (lartield,
Harrison, McKinley, lioosevelt
or Taft stooping to such an un
dignified and brazen position as
to beg- laboring" people for mon
ey to help elect them to tin*
presidency. Not much, Mary
Ann. 1 guess we hail better
stick" to our big prices, good
times and put our dollars in our
well regulated banks.
A Farm tut.
A Worthy Enterprise
Realizing the inability of many
to attend a day school, but who
desire to obtain a good business
education, Prof. J. Carl Leister
of the Falls City Business Col
lege, has determined to make this
possible by conducting a night
school, where one can gain a
thorough knowledge o f book
keeping, shorthand and penman
ship. To all wdio desire such we
I will say that Prof. Leister is a
thorough instructor in all these
branches, and you will find it
time and money well spent if you
attend this night school. If you
are interested, consult the Pro
lessor and he will be pleased to
give you all the information you
Entertainments And Lectures For
Falls City
Three of each will lie yivou in
Falls Cit\ in the shape of a Ly
count Louise. Booklets will
soon be distributed. I ’reserve
them, they will in form you of
dati's. terms, etc,
Ceorye W. Stewart of Tenues
see will be here, also W illiam
Kainey Bennett of Indiana.
These two men are the very best
that can be secured. The Sum
nor Davies Orchestra and Male
Quartet will also be hero. These
and the Carolina Jubilee Co.
will deliyht the music loviny
.1 ami's M. Totten will please
any audience with bis Wiley se
lections in dress and his mayic.
In mayic as well as in his read
inys he has few peers.
Dr. Ceorye Lamoille Cole has
the best illustrated lecture to
be heard on “The Primitive
People in America.”
Watch lor further announce
As theChaiiiaii(|iia has pleased
so many people it is expected
that the Lecture Course will
have to be still better to please
as well. It lias b«en the aim to
furnish talent that will do this.
Do you wish to yet on yood
terms with everybody, then
come out and enjoy yourself.
Season tickets oil sale now.
New Books at The Library
Following is a list of tin* new
books received at the library
this Week:
Fair Margaret.('ra wford
l'p and Down the Sands of Gold.
. Dcvercatix
Davenant. Kinross
Magistrate's < )w n ('asc_Rosekrantr.
Fairy Header .Baldwin
Another Fairy Header.Baldwin
Little Black Mingo. Banncrinan
Editha’s Burglar. Burnett
Winifred West .Chaiming
Just Sixteen..('oolidge
Signal Boys.Eggleston
Acro-s tile ('ampus.Fuller
1 ‘hacton Hogers.Johnston
Vork and a Lancaster I lose.... Keary
Two Itoyal Foes. Madden
Two Children in the Woods .Richards
Adventures of a Doll.Smith
Reading, How to Teach it .\rnold
Story of my Childhood .Barton
Mind That Found Itself.Beers
True History of the U. S ...Brooks
How to tell Stories to Oh ildren. 1 Irvant
Leaf and Tendril.... ...Burroughs
To the Top of the t Ion t incut.Cook
I’lace of Industries in Education Dopp
France, Beeps at Many Lands.
Japan, Beeps at Many Lands.
. Finnemore
Seventeenth Century Men of Latitude
. George
Graded List of I’oems and Stories. . .
.t!ilbert & Harris
Scotland, Peeps at Many Lands.
City of the Seven Hills ... Harding
Man and Ids Work. .Herbertson
Daily Notes of a Trip Around the
World.1 lowe
Childhood ot Ji-shib..Jetik
Kducation by Plays and Games. ...
. Johnson
Whose Home Is the Wilderness. Cong
Origins of Inventions.Mason
I ’rimary I listory of the IT. S: McMastei
Winning the. Hoy.Merrill
Engineering Work .McCullough
Adventures With Indians . . Michib
Home Life in all Lands.Merri
Alice Freeman Palmer.Palmei
Mornings in a College Chapel.
.I Vahodj
Wandering Heroes .Price
Educational Reformers.tjuiei
Elfe in Song.Ilavniimi
Haloids and other Poems. . . . Raymotu
Aztec < lod and other Dramas Kaytnom:
Sea Stories.St. Niehola
Days and Deeds.Stevenson
Stories From English History..
... . Waiter
New Worlds for Old. Well
Smiling Hound the World .. Wildei
Sunshine...Willet •
From the Child's Standpoint .
1 Cry of the Children. Van Vors
James M Whitaker Passes Avtfay
Saturday Night After Pro
longed Illness.
When the news that James
Whitaker was dead reached our
people on Sunday morning, a
deep gloom was cast over out
city, lor he had many Iricmis
who had hoped that relief might
be given to the stricken one and
lie be spared to us, but it was
ordered otherwise and on Satur
day night, August la, 1110*, at
',):!!() o'clock, Janus Whitaker
passed from this life into the
great beyond, .it the age ol IT
vears, 2 months and ill years.
James M. Whitaker was born
in t'ooksville, Tenu., May 22.
I sill, where lie grew toman
hood, lie came to this city with
his parents in March, IsSi, and
had lived here almost continu
oils I y since that time. He was
married several years ago to
Miss Margaret Beacliy, but no
children were born to them.
For a number ol years he was
employed in the hardware store
of W. II. Crook, where he was a
most efficient employe, winning
the highest respect ol all with
whom became in contact. I wav
ing this position he accepted an
appointment under (iovernor
Holcomb as assistant in the
state auditor's office, during
which time he lived in Lincoln,
becoming a close and valued
friend to many of the leading
politicians of the stale, At the
close of Low Holcomb's term
Mr. Whitaker returned to this
city and embarked in the real
estate business, being identified
with the lirm of Whitaker Bros.,
one o! the most successful real
estate firms in this city.
About a year ago his health
began to fail, but nothing ser
ious was apprehended until last
spring, when his friends noticed
his condition and prevailed up
on him to go to Excelsior
Springs, which lie did, but to no
avail, and a few weeks ago lie
returned, since which time he
has been confined to his home,
sufTerinjf from a complication
of diseases, finally terminating
into tuberculosis of the bowels,
which caused his death.
The funeral services were
held from tin- home Monday af
ternoon, conducted by Kev. Ol
iver, agisted by the M. VV . A.
lodye, of which order deceased
was an honored member. The
Moral offerings were many and
beautiful. Interment was in
Steele Cemetety, where the re
mains were followed by many
j sorrowing friends.
With the ei'iiiu of .lames M.
Whitaker, Falls City loses one
of her best and most loyal citi
zens whose place can never be
tilled. He leaves besides a wife
and mother, tive brothers, I ill
i lard ot Norton, Isas.: .1, <•. of
1 Kansas City, and Cert. Tom and
Doll of this city, and three sis
! ters, Mrs. .1 M. Sclioenlieit of
i Kansas City. Mrs. M. liar
reft and Mrs Henry Wyatt of
J this city to mourn the loss of
| one who has ever been a kind
and loving husband, son and
brother To them we extend
our deepest sympathy.
Marriage Licenses
Karl Clark, Morrill. Ka- . . I’t
Kate shon-c. Fall? C.:> . Is
Logan Covert. Hiawatha, Kas,,... 21
j Minnie I'.vau?, Hiawatha. Ka?.,- l‘>
i Win. Ko?o, Fall? City. 23
l | Krrnna Brecht, Falls City .... 23