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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1908)
Henry C. Smith AND & LOANS V_/ 240 acres well improved, 1J miles from Det>ot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. \\ ill take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres l*j miles from depot, Kicliardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land. V\ ill take 40 or 80 acres as part payment. 100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. S12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska. 80 acres '4-mile from Falls City high school. 040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan. 1 The Countjf The “Doings” of on ami Nei RULO Frank Simon spent lu.-t week in St. Joe. I’. F. Enid wa* in Council Bluffs last week. .Tim llatekin went*’to Colorado to visit relatives. Sophia Thomas was aj Rulo visitor the other day. John Kunaiy went to St. Joseph one day last week. Rob Kanaly was a Falls City visitor one day recently. Will story of l’rciton wa- was a Rulo | visitor last week. Ray MeVey was a FhIIs City visitor one day lust week. Jim Smith of Kansas visited Rulo friends last week. GertrudeJHeast of Teeumseh is vis iting relatixes here. Vaughn MeVoy^wu- a Falls City visl » tor one day last week. Ella Carpenter was on the sick list a few kays last week, James Ford of Forteseue wus In Rulo on business last week. Mrs. Kate Chipman is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Susan Holes. Arba Duncan of 1’ruston visited his parents here last week. Mrs. Ida Brown visited last week with friends at Dawson. Maggie Mooney wus u Fulls City vis itor the first of the week. Will Davis wnson the sick list for several days last week. Grace Asbury returned Friday from a pleasure trip to Denver. Mr. Foster of Falls City visited Kulo friends one day last week. D. K, Moore of Council Bluffs i. spending the week in Kulo. .1. M. LeMlane has just completed a batli room to his residence. Will Kvuus and wife are the happy parents of a little daughter. Mr-. Hull and t.ena Colglii/ier were White Cloud visitors Thursday. Margery Coupe {of Klllngham, Kas., visited in tills vicinity last week. Walter Graves of \'erdon visited home folks a few days this week. Blaine Anderson of Kansas came to attend the picnic hero[thls week. Kdlth Hinkle visited relatives at Fortescue several days last week. Grandma Ocomh is visiting with her son Charlie and family at Verdon. Dodo Anderson drove to the Reser vation Sunday to visit Ins parents. Pearl Anderson spent several days with relatives in Kansas lust week. Jositi Murphy and little sister Helen were visiting in Falls City Sunday. John Gustafson of Wymore was a business visitor one day last week. Dr. Printy of Oregon, Mo., made a professional visit to Kulo last week. John Schooler and son of Kansas were Rulo visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Johnstone were Kalis City visitors one day last week. Mrs. John Dunn visited with rela tives in Missouri several days last week Burns Cotton and wife of Kansas were Rulo visitors one day last week, Leonard Simon of Preston spent sev eral days with Rulo friends last week. J. A. Osburn and family drove to Falls C ity Sunday to attend the Chau tauqua. Mrs. Bessie Brincgar went to Falls City Sunday to attend the Teachers’ institute. Jacob Majurus and wife of Falls City visited their children in this vicinity last week. Cecil. Mamie and Gertrude Kanaly went to Falls City Sunday to attend the institute. Mrs. Nickle returned to her home in Lincoln after a few days spent with Ida Pierce. Mrs. Herman Boahman and daughter Esther returned Thursday from a visit with Atchison relatives. Mrs. Hopkins and children returned the other day from a visit with her parents at Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Mary Plumb left the last of the week for Lee Summitt. where she ex pects to make herjfuture home. tVayne Richardson is in Smith Cen ter, Kansas visiting relatives. Fe will go to Denver before his return. I ' - ---- - --- -- r in General r Country I rieiuls ghbors. The-cbool board met Thursday night of last week and finished the appoint, ment of teachers for the coming year. Miss Kernan of Dawson will be assist ant to the principal, Miss Murphy of Fremont will have charge of the gram mar room, Mrs. Hrinegar the third room, Miss liallett of Peru second primary and Mamie Kanaiy lirst pri mary. The board also contemplates making some needed repairs on the school property, among which are con crete walks. I'ncle Hilly Johnson was hired again for janitor. Wess Bently and family moved from Napier to ltulo last week. The high water of sometime ago ruined his crops and as he was a renter, thought they could winter better in town. Anna Mahan was a Kansas City pas sengor Sunday. She inis accepted a position as a trimmer In a wholesale house there. Mrs. Maggie Harrison returned to her home In St. Joseph Thursday after a short visit with her mother here. Roy Hart arrived from St. Joseph Saturday night to spend his vacation witli relatives and friends in ltulo. Mrs. Henry stoll of Nebraska City is visiting ltulo relatives this week Mrs. Fred Brown and children of Fails City are visiting in ltulo. Father Sproll attended the Chautau qua at Falls City Sunday. (I race Cronin of Falls City 'l ent Sun day with homo folks. Theodore Majerus and wife spent Sunday in Falls City. Emma Shepherd went to Kansas City Sunday. Chas. Huber was in Falls City Fri day. Ed Davis was in St. Joe Monday. SHUBERT Bertha Shubert was in Verdon last Friday. J. M. Kvatis is in South Dakota on business. Mrs. Wilard Shubert wa.- a Verdon visitor Friday, Miss Frauds of Dunbar is the guest of Miss James. Sheriff Fenton was up from Falls City Thursday. Frank Shubert and wife were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Richardson of Cottage Grove is here visiting relatives. Judd Parsons and wife were business visitors Thursday night. Arthur Mangold of Fremont is now a new druggist in our town. C. A. Lord was called to Iowa last week by the illness of his sister. Fred Boatman and wife spent Wed nesday with relatives at Nemaha. Mrs. J. M. F.vans left Tuesday for a visit with friends at Council Bluff's. Mrs. Sarah Brlsby returned home from her Western visit Wednesday. Mrs. Carr and little son of Omaha are visiting her parents, J P. King and wife. Dr. Shook is now enjoying a visit from his father, whose home is at Ep worth, Kaos. Vera .McDowell returned to her home at Stella. Sunday after visiting relatives here. Mr. Thompson ami daughter of Mis souri are here visiting at the home of Harvey Harmon. Clara Rueh left Saturday for Lin coln to attend the Hpworth assembly and visit relatives. Mrs. S. Spiekler shelled and deliv ered 14,IKK) bushels of corn the latter part of last week. Miss Edith and Lalla Hill went up to Nemaha Tuesday to spend a few days with their relatives. Carrie and Blanche Brieker are en tertaining their cousin Miss Shellen berg of Kansas City. Fred Colglazier and family returned home Wednesday after spending sev eral weeks with Indiana relatives. Mrs. doe Harper and daughter Miss Nellie of Auburn was the guest of Mrs. M H. Taylor a few days last week. Chas. Shuleuberg and wife and Lewis Sehulberg and wife attended the Falls City Chautauqua Sunday. Simmie Weddle who had the mis misfortune to lose his horse Friday evening at the Verdon picnic has fuund no trace of the missing animal, j HUMBOLDT Mrs Laura Campbell is in Lincoln attending the assembly. K A. Kumtnel returned Sunday from a business trip in Kansas, • His Hunter and family returned Friday from a visit atUtica. Emily Kerr came down from Lincoln Friday to visit in Humboldt' Daisy Morris spent Hie week with her faiend, Agnes Moran in Falls ( ity Wid Powers and wife are the proud parents of a little son born to them Sunday. Zoe Nims and Clema Uousek are camping on tile Assembly grounds at Lincoln. Mrs. Will James and children, of Lincoln are visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Seits. K D. Wood and family were down from L;k Creek over Sunday visiting at tile home of L. C, Mann. Mrs. Lou Clark after a pleasant visit with her mother, Mrs. I). Neher re turned Friday to her home in St. Joe. Mrs. ( •eo. Grinstcad, who had been in the city visiting her parents, left Friday for his home in Maitland, Mo. Mrs. Claude Fergus is visiting with her parents, Preston Fergus and wife, near Falls < ity and attending tiic Chautauqua. Mrs. I). 15. Colhapp, after a week’s visit with her son, E. C. Colhapp and family returned Tuesday to her home in Tecumseh. About seventy-live from this place went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the notification. Rev. W, C. Atwood, who had been here front Brookfield, Mo., for a couple of weeks visiting his parents. Jas, Atwood and wife. Belle and Katherine Gillan went to Auburn Friday to visit friends and attend the Chautauqua. Will I’orr and wife living on Four Mile are the parents of a little sou born to them on day the past week. Sidney Whitehead and wife of Te cunisch visited the fore part of the week with the hitters sister,Mrs. Wal ter Uuland. Mrs. J. I!. Stalder, of Pleasant Hill. Mo., arrived the last of the week for a visit with her fister, Mrs. Chris Hist, south of town. Belle Shrader arrived, in the city Monday from Chicago to visit her sisters, Mrs. W. I). Ml more and Mrs. Wilson. Helen Smith, who lias been employ ed the past summer at the Green Gable sanutarium in Lincoln returned to Humboldt, Saturday. Roy Philpot left Monday for Mc Cook, where he has accepted employ ment as a carpenter. He and his wife expect to locate there soon. Mrs’ H. V. Borland went to Have lock, Saturday where she and her hus band will make their home in the future, the latter having accepted a position in the machine shop. Mrs. W. O. Babcock died Sunday evening at the home of a half sister, Mrs. H. E. Hall, in the north part of the city. Mrs. Babcock had been making her home at McClure, S. D. for several years, and she and her husband had arrived in Humboldt but twelve hours prior to her death. She has been in poor health si nee January. Funeral services were held at tlie home of H. E- Hall Wednesday morning. BARADA Born to Karl Butler and wife Aug. 7 a son. Anthony Bucbol/. and wife went to Dineoln Wednesday. Audry Wileraan spent this week with friendds in Kails City. Bosa Slagle has been elected as teacher of Cotcher school. Bichurd Slagle, Jesse Cox, Anna and Bernice Franklin are among those at tending the institute this week. Otis Spiekler, A1 Kelley, Wm Mc Gowan and ladies formed an auto party in attendance at the Verdou picnic. J. L. Clark was bitten by a rattle snake the tirst of the week. He hast ened to a physician and is now thought to be out of danger. A large number of our people are in attendance at the Chautauqua and as the Barada correspondent is among the number, the news may not be com plete. Galen Klder is indisposed owing to a wound received while choppin g wood. The ax being loose from the handle flew oil and fell striking Galen on the back making quite a serious cut. Dr. ^ an Osdel dressed the wound and it is healing nicely. VFR DON. Mrs. Iya Ewing went to Falls City Saturday. Roy Adams and .vile of Stella were hero Saturday. Theresa Armbruster was a Falls City visitor Sunday. Will Cox and family were down from Stella last week. Florence Judd of Dawson attended the picnic Friday. Hattie Mobley of Salem attended the picnic here last week. Harvey Cox of Elk Creek visited rel atives here last week. Dan McDaniels and wife drove down from Shuberr, Friday. Ruth Pennington of Dennett, Nebr., is visiting friends here. Miss Faustenear returned to her home in Nebraska City. Cleta Moran and Jennie Wear were Auburn visitors Monday. Norman Heinzelman returned from Kansas City, Tuesday night. Marie Emerson and Julia Eraunfelter attended the Nemaha picnic. Mrs. Rogers of Wyniore is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Griffiths. Scott Rapoltz of LaBelle, Mo., is vis iting his aunt,(Mrs. Elvira Hull. Will Veach and family ol Falls City visited relatives here Friday. Josh Bloom and wife left for Colo rado Monday for the latters health. Mabel Crouch of Oklahoma City is visiting her father, Wm. Crouch and family. Joe Mark and Walter Nlhart of Crigbton, Neb,, are visiting relatives this week. Walter Veach, John Hall and W. C. Sloan went to Falls City in the form er’s new auto. Mesdames Lou Heineman and D. G. Griffiths attended the Auburn Chau tauqua Monday. Mr*. 15. E. Ester and Mary Wheeler arrived from Grant, Nebr., Thursday to visit relatives. Orval and Emmons Bateman of Stella run their pop corn stand here during the picnic. ('has. Weaver and wife, Jake Iiloom and wife and Norman Weaver and wife were in Falls City Monday. Henry Corn, Graham Jones and wife Glen Brunson and wife, W. S. Byerly and wife, and G. D. Knapp and wife went to Auburn Monday to hear the Ines band. OHIO. Ed Zorn and wife spent Tuesday at Martin Noltes. Mrs. Christ Zorn spent Tuesday with Mrs. A1 Faller. Georg!a Stump of Verdon is visiting with Murle Stump. Galen Yocam of Highland, Kansas spent Sunday with relatives here. Edna Shaffer and gentleman friend spent Sunday at the Missouri lakes. A great many from our vicinity at tended the picnic at Verdon last week. Otto Iluetlaer sr, left last week for a trip to Germany to see his old home again. Mrs. Anson Knisely enjoyed a visit from her parents, Mr. Brim and wife of Sabetha, Kansas. Earl Shaffer and family retureed home Monday from Manley after a short visit with relatives. John Burksr., and wife of Rulo are visiting with their children and at tending the chautauqua this week. JakeGibble and family of Verdon and Lewis Hurt and family visited with Perry Shatlier and family Sun day. Win. Iluettner and wife entertained at their home last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Speath, Mr. Pruesse and wife. John Nolte and wife, and Ed. Jorn and wife. STELLA. Chas. Shafer contemplates buying an auto. R. A. Clark attended the Verdon pic nic Friday. H. Harms of Humboldt was a Stella visitor Thursday. Arnold Barstler attended the picnic at Verdon Friday. J. H. Coons was a business visitor in this locality Friday. I. \V, Harris and J. R. Cain were Verdon visitors Friday. J. T. Letf ami Ray Briges attended the picnic at Nemaha. While J. H. Coons was bauline wheat bundles to the tnaebina Monday, the wagon struck a rut throwing him oil' and wrenching his back and hips. C. S. Weddle ofSbubert was a busi ness visitor Tuesday. Mrs. F. (i. Wi.xon who has been ill for some time, is recovering. •i. F. Mason brink of Ilowe was a busi ness visitor in Stella Tuesday. Roy Tomlinson accompanied his mo ther to Falls City Wednesday. W. G Fankell and A. H. Barstler were visitors in Nemaha Wednesday. Mrs. W. R. Chism ha- been very sick the past week from sciatic rheumatism. Maude Montgomery went to Falls City Tuesday to attend the teachers in stitute. Miss Lucille Clark accompanied her aunt, Mrs. C. B. Clark, to Kansas City for a visit. A. A. Harris, deputy assessor for As pinwall precinct was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr-. W. J. Hooper and children of Atchison are yUiting her sister, Mrs. F- R. Shirck. Miss Hazel Shelienberger of Kansas City is visiting her graudparents and relatives in this city. Ray Helmick and wile from Fort Leavenworth are visiting the former’s father, A. J. Helmick. Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Cornelius of Humboldt are visitiDg with Barney Mullen for a few days. The school board met Tuesday and elected J. F. Tolly as treasurer in place of J. 11. Bateman. W. F. Higgins and family spent Wed nesday in Nemaha visiting relatives and attending the picnic. Mrs. J. II. Cain jr., and little daugh ters went to Fails City Thursday to visit Mrs. J. R. Cain and family. J. F. Tolly, deputy carrier for route 2 took charge of the mail Wednesday while carrier Knapp was at Nemaha. Win. I_iUsk shows a great deal of en thusiasm when he works hard all day and then walks over four miles to hand practice. The Lutheran church council decided to dispense with the services Sunday evenings during the rest of August on account, of the hot weather. Hos- Brockman, who has been build ing and repairing corn cribs in this vi cinity. returned to hB home in Hum boldt the latter part of the week. Some of our citizens are in the habit of dumping their ruqbish on the main streets. People wont think this a clean town if this happens many more times. M. Norris brought 70 head of hogs to market Thursday. He intended to ship them but the price being good at home he sold out to the local buyers at a few cents over $0. Mrs. G. G. Ailer is very ill at her home from appendicitis. She took suddenly ill Sunday, arid her son P. D. Ailer of Auburn was sent for and has been with her all week. The Ladies Auxiliary to the ceme tery a^-soeiation now have fhe nigh iron gate for the cemetery on hand and will soon be ready to install the same at the grounds. The cemetery association held their meeting Saturday. John Jenkins, wife and little daugh ter went to FJk Creek the latter part of the week to visit their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Higgins. Mr. Jenkins says the crops in that locality do not look as good as here. Mrs. C. L. Day of Long Beach. Cali fornia. and Miss Hazel Marts went to the home ot the latter Saturday at Au burn. Mrs. Day left Monday for her home having received a telegram from her husband to come at once. Guy Jameson of Choteau. Mont., ar rived Sunday morning for a visit with friends. All of the Jameson’s have 320 acres of land apiece in that country and report all of the Nebraska boys as prospering. L. G. Fankell is expecting to make a visit with his parents soon. The Stelta Literary association is liveening up these days and a good lectdre course will be inaugurated. Mesdames A. W. Montgomery. J. G. McBride, A. Tvtian, L. Hays and oth ers have been selling season tickets and over 100 tickets have been sold. The course has not yet been decided upon. Sheriff Fenton visited this place Fri day in search of a young roan who was said to have been bootlegging at the Nemaha picnie on Wednesday. He found that the young man was conduct ing a business in Verdon on that Fri day and he immediately went in search of him. After the arrest he was taken to Auburn where he now awaits a hearing. Ohe night the past week the railroad bridge just west of B. T. Clements caught on lire and would have been de stroyed had it not been discovered on time. The north end >f the bridge was burned out. F. M. Weller returned from a visit at Falls City Saturday and Sunday left for Pender, Neb., to help hi.- brother in the lumber business. The Stella Baud will furnich the mu sic at the annual fall festival which is to be held the 27th and 28tb of this month. John Jenkins left for Wessington Springs, South Dakota, Tuesday to look after land interests. Wood Hopkins of Auburn was a visi tor in this place the middle of the week. Mrs. W. M. McDougal of Kansas is visiting her parents W. H. Brown. J. H. Holland and family returned Thursday from a visit in Pawnee. Curt Williams of Shubert was a vis itor in town during the concert. Robert Reddick of Humboldt was a business v;;itor here Thursday. Charles Shafer and wife attended the Chautauqua at Auburn Monday. W. F, Mowery was a business visi tor in Verdon last week. Mrs, H. D. Weller lias been on the sick list the past few days. THE TEACHERS A Large Number In Attendance at The Institute The Teachers’ institute lit*Ui their opening session on Monday morning with a goodly number in attendance. Following is a complete enrollment up to Mon day afternoon: DAWSON. Muble Auxler Ollie Cuinn E. Bessie Guinn Laura Klima Belle Bolejaek Martha Heim Flora Bacon Grace Bacon Lizzie Morris J. G. Feicht Floy Hummel Mary E. Strunk Thomas F. Kean SALEM. Olive A. Tildeu Florence A. Saviile Mae Crook Mable Hesley Blanch Dorr Belle Dorr Alice Bringar Bessie Slater Ira Crook Helen Smith Orrie M. French Ada Allen Fra E. Mobley Ruble Stouffer Fcrol Barker SHU BERT. Bertha Palmer May me Palmer Lillian Stephenson Minnie Jones Mary B. Riggs MORRILL, KANS. Anna E. Hays. HUMBOLDT. Anna Marmet Dell Parsons Mabelle E. Davis Glenne Wilson Emma Staus Grace England Lellith Waggener Helen Allen Frances Klossuer Ina Neher Mildred Briggs Ardie Smith Daisy Morris Hazel Mae Wing Mary Dodds J. G. Dodds F. W. Rockwell Wana Zimmerman Roxie W’ells Lillie Oberly Pearl Seitz Carrie Loennig Della J. Oberly. RULO. Agnes Schrader Bessie 1-’,. Miller Josephine Mahan Bessie Brinegar Mary Ilanuhs Gertrude Kanaly Mamie Kanaly Cecil Kanaly Helen Murphy Josephine Murphy Bertha Kernen Mary E. W’iltse STELLA. Mary O’Brien Jennie Thompson Josephine Hindenach VEKDON. Ethel Keeler Clara M. Laurie Hattie M. Lilly D. D. Ilontz Ida Kernen WYMORE. Anna McQuinn BERN, KANS. Elizabeth Hill. BAR ADA. Jesse Cox Rosa Slagle Richard Slagle Mrs. Martin DU HOIS. W. C. Germain Edie Bacon Lizzie Caswell Minnie StaulTer BARNESI'ON, NEB. Daniel H. Weber JANSEN. Roy E. Dykes. FALLS CITY. Nellie Jennings Lloyd Shock G. 15. Daniels Maud Mohler Pearl Lawerense Pearl Hanna Edna Brown Laura Naylor Grace L. De Mers Benj. Franklin Anna Franklin Marie L. Crotty Grace McManus Grace Saylor Agnes Moran Alice Voder May Gagnon Lena Trefzer Anna Mason Lillie Stump Francis Knisely A. H. Voegelein * E. K. Hurst E. L. Tobie Florence Wylie Katherine Seibel Clara Gagnon Lillie M. Putnam Nellie Coupe Ilamona Wilcox Eva D. Scott Maud Mohler Jessie Finley Myrtle Pittock G. Maud Yocum.