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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1908)
THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. All automobiles smell alike. Mr. Coon was a visitor from Verdon Monday. Bill Strunk of Dawson spent Monday in our city. Miss Maud Harbaugh of Miles' ranch, is here for the week. Do not forget to encourage the Falls City talent. A three days street fair is on at Rulo, commencing today Mrs. Plasters of Stella is the guest of Miss Nellie Schock. Sherm Davis of Humboldt, is again in the custody pf the police Josh Bloom and family of Ver don, spent Wednesday in this city Joe Davis returned Saturday from his trip to southern Kansas. Prof. J- Carl Leister made a business trip to Auburn Monday. George Fallstead returned Wednesday from his Texas land trip. Miss Helen Brebeck is in St. Louis buying a stock of fall mil linery. Charles Hargrave was trans acting business at Wvmore Tues day and Wednesday. There was a large crowd in town Saturday and our merchants enjoyed a good trade. Bob Taylor was a good draw ing card and everyone was pleased with his talk. Miss Ethel and Pearl Bowers of Sabetha, Kas., are enjoying our Chautauqua program. Claud Phillippi went to Hcprton, Kas., Sunday, where he has ac cepted a position in a store. Mrs. R. A. Munson of Oneida, Kans., is the guest of herdaugh ther, Mrs. Elliot of this city. Morris Berkley and wife of Hamlin, Kansas came over to at tend the Chautauqua Sunday. Put a pin in this prediction— corn will be higher than a cat’s back before the winter is over. The boys and girls from the country are taking advantage ot the moonlight nights to attend the evening Chautauqua sessions. For a word picture painting send for Senator Bob Taylor. He is onto the job- Do you re member anything he said aside from the stories he told? “Taffy” Sears is all right, and we can hardly do better than ac cept his self-offered invitation to come again next year. Come again, Taffy, come again with your homelike philosophy. Ardie and Helen Smith ot Sa betha, Kansas, Maud Harbaugh, of Miles Ranch, Anna Hayes of Morril, Mabel Auxier of Verdon. May Crook of Salem, Florence Savill of Salem are at Mrs. H- I. Hunts Chautauqua week. The Falls City ball team has two games next week, Thursday and Friday, with Horton, Kans., and they say they will redeem themselves for losing the last two games. Horton has a good team, having won eleven straight games. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop’sPink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25-cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free trial, to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all dealers. The first pair of GLASSES should be very carefully fitted HERE THE FITTING IS SCIENTIFIC George W. Reneker, M. D. Graduate Optician Hurt in Runaway Sunday morning while George Messier and wife were driving north of town, near the Meyers farm, they met the Art Harris automobile. The horse became un manageable and ran away throw ing both occupants out of the buggy. Mrs. Messier escaped with but slight injury while George did not fare so well, but received a bad cut on the bead, a severely sprained arm and was Gadly bruised. How to Avoid Appendicitis Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Fo ley's Orino Laxative curesohronic con stipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Foley's Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi tutes. Kerr's pharmacy. Sam Spickler of Barada this \geek delivered 14.000 bushels oi corn to the Shubert market. Figure this out for yourself and then take off your hat to the farmer. Mrs. Tom Palmer came i n from Shickley Monday, to spend the week with her parents, R. Horrocks and wife. Brown Iveim of Enid, Okla., arrived here Monday night, to at tend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Amanda Keim. Augusta Wittrock returned yesterday from a two weeks visit to the Chicago and St. Louis millinery market. Mrs. Millard Goodloe of Stella spent a 'few days the first of the week at the home of her uncle, Mark Goolsby. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Falloon and daughter, from near Verdon, came down Monday to spend the day. Mrs. E. O. Lewis and daughter Ruth left Tuesday for Lincoln to spend several days with relatives. Bert McCool and Bill Mc Dougal of Salem, were among the visitors in the city Sunday. A1 Spear and wife left Sunday for Superior to be present at a reunion of Mr. Spear’s family. Misses Florence Wylie, Lucile Mettz and Mona Wilcox camped on the grounds Sunday night. Clyde Thacker, cashier of the Farmer's State bank of Preston, was a visitor heye Sunday. Chester McDowell and Prof. Hurst went to Auburn Monday to attend the chautauqua. Chas. Rieger and family of Fairview, Kas.. were visiting rel atives here this week. Mrs. S. E. Little returned the first of the week from a visit with home folks in Omaha. Buel Gergens is down from Humboldt the- guest of Prof, Voegelein today. Mrs. Byrel Day of Long Beach’ Cal., is in the city the guest of Mrs. J. R. Cain. Elmer Kanaly and wife were amoug the Preston visitors in our :ity Monday. Chas. Lord and wife of Shubert were visitors at our chautauqua yesterday Uncle Jim Campbell was among the Salem visitors in town yesterday. Worth Schrimpton of Fremont, is a guest at the home of George Jennings. Grace Harlan of Salem, spent Monday on the chautauqua grounds. G- E- Hall, wife and baby of Verdon, have been chautauqua visitors. Misses Uillith Waggener and Helen Allen are here from Hum boldt. Miss Nellie Hart and mother were over from Reserve yesterday. James Sinclair and children of Preston, were in town Tuesday. Flo Clark of Fairburv attended chautauqua during the week. L. C. Edwards attended the Auburn chautauqua Sunday Ross Foster will leave in a few days for San Francisco. I Theo. Majerus and wife were up from Rulo Monday. These fires are coming a little too thick for comfort C. Hershey spent Sunday in Hiawatha K. Freed and wife returned to their home in Stella Tuesday* Rev. Shreck was among the Stella people in town Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Sandrock of Salem is visiting relatives in the city. Miss Ethel Keeler of Verdon is spending a few days in the city* Stella was well represented on the Chautauqa grounds Tuesday. 1*. S. Ileacock was a business visitor to Lincoln the first of the week. Everybody and all their friends will attend our Chautauqua next Sundav. Clare Foster came in Monday from Wyoming for a visit with home folks* Miss Anna Fraunfelder is here from Verdon, spending the week with relatives. L* C. Edwards went to Lincoln Wednesday to help in the notifi cation exercises. Mrs. Frank Evcrsole and son, Guy, returned Tuesday to their home in Elk Creek. Alice Banks and May Pribbeno of Preston are visiting Miss Edna Schaible this week. The concrete gang will finish their work on our new water and light plant this week. John Crook and Ike Lyons jr., made a business trip to Nebraska City during the '*-^ek. Mrs. Jennie Ewalt returned Wednesday from a visit ot several weeks in various eastern cities J. R. and F. E. Shelly of Pres ton were pleasant callers at this office while in the city Wednes day. Miss Edna Wentworth came up from St. Joe Wednesday to visit her mother and attend the Chau tauqua. Roy Brandt of Reynolds, Neb., has returned to his home, alter a visit in this city at the home of Robert McMahan. Esburn Wheeler and wife and W. H. Wheeler and wife came down from Stella Tuesday to en joy the Chautauqa. Mrs. O. A. Sennings of Salem, is visiting George Jennings’ fam ily during the week and incident ly attending Chautauqua. Humboldt has been pretty well represented so far during the Chautauqua, but the Hiawatha people are not very sociable. Rev. Dunkleberger returned Tuesday from Harvard, Nebr., where he filled the pulpit of the Christian church last Sunday. Mrs. David McCoy and son of Hiawatha, came over to attend the twenty-fifth wedding anni versary of J. R Cain and wife. Marjery Strunk came down from Dawson Wednesday and will be the guest of Rev. Bailey and family tne remainder of the week. The rain of last evening was just what was needed. It cooled the air for Chantbuqua visitors and made the farmers feel good. Our hotels found it a hard mat ter to take care of their visitors Tuesday night. Every bed was in use and the halls filled with cots. Even then many were turned away. The writer traveled through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio this week and saw thousands of acres of corn that were literally burned up, and yet they speak of Nebras ka as the state of hot winds. So far the chautauqua program far excells the one given last year. The large crowds in at tendance have been delighted with a lithe features. The best things are yet to come and the remaining days should be hum mers. Taken Up A stray hog on the Miles ranch Ql/> miles southwest of Falls City. For information call Em met Satterwbite. Piles helped at once with Dr. Sboop's Magic Ointment. Just to prove it, a trial box will be mailed on request, by writing Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. itch ing, smarting, bleeding piles, internal or external, get quick and certain help from Magic Ointment. Large box .">l)e. Sold by all dealers. Hands Off! It may be working all right inside but when the hands are nil it doesn't register tlie time. Watch Repairing is an important part of our business. A watch needs cleaning, regulating ami re pairing to keep it in order. (live us your watch repairing and we will give you good time in return. R. B. Simpson The North Window Kerr's Pharmacy Team Ran Away When Jacob Wessinger and one ol his sons reached the Mud dy bottoms, northeast ot town, while on their way to Falls City last Friday, the team became unmanageable and ran away. When Jacob collected his belong ings, which were scattered all along the road, he found that the tongue of the vehicle was broken and mashed out of shape and one of his horses was hurt very badly. If The Tribune has helped the Chautauqua as so many have told us, it is only fair to say that the merchants by liberal adver tising have made it possible for us to do so. Those of our peo ple who arc interested in the success of the Chautauqua owe their patronage to these mer chants and should pay the debt. Some of the guests at the Cain wedding anniversary tried to turn it into a notification meeting to apprise Rob that he was running for Senator, but Rob had the hay fever and wouldn’t make a speech. Norman Musseimanaml family came home Wednesday from their eastern trip. They report a pleasant time, but managed to return in time for a portion of the Chautauqua. S. P- Gist of Salem was down to hear Senator Bob Taylor. While here Mr. Gist informed the reporter that he intended to vote for Bryan this year. Now let all the rural readers of The Tribune take a day off Sun day and come in to the Chautau qua and hear a good sermon and enjo3’ a day of rest. Kev. H» C. Croan of Indianap olis, Ind., was in the city inter viewing the ministers about the Minister’s Causelty Union of Min neapolas, Minn. A Falls City man says he is so unlucky that if he should pass a woman wearing a directoire gown he would be on the wrong side. Mrs. Della Stumbo and little daughter of Lincoln are in the city visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Prater. Fred Wittwer, one of the ;ounty’s wealthy farmers, and a new member of the drainage board is in the city on business. Mrs. Claude Fergus of Hum boldt, is visiting Preston Fergus and wife near this city and at tending Chautauqua. Mrs. H. &. Mooney and little daughter of Hiawatha, are here and will spend the balance of the week at the Chautauqua. Anthony Buchholz and wife :ame in from Barada early Wed nesday morning and joined the :rowa going to Lincoln. If nothing else can be done let’s have congregational singing on Sunday of the good old hymns that we all know. The court house was in the | hands of deputies Wednesday, the head of each office being in Lin coln. Nothing has been doing in pol itics since the Stone street joint debate of a few weeks ago. Mrs. Carrie Shaw of Hiawatha is the guest of Miss Mamie Gil lespie at the National hotel. Henry Gerdes and wife were among those who saw things in Lincoln Wednesday. Rev. Shriek of Stella was a Chautauqua visitor a portion of the week. H. C. Davis was one of the faithful who went to Lincoln Wed nesday W. H. Putman made a business trip to St. Joe Monday. Clarence Peabody has returned to his home in St. Joe. Rev. W. Iv Schell of the York college is in the city. S. W. Johnston of Omaha, was in attendance at the Chautauqua Wednesday evening. Miss Holdcman of Dawson, is attending Chautauqua and stay ing at Dr. Hailey's home. Mrs. F. C. Fill and daughter of Shubert came down Wednes day evening to attend Chautau qua. Mrs. John Crook and little daughter have returned from quite an extended trip through Colorado. It was announced from the platform last evening that a Chautauqua for 1001 is an as sured fact. S. E. Little spent a portion of the week in St. Joe and Kansas City in the interest of the Mat thews store. Mrs. W. B. Schmucker and Mrs. Al. Roberts and children of Miami, Okla., are in the city for a visit with their many friends. Mrs. Samuel Wahl and Lloyd, arrived todav Ironi Indianapolis, Ind., where they have been spending a few weeks with the tormer’s mother, Mrs. Gray. Tom Spence and wife left this week for Holton. Kas., where they join the Locke Dramatic Co. They will begin rehearsals at once for the season’s engagements George Hansell of Salem was in the city Thursday and made his usual pleasant call at this of fice. George has been under the weather for some time but is im proving and will soon be himself again. A great improvement was made at the Chautauqua grounds when the platform was raised, thus making it possible for all to see and enjoy the programs. Now, if there could only be some wav devised to keep the people quiet, all would be complete. J. B. Keim was a pleasant call er at this office Thursday, adding his name to our ever increasing list. Brown informs us that he is doing fine in his Oklahoma home, and is now the leading lumberman of that city. He and his wife leave today for their home. From a Lebanon, Ind., paper we find the following kindly men tion of the musical ability of W. C. Yutzy, a former Falls City boy and son of Dr. Yutzy. our esteemed townsman. The paper says: “The chief feature of last night's band concert was the ren dition of a composition by W. C. Yutzy, the director of the organ ization. The selection was the third number on the program. It was a gavotte entitled, “Philena.” The piece has a decidedly pretty movement, a catchy air and is rich in harmony. It is one of the most popular numbers the band has yet played and last night was given an enthusiastic reception. There have been requests that the number be repeated at next week’s concert.” To the Ladies Mrs. C- McCay wishes to say that she is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of hair work. If you want a switch, puffs, etc., or have hair to sell, call up 370. A Boon to Elderly People. Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disorder, that is both painful and dangerous. Foley’s Kidney Reme dy has praven a boon to many elderly people as it stimulates the urinary or gans, corrects irregularities and toms up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and be vigorous. Kerr’s pharmacy. i Received Payment Wednesday morning John Ross received a check Irom the Wood men Accident Insurance Co., with whom lie carried a policy, lor >250 70 as payment in full foi in juries received February 20. Mr. Ross has been unable to work since that time and this little check fits in just about right. M. Self and family and K. Jacobs and family returned Tues day from Kansas City, where they had been in attendance at a wedding. Miss Rosa Self accom panied them home for a few days visit in this city. Among those from Stella who attended the Chautauqua Wed nesday, were Mrs. M. L< Hays, R. A- McMillan and wife, R- A. Clark and wife, Mrs. II. L. Ho grefc. W. II, Maddox, Judge Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. E- L. Sandusky, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schlosser, Miss Nellie Downs and Dr. Fast were among those who went to Lin coln Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Cleveland jr., and baby and Miss Nettie Cleveland, of Nebraska City, came down Wednesday to spend the balance of the week in this city. Lost—Tuesday afternoon about (i o’clock, on Stone street, a pock etbook containing about $S0 in cash. Return to this office and receive liberal reward. Otto Dorr and wife and Miss Craig of Humboldt, were attend ing Chautauqua uere Wednesday. They were welcome callers at the Tribune office. Mrs. Los Graham and sons, Dan and DeLos, returned to their home in Dawson today, after spending several days with rela tives here. Ross Foster left Wednesday for San Francisco, after a month’s visit in this city with his parents, Ben Foster and wife. Thos. E- Snyder of Indianapo lis, Ind.. arrived in the city today for a visit at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Ben Foster. Mrs. H. B. W. Hart wick of St. Joe, is spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs. E> E. Mettz. Miss Clark of Kansas City, a reciter of ability, is visiting J. R. Cain’s family duringChautauqua. Mrs. Fred Farra of Woodward, Okla., is in the city the guest of her mother, Mrs. Dr. Wentworth. Fay French and Dean Windle came down from Salem Wednes day for the evening program. Fall City had the Imperial En tertainers as guests on Wednes day because of an open date. Misses Slagle and Franklin of Barada, spent a few days in the city during the week. Abe Harris and daughter came down from Dawson Wednesday to spend the day. Arthur Palmer was down from Dawson to attend Chautauqua Wednesday. Frank Blakeney of Nims City, spent a portion of the week in the city. Mrs. L. L. Kinsey of Dawson is visiting Mrs. Kammel of this city. O. P Dildock of Omaha spent Wednesday in in the city. Mrs. Bettie Russell of Salem is in the city. Police Method* In India, A Jewel was loet by a rich Komatl. It was found In the possession of a Mohammedan. Two policemen of the station seized It from him and pledged It and obtained a loan from a local merchant. Then another policeman was asked to search the house of the merchant, and before the search was effected the merchant gave It to him with a present as a bribe not to haul him up before the court. Between the three policemen a sum of about 60 rupees was looted from one or the other of the dishonest and avaricious merchants. Then arose a split among these policemen and their comrades about the division of the spoils, and they aro now blinking as to what course to adopt and whom to charge and what offense to charge with, The people are losing all confidence in these men.—Mysore Standard. Value Added to Eloquence. Common council eloquence comes high so long as it has to be officially reported In full. Otherwise it is pret ty cheap eruption.—Boston Herald.