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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1908)
Advertisement TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the Ht notable Mayor and City Council and endorsed “Propos al tor famishing afl materia!, labor and equip , meat and building well t*r wells. Triplexor Turbine Pump with motor, concrete pump pit, on five acre tract of Falls Cit_» “ will be receiv ed at 4 he office of the City Clerk of the City of Falls City, Nebraska, until 12 o’clock noon, standard time August 21, thO”* and opened at HO p. m. at the City Hall for the furnishing of a i material, labor, and equipment required to erect complete and putin successful operation the well or wells. Triplex or Turbine pump and motor, concrete pump pit etc., all in ac cordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Engi neer, Falls City, Nebraska. All bids to be made upon blank forms to l*e obtained of the City Engineer, must give the price proposed, both in writing and in figures, am! be signed by the bidder with his address. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check for $200 payable to the city of Falls City, said check to be returned to the bidder unless he fail to execute the contract should it be awarded him. A bond of an amount to be fixed by the mayor and council will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. Sep arate bids will be received and considered for any or all'parts for work and material. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part of a bid or to accept any bid or part of a bid without explanation. \Y. NY. Ama.v. Mayor J. A. Crook. City Engineer NY. 11. SciiMKi.zi L, City Clerk First Publication August 7 3 times Notice to Greditors. In the Coi nty Court of Richardson county Nebraska: In the Matter of the Estate of John IS. Boyd. Deceased. It is ordered by the court that the time limiter! for creditors to tile claims against said Estate is six months from the 21st day of July, 194$, and all claims not tiled in this court, dnly verifitnl, on or lief ore the 21st day of January, 1909, will be forever barred. Ordered farther that all claims tiled against said estate will l>e examined and adjusted by the court, in the county court room, in the court house in Falls City, in said county, September 21st, and November 21st, 190$, and January 22nd, 1909, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. in. By order of the court dated July 21st, 190s. John Gagnon, 27-1 Judge. First publication July 21,1908. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL " AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as herein after set forth in full, is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to lie held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. 1). 190$. A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sections two (2), four (4), five (5), six (6) and thirteen (18) of Article six (fi) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to Judicial Powers. Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. Amendment Proposed. That Sec tion two (2) of Article six (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska lie amended to read as follows: Section 2. (Supreme Court; Judges; Juris diction.) The Supreme Court shall consist of seven (7) judges; and a majority of all elected and qualified judges shall b© necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce a decision. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating to the revenue, civil cases in which the state is a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction as may be pro vided by law. Section 2. (Amendment Proposed.) That Section four, (4) of Article six (6) of the Constitu tion of the State of Nebraska. I>e amended to read as follows : Section!. (Supreme„Court, Judges, Elec tion, Term, Residence.) The judges of the Su preme Court shall bo elected by the electors of the state at large; and their term of office except as hereinafter provided shall l>e six years. And said Supreme Court judges shall during their term of office, reside at the place where the court is holden. Section 8. (Amendment Proposed.) That Section five [5] of Article six [ti] of the Constitu tion of the State of Nebraska lx* amended to read as follows: Sections. (Supreme Court, Judges, Elec tion, Term, Chief Justice.] That at the gen eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1909, and each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (8] judges of the Su preme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; that at the general election to lie held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1911, and each six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3] judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; and at the general election to l>e held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1913 and each six years thereafter, there shall lx? elected a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided that the member of the Supreme Court whose term of office expires in January 1914, shall lx? Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And pro vided further, that upon the adoption of these amendments by the electors of the t$tate, the Governor shall,| immediately upon issuing his prociama!ion declaring said amendments adopt ed, appoint four (4) judges of the Supreme Court, two (21 of whom shall lx? appointed to hold said office until their successors shall be elected at the general election’in 1909, and have qualified; and the other two ( 2 | shall hold their office until their uuccessnrs shall be elected at the general election held in 1911, and.have qualified. Section 4. (Amendment Proposed.} That Sectiou six (rtj of Article six (6] of the Constitu tion of the state of Nebraska, lx? amended to read as follows: Section 6. [Chief Justice.J The Chief Jus tice shall serve as such during all the term for which he was elected. He shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court, and in his absence the judges present shall select one of their number to preside temporarily. Section 5. | Amendment Proposed. | That Section thirteen |13] of Article six [b| of the Constitution of Nebraska be amended to read as follows : Section 13. [Judges, Salaries.] That judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive u salary of $1500, and Jthe Judges of the Distr ict Court shall each receive a salary of $3000 per annum, payable quarterly. Approved April 8, 1907. 1, Geo. C.’Jnnkin, Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore going proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legisla ture of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file in this office, and that said proposed amendment, is submitted to the qualified voters of the State* of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1V08, in testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 15th clay of July, in the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eight, and of the Indepen dence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this Stat£ the Forty-second. GEO. C. JUNKIN, l seal 1 Secretary of State. Legal Notice In the Richardson County. District court State of N braska. Peter Frederick **r. Plaint it! j i Jacob (iebhart. the Uncle I Sam Oil Company, a Kansas ! Corporation and nbankrupt 1 Peter W. li<*el>el trustee in J luiukruptcy of bankrupt es tate of Uncle Sam Or. t o. ( and Martha C. tiray Defendants To the Uncle Sam Oil company. a Kansan cot potation, and declared a bankrupt by the judg ment of the l nited States District court for the District of Kansas. Peter W. Ooehel trustee in bankruptcy for the Umktupt estate of the Uncle Sam Oil Company and Martha C. tiray. non resident defendants. Volt wilLtuko notice that the plaintill. Peter Frederick sr.. did on the 30th day of July, 190s tile his ixdition in the dis trict court of Richardson county, State of Ne braska the object and prayer ot which i- to fore close a mortgage on the following deserilnxl real oatate situated in Richardson county state of Nebraska aud in which it is alleged jou severally claim some interest to-wir. ( «»m mencing at the southeast corner of the land detnled by Towle ,Y Crook to J . YV. Kamel in the southeast quarter (kt) of the northwest quar to* (ki) of section No. Fifteen (15) Township One l) Range Sixteen (10) east. Recorded iu Hook seven 17 1 page :N> Richardson county Nebraska detxi Records, thence running south 75| seventy-live feet: thence west one-hit ltd red and twentv-tive feet 1251 thence north seventy five ieet [751 thence east one hundred and twenty-five feet 11251 to tin* place of beginning. Also lots twenty [-0] twenty-one 1211 twenty two [221 twenty-three -U and twenty-four |24] iu block No. two-hniidiel-thirty one [28ll in the city of Falls City state of Nebraska. Also the following tract of laud situated in the corporate limits of Falls Ciiy ^to-wit: Commencing at a point seventy-live 1751 feet south of tin1 southeast corner of land deeded by Towle & Crook to J. W. Kamel in the south east quarter (HI of the northwest quarter 141 in Section fifteen 1151 Town one ill Range six teen (1*>) east, thence running south from that point 37 feet, thence running due west to Ben. Poteet's corner, thence north 112 feet to J. YY4 Kamel's corner, thence due east about 115 feet, thence south seventy-five 1751 feet thence east 120 feet to the place of beginning. And you are further notified that unless you plead, answer or demur to the petition of plaintiff on or before the 7th day of September 1908 the same will be taken as true and a decree iu accordance with the prayer thereof will In* rendered by the court. Kiwis ,v Ki \vis Attorneys tor ’Muiutiff First publication August 31 1 times Notice. Healed bids will lie received until i» o’clock a. m., of Tuesday, August 18, 1W08, for constructing the ditches, dykes, levees, spillways, flood gates, inlets, etc., in Drainage District Number One, uichardson County, Nebraska- Each bid must Ik* accompanied by a certified check on a National Bank doing business in the Htate of Nebraska, or Chicago or Ht. Louis exchange, payable to the Treasurer of the Drainage District, in the sum of five i>er centum of the amount of the bid. un less the said per centum exce«*ds ten thousand dollars, in which case the certifn»d check shall Ik* for ten thousaud dollars. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in an amount I equal to twenty-five j>er centum of the amount of the contract. The right i* reserved to reject any or all bids. Plats, plans, profiles, anil speci fications can l»e seen and examined at the office of Drain Commissioner. K. E, (trinstead, Halem, Nebraska, or at the office of A. M. Munn. engin eer, Nebraska City, Nebraska. K. E. GKINHTEAD, 27-4 Drain Commissioner. First publication July 24, 1908. The footprints of Dyspepsia have been directly traced to the Stomach nerves. When these “inside nerves” full, indigestion and stomach distress mtfst surely result. For this, druggists everywhere are supplying a prescrip tion known as Dr. Slioop's Restorative, First, these tiny inside Stomach, Heart and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas belching, Heart palpitation, or failing Kidneys follow Don’t drug the Stom ach, or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Strengthen these fail ing nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restora tive. It is the nerves, not the organ that are calling for help. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment, you will realize the uain. A test will tell. Sold by all dealers. Magic Lantern For the Boy or Girl Any boy or girl who will se cure eight new subscriber for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at* 25 cents a year each, making a total of Two Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names to us, we will mail to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with fifty views Any boy or girl can use it. Just stretch a white sheet on the wall and you can have all kinds of fun. Full directions for use is with the lantern. Any boy or girl can secure 8 new subscribers in a short time and get this beautiful magic lantern. Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by post office money order or draft. Address— TheKansas City Journal Kansas City, Mo. PAIN Pain In the head—pain anywhere, has Its cause. Pain Is congestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet coaxes blood-pressure away from pain centers. Its effect Is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently though safely, It surely equalizes the blood circu lation. If you have a headache, It's blood pressure. If it's painful periods with women, same cause. are sleepless, restless, nervous. It’s blood congestion—blood pressure. That surely U a certainty, for Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets stop It In 20 rnlnut. s, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't It get red. and swell, and pain you? Of course It does. It's con. Bastion. blood pressure. You'll find It where pain U—always. It’s simply Common Sense. We sell at 23 cento, ana cheerfully lecommand Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets (ALL DEALERS) ■-■■■ ■■* , —■■, I I — II.■, I fwo GOOD TALKS — H W SEARS. THE TAFFY" MAN AND BOB TAYLOR Both Were Well Received and Gave Spiendid And Interesting Addresses Moml.i\ afternoon at -••'!<> the Hite .Monroe Co,. which proved so entertaining the previous day gave another of their splen did programs, after w h i c h H. W. Scars entertained the large audience for more than an hour by hi> splendid talk on “more taffy and less epitaphy." Mr. Scars is so intensely inter esting that he captivated his audience at the outset and car ried them through to the end without one w i s h i n g t o gre t away, and all present felt that they were better for h a v i n g heard the “taffy man," present H. W. SEARS. liis true recipe for the true phil osophy of life. It is impossible to give all the good things he said, but here are a few that may help you through life: No man is to be praised for wrong doing. Too much handshaking is like shaking a snake's tail, get through with it as soon as pos sible. Happiness is not confined to the house with the brown stone front. The churches were never so close to each other and never had so much religion in them as4 they have today. The world is dying by inches for just a word of sympathy. Give a helping hand and a word of sympathy to the man who is down. Too many men have their wishbones where their b a c k bones ought to be. Learn to say the right thing and do the right thing at the right time. Speak well of the other man and it will make you a better man. Look for the good in men and you will be sure to find it, and when you find it you will surely appreciate it yourself GOV. BOB TAYLOK Gov. Bob Taylor was the crowning event of the day. He is both a humorist and a musici an and is able to singr himself into the hearts of the people. He is an artist in every sense of the word, in the painting of pictures which seem to be real. He spoke of “Castles in the air'’ which would be well worth the memory of the people. He held his crowd and all were eager to* hear What he should say next. Mr. Taylor is a Southerner by birth and in speaking of his old home he told many stories to show that it was also a happy place. He is able to illustrate every point with a song-, sing ing many times during the even ing. In his speech he began with the creation of the world, wondering if woman had been made first and man created later if she would have been satisfied with man or if she would not have wished different changes in him. In the begin ning when everything' was created each animal, bird and living creature took unto him sell a mate and then in time built castles. It i> not so in this day. look at the miser what he is doing, in his earlier life he is working hard, gloating over each round dollar as it is earned and plans what someday he shall do with it. What is gold anyway? Does not every politician and all other men look forward to it. (loltl is gold in all life. In the days of Babylon was it not one of the wealthiest and greatest country of its day, but wealth could not keep Bah ylon from falling. Borne was great but she too came to de struction. United States is great, we have wealth, com merce and people, and our main point of safety so we argue, lies in so many people. A very prominent man one day decided it was time for him to die so lie gathered together a piece of rope, some coal oil, matches, revolver and a boat. Taking' these articles lie rowed himself down stream, coming to where a limb hung over the water. He tied one end of the rope around the limh and the other around his throat, cover ed himself with coal oil and putting the arsenic in his mouth set lire to himself, placed the revolver to his head pulling the trigger shoving the boat at the same time. Consequently he cut the rope in shooting, by falling into the water the tire was put out and he coughed up the arsenic. He then decided his time had not yet come and tlie next day he declared himself a candidate for congress. Again along the stream of life we find young men and women travel ing, all is not smooth sailing, there are the ups and downs, but always the bright hope to help and encourage them on. I am invited to visit a friend who has a little man of two or three, he is the pride of their home. Company is coining and you want him to do his best be fore them, you soon miss him. On finding him lie is covered with jam and dirt—again he is cleaned up, he is able to slip away and get the jam again. Then a crash is heard in the library and you find the young man covered with ink to hide the stains of jam. Then is Par adise lost. Several years later the young man is in pants. My, you are proud of h im. He is allowed to do as he wishes and no one cor rects him. He is the democrat of the play ground, the republi can of the school house (full dinner pail) and the autocrat of the breakfast, dinner and sup per table. One evening the minister was invited to supper. He was a dyspeptic and so was not able to partake of the meat, vegetables and other things. The young man could contain himself no longer so he said, “Say, Ma give him a raw egg maybe he could suck that. Mothers this is the time to look after your boys. Fathers you too should have an interest in them. When they are young their young lives are open to your moulding. If you do not look after them the world will claim them and if they do not the angels will. Youth is the best part of life, you then have hope, courage ambition and are able to make large plans for the future. In my youth we had large quilting parties and all young ladies were busy during the day quilt ing, by evening the work was done, then the evening was spent in dancing. The old fat uncle of the district coming with his fiddle and calling off the rounds keeping time with his foot. In closing he remarked to the young- people that this was the time to enjoy all innocent pleasures. Hut while seeking happiness for themselves not to forget the pleasures of others. Drive Rheumatism from the blood with Dr. Snoop’s Rheumatic Remedy. Tablet or liquid. Sold by all uealers. ...SEASONABLE GOODS... Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure would interest you at this season of the year. The MOTOR WASHER a Motidav morn- : my necessity that you cannot afford to be without. Then .ve have the JEWEL GAS OLINE STOVE, the ALASKA REFRIGATOR, the house wife’s I friends this hot weather. 1 Lowe Bros’., PAINT ^will interest you, both in quality and price. CALL ANI> LOOK THROUGH OUR LINE J. C. TANNER Ours Are “Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY. NEB. * Chautauqua Visitors—" * Are Invited to Inspect Our Stock of * t» « » Cut Glass, Fancy China, Jardiniers, « * Chamber Sets, Glassware, Dinnerware * w * h We Have Everything That Makes a Complete « i» China Stock « If 4| w A complete stock of Good Groceries 4 w at reasonable prices. « CHAS. M. WILSON S: w * The Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, ami manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWRR MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are gunrautecd to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City, Nebr. PRESTON * GRAIN and LUMBER CO When you have Grain or Hogs to market do not forget that we pay the top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE ■I When you need anything in ■ Lumber or Builders' Material call on us—we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. FRUIT PACKERS Berry Boxes, Crates, Baskets of all kinds, including various styles of Cilmax Baskets, Ap ple barrels, cider kegs and bar rels. Write for prices. St. Joseph, Mo. J. A. Schroer & Co, LEE P’S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED, Proprietor FALLS CITY NEBRASKA k.