The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 31, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week
Bring your job work to The
Trbune printery.
Best Wisconsin Rye Flour at
Heck's feed store. tf
Miss Maggie Mooney of Rulo
was in the city Saturday.
Paul Weaver was a business
visitor to Humboldt Monday.
Robert Rule and family spent
Sunday with relatives in Salem.
Rev. A. W. Shamel of Lincoln
visited Rev. C. A. Mastin Mon
All accounts due Chas. P. Stump
are payable at the First National
Bank. 29-2t
For Sale—Good rain or slop
barrels, at (>5c. each, at Heck’s
feed store.
Miss Hazel White returned
Thursday from a few day’s visit
in Hiawatha.
Mrs- James Hanley and daugh
ter, Winnie, of Verdon, were in
this city Monday.
Miss Dorothy White went to
Hiawatha Wednesday for a short
visit with friends.
W. D. Kasley spent Sunday
with relatives in this city return
ing to Hiawatha Monday.
It is reported that Thos. Mar
tin, formerly of this city, but now
living in Indiana, is in very poor
Mrs. J. G. Ranger of Salem
soent a few days during the past
week with her daughter, Mrs. E.
E. Scott.
Roy Steitt, proprietor of the
Pawnee City laundry, was look
ing after business affairs in this
city Monday.
Chas- Humphrey and wife were
down from Verdon Sunday to
visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Abbott.
Geo. Segrist, C. M. Linn and
Carl Mann were among those from
Humboldt, who witnessed the ball
game in this city Thursday.
Mrs. W. W. Abbey and children
returned home Saturday from
quite an extended visit with rela
tives in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
The Falls City Tribune shows
a marked improvement in appear
ance and the quantity of news
matter handled during the past
few weeks,—Humboldt Leader.
Misses Mamie Eustice, Emma
Burlett and Alice Furlong of
Auburn were visiting with Miss
Helen Martin the latter part of
last week and the first of this.
Prof. E. L- Tobie and wife and
Rev. Tobie and wife of Spring
field, Illinois, who have been vis
iting in Falls City, went to Hia
watha Saturday to visit their
We forgot last week to mention
the success of the Presbyterian
tea held at the home of A. Gra
ham. A large crowd was in at
tendance to enjoy the elegant sup
per prepared, and $25.50 was re
The Tribune is in receipt of a
pest card from S. M- Philpot and
wife of Humboldt, who are now
enjoying the sights in Yellowstone
Park. The scene sent us illus
trates Old Faithful Geyser and
makes one wish the3r were there.
The Philpot’s are with theGreen
wald party from this city.
C. L. Marts of Wymore, visited
in this city a few days the latter
part of the week with his parents,
Sam Marts and wife. His little
son, Glenn, who has been here for
the past three weeks returned
home with his father. C. L. and
family left the first of the week
for an extended western trip.
Money to Loan. Mortgages Bought
If you wish to get a loan on
your land, or have a mortgage to
sell, write me. 20 years in busi
ness. Stock and fruit farm to
rent. Also 320 acre stock and
dairy farm. Henry C. Smith,
Falls City, Neb.
For Sale
Full oak, hand carved bed room
suit. Extra large bevel plate
mirror on dresser. A bargain if
taken at once. C. F. Reavis.
John R. Smith went to Topeka
Monday with his race horse, which
he expects to enter in the races
there. Mr. Smith has a good
horse and no doubt will lead in
many of the events.
Mrs. A. E. Gantt and son spent
Sunday with relatives in Hum*
boldt. They were accompanied
home bv Grace Hays and Bessie
Ramsey, who had been spending
a few days there.
Miss Bird Lewis of Walsh, La.,
who has been visiting relatives
and friends at Humboldt, was the
guest ot her classmate, L. C. Ed
wards, in this city Monday.
Miss Clara Tanner leaves to
morrow- for a month’s stay in Co
lorado. She will also visit with
her brother at Arapaho before re
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marvin left
Monday evening for their home
in Oklahoma City, after a visit
with old friends in this vicinity.
Dr.Fast and wife returned Mon
day night from their trip through
Yellow-stone Park. They report
an excellent time.
Misses Julia and Grace Cronin
of Rulo, spent a portion of the
week in this city guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs- Less Leeds,
Mrs. Joe Varner and daughter,
Marion, returned Sunday from a
few weeks spent with relatives in
Beloit, Kans.
Gid Whitaker and wife came up
from Kansas City, Saturday, and
are guests at the home of Jim
Mrs. Ellen King has gone to
St. Paul, Minn., to visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Bracelein.
Rev. Neidc conducted services
in the Episcopal church in Tecum
seh last Sunday evening.
Fred Schmidt and wife returned
home Sunday from a visit in Oma
ha and Weeping Water.
Wilbur Leyda and wife leave
tomorrow for a trip to Boston and
other interesting points.
Mrs. Joe Wilson and daughter
returned Sunday from a visit with
relatives in Omaha.
The finest stationery is turned
out by the Tribune printery. A
trial is all w-e ask.
Tom Spence and wife left Fri
day for a visit with relatives in
Mound City, Mo.
John Gilligan was looking after
business in Fairbury the latter
part of the week.
Mrs- J- W. Powell left Tuesday
for a ten clays visit with her sis*
ter in Hastings.
Wanted—Old newspapers,mag
azines, periodicals, books etc.
Phone 394. 27-2t
Mrs. Frank Marvin and Mrs.
Lettie Bollman spent Sunday in
Alex Leo made a business trip
to Odell the latter part of the
Ishani Reavis was a business
visitor to Beatrice the last of the
Ralph Clark of Stella was a
business visitor in this city Fri
W. S. Korner was a St. Joe
business visitor Tuesday'.
John Crook spent Sunday with
relatives at Coin, Iowa.
John Cox returned home Satur
day from Central City.
Dr. Fred Bluhmerof Humboldt
was in town Monday.
Mrs. Less Leeds is recovering
from a week’s illness.
Cass Jones was up from h’ulo
on business Saturday.
Will Davis of Humboldt spent
Friday in this city.
John Clark was up from Ke*
serve on Friday.
Joe Forney returned Friday
from Superior.
L- C. Edwards spent Sunday in
Miss Hart arrived in the city
Robert Cain jr, was clown trom!
Stella Saturday.
Joe Miles, jr-. spent part of the!
week in St. Joe and Kansas City.
Dr. Geo. W. Reneker- Gradu-j
ate Optician. Eyes tested, frames
fitted. tf
Frank Withee of Stella was in
this city transacting business on
Mrs. E. L. Tobie left Satur
day for a visit with relatives in
If you want space in our Chau
tauqua Daily make your arrange
ments at once.
Mrs. Sarah P. Jennings sent a
renewal of her subscription from
Salem last Friday.
A number of our merchants are
already bringing in their copy for
our Chautauqua Daily.
Louie Burgess passed through
this city Sunday on his way to
St. Joe from Billings, Mont.
V. G. Lyford left the lirst of
the week for the east where he
goes to buy goods for his store
The city had a force of men
bus}' the latter part of the week
cutting weeds. Let the good
work go on.
Mrs. Elva Vincent returned to
here home in Shenandoah Satur
day. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Willard Sears.
Mrs. W. B. Long ol Omaha
who has been visiting friends in
this city left Saturday for a visit
with Kansas City relatives.
Miss Sarah Kelley, who has
been yisiting at the Lyford home
in this city for the past few weeks,
left Saturday for Quincy, 111.
H. E. Sargent and family
returned to their home in Weep
ing Water the first of the week
after visiting Falls City and
Stella friends.
We would suggest that every
body take a look at the alley near
the home ot A. W. Southard, note
the splendid condition in which
he keeps it, then go home and do
T. L- Himmelreich and Frank
Lawrence spent Tuesday along
the Nemaha. The fish they
hooked but failed to land were
immense, but the ones they
brought home were not so large
I. C. Maust returned Saturday
from his western trip, which in
cluded a trip through Yellowstone
park. His wife went on to her
parents in Hardin, Mont-, where
she expects to remain until about
the first of September.
Mrs. Kate Thomas of Omaha
returned home Monday after a
few days spent in this city at the
home of Mrs. Keim. She was
accompanied by her son-in-law,
John Hall of New York who was
looking after business here
Rev. Dunkleberger left Friday
tor Norman, Okla., where he has
been called to take charge of the
Christian church. Before accept
ing, however, he thought best to
look over the field. It is hoped
Mr. Dunkleberger will be pre
vailed upon to remain in this city.
Mrs. I>. C. Hooper and daughter
Mrs August Hrown, from the
western part of the state, arrived
in the city Monday for a visit
with relatives. The Hooper fam
ily were residents of this city a
number of years ago, and will be
remembered by all of our old citi
zens. This is the first visit here
in more than twenty years, and
they are enjoying the renewal of
old acquaintances.
Mrs. (1. F. Reichel’s sister and
her husband returned to Kansas
City, their home, Monday mor
ning, Mrs. Willis having come to
Falls City the Monday previous,
her husband arriving Saturday
night. Mrs. Keicliel has returned
with them to her home in Kansas
There will be service at St.
Thomas church next Sunday at
10:45 a. m. Rev. Neide will
preach on the subject, “What is
Practical Christianity.” AH are
Two important events are
booked for one week from today,
the opening of the Chautauqua
and the first publication of our
Heck & Harlow are talking to
farmers and fruit growers through
the columns of this paper, book
up their ad and see what they
Mrs. Parker and Miss Kogers
of Johnstown, Pa., sister and
niece of Mrs. M, A. Frank, are
guests at her home in this city.
Misses Bessie Arnold and Anna
/Centner spent Sunday with Miss
Ida Pribbeno at her home in
Claud Philippi, wife and baby,
went to Morrill Tuesday to spend
a short time visiting with Ins
Mr. and Mrs. r>am Stewart ot
Reserve, spent Sunday in this
city with Jim DeWald and family.
Heck & Harlow want apples,
peaches, plums and pears. Will
pay the highest market price. It
Lela Powell and Myrtle Hoff
nell went to Sterling Wednesday
for a short visit with friends.
Master Billie Kesterer of St.
Joe is visiting with his grand
parents in this city.
Ross Willard of Morrill, Kas.,
was a caller at this office while in
the city Monday.
For Sale—Good rain or slop
barrels, at 65c. each, at Heck’s
feed store.
Miss Beulah Fry returned Tues
day from her very pleasant west
ern trip.
Miss Bell Ault of Tobias, Neb.,
is a guest at the home of Phil.
Fd May of Salem visited his
mother in this city during the
Miss Myrtle HofTnell returned
Tuesday from a few days stay in
Rev. G. F. Reichel will preach
in Verdon Thursday night.
Best Wisconsin Kye Flour at
Heck’s feed store. tf
Geo. Hall was down from Ver
don Wednesday.
Hands Off!
It may be working all right inside but
when tlie hands are off it doesn't register
the time.
Watch Repairing
is an important part of our business. A
watch needs cleaning, regulating and re
pairing to keep It in order. Give ns your
wate.h repairing and wo will give you
good time in return.
R. B. Simpson
The North Window Kerr's Pharmacy
W. S. Levda was a business
visitor in Stella Tuesday.
VVilliard Davis and wife were
down from Salem Tuesday.
Go to Ileck & Harlow to get
prices on apples, plums, peaches
and pears. It
Mrs.J. II. Overman came down
from Stella Wednesday fora visit
with friends.
John Gilligan and wife visited
with K. 10. Grinstead and family
in Salem Tuesday.
George Fisher shipped a car
load of fat cattle to Kansas City
for Wednesdays market
L. R. Chaney of Stella was
among those who heard the “first
gun" in this city Wednesday.
James B. Davis, Clias. Hosford,
Frank Kotouc and O. I. Hall, a
quartet ol Bryan followers were
iii town Wednesday.
Maud YanDusen went to Stella
Tuesday to do some work for the
town board. She spent several
days in writing new city ordi
Geo- Miller of Shenandoah, la,
formerly of Falls City Journal,
spent several days in the citv this
week at the home of George A.
L. Yantis and wife of Long
Island, Kansas returned to their
home Wednesday after spending
a short time in the city guests of
Dr. Emma and Miss Pearl Law
While playing in the yard at
his home Tuesday evening,
Arthur Schmechel stepped on a
piece of glass almost severing one
of his toes. It was a bad wound
but he no doubt, will get along
W. C. McDermett is busily en
gaged in fixing np his property
recently vacated by Geo. Cleve
land on Harlan street. Aside
from the many improvements on
the house, the fences are being
removed which adds greatly to
the appearance of this property.
The Atchison ball team will
cross bats with our boys at I*o
teet’s park for two games next
Thursday and Friday. Atchison
boasts of an all-salaried team and
have been playing fine ball, all
of which is essential when they
play with the Falls Citv bunch.
Geo. Fallstead and Sheriff Fen
ton went to Stella Saturday mak
ing the trip in George’s automo
bile, but we arc informed that it
was not all clear sailing as the
machine stuck in the mud just
outside of Stella and then run
out of gasoline. Not much time
was lost however, and they ar
rived home in the evening
J. S. Jobe, our Singer sewing
machine man. was called to head
quarters in Lincoln last week and
shown a good time at the hands
of the company. This was done
in appreciation of the good work
accomplished by Mr. Jobe in this
While walking home to dinner
on Monday Lettie Stewart was
overcome with the heat. She
was unconscious for more than
an hour. Dr. Lawrence was im
mediately summoned. At this
writing she is slowly improving.
Roy Heacock is the proud pos
sessor of a line new automobile.
It is a Buick and is a beauty. It
looks so good to Roy that he has
christened it the “White Swan. ’’
Mrs. Harry Sweley and child
ren of Litchfield arrived Tuesday
for a visit with her parents, John
Cornford and wife.
Joseph Cornford of Litchfield
is visiting his grand parents,
John Cornford and wife.
Mrs. Ward Knight and daugh
ter are visiting relatives at
Waterloo, Iowa.
Fred Shock of Nebraska City
is visiting with his parents in
this city
Heck & Harlow want produce
of every kind. It
MANY people who
have dipped their
! hogs with Dipolcne
have had better results
and larger hogs.
| The strength of Pipo
lene is i to 90, according
to the Government stand
A large supply can be
found at
Falls City, Nebraska
Heck <$t. Harlow "Want
40.000 Bushels of Apples
10.000 Bushels of Peaches
5.000 Bushels of Plums
3.000 Bushels of Pears
We have prepared one of the best warerooms in southeast Nebraska
and willjbe able to buy and pay the highest market prices for Fruit,
Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Hides. In fact, we’ll buy anything a
farmer has to sell.