The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 31, 1908, Image 4

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Entered as second class matter at
Falls City. Nebraska. ]>osl office, Janu
ary 12, 1*404, under the Act of Congress
n March j, is-*.
Published every Friday at Falls City.
Nebraska, by
fHr Tribune Publishing Company
E E Shftrts, Msnsprr
One year. . $1.50
Sis months . - - ■ - •,;1
Three months. .JO
t herein .in lieu nee my,etf .*- a eaiuliitate tor
:he office of Keureseuiatiye sutueei totheaet
ni,i of tin* republic.!tt voter* at the primaries to
**■ held Tui •'da\. ''•’ptemln'r 1st, IRON.
K. O. Zook.
Humboldt, Nebr.
You may sometimes learn
where the stone hit by listening
lor the howl.
Did you ever see so little
enthusiasm among the demo
crats as is maniiest this year?
The greatest orators in the
party will invade Nebraska this
year and our committeeman
should speak early that Rich
ardson county may have her
The city will soon he tilled with
Chautauqua visitors. Do not fail
lo put your lawn in good order so
that strangers visiting the town
will speak a good word for our
With Mayor Dahlman, Herge
and Schellenbargcr before the
people as candidates for the nomi
nation for governor on the demo*
cratic ticket, a lively scramble
uiay be looked for for the nomi
The west end will be well rep*
resented on the ticket. Each sec
tion of the countv will have a
candidate. Now when nominated,
the thing to do will Ik to stand
bv the candidates from all sec
With the candidates all in the
field and the tickets fully made
ap a fair discussion of the issues
between the leading parties may
be looked for. The candidates,
their party record, and the plat*
forms will be the big subjects for
The farmers are not breaking
their necks trying to get an op
portunity to contribute to the
Bryan-Kern campaign fund. Most
of them have too good business
judgment to assist a party which
has never done anything for them
»nd which if now put in power
would prove their enemy.
It is one thing to make prom
ises and another to keep them
The last legislature of Nebraska
kept every pledge made to the vo
ters during the campaign and be
cause of the fulfillment of these
pledges the Republican party can
appear before the voters and look
them squarely in the face
We are told that the m o n e y
luestion, or rather the question
oI 16 to 1, is settled. As “no
question is settled until it is set
led right,’’ the Republican party
has the proud distinction of being
the party which was right on the
uestion, anil the one which set
tled it. Where was the Demo
cratic party on that question?
Although William k\ Hearst
ind William J. Bryan occupied
rooms in the same hotel in Chi
sago. recently while they were in
that citv. they failed to call upon
each other and did not recognize
each other. It looks as if these
two Williams who at one time
were the closest of friends, have
fallen out. At present the indi
cations of fusion between them
are not flattering.
The present indications are that
She republican party will have
candidates for all of the various
offices which are to be filled at
the coming election. Whatever
Ihe result may be at the primar
ies, it is to be hoped that whoever
may be nominated will receive the
:all support of his party. The
Xo matter how large, no matter how small,
bring vour savings to this bank. We will
furnish you with a pass-book in which every
transaction will lie recorded.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Time
Certificates of deposit and 4 per cent on
children's accounts.
Falls City State Bank
choice of the majority should be
flic choice of all._
Governor George R. Sheldon
lias filed his name with the secre
tary of state as a candidate for
the republican nomination for
governor. There will be no op
position to his nomination. As
to his election, his record has been
so clean and every promise made
during his last campaign that a
bet at the rate of H> to 1 in favor
of his election would be safe.
No doubt the better element of
the community will be pleased to
learn that Governor Hughes of
New York has announced his wil
lingness to stand for another elec
tion as governor of his state. He
has done more to bring corrupt
corporations to justice than most
any other man. New Yorki as
well as the country at large, is to
be congratulated at the piospect
of having such a splendid man to
head their state ticket.
The republican party locally
must nominate men of such
character and party fealty as
will permit a united party to
stand behind them. This is a
republican year. Tatt will
carry Richardson county. The
success of the entire ticket
should not be jeopardized by the
nomination of anyone who has
spent his time fighting republi
can candidates in the past, and
whose conduct in the future is
a matter of doubt to those who
know him best.
Congressman pollard is to be
congratulated upon the fact,
which is now evident, that he
will have no opposition for the
republican nomination for con
gress this year. The splendid
record Mr. Pollard has made
and his well known popularity
with the farmers and the people
of the smaller towns has evid
ently convinced those who have
opposed him in the past that it
would be useless to attempt to
defeat him this year under the
primary system where the great
mass of voters select their can
didates. There is no doubt but
what Mr. Pollard will be nomi
mated and elected by a very
large majority.
Mr. Kern, the democratic nonr
inee for the vice-presidency, has
the faculty of seeing and believ
ing in both sides of most ques
tions and has changed his views
often enough so that he has been
on both sides of most national
questions which have agitated the
public mind within recent years.
He was a strong Gold Democrat
in one campaign and an enthusi
astic Free Silverite in the other.
He was against the hauling down
of the flag in the Philippines, and
then heartily in favor of it- Not
but recently he was strongly op
posed to the anti injunction plank;
now it is just what he wants. As
an example of how his views ap
peal to the people of Indiana, we
might add, as a side light, that
he w’as beaten for governor in
1900 by 25,000 and by S4.000 ma
jority in 1904.
Granting that Bryan is advo
cating some measure of reform
that would be beneficial to the
country at large; can he in four
years put them in force.
He says one term is all he
wants, that he will not accept a
second nomination.
The senate is republican and
cannot be changed for four
years, therefore doesn’t it look
as if |{r3’an wants to be presi
dent simply for Bryan’s sake,
merely for the honor Bryan
would get and not for an3r par
ticular good he could do? If
not he should at least want a
second term, in the hope the
political complexion of congress
might be changed, that he
might be able to put in force
some of his populistic notions.
No the only way to get a re
vision of the tariff, a law regu
lating trusts and corporations,a
postal saving bank and currency
reform law, is to elect an execu
tive in harmony with congress,
and this we believe the people
will do.
It is a rumor over the state
that the residents of Lincoln
will cast their votes this fall al
most unanimously for Bryan.
The reason given is that his
nomination will bring visitors
and delegations to Lincoln from
other states, who will spend
their money there, and thus
make business good.
Our advice to Lincoln is to
“Look a little out”. There
never was a legislature held in
Nebraska at which Lincoln was
not on hand clamoring for some
thing, either a public building,
an appropriation, or something.
Everything she has was given
her by Republicans. Her Capi
tol, her university, her asylum,
her penitentiary, her tine govern
ment building, and her state
fair, which brings more people
to Lincoln each year than Bryan
will bring in a decade.
The state of Nebraska is Re
publican and its legislature in
future will be Republican. The
House of Representatives is Re
publican and will continue to be.
It Lincoln proposes to change
its politics for the sordid reason
that a few visitors and delega
tions will spend their money
there we advise her to look a
little out. Some of the horny
handed farmers who go up to
the legislature each biennial to
make laws and grant appropria
tions might get their bristles up,
and let Mr. Bryan provide for
future appropriations and pub.
lie buildings, and they might
even become convinced that
some other city is entitled to the
crowds which attend the state
fair each year, and remove it
from Lincoln.
Shortly before the democratic
National Convention Mr. Bryan
spoke of Hearst of New York as
a great and unselfish patriot. He
mentioned in detail hisservicesto
his country and spoke in most
complimentary terms of the
Hearst party known as the “In
dependent". The wish was ex
pressed that Hearst would see lit
to have his organization endorse
the democratic ticket and support
its candidates- The national con
vention of the Independent party
was held in Chicago this week and
Hearst as temporary chairman
said in part:
“The Democratic vanguard is a
Falstaff’s army. It is led bv a
knight in a motley array of modi
fied professions and comprised
principles, of altered opinions and
retracted statements. It is of
ficered by such soldiers of fortune
as Sullivan and Hopkins, and
Murphy and McClellan, by Tom
Tagtrart, the roulette gambler.
and Torn Ryan, the Wall street
gambler, and Belmont, the race
track gambler. It is composed of
such political mercenaries as Bai
ley of the Standard Oil and Wil
liams of theSnuthern railway and
Ilinky Dink and Bathhouse John
and Red Duffy and Nigger Mike
all harmonized at last and all
marching together in a rhythmic
cadence strongly suggestive of the
lockstep. It’s Falstaff’s army,
whose banner bears on one side a
watchword for the people and on
the other a password tor the
trusts, whose only object is office
at any cost, whose motto is "after
us the deluge. ”
Assuming that Mr. Bryan him
self, is all that his most ardent
admirers claim him to be. a great
lawyer, an enlightened statesman,
an inspired patriot, still a man is
known by the company he keeps
and no decent Democrat can toler
ate his free companions. No hon
est citizen can let down the bars
of office to such a band of bood
lers and bravos. No prudent citi
zen will support a combination to
which Taggart supplies a candi
date and Parker a platform, for
which Fran will pay the freight,
and the people will pay the pen
Bryan appeals to the farmer
both for his vote and his money'.
The efforts of democracy this
year is to secure the farmer
vote. In spite of 116.00 a ton
for hay, not withstanding new
wheat is worth 80 cents, white
corn 75 cents. Hogs $6.00 and
all other farm products in pro
portion, Mr. Bryan appeals for
a change in administration, in
laws and customs, and asks the
farmers support to accomplish
the change.
I read a democratic speech
delivered last week to a crowd
of laboring men at Wiliamantic,
Conn., in which the orator prom
ised that food stuff would be
cheapened if they' would elect
Bryan. That is a good speech
for Connecticut but the orator
would promptly be muzzeled if
he tried it in Nebraska,
i But the orator was telling the
truth. Food stuffs, as well as
everything else, is cheapened
under democratic administra
In the democratic platform is
written the following: “Mater
ial reductions should be made in
the tariff upon the necessaries
of life. ’*
The farmer of Richardson
county raises nothing but the
necessaries of life.
Take wheat for instance, for
which you are now getting 80
cents. Camida is rapidly grow
ing into the world's greatest
wheat country. Manitoba,Sas
katchan, Alberta and other por
tions of Canada are now raising
millions of bushels of wheat.
Eyery year the great northwest
Canadian country is settling up
with thousands of settlers and
every year the area of cultivated
land increases and the amount
of wheat raised increases in
proportion. This wheat is
raised on ten dollar an acre
land. You wheat is raised on
land ten times as valuable.
The republican party erected
a tariff that says the American
farmers wheat must be protect
ed. The Canadian wheat can
not be sent across the border to
compete with American wheat.
Mr. Bryan says “this must be
changed.” The eastern orator
says, “We will reduce the price
of food stuff if Bryan is elected.
The democratic platform says,
“Material reductions should be
made in the tariff upon the nec
essaries of life.” To accom
plish this, to flood this country
with Canadian wheat raised on
cheap land to compete with
your wheat, to destroy the pro
tection the republican party has
given the farmer, under which
farm products are now so valu
able, Mr. Bryan asks for farm
er’s vote and farmer’s dollars,
Such ad appeal is a reflection
upon the intelligence of the Ne
j braska farmer.
tCdntimmkui from pa^t* one)
first. So did Cornell. Ileck
died on third.
Hiawatha K. Meisenheimer
fanned. Wonders went to base
on balls. So did McGee, and so
did Whitney, making all bases
full. G. Steele fanned. Ram
sey did likewise. Three men
died on bases.
Falls City Heacock made a
single. E. Poteet’s fly ball was
caught by pitcher. Green bat
ted to pitcher and was thrown
out at first. C. Foeli linger fan
ned, leaving Heacock die on
Hiawatha—Chappel made a
base hit. B. Steele made a two
base hit, scoring Chappel. A,
Meisenheiiner tanned. R. Meis
enheimer batted to third, who
threw him out at first. B.Steele
scored. Wonders batted to
pitcher who threw him out at
Falls City—Poteet fanned.
Heck was hit by pitched ball
and took first. Saylors made a
three-base hit, bringing in
Heck. Meyers made first on a
fast grounder, bringing in Sa}r
lors. He stole second. Cornell
hit for one base and stole sec
ond. Heacock fanned. E. Po
teet hit a two-bagger, bringing
in Meyers and Cornell. Green
batted a fly to third and was
caught out, letting E. Poteet
die on second.
Hiawatha—McGee batted fly
to pitcher and was caught out.
Whitney was given his base on
balls. G. Steele took a walk.
So did Ramsey, tilling up the
bases. Whitney made a score
on a passed ball. Chappel
struck out. B. Steele was out
on caught fly in left field.
Falls City—Chas. Foehlinger
took first on being hit by pitch
ed ball. Poteet made a two
base hit. C. Foehlinger scored.
Poteet was put out attempting
to steal third. Heck hit for one
base, stole second and scored
on sacrifice by Sailors who was
thrown out at first by short.
Meyers’fiy was caught by short,
Hiawatha—A. Meisenheimer
was out by fly to center. R.
Meisenheimer fanned. Wonders
was put out by catcher to first.
Fall City—Cornell’s foul fly
was caught by third. Heacock
knocked grounder to short and
was thrown out at first. E. Po
teet made a safe hit to first, but
was caught stealing second.
Hiawatha—McGee reached
first on fumbled ball. Whitney
took a walk. G. Steel batted
ball to second who caught Mc
Gee at the home plate. Ramsey
went to first on wild pitch,
Whitney scoring. Chappel
made a single and G. Steele was
put out trying to get home. B.
Steele hit a fly to second who
ate it up. Two men died on
The gate receipts were nearly
Saylors’ three-base hit brought
torth some good old yelling.
Hiawatha furnished a goodly
number of visitors to our city,
It was the largest crowd that
has attended any of the games
this season.
Tom Poteet was a-l-m-o-s-t
run over while catching a run
ner out at home. No, Tom
wasn't angry.
In the fifth and then again in
the seventh, when Heaccck
pulled himself out of a bad pre
dicament, you couldn't have
heard the fire bell ring for the
noisy rooters. (Joke!)
Umpire “Cbessie" Segrist of
Humboldt gave another display
of his ability as umpire. “Ches
sie” has umpired several games
in this city and has never given
anything but the best of satis
Candidates Filed.
Up to the time of going to
; press the following candidates
i have filed their names with the
county clerk. The time for til
ing expires Saturday evening,
August 1st:
For County Atorney—Repub
lican, J. E. Leyda, John Wiltse.
For Representative — Repub
lican, J. Hock Williamson of
Grant township, Cass Moore of
Rulo, (UK. Zook of Humboldt;
democrat, G. Hall of Verdon.
For County Supervisor—Re
publican, district No. 3, Abra
ham Hoagland. Democrat, dis
trict No. 5, R. A. Coupe.
Wm. Palmer and wife of Port
land, Ore-, left yesterday morning
after a week's visit in this city
with their parents. The young
couple were recently married and
stopped here on their wedding
trip. They will visit many places
of note before returning home.
John Cornford returned Tues
day evening from out near Litch
field, where he has spent the past
three weeks on his farm. Mr.
Cornford has completed his liar
vesting and reports his wheat
crop light, but says his oats are
good and the corn line
The Sunday school class of Mrs.
Dr. Allison served ice cream on
the lawn of Ferd Parchen Tues~
day evening. A pleasant time
was enjoyed and a neat sum re
alized, which will be added to the
Presbyterian church building
A suit has been filed against
Art Stabler of Humboldt precinct
on the charge of bastardy. Miss
Emma Sutorius is plaintiff in the
case. The young man’s hearing
will be before Judge Spragins
next Wednesday.
Miss Clara Boose returned Wed
nesday from New Mexico, where
she has been some time in the in
terest of her health. We are glad
to say the trip proved most bene
Mrs. Dora Epckeof St.Charles,
111., arrived in the city the first of
the week to attend the funeral of
Mr. Freie. Mrs. Epcke is a sis
ter of Mrs. Freie and will remain
here for an extended visit.
The Candy Kitchen is the cool
est place in town. Why suffer
with the heat when you can get
the best in ices, ice creams and
drinks and enjoy them in such
Mrs. Dr. Moran returned Mon
day from St. Joe, where she has
been for several weeks in a hos
pital, having undergone a very
successful operation for appen
Wm. Fenton, the “hay seed”
from Dawson was mingling with
his many friends in this city
Wednesday. In making the
rounds he made this office a very
pleasant time.
Mrs. A1 Eesterer and daughter
Helen returned Tuesday from a
seven weeks visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Frank Greenwald at
Mitchell, S. D.
Mrs. Jessie Nulk has received
payment on the policy carried by
her husband, John Nulk, in the
Koyal Highlander lodge of this
Mrs. Frank Gossett and little
son of Horton, Kansas are guests
in this city at the home of her
parents, L- Snyder and wife.
Father Langhren of Dawson
and Father Feeney of Auburn
were guests of Father Bex in this
city during the week.
Our contemporaries should feel
greatly indebted to the Daily Tri
bune for the news it will furnish
them tor their weeklies.
Miss Stella Knickerbocker re
turned Tuesday from an extended
visit with her sister in Frankfort,
Lois Spencer spent a tew days
during the past week with
friends near Dawson.
J. L Dalbey of Shubert heard
Shellenbarger at the court house
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. H. Putman went to
Geneva Tuesday for a visit with
T. P. Matthews is in the city,
looking after his interests here.