The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 31, 1908, Image 1

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    The Falls Gity Tribune.
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Vol. V FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908. Number 28
From a Spectator's Standpoint it
Was a •Cracker-Jack"
Game of Ball
Score: 9 to 4, Falls City’s
Although the game was not
an errorless one it was one that
kept the spectators on their
toes. From the very first en
thusiasm was mutual with those
that composed the large attend
ance. Every time the ball was
thrown or batted a cheer went
up that made the few who re
mained at home wish they were
“young enough’’ to enjoy the
national game.
Heacock and Poteet did the
battery work for Falls City and
although Roy let several men
“walk,” he pulled himself out
of all the holes remarkably. In
the filth inning the first three
batters up took a base on balls,
filling up all the bases. The
next three men up wrere treated
to “one, two, three—batter out. ”
Then again in the seventh with
only one man out the bases
were again filled up, but after
“fanning” them to a queen’s
taste the side was again re
tired without a score. It is safe
to say Tom Poteet never caught
a better gam*;.
The team work was excellent.
Hiawatha worked two pitch
ers, but neither of them could
hold our boys down. They had
a good “bunch” of boys and
gave their pitcher good support
but Falls City had her bat
ting clothes on.
The game by innings:
Hiawatha G. Steele batted
to second who threw him out at
first. Ramsey fanned as did
also Chappel.
Falls City—E. Poteet made a
single and was put out while
trying to steal second. Green
made a one-base hit and stole
second. C. Foehlinger hit a fly
to pitcher who caught him out.
Poteet batted call to third ■who
threw him out at first. Green
died on second.
Hiawatha—B. Steele hit a
grounder to short stop who muf
fled it. A. Meisenheimer hit fly
to third who caught it. R.
Meisenheimer made long tly^ to
center who caughl it. Wonders’
fly to left field was caught, let
ting B. Steele die on second.
Falls City—Heck singled.
Saylors made two-base hit, but
was caught off second by catch
er to second baseman. Heck
scored. Meyers hit, but was
caught at second by short stop,
after being forced off first by
Cornell, who was thrown out at
first, making a double out.
Hiawatha — McGee singled.
Whitney fanned, G. Steele bat
ted ball to pitcher who threw
him out at first. Ramsey tan
ned. McGee died on third.
Falls City—Heacock batted
to short and was thrown out at
first. E. Poteet fanned. Green
was thrown out from short to
Hiawatha—Chappel fanned.
B. Steele batted to second who
threw him out at first. A. Meis
enheimer fanned.
Falls City—C. Foehlinger
singled. So did Poteet. Heck
bunted, bringing in Chas. Foeh
linger an Tom Poteet. Say
lor batted to pitcher who threw
him out at first. Meyers batted
to third and was thrown out at
[Concluded oil page four '.
Atchison Will Play Falls City Two
Games Next Week.
On next Thursday and Friday
Atchison conies for two ball
games with our boys at Poteets
park, and they say they are com
ing to win, but that remains to
be seen.
The Atchison Globe has been
poking a great deal of fun at the
‘‘one horse” town of Falls City
winning all the ball games by
scaring the umpire. That may
be the way they do things in
Kansas but its different here, as
they will find out next Thursday
and Friday. It will be a ball
game from start to finish. We
don’t liaye to steal the game.
The Atchison team is made up
of all salaried men and have the
reputation of being fine ball
players. That’s the kind we
The game will be called each
day at 3:30, and as our boys are
at a big expense in getting this
team for the two games it is
hoped a good crowd will be in
attendance and help them out.
Following is the line up:
Trainor.2b.Heck .Foehlinger
Carhill.3b.... Cornell
Man Enters House in North Part
of Town but Secures no Booty
Some one broke into the house
of R. P. Thomas Monday night
while Mrs. Thomas and the baby
were alone. They heard a
scratching on the window screen
but thinking it was mice paid
little attention to it. Soon she
was horrified at finding some one
in the house, who searched every
room except the one occupied by
her where a lamp was burning.
Mrs. Thomas coughed and pre
tended to just awaken, and he
then went out at the window
where he had entered. Local
talent is thought to be responsi
ble for this act, as Mrs. Thomas
is almost certain as to the iden
tity of the individual, she having
seen him plainly through the
window after he left the house.
The fellow was evidently after
money as Mrs. Thomas had had
quite a sum in her possession but
had placed it in safe keeping
that day.
Small Boy And Matches Cause a
Good Blaze
On Wednesday afternoon about
1 o’clock, the barn and sheds on
the alley back of Matthews’ store
and the Lyric theater were dis
covered to be on fire, and but for
the hard work of the fire depart
ment the blaze would have proven
disastrous. Before the flames
were subdued a shed stored with
hay was destroyed and the barn
is almost a total wreck. There
were horses in the barn but they
were rescued. The balance of the
contents, including a supply of
grain, was destroyed- We under
stand the fire was caused by boys
playing with matches. It was a
close call and a lucky thing for
our city that there was no wind.
Will Have Vacation
Miss Clara Tanner, Uncle
Sam’s accommodating money
order clerk, will leave the first
of the month for points ot inter
est in Colorado, where she will
spend the hot days of August
“having a mighty fine time’’
and taking a much needed rest
after a long steady year's work
in our postotfice. Here’s hoping
you won’t forget to come back.
Raymond Meyers and Miss Alice
Gunn--Joe Forney, Jr. and
Miss May Schrader
The Roman Catholic c h u r c li J
was the scene of a very pretty and j
most impressive ceremony onWed
nesday morning, July 2*>, at S
o’clock, when William Raymond
Meyers and Miss Margaret Alice
Gunn were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony.
Promptly at 8 o’clock the wed
ding march played by Miss Mar
garet McKeiver announced the
arrival of tlie wedding party.
They were preceded by the brides
maids, Misses Marie Gunn, sister
os the bride, and Miss Vera Schu
lenberg- The maid of honor was
Miss Kate Schulenberg. Then
followed the bride, accompanied
by her father. They were met at
the chancel by the groom, sup
ported by Walter Gunn, a brother
of the bride, and taking their po
sition before the altar, took upon
themselves the vows which unites
them for life. Father Bex con
ducted the ceremony using the
beautiful ring service.
The convent choir furnished the
music, while high mass was said.
The bride looked beautiful in
her simple dress of white and long
tulle yeil and carrying roses,
while the attendants were also
becomingly gowned.
Both bride and groom are well
known to all our people, having
lived here most of their lives.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Meyers, now residing
in California. He is a young man
of good habits and industrious
and is sure to succeed. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Gunn, is a young lady of
pleasing appearance, accomp
lished and possessed of many
womanly traits, which will make
her a loving and faithful helpmeet
for her chosen companion.
Immediately after the ceremony
the bridal party were taken to
the home of the bride, where an
elaborate wedding breakfast was
served, followed by a reception.
The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for California,
where they expect to remain for
some time
The Tribune joins with the
many friends in extending con
•foe Forney, jr., of this city and
Miss May Schrader of Rulo were
quietly married in Judge Gagnon ’s
office on Thursday of last week,
and so quiet has the affair been
kept that but few of their friends
are as yet aware of the fact. They
immediately left for Superior,
Neb., where Joe is employed in a
cigar factory.
The bride is not well known to
maii3’ of our people, but from
those who know, we have heard
nothing but words of praise. The
groom is known to all of us. He
had been employed for some time
in the cigar factory of W. S. Heyda
and is considered a good workman.
We wish them abundant success
in their wedded life.
County Primaries
The county primaries will be
held on Tuesday, Sept. 1st- All
of our state and county officers
must be voted for and nominated
on that day.
Every republican should keep
this date in mind and go to the
primaries and express his prefer*
ence among the various candidates
for nomination. Remember the
date' Sept. 1st, and get out and]
Professor Barrett Retires. After
Many Years as Head of
the Institution
This week a deal was consum
mated, whereby the Falls City
Business College passes into new
hands, Prof. Barrett retiring.
The new owner, -J. C. Leister,
will assume immediate control.
He is a Falls City product, hav
ing been raised among us, and is
a graduate of this same college,
which he now owns, this fact
alone being a criterion of his ster
ling worth. For some time Mr,
Leister has been an instructor in
the X.anerian college of Columbus,
Ohio, which is considered one of
the best, if not the very best
school of penmanship and kindred
branches known, giving the fin
ishing touches to those desiring
a practical business edti cation.
Mr. Leister has also held many
important and lucrative positions
in the business world, which ex
perience will enable him to im
part to his students the practical
side of an education so essential
in this age. While we are sorry
to learn that Prof. Barrett has
decided to give up this valuable
institution, we are more than
pleased that it has fallen in such
competent hands.
For a number of years the busi
ness college has been a pride to
Falls City people, turning out
each year, as it did, many stu
dents competent to accept posi
ityjrs in almost any capacity in
tne business world. Prof. Bar
rett launched this enterprise sev
eral years ago and since that time
has devoted his entire time to its
growth, and being an instructor
of more than ordinary ability, has
succeeded beyond the expectations
of the most sanguine. As to his
plans for the future we are not
able to say, but sincerely hope he
will decide to remain wTith us, as
we can ill afford to lose men of
his character.
The Tribune welcomes J. C.
Leister among us and wishes him
success in his undertaking.
Should Use Precautions to Pre
vent Accidents
Motor car accidents are grow
ing more common every day.
Falls City is filling up with auto
mobiles very rapidly and some of
the boys are pretty reckless.
Cars are run at high speed on the
streets, corners are turned with
no warning,some of the machines
run at night without lights. A
four year old boy was nearly run
down on south Chase street. A
car swung round a corner at high
speed the other evening without
warning and threw its lights into
the faces of a nervous team a
serious accident was barely pre
vented. The council should pass
an ordinance regulating the
speed, enforcing lights at night
and compelling the proper warn
ings. If this isn't done a bad
accident is sure to result.
The Band Concert.
The streets were crowded
Thursday evening by people to
listen to the band concert given
by the Hiawatha band, and they
were well pleased, as well they
might be, for the concert was
fine- This band deserves all the
good things which have been said
about it, as it would be hard to
improve upon.
About a hundred people came
over with the band, which goes
to show that a band will draw a
crowd when everything else fails,
and that Falls City fails to sup*
port an organization of this kind
is a deplorable fact.
We were glad the band came
over and gave us t Si is treat, and
they may be sure of always find
ing a welcome awaiting them in
Falls City.
i _
Presbyterian Sunday School En
joy Day in the Country
One of flic most enjoyable
social events of the season was
the picnic held by the First Pres
byterian Sunday school Friday,
July 2-4. The event was to have
taken place on Thursday, and
when the morning dawned with
plenty of rain falling, the wires
were kept busy in all parts of the
citv by children in disappointed
tones enquiring about the picnic.
Friday morning gave promise of
a beautiful, ideal picnic day, so
it was a large and enthusiastic
crowd which gathered at the
Presbyterian church, impatient
to be off to the picnic grounds,
the fine walnut grove on the
Henry Kruse farm. Through
the kindness ot Messrs Will R.
Holt. Peter Brecht, (Jeo. Hessler
and Henry Kruse, ample convey
ance was furnished for all.
Though too late for the proces
sion of hacks,carriages, hayracks
and buggies, many private con
veyances, carriages and autos
made their way to the Kruse
farm in good season that their
occupants might participate in
what was perhaps the most im
portant feature of the days pro
gram—the generous dinner on
the grounds
l'ully people partook ol
the bounteous provisions served
in true picnic style on the grass.
To say that every one young and
old. did justice to that dinner is
stating the matter very mildly
indeed. In due time the tables,
though still filled with good
things were deserted and even
the ice cream freezer ceased to be
attractive and there followed a
short period of rest during which
the chairs, swings and hammocks
were all brought into requisition
before the afternoon’s program
Dr. Bailey and Dr. Allison su
perintended the games, which
were most eagerly entered into
by the younger boys and girls.
Messrs. Davies and Whitford act
ed as judges and awarded prizes
to the victors. There were
spirited races of all kinds together
with banana and pie eating con
tests which furnished riotous
amusement to the crowd of on
lookers. The day passed pleas
antly and all too soon and almost
reluctantly in the evening about
six o’clock, did the crowd board
the conveyances for home. Uni
versally the picnic was voted a
great success.
A Monkey And a Parrot of a
The Democratic love feast held
in the court house Wednesday to
induce some of the faithful to tile
as candidates, was a hummer. A
couple of dozen of the unterrified
assembled to hear Shallenbarger
speak. The fun, however, came
up when the prospective candi
dates were discussed. Bill McCray
was in the crowd, and Bill Mc
Cray is another name for trouble.
Ralph Clark's name was suggest
ed, but William had a candidate
of his own and didn’t want Clark.
Ed. Falloon, who admires Bryan,
not, curried McCray down and
then Morehead took a few shots
at him- While William was get
ting somewhat groggy he re*
mained in the ring. It looked
like the thing was to break up in
a row, but the beligcrents found
talking thirsty work, and for ob
vious reasons the meeting ad‘
journed. Dill’s candidate has not
filed as yet and William will prob
ably again vote the republican
More's the pity.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals. Lodges. Clubs.
Churches Etc
The W. l\‘. C. Kensington met
with Mrs. Tom Kelsey Monday
afternoon. A goodly number of
ladies were present and report a
nice time.
The Ladies Missionary Ken
sington of the Methodist church
will meet at the home of Mrs.
James A. Hill Friday afternoon.
A cordial invitation is extended
to alll
The Book Worm club en joyed
another pleasant session at the
library Friday morning at which
time the study of “Greek Gods”
was taken up. Each young lady
appeared dressed to represent a
god or goddess. Misses Nora
Jones and Hazel Davison acted
as hostesses and after the pro
gram served fruit to their guests.
The Womans Auxiliary of St.
Thomas church will meet next
Monday evening with Miss
Mamie Hutchings. The mem
bers are requested to answer to
roll call by quotations from Prov
erbs. The lesson for the evening
will be “Missionary Work in
Alaska,” led by Mrs. Neide. A
cordial invitation is extended to
all to be present.
The K. L. of S. No. f>10 met in
the Masonic hall Tuesday even
ing. Aside from the regular
order of business, the district
deputy who had not visited here
sine** April, was present and gave
a very interesting talk along con
vention lines, lie having attended
the Philadelphia National con
vention in June. It was decided
that during the Chautauqua the
council will have a tent on the
grounds, furnished and made
pleasant for the members and
any visiting members who may
be in attendance. Mrs. Ben
Nicholson was chosen official cor
respondent for the lodge. The
meeting nights were changed to
the first and third Wednesday
evening of each month and to be
held at the Masonic hall. Nice
refreshments of ice cream and
wafers were served at the close
of the meeting and for which all
present were indebted to Deputy
A Victim of Hea t Trouble.
John Frederick Freie died at
his home in this city Sunday.
July 27, aged 62 years, 11
months and 17 days.
Deceased was born in Prussia
but came to this country when
a boy. He has been a resident
of this county since his mar
riage forty years ago and has
made many friends during his
long residence here. For some
time he has been a sufferer from
heart trouble but was not con
sidered critically ill, but last
Saturday a change for the
worse was noticed, and he con
tinued to sink rapidly until Sun
day morning, when the end
came. He leaves a wife and
three children to mourn the loss
of an affectionate husband and
indulgent fattier. The children
are Fred Freie, Mrs. Gottlieb
Waechter and Mrs. Albert Haef
tie. all of this county.
The funeral was conducted on
Wednesday from the German
Lutheran church, by Rev. Bartz.
Interment was in the Bauman
cemetery. Rev. Koehler had
charge of the services at the
; grave. _
Holy Communion will be cele
| brated at the First Presbyterian
; cdurch Sunday morning. The
, pastor urges a good attendance
1 of the members.
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