CHAUTAUQUATALENT COMMENTS ON A FEW OF THE LEADERS. The Following Arc Among The Best To Appear During The x Assembly. DKNTON C. CKOWI , . Denton C. Growl en tertains by reproducing the original lectures o f Sain u e 1 P. Jones , in voice , man ner , style , pathos , fun and good hard sense. Mr. Growl is the only person who ever received permission from Sam Jones to use any or all of his lectures or sermons. This enter- taimnent will be unique as well as most pleasing. Mr. Growl will appear on August 11. PKOK. M. I. . BOSIAN. Pro f. TU The Midland Jubilee Singers will furnish music for Saturday , August 8 , Farm Day. They will giyc a concert both afternoon and evening , which will be high class in every respect. These singers are a great favorite at Chautau- qua gatherings , and never fail to please. HON. j. G. CAMP. Hon. J. li. Camp , who will be a feature of the day's program for August 13th , is an ex - mem b e r o f the legi s 1 a- L. Boman of the Iowa Slate Agri cultural Col lege i s o n e ot the very best speak , e r s in his line , and is sure to be a drawing card ior farm day , August 8. He will visit the lo cal cornfields before the lecture , and after studying the stands of corn , the insects , pests and dis eases and the methods of farm management , will give an ad dress , which should be heard by every farmer in this section. ture of Geor gia , and is highly recommended by both press and public as an orator and educator. He has been styled "The Orator of The South. " and in the past four years has delivered more than 1000 lec tures. . War Against Consumption. All nations arc endeavoring to check tbe ravages of consumption , the "white plague , " that claims BO many victims each year , Foley'a Honey and Tar cures coughs and coldb perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley e Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Kerr's pharmacy. Files are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop'e Magic Ointment. To prove it 1 will mall a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Sheep , Racine , Wls. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop'g Magic Ointment would stand tbe test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen , pain ful , bleeding or itching plies , either ex ternal or Internal. Large jar 50c. Sold by all dealers. CHINAMEN AS RUG MAKERS Their Product , Long Known In East ern Market , Is Now Uclng Largely Exported. Chinnincii ns rug makers nro now ( o the western world but not to the eastern. In Taking more than 1,000 persons arc employed in the produc tion of rugs of all kinds of material , silk , sheep's wool , camel's wool , felt , jute , hemp , ynk hair , and oven.tho hair of the cow. The industry re cently has been mlrouced in several of the industrial schools for the em ployment of the poor. The sillc car pets are like those from India , Tur- kdy or Tersia so far as colors and quality of material arc concerned , but they are vastly different in de sign , unless a pattern from abroad has been submitted for copying. The foreign designs are faithfully repro duced when furnished. The wool rugs are used throughout China , Japan and the orient. They are also exported to Europe. The popular Chinese patterns for carpets * are floral , geometrical and dragon do- signs. The carpets are fully half an inch thick. The Chinese carpet in dustry originated in saddle cloths and trappings made for horses used in processions and by Chinese of high rank , developing into the rug and carpet crafts on the advent of the foreigner. The saddle blankets still are used and often are highly finished in the most elaborate de signs and patterns. THE MATHEMATICAL MIND. A literary worker who wished to do a large amount of reading by proxy advertised for an assistant capable of digesting the contents of a treineittlous quantity bf books in a very short while. "While weighing each applicant's qualifications for rapid , assimilative reading he in * quired carefully into his mathemat ical acquirements. Finally he chose the man who was most skillful at untangling arithmetical problems. "On the surface that seems an uu- iccessary accomplishment in this case , " he said , "but experience has taught me that anybody who is ex pert in figures can read any kind of iterature put before him with great er accuracy and speed than tbe per son lacking in mathematical acu men. " IN THE BRITISH ARMY. Among those offering to enlist in the army last year it was found that 27,921 unskilled men came forward , against i3,02 ; skilled tradesmen , in addition to 15,2315 men classified separately , such as fishermen , boat men , stewards , barmen and clerks. About one-fourth of each category was rejected , the unskilled having a slight advantage in the numbers passing. In the army Englishmen predominate ; there are 178,240 , against 3,588 Welshmen , 18,129 Scotsmen , 22,830 Irishmen , 9,014 Colonials and 25 aliens. Westmin ster ( Eng. ) Gazette. CLIMBING RECORD. The "Alpine Journal" contains a full account of the recent ascent of Kabru , near Darjeeling , by two Nor wegian climbers , Messrs. Monrad- Aas and liubonson. Tbe height of the peak , according to the Indian survey measurements , is 24,015 feet. The oncoming of darkness turned the climbers back before they could quite reach the top ; but they report that they pitched their highest camp at 22,000 feet , and succeeded in attaining an elevation of "about 23,900 feet. " This , so far as is known , is a record. LOVED FOR HIMSELF ALONE. "I saw little Tommy Bangs at the circus. " "Who was with him ? " "That's the point. He is the only , only child , and the devotion to him is really touching. Tbe whole fam ily connection came with him just to enjoy the dear child's pleasure , and they were awfully distressed when it was over because they couldn't find him. " * IMPERTINENCE. "Yes ; I gave a million last year to charity. " "I want to know ! " "How I got the money , eh ? That's my affair. " Exchange. HE DIDN'T TAKE THAT. "Don't you think he is ft very tak ing sort of a man ? " "Not if I judge by the way ha received - coivod my proposing bint tbe otbor day. " BARADA | Mrs. Eliza Thonidson was In Dnradn Sunday. [ M. K. K. Holejack was In Falls Cltj j Saturday. Mrs. Anna Hlshlrc and family wore in Barada Monday , K. II. Dunn and sister were Shuberl visitors Monday. C. H. Martin and son Mclvln re turned Sunday from Oregon , Mo. Win. and Wynne VanOsdol mtule a trip to Omaha returning Monday. D. 13. Stickler and wife and I < uey Smith were Shubcrt visitors Sunday. Mrs , Clara Wagner is visiting her arents mid other relatives at Brown- illc. Richard Slaplc who has been attend- ig school in Pern returned home Sat- rday. W. F. Butler and family spent Sun- ay at the farm with their son and his amily. iiicy Smith came down from Peru londny for a visit with .Mrs. D. J5. Spicklcr. Mrs. James Tillmau accompanied icr daughter , Mrs. J. A. Gusbard to ancohi for a visit. Mrs. Lulu Moncravlc visited the first fthe week with her brother , Jess fan Osdcl and family. Will Kubrick of Verdon visited Sun- ay at the home of Mrs. Kubricks istcr , Mrs. E. E. Butler. Frank Walton and Louis Schulen- jurg and wife spent Sunday with J.C. chalcnburg and wife in Shubcrt. Mrs , Susan Williamson spent Satur- ay and Sunday with her brother , Robert Rcddick and family near Hum- joldt. Mrs. Mina Hinton who has been /isiting Mrs. J. B. Grant for some rt-ceks past left Tuesday for her homo n Gregory , S. D. Jesse Cox who is attending school in 'eru was down to spend Sunday and ilonday with the home folks and get acquainted with his new brother. News reaches us from Hattie Lilly , vlio is visiting in Illinois that she is having n delightful trip. She cx- : iects to visit Chicago soon. She will . isit St. Louis on her way home. SHUBERT Lucy Smith left Monday morning for eru. Chas. Smiley and wife spent Sunday n Neraalm. J. S. Lord of Falls City was In tbe citj' Sunday. C. A. Lord returned homo from Denver Sunday. Olive Crews has returned to her homo in A"burn. Clms. Shulenberg and wife were in Falls City Saturday. Grandma Levels celebrated her 07th birthday last Sunday. Miss Chas. Felt Is now entertaining company from St. Joe. Born to J. H. Beldln and wife on Tuesday , Julv 13 a son. Mrs. J. Weddlo and son spent Sun day with relatives here. Mrs. Lenord Loyd entertained out of town company Sunday. John Evans and wife enjoyed a visit from their niece in Stella. F. N. Kinton had employment in the country most of last week. Chas. Wilson and wife of near Stella was In town Saturday evening. Mrs. Hill of Nemtiha spent a part of last week with her son and family. Clyde Hill was up from Falls City and spent Sunday with homo folks. Misses Stout and Carrlngton of Au burn were guests of friends hero last week. Wm. Single of Barada was a busi ness visitor hero ono day during tbe week. Mr. Poppy of Missouri spent the most of last week with his daughter , Mrs. F. Shlrkolk. A. J. Holmic and family of Stella was the guests of J. C. Shulenborg and wife at dinner Sunday. Cbas. Shulenberg and wife enjoyed a pleasant evening Sunday at the homo of F. Shirkolk and wife. M. F. Fill and Willard Shubert left last week for Sycamore Springs where tbey will search for good health. Mrs. John Stotts and daughter Floy returned home Friday evening from a several weeks'stay In Dakota where they visited relatives. W. W. James and daughter of Peru came down during the week and took possession of their property , which ho purchased ot Mr. Imler. W. H. Ogg who has been In poor health for gome tlmo was laid to rest last Sunday in the Prairie Union cem etery. To the bereaved ones our sym pathy is extended. Mrs , J. C. Shulenberg who celebrat ed her 48th birthday last Sunday by the homo coming of ail her children and grandchildren , bringing with them a supply of good things to eat. The Uay was spent in such a manner as will be remembered by those present for years to come and it ia honed that she may live many more years to celebrate the event. Fall Suitings ! New Suiting Novelties , in suit lengths , are in and af ford ladies wishing the coining season's ' best colorings and designs , for very early wear , a splendid assort ment , The shades are all entirely novel and will not be found in equal perfection in ordinary fabrics , Light Wool Skirts 22 Light Wool Skirts of most ex cellent design , and meritorious in every way , go now at HALF PRICE These Skirts were sold early in the season at from $4 to $10. Every Summer Printed Fabric has been put in one of four lots at 5c , lOc , 12&c , and 15c " Among these are those fine , sheer , half-silk , SQC Tissues that are so suitable for summer and winter evening costumes. 15 Ladies' Suits to Co at Half Price Among1 these are some of our best styles in Brown , Blue , Black and Fancies , adapted to year-around wear and new this season , at HALF PRICE These arc genuine bargains and af ford an opportunity to supply your needs at very small cost to you. Parasols 15 % Discount 35 Parasols , including all the Wanted colors and combinations , sold at from $ i to $4 , now all at 15 % DISCOUNT 25 % Off on All Women's and Misses' Spring Wraps and Jackets For those who are planning early Fall trips , these gar ments are just the thing , They will cost you now anywhere from $1,85 to $15 , Plain Black Cloth Jackets , costing you $4,50 to $7,50 , are very attractive and useful , V. G. LYFORD Ten Days of High Grade Entertainment ! Every Day a Big Day ! ! THE SECOND ANNUAL Falls City Chautauqua Assembly AT THE City Park , Falls City , Nebraska One Block South and TWo West of National Hotel i August 7th to 16th , 1908 INCLUSIVE The names on the program speak for themselves. Every attraction guaranteed to be good. No experiments will be tried. This will be a great campaign of education , Culture. Religion and Amusement. The Chautauqua Is the people's and it has come to stay. You can hear all this talent at about six cents per program on the season ticket plan , and your children at about three cents. Buy your season ticket now and assist the management. Rent a tent and take your vacation at home with your family and neighbors. In vite your children home. The "Chautauqua time" Is the real "Home Coming time. " Write the Secretary , or Thos. J. Whltaker for program or tent. Splendid camping facilities good shade , Water , light , police protection and sanitary conditions. The business men of Falls City are desperately In earnest about the Second An nual Chautauqua and are determined to make It a great success at any cost. ADULT'S SEASON TICKET-Admittlng the Bearer to All Programs , 32.00 CHILD'S SEASON TICKET-SeVen to Thirteen Years of Age . . . 31.00 SINGLE ADMISSION-Adults 25c SINGLE ADMISSION-Children I5c JOHN LICHTY , Pres. PROF. T. J. OLIVER , Sec. W. A. OREENWALD , Treas. S. M. HOLLADAY , Supt. THOS. J. WHITAKER , Manager