The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 24, 1908, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Hatfc Been Doing the
Past Week.-
Mrs. Cal Evcrctts is quite ill.
Bring your job work to The
Trbune printery.
J , LGantly was down from
Humboldt Friday.
George Hall was down from
Vcrdou Wednesday.
Harry Hughes was over from
Padonia Thursday.
Last Thursday was a typical
circus day hot and dusty.
New U. S. cream separator for
sale cheap. SeeChas. P. Stump.
Dr. Geo. W. Reueker. Gradu
ate Optician. Eyes tested , frames
fitted. tf
The Misses Patzman are visit
ing relatives and friends in Fair-
Fred Mosiman left Saturday
for a week's stay in Fargo , North
Better haye other people get
stuck on you than get stuck on
Mrs. Sue DeWald went to Au
burn the first of the week to visit
her daughter.
Terry Kemist came down from
Dawson to see the elephant and
visit old friends.
Mrs. Allan D. May and little
son were down from Auburn for
a short visit during the week.
Lost Gold open face watch
and monogram fob. Finder please
return to this office and receive
Mrs. Al Stouffer and son came
down from Salem the latter part
of the week to spend a few clays
with Mr. Stouffer.
Ben Reichers , who is now on
the road representing a lumber
company of Kansas City spent
Sunday at his home in this city.
Dick James sent the Tribune a
souvenir postal from Dallas ,
Texas , during the week stating
he , was having the time of his
Mrs. Harry Foehlinger arrived
in the city Thursday evening
from McCook , for a visit with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. James
Esburn Wheeler and wife of
Stella were among the Stella
people who came down on circus
day for the big show and a visit
with friends.
Over Nemaha county the oats
crop was a decided success this
year , and wherever any has been
threshed out the yield has been
fully as good as was expected.
Friday was clean up day with
our business men. They got out
bright and early and in a short
time Stone street was swept and
the rub'bish hauled away and all
traces of the circns of the day
before removed.
Miss Mamie Ryan went to Falls
City the first of the week to spend
about two weeks visiting friends
at that place and at Rule and
Shubert , enjoying a vacation
from her duties at the Gilmore-
Armstrong store. Auburn Her
Mrs. Frank Marvin , Mrs.Doug
las and Master George Strong
stopped off in this city Tuesday ,
enroutc from Oklahoma City to
Omaha , where the } ' will visit a
few days with Sam Ileiser and
family , when Mrs. Douglas will
go on to her home in Cedar
Rapids. Iowa and Mrs. Marvin
will return here for a visit with
old friends.
The Hiawatha ball team is
having its troubles , too. After
having bills printed and all ar
rangements made for a game , the
fair association notified them they
would have to come through with
rental , after they had spent their
money in fitting up the diamond.
That measly $5 looks so big to
the fair association that they lose
sight of the big returns derived 1
from a winning ball team.
For Sale.
Full oak , hand carved bed room
suit. Extra large bevel plate
mirror on dresser. A bargain if
taken at once. C. F. Reavis.
Recorder L. C. Edwards came
up from Falls City Saturday and
made a trip to Lincoln , calling at
Fairview to secure inside information
mation as to whether Mr. Bryan
would consent to accept the nom
ination tendered him so unexcept-
edly at Denver. The Ilumboldt
II. F.Richart brought into this
office on Tuesday afternoon a
sample of the Red Astrakhan
apple , which he raises and which
was one of the finest specimens
we have seen in a long time. Mr.
Richart had had his apples on
display during the horticultural
Mrs. W. D. Easley , who has
been visiting for a time in Stella ,
came down /Wednesday and will
visit for a few weeks with her
sister , Mrs. E. F. Sharts , before
returning to her home in Kansas
The Hiawatha people are much
pleased at the patronage received
from Falls City during their
chautauqua. You will have a
chance to show your appreciation
when our assembly opens.
There is only one week more
within which political aspirants
may file their names with the
county clerk if they wish to
aspire to office this fall.
Almost all of theoats is cut now
and the farmers are getting
ready to thresh from the flhock as
soon as the corn can be laid by.
Auburn Herald.
V.G.Lyford has a new delivery
wagon making the rounds for the
store. It was turned out by Ed
Daeschner and is a fine piece of
Mrs. WillWigton and son Dor-
rington , went to Council Bluffs
Iowa. Sunday for a two weeks
visit with her sister , Mrs. Jonn
The merchants whose names
appear in our Chautauqua Daily
are the ones who want your trade
at that time and are asking for
Frank Marvin arriyed in the
city Wednesday from Oklahoma
City , and will remain here for a
short visit with old friends.
Miss Jule Berry of Atchison
spent a portion of the week vis
iting in the city with her sister ,
Mrs. John Startzel.
Geo. Slocum of near Stella was
visiting with his brother Jim
and family in this city during
the week.
Mrs. John Martin of Lincoln
spent this week in the city with
her parents , M. Giannini and
G. W. Inskeep rested from his
road duties for a few days during
the week and remained at home.
Mrs. Sam Curtis of St. Joe
spent a few days during the week
with her sister , Mrs. R. R. Rule.
Mrs. Fr-ank Clegg of Excelsior
Springs , Mo. , is visiting with her
parents , Wm. Gossett and wife.
According to the Hiawatha
World , there were , fifty autos in
that burg on Sunday.
Lena Brecht went to St. Joe
Sunda3' where she expects to re
main for some time.
Mrs. Lillian Smith and baby of
Omaha are guests at the home ol
Supt. Oliver.
FOK SAUS Good rain or slop
barrels , at G5c. each , at Heck's
feed store.
Anna Kratz returned Saturday
from a visit with friends in Re
Etta Sheehan of Atchison is
visiting with her parents in this
New U. S. cream separator for
sale cheap. See Chas. P. Stump
Miss Fannie Hynek of Hum
boldt , spent Friday in this cit3r.
Herbert Hedges visited witl
his family here this week.
Best Wisconsin Rye Flour a
Heck's feed store. tf
Best Wisconsin Kyc Flour at
Heck's feed store. tf
Pete Frederick jr , was a busi
ness visitor in St , Joe this week.
Mrs. George Boycr went to St.
Joe Wednesday for a few days
Mrs. Wm. Cude returned todav
from an extended visit in Osborn ,
Mrs. Nannie Hinkle and baby'
of Stella arc visiting friends in
this city.
FOK SAI.K Good rain or slop
) arrels , at 65c. each , at Heck's
eed store.
Wanted Old newspapers , mag-
nzines , periodicals , books etc.
Phone 394. 27-2t
Mrs. Georgia Adam's returned
Wednesday from a visit with rel
atives in Stella.
The finest stationery is turned
out by the Tribune printcry. A
rial is all we ask.
W. S. Koruer returned Wednes-
lay from a trip through southern
vansas and Oklahoma.
Guy Hutchins and wife of Shu-
> ert visited at the home of War
ren Hutchins this week.
Ethel Leyda of Plattsmotith
arrived in the city Tuesday for a
two weeks visit with relatives
Mae Gagnon held the lucky
number which drew the $5 given
away at the Lyric Tuesday cvcn-
"Dad" Turner was down from
lumboldt during the week visit-
ng with her daughter , Mrs , Geo.
Mrs. Vina Long and daughter
dith of Omaha were in the city
during the week , guests of Mrs.
3elle Mulligan.
A. J. Weaver returned Wed
nesday morning from a several
weeks stay in the west , where he
las been looking after busiriess
matters ,
That bunch of automobiles on
the street Wednesday morning
was enough to make our livery-
nen turn green with envy.
The automobile fever has
struck Falls City. We have had
t for some time , the only differ
ence between us and our aspir
ation being our pocket book.
Mrs. Jacob Mack , out on Route
2 , has our thanks for favors this
week. She had not been in town
since April and made this trip
: or the purpose of renewing her
Lawrence Meyers arrived in the
city Wednesday from Pennsyl
vania. He will remain here for
a short visit , going from here to
the L. Weaver ranch in the west
ern part of the state.
Nie Williamson and Dora Cox
both of Barada surprised their
many friends by being married
while in this city last Thursday.
The ceremony was performed by
Judge Gagnon at the court house.
J. O. Shroyerof Ilumboldt , one
of the leading agricultural writ
ers of the state , was in attend
ance at the Horticultural meeting
and it was through the kindness
of Mr. Shroyer that The Tribune
gained much information along
horticultural 'lines.
Mrs. James Thompson went
down to Falls City yesterday to
bring home her daughter , Miss
Myrtle Rooker , who is quite ill.
She will also be accompanied by
a daughter , Alice Thompson ,
who has been visiting with rel
atives there. Ilumboldt Leader.
Bill Wilson , a brother of our
Charley , is visiting in this city.
Bill lived here years ago but is
now a resident of Ohio. This is
the first visit here for a number
of years , and during his absence
had gained so much avoirdupois
that we hardly knew him. He
will make two of his brothe
Money to Loan. Mortgages Bough
If you wish to get a loan on
your land , or have a mortgage to
sell , write me. 20 years in busi
ness. Stock and fruit farm to
rent. Also 320 acre stock and
dairy farm. HENRY C. SMITH ,
Falls City , Neb
Rev. R. R. Teeter , A , M , went
o Plainview Monday morning ,
vhere he delivered one temper-
nice and one popular lecture at
he Chautauqua and delivered a
ike scries Wednesday and Thurs-
lay at the Chautauqua in Syra-
iisc , Nebr.
The annual offering of the
Methodist church will be received
Sunday. Make your pledge even
f you do not enclose the money.
Mic pastor will preach a mis-
ionary sermon and in the cven-
ng on "A Skeleton in the closet. "
Gus Rueggc returned the latter
part of the week from the western
> art of the state. Gus heard of
he wonderful things our ball
)0ys are doing and it made him
In order to meet the demands
or flour the Heacock mill has
) een forced to run over time dur-
11 g the week. Our people arc all
earning where they can get the
Misses Ruth Lapp and Francis
tfatson of Freeport , 111. , stopped
off in this city Tuesday on their
way to Portland , Ore. , for a day's
visit with Miss Oddie Lapp.
Our Chautauqua daily will be a
winner. All our merchants are
nore than pleased with the plan
and are anxious to get their names
n the advertising columns.
A. L. Slack returned Monday to
lis home inLeavenworth , after a
; ew days visit with old friends
icrc. Mrs. Slack will remain for
a more extende.d visit.
Miss Stella Knickerbocker rc-
: urncd this week from quite an
extended visit with relatives in
Goldie Dunkelberger returned
rom New Mexico Saturday after
a three month's stay among rela-
Mr , and Mrs. Will Crook re
turned the first of the week from
a mouth spent in Colorado.
A number of our 3oung people
Irove to Sun Springs Sunday and
spent a very pleasant day ,
Frank McDermand of Kansas
2ity , was looking after business
icre the first of the week.
Miss Mildred Shirley of Ilum
boldt was the guest of MrsDr. .
Wilson this week.
Miss Bessie Slater and Alice
3rinnegar of Salem were in our
city Saturday.
Will Carico and wife enjoyed
the band concert in Rule Saturday
Miss Ida Pribbeno spent Sun-
lay with her parents in Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Roberts
went to Kansas City' Saturday.
Miss Cora Plumb spent Sunday
with friends in Hiawatha.
Miss Mary Wiltse spent Sunday
in Rulo.
Mow your weeds. Do it now
people who
have clipped their
hogs with Dipolcnc
have had better results
and larger hogs.
The strength of Dipo
lcnc is i to 90 , according
to the Government stand
A large supply can be
found at
Falls City , Nebraska
Hermes Bros.arc paying 20c.for
utter fat.
O. Schocnhcit and wife went to
vansas City Monday for a few
ays stay.
W. D. Easley of Kansas City
bundaycd in this city with E. F.
bharts and wife. '
Ira McCool came down from
Salem Sunday and spent the dav
vith friends here.
John McCool of Salem spent a
ortion of the past week with
ricnds in this city.
It is reported that Ringlings'
ircus has Falls City on its route
ear the close of the season.
Edna.Schaiblc returned Friday
rom a week's visit with her aunt ,
Mrs. Louie Banks at Fortescue.
James Sinclair and family of
'rcston spent Sunday in this city
t the home of Mrs. Margery
Mrs. Glenn Bronson ot Vcrdon
pent Sunday in this city with
ter parents , Mr. and Mrs. John
? ammcl.
Mrs. J. M. Schocnheit and
laughter , Erma of Kansas City
ire in the city guests at the home
) f J. M. Whittaker.
Ed. Bell , who is now rcpresent-
ng an Omaha drug house was
isiting his many friends in this
ity during the week.
Ncal Thornton , who has spent
cvcral weeks among old friends
iml relatives in this city returned
londay to Muskogce.
Saturday , July 25th the Holy
Uucharist will be celebrated at
St. Thomas church at 10:30 : a.m. ,
t being the feast of St. James
he apostle.
Frank Smith and wife went
over to Sycamore Springs the
ore part of the week where they
will spend ten days taking a much
iccded rest.
Chas. Heineman and his side
walk gang this week laid a fine
cement walk around the property
of G. W. Inskeep and in front of
he German hall.
Fred E. Schmidt and wife went
o Weeping Water Sunday to
visit relatives. They will also
ipend a short time in Omaha be
ore they return.
There will be no evening ser-
-ice in St. Thomas church until
September 1st as Rev. Neidc will
absent helping with church
work throughout the state.
The Clevelands from Nebraska
ity came dbwti Sunday for a few
lours visit with friends here.
They made the trip in their auto
ind report a delightful ride.
Hon.George Coupland of Elgin
one of the principle speakers dur <
ng the session of the Horticul
tural society , was the guest of V.
. Lyford while in the city.
Ernest Vincent came down
from Shenandoahjowa and spent
Sunday in this city with his wife
and baby who are visiting at the
liome of her parents , Win. Sear
and wife.
You cannot expect the property
owners to keep their lawns mowet
and weeds down , when the city
allows all vacant lots and tin
streets to present the appearanci
of jungles.
Trim your trees. If we are no
mistaken there is an ordinnnci
pertaining to the height trees
along walks should be trimmed
but judging from appearances nc
attention is paid to it.
Congressman Pollard was in
the city during the week attend
ing the Horticultural meeting am'
visiting his many friends. While
in the city he was entertained a
the home of J. R , Wilhitc.
F. A. Harrison is before tin
primaries of Lancaster county as
a candidate for the legislature ,
lie stands on a broad platform ;
vise : Guaiantee of bank deposits.
County option and an amendment
of the primary law to the end
that the voters' ' may select their
committeemen and delegates to
conventions. It looks as though
legislative timber will be called
upon by the voter to place them
selves squarly on important issues
if they expect success at the
The American boys who are
participating in the Olympian
games at London arc showing the
world's best athletes tip as "dubs" .
England has tried to fix things seas
as to compel our boys to work
under great disadvantages , but it
takes more than unfairness to
keep an American down. So lar
we have broken nine world's rec
ords as well as the hearts of our
English cousins.
The friends of Miss Lilian C.
Banks , formerly of Chicago , la
ter of Falls City , will be pleased
to learn that Mr. Joseffv , the
great music master and artist , on
hearing her play recently in New
York City , pronounced her gifted.
She is now under his guidance for
an artist's career.
Mrs. Kathcrine IIoppc an.d
daughter , Grace , and Miss Stum-
bo left Saturday for Black Hawk ,
Colo. , where they will visit for
some time with George Iloppe and
The opening day of our Chau
tauqua will be one of the big days.
An opportunity to hear Sc.nator
Dolliver should bo. embraced by
every one who enjoys oratory at
its best.
The republican county central
committee meets Saturday and
the candidates may be expected
to make their announcements in
the near future.
They'are again talking division
in Hiawatha. That is the sub
ject they keep in reserve over
there when they arc shy on news.
That "stanch old democrat"
Jim DeWald , added his name to
the list of readers to this great
republican sheet during the week.
Mrs. K. M. Walker of New Or
leans returned home yesterday af
ter a visit in this city with her
grandmother , Mrs , Barbara Dilts.
Harry Jacobs returned the first
ot the week from a few days
spent in Pawnee , looking after
the business in the Seff store.
Miss Jessie Odell returned to
her home in Omaha on Saturday ,
after a ten days visit in this city
with the Misses McMiilan.
Miss Mary Haver , who had
been the guest of Lela Powell for
a lew days , returned Sunday to
her home in Hiawatha.
M. Scff came down from Paw
nee to remain over circus day and
help in the big rush at his cloth
ing store at that time.
The colored population of Hia
watha are arranging for a big
emancipation celebration on Sat
urday , August 1st.
By action of the official board
evening services are suspended
for five Sundays at the Method
ist church.
Dana Peterson returned to her
home in Salem Thursday after a
week spent with Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Scott.
OliasSchulenburg and wife of
Verdon were pleasant callers at
this office while in the city Sat
EO. . Lewis is the latest addi
tion to the Tribune family , he
having joined the circle yester
R. B. Johnson and family de
parted Saturday night for their
new home in Santa Ann , Cali.
John Hutchings left Wednesday
for Oklahoma , where he goes to
look after business affairs ,
The automobile bug has struck
Falls City and the nervous horse
is having his troubles.
Mrs. Ferd Harlow went to Rule
the first of the week for a short
visit with relatives.
Ben Dilley was among those
from Hiawatha who saw the
elephant circus day.
Miss Mary Russell of Salem
was the guest of Anita Wilson
during the week.
II. II. McCoy editor of the
Dawson News Boy was in the
city Saturday.
George Lyons is among the
new ones to join our family circle
this week.
Miss Frantic Moran is back at
her old position at the telephone