The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 24, 1908, Image 3

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    Legal Advertisement.
Bcalr < l proposals mldres c < l to the llonornlilo
Mnyor nnil City Council , nml emtorfcd " 1'ropos-
nls for fnrnlMiItiR inntcrlal nnd conMriictlnn
well , immplionpo , motor driven pump , plpo line
nnd tftiik nml tower in FnlU City , Ncbrn kn"
will bo received nt tlio olllco of the City Clerk ot
FnlU City , Fcbrnskn , tit 12 o'clock uoon Btnndnrd
time Au uet Snl 110S nnd opened nt the City Hnll
at 7:30 p. in. for the fiinilsliliiK of inntcrlal , labor
nnd c < inpincut ! to construct tlio oxten-
tlon tovatcr plant , all In accordance with the
Kcncral ppccllicnUong iflul Instructions to bid
ders on file at tlio dlllcoot the City Enitlncer nnd
City Clerk of Fnllw City , Nebraska.
All bids must bo inndo upon blank forum to bo
obtained of the City llnnuii-or , nnd must Blvo the
price proposed , both In writing nnd In limires
and bo signed by the bidder with his address.
TlioClty re er\eH thorinht to reject any or nil
bidsor to accept nny bid without explanation.
Certified dirck for $ . ' 00.00 to ticcompnti ) nch
bill. W. W , AUHK\ , Miler
W. II , SOIIMSW.KL , Cits Clerk
.1. A. OKOOK , City Kimlm-or
First publication July 17 , 1WH.
8KVI.Klllllt , ( JlVISKKD lllS ! Fill ! llONllil ) Vklll
bo received by the board of supervisors of Drain-
HKO District No. lot Iliclmrclson county , Nebras
ka , ntthuir olllco In Fnlls City , Nebraska , up to
1 o'clock p. in. , of Annual 1 , 1HH , for the sale of
oomls numbers 1 to M ) , each of the denomination
of $1,000 , maturing $10,000 eacli joar from 11M3 to
1IU7 , bciiiB part of an issue of $2iM,000 of tlio
oondsof said drnlnago district , iK arlug five per
cent semi-annual interest , Issueil for the pur-
I > OMJ of construction of ditches , lovecs , etc.
All bids under former notice were rejected ,
It Is hoped that many land owners \ \ 111 tnko ntl-
\antnBOof the following provision of the drain-
nKe law : "Provided , however , that lioforo said
oonds nro IMMKH ! ns aforesaid , any person , \\hobu
lands or property IIIMO been assessed for benefits
by mill district , may pay the total assessment
iiKninst his proi > ertyor nny tract thereof nnd the
property on which the nssessments are so paid
shall bo released from the lien of said dr lnneo
assessment. " It is not ncce nry to bid on the
whole $ . " 0,1100. If jou can buy one bond make n
hid. Those bondsnro considered n uood , safe in
vestment and ought to be tiikru In this county.
] ) .VMLI < liir.r.V , Chairman ,
2.-a Dnwson , Nebraska.
First publication July 10,1U03.
The followiiiR proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska , as herein
after tot forth in full , is submitted to the electors
. of the State of Nebintka , to bootxxl upon at the
Kenernl election to T > o hold TiiCbday , Noicmlx-r
3rd , A. 1) . IPOS.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sections
two (2) ( ) , four ( I ) , five (5) ( ) , six ( I ! ) and thirteen (13) ( )
of Article six (0) ( ) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska , relating to Judicial 1'owers.
tion two (2) ( ) of Article sir (0) ( ) of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as
follows :
Sections. ( Hui'itEME COURT ; JUDGES ; JURIS
DICTION. ) The Supreme Court shall consist of
seven (7) ( ) judges ; nnd n majority of nil elected nnd
iliialiticd judges shall be necessary to constitute
n quorum or pronounce n decision. ThoStipremo
Court shall have jurisdiction in nil cases relating
to the revenue , civil cases inhich the state IB a
party , mandamus , 0.110 warranto , habeas corpus ,
and such appellate jurisdiction 09 may bo provided -
vided by law.
Section 2. ( AMENDMENT PROPOSED. ) That
Section four , ( J ) of Article six ( ft ) of tlio Coustitu-
lion of the State of Nebraska , bo amended to read
as follows :
TIOX , TKKM , IthsiUESCE. ) The Judges of the Supreme
premo Court shall bo elected by the electors of
the state nt large ; nnd their term of ollicii except
as hereinafter pro ided shall lw six jears. And
said Supreme Court judges shall during their
term of ollice , resident the plneoherotho coutt
is holden.
Section : i. ( AMENDMENT PROPOSED. ) That
Section fno [ 5 ] of Article six [ fl ] oC the Constitu
tion of the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended to read
as follows :
TION , TERM , CHIEF JUSTICE. ] That at the gen
eral election to bo held In the state of Nebraska
Inthojear 1POD , nnd each six jears thereafter ,
there shall U > elected three [ 3 ] judges of tlio Supreme
premo Court , who shall hold their ollico for the
period of six j ears ; thatnt the general election
to bo held in the stnto of Nebraska in the jcar
101P , nnd each six jears thereafter , there shall bo
Delected three [ 3 ] judges of the Supreme Court ,
who shall hold their ollice for the period of six
jenrs ; nnd nt the general election to bo hold in
the btate of Nebraska in the ) eir 1913 and each
MX jears thereafter , there shall bo elected n Chief
Justtco of the Supreme Court , who shall hold his
ollico for the period of six jears. Provided that
the memhor of the Supreme Court whoso term of
otlico cxplrm in January 1911 , shall bo Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his term of olllco. And pro
vided further , that upon the adoption of those
amendments by the electors of the State , the
( lovcrnor shall , Immediately upon issuing hU
proclamation declaring said amendments mlopt-
cJ , appoint four [ I ] judges of the Supreme Court ,
two [ 2 ] of whom shall bo appointed to hold bald
ollico until their successors shall Ixs elected lit the
general election in 1600 , nnd have qualified ; and
the other two [ 2J shall hold their ollico until their
successors shall bo elected at the general election
hold in 1011 , and haui qualified.
Section 4. [ AMENDMENT PiioposED.J That
Section six [ llj of Article six [ It ] of the Constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska , IHI amended to rend
ns follows :
Section l ) . [ CHIEF JUSTICE. ] The Chief Jus
tice shall scr\o as Mich during nil the term for
which hetin elected , lie shall preside nt nil
terms of the Supreme Court , nnd in his iihxencc
the judges present shall select one of their number
to preside temporarily. '
Section ! > , [ AMENDMENT PllOPOSED. ] That
Section thirteen [ lit ] of Article six [ 0 ] of tin
Constitution of Nebraska bo amended to read [ it-
follows :
Section 13 , [ JUDOES , B vi.RIES. . ] That judges
of the Supreme Court shall each receive n tnlar )
of SI.WO , and the Judges of the District Court
shall each receive u salary of $ ! 030 per annum ,
payable quarterly.
Approusl Aprils , 1007.
I , Ueo , C. Junkin , Secretary of State , of tin
State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing -
going proposed amendment to the Constitutlor
of the State of Nebraska is a true nnd correci
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill
as pnsbtxl by the Thirtieth session of the legUla
taroof the State of Nebraska , us appears iron
sal I original bill on file in this ollice , and Urn
Mild proposed amendment -MilimUtwl to tin
qualified > oters of the State of Nebraska for the !
adoption or rejection at the general election t <
ba held on Tuesday , the 3rd day of November , A
I ) . WOS
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set in ,
hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State o
Nebraska , Doiio at Lincoln , this 15th day o
July , In the year of- our Lord , Oao Thousaui
Nine Hundred and Eight , and of the Indeiivu
dence of the United States the Ono Hundred am
Thlrtj-thlrd , and of this State the Forty-second
[ HEAL ] tfccretarr of Stat <
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First Urttional
Bank. 3-tf A. J. WKAVKR
Piilu will dcpnrt In exactly -0 min
utes It one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
tablets Is taken. Pain anywhere. Re
member ! Pain always moans conges-
Ion , blood pressure nothing else ,
llcadnchu is blood pressure ; toothache
s blood pressure on the sensitive nerve.
3r. Shoop's llcadnchu Tablets also
called Pink Pain Tablets quickly and
afoly eoax this blood pressure nwny
rotn pain centers. Painful periods
vith women cot Instant relief. 20Tub-
ets 2.c. Sold by all dealers.
The function of the kidneys is to
train out the Impurities of the blood
vhleh Is constantly passing through
hem. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes
ho kidneys healthy. They will strain
out all waste matter from the blood.
Take Foley's Kidney Remedy and It
vlll make you well. Kerr's pharmacy.
Notice to Creditors.
icim vote i : In the Matter of the Eslnto of John
i. Hojd , lccoa od. It is ordered by the court
lint the time limited for creditors to file claims
ngalnst said Kntnlo Is six months from the 21st
ay of July , 11W , and nil claims not filed In this
ourt , duly verlfied on or before the 21st day of
nuuury , IMP , will bo foio\er barred. Ordend
urther that all clalmn tiled ngatnnt said estnto
vlll bo examined and adjusted by the court , In
ho county court room , in the court' house in
' 'nils City , in paid county , September 2lHt , nnd
fo\ember 21st , liWS nnd January 2,2nd , HKilC nt
ho hour of 0 o'clock n. in.
Hy order of the court dated July 21st , 1SKK
27-1 Jndgo.
First publication July 21 , IMS.
Staled bids will Ixj received until U o'clock n.
n. , ot Tuesday , August IS , UtOS , for constructinR
ho illtchos , djleu ? , levees epilluajs flood Kites
nlets , etc. , in DrnlnnKo District Number One ,
Uchnrdftou County , NebrneEn liich bid iniiat
xj accompanied by a certified check in the sum
if live per centum of the ninuUnt of the bid , nn-
ess the said per centum exceeds ten thousand
ollars , in which cnso the certified check Bhnll beer
or ten thoiiBand dollars , Tlio Hiiccessful bi < ldcr
111 bo required to furnlHli n bond In nn amount
qual to twenty-fhoi > er centum of the amount
f the contract. The richt is reserved to reject
any or nil bids. 1'lntf , plans , profiles , and epeci-
icalions can bo seen nnd examined at tiio ollico
f Drain Commissioner , It. C , Orinstead , Sjalem ,
Sobraska , oral the ollico of A. M. Mimn , en ? ln-
' , Nebraska Uity , Nebraska.
f It. H.OllINSTUU ) ,
27-3 Drain CommlKsloncr.
I'lrst publication July 21,1W3.
Unless You Want to Know
Don't ° he ° Chautauqua
Unless to v
You Want Laugh
and Learn
in Iowa
in Tennessee
Entertainment and Con
cert Companies are First
Class. The date is
Aug. 7th to 16th
Heart Strength
Heart Htrcnrth , or Heart Weakness , means Nerva
Strength , or Nerve Weakness nothing more. Pos
itively , not one weak heart in a hundred is. in It
self , actually diseased. It 1 almost alway a
hidden tiny llttlo nerve that really is all at fault.
This obscure nerve the Cardlr , or Heart Nerve
simply neodi , and must have , moro power , more
stability , moro controlling , moro governing
strength. Without that the Heart must continue
to fail , and the stomach and kidneys also have
these same controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why as a medicine. Dr.
3hoop s HeEtorativo has In the past done so much
tor weak and oiling Hearts. Dr. Sheep first fought
the cause of all this painful , palpitating , sufloraU
ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Hestorntlve this
popular prescription Is nlono directed to these
weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds ;
It strengthens : It oilers real , genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Hearts , strong di
gestion , strengthen these incrvea ro-establlgh
them as needed , with
Dr. SHoop's
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees Is the original laxative cough syrup
contains no opiates , gently moves -fhc
bowels , carrying the cold off through tht
natural channels , Guaranteed to pvt
satisfaction or money refunded.
Kansns City Market Letter
vansas City Stock Yards ,
July 20 , 1 < J08.
Although cattle receipts last
week were moderate for the sea
son , 45,000 head , the market sof
tened all week and closing prices
were 40 to 00 cents lower on
steers and 25 cents lower on
cows. Killers claim the hot
weather has greatly reduced the
lemand , and used every eltort
o enforce the usual s u m m e r
slump in prices. Fed cattle felt
the loss hilly as much as grassers -
ers , although they were scarce
ill week. The situation is dif-
'ercnt today , run here 1-1OOQ
lead , and light supplies at Jill
other points. Prices arc 10 to
15 higher today , all kinds par
.icipaling in the'advance. . At
each decline this summer , re
ceipts have dropped down sharp-
y , bringing a recovery in prices
which indicates either astute
narketing , or an actual short
age in.the total available cattle
supply or possibly both. Top
n the last week was $7.85 and
only a handful of cattle have ex
ceeded $7,00 , account of extreme
scarcity of prime grades. Bulk
of the grazed westerns bring
$ -J.50 to $5.75 , grass cows at
$2 75 to S3.75. A few ied cows
bring up to1.50 , and heifers as
ligh asSG.dO , bulls S2.-10 to $4.00.
Veals are 50 to 75 cents higher
than a week ago , at $5.50 to
$0.00 for tops. Stockers and
feeders closed last week about
steady for the week , after selling
stronger tirst of the week and
are 10 to 25 higher today , stock
steers $3.00 to $4.50 , feeders * 4
: o $4.90. Illinois buyers took
some ileshy feeders above $5.00
The hog market made a net
advance ol 7 cents last week ,
although wide iluctuations were
the rule from day today. Pack
ers contest every inch of the
ground , and insist thatspresent
range is too high , but moderate
receipts , 43,000 last week and
GOOO today , give salesmen some
advantage. The market is off
5 to 10 cents today , but closing
orices are the best with top at
$ G.Go , bulk of sales $0.40 to $0.55.
leavy hogs still lead , account
of scarcity , although shipping
demand seldom calls for weights
above 220 pounds. Pigs ad
vanced 25 cents last week. Av
erage weight of all the hogs is
running under 200 pounds.
Real Estate Transfers.
Benj. Potcct , and wife to Henry C.
Smith , wd to eight and forty-four hun-
.Iredths acres in section 15-1-16 , 81,175.
Alice O. Kuiser to Rebecca L Babcock -
cock \vd to part of It 3 blk 47 in Kings
addition to Uumboldt $ SOO
C. C. Shelly and wife to village of
Preston , wd to part of It ! J blk 1 Pres
ton $5
F. P. Page and wife to Julius Merger
wd to s # of Its 1 and 2 and the \\l/i of
si of 3 blk 2 Dawson $2,000
F , P. Page and wife to Julius Bergcr
wd to sej of 11 and all of It 12 , blk 22
Dawson $0,000
Mrs. Maggie Strattori to N. B. Strut-
ton , w. d. to all of lots 4 and 5 , blk 40 ,
E. P. Tinker's addition to the city of
Humboldt 5800
Guy L. Cooper and wife to Ralph II
Iluminel . d. to 80 feet off east side of
lot 0 , blk 9 , Humboldt $1
Ralph II. Ilnmmcl to Josephine L
Cooper , w. d. to 80 feet off east side of
lot 0 , blk 9 , Humboldt 81
Win. I < . Tjadcn and Johanna II Tja-
den to Knno Gi ° smann , w. d to e'i
of se i sec Hi-'MU , also the nw i n\v }
of sec 2-2-13 $12,000
Win. L. Tjaden and wifetoEnno Gics-
inan , w. d. to part of seclionsiJ and ! )
t\vp 2 , range L'5 $1
Dallas Jones and Klb.iibeth Jones to
John Kanaly , w. d. to 180 acres in
e } of nc 1 se } sec 7-1.18 $11100
City of Ilumboldt to Mrs , Emma Phil-
pot w. d , to lot 202 , Ilumboldt ceme
tery SW
City of Ilumboldt to Robert Philpot ,
w. d. to lot 291 in Ilumboldt ceme
tery § 15
City of Humboldt to S. M. Philpot , w
d. to lot 9 In Humboldtcemctery. . ? 2C
Get my "Book No. 4 for Women" . II
will give weak women many valuable
suggestions of relief and with strletlj
confidential medical ady'.ce is entlrelj
free. Simply write Dr. Sheep , Racine
WIs. The book No. 4 tells ull abou
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure and how these
soothing , healing , antiseptic supposi
lories can be successfully applied U
correct these weaknesses. Write fo
the book. The Night Cure is sold bj
all dealers.
Boating the Catalogue Houses.
There's n business firm in Blnu-
chard , In , , tlmt holds the trade of
Hint locality ngninBl the entaloguo
houses. This firm has from n half
to n pntfo iid. in the local paper
every \veek , nnd insists they enn
out sell , out-b d nnd onUdo nny
catalogue house in the hind , nnd
they nro doing it , too. Why not ?
Their rent in less , insurance lose ,
clerk hire less , goods come in large
quantities with freight loss. A
man who goes into that store and
buys knows what he is getting nnd
the ad. tolls just what tlio linn haste
to sell and the price. Catalogue
houeea can't compote with the live
country merchant , who lolls his
patrons what he has lo soil , and at
what low prices. When the coun
try merchant "keeps everlastingly
nl if with hia advertising , as do
the catalogue houses , ho will have
10 trouble in getting the trade.
A Revelation.
It Is arovclatlon to people , Uiu severe
ascs of lung trouble that have been
ured by Foloy's Honey and Tar. It
tot only stops the cough but heals 'anil
trengthena the lungs , L. M. Rupglcs ,
easnor. Iowa , writes : "Tlio doctors
aid I had consumption , and I got no
better until I took Foley's Honey and
Tar. It stopped the hemorrhage and
aln in my lungs and they are now as
ound as u bullet.1 Kcrr,9 pharmacy.
A Big Barn.
Edward Schuler , who came
'rom the neighborhood of Falls
City and purchased the SO acre
arm east of Mr. Ratekin's 80 , is
ust completing the largest stock
jarii in all this region , 52x00.
le is an old stock breeder and
s preparing lor the business on
a large scale. The barn is being
veil arranged and equipped for
; he business. It has a large hay
capacity with machinery to hoist
a load in a hurry. A silo is to
be put in before the job is com-
ileted. Mr. Schuler has his
amily quartered in what he will
use as a granary when he builds
lis new house. This is quite an
mportant acquisition to the sub
urbs of Hiawatha. Hiawatha
VoMd. ,
Crlnstcad Resigns.
At a meeting of the drainage
board held in Falls City , K. K.
Grinstead resigned as a member
of the board and Fred Wittwer
vas appointed in his stead. Air.
Grinstead was then appointed
[ rainagecommissioner , and will
lave actual charge of the con.
truction of the ditch.
Bids for the work are now
being advertised for ; such bids
o be opened August 15. If no
other serious thing happeAs
lirt should be Hying December
irst. Salem Index.
Beginning Saturday , July llth
we will pay two cents more in
rade checks for butter fat than
our cash price , at the present
hue we are paying 20 cents cash
and will pay 22 cents in trade
Our trade checks will be taken
n at face value by Samuel Wahl
F. W. Cleveland & Son , Reavis &
Abbey , Wirth & Winterbottom ,
J. C/Tanner , A. G. Wanner , F.
E. Schmidt , W. L. White , Wahl
itParchen. Thanking yon for
past favors we are , Yours respt
Heat prostrates Jhe nerves. In the
summer one needs a tonic to olivet the
customary hot weather Nerve and
trength.depression. . Vou will feel
jetter within 48 hours after beginning
to take such a remedy as Dr , Shoop's
Restorative. Its prompt action In re
storing the weakened nerves Is surpris
ing. Of course , you wont get cntlrclj
strong In a few days , but each day you
can actually feel the Improvement.
That tired , lifeless , spiritless , feeling
will quickly depart when using the
Restorative , Dr. Shoop's Restorative
will sharpen a falling appetite ; It aids
illgcstlon ; it will strengthen the weak
ened Kidneys and Heart by simply re
building the worn-out nerves that these
organs depend upon. Test it u few
days and bo convinced. Sold by a
Delay In commencing treatment fo
a slight Irregularity that could hav
been cured quickly by Foley's Kldne
Remedy may result in a ccrious kldnc
disease. Foley's Kidney remedy build
up the worn out tissues and strengthen
these organs , Commence taking it to
day. Kerr's pharmacy.
: Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure
would interest you at this season of the year.
The MOTOR WASHER , a Monday morning - 3
ing necessity that you cannot afford 3
to be without. 3 ;
Then we have the JEWEL GASOLINE - = 1
REFRIGATOR , the house wife's 3
fricMuls this hot weacher. j j
Bros' . , PAINT
wi.H inlcrcst .vou' botl * quality and 2
g J. C. TANNER i
js Ours Arc "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY , NEB. US
Headquarters for y
Cut Glass , Fancy China , Jarcliniers , . *
* Chamber Sets , Glassware , Dinnerware
* 3
t 100 = Picce Dinner Seis from $10.00 to $40.00
* A complete stock of Good Groceries
at reasonable prices.
The Falls City Roller Mills
Docs a general milling' business , ami manufactures the
following brands of flour
The above brands are guiirantccdto be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business C
e >
O and solicit a share of your patronage e
1 P. S. Ileacock & Son Fails City , Nebr. Ci
When you liuve Grain or llo .s to market do not forget
that we pay the top price and yive yon honest weights.
0H When you need anything in *
Lumber , or Builders' Material
call on ns we can furnish you anything in this line as
cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere.
Berry Boxes , Crates , Baskets
of all kinds , including various
styles of Cilrpax Baskets , Ap
ple barrels , cider kegs and bar
rels. Write for prices.
st. Joseph , MO * . J. A. Schroer & Co.
AH Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.