The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 24, 1908, Image 2

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A L Y !
Synopsis of Our Plans
announced last week that The Tribune would launch a
WE Daily Paper during Chautauqua week. We were not able
to give any of the details at that early date. The plans
have been completed now and all arrangements are made for a
real , live , full-grown Daily Newspaper. .
It will be a six-column , four-page paper , full of news and
interesting reading matter. Falls City's progressive merchants
will be represented with conservative advertisements , extending
you invitations and quoting prices.
The Chautauqua News will be a special feature of The Daily ,
but the city and county will in no wise be neglected every de
partment will be kept up to the high standard of The Tribune.
The Daily Tribune will be furnished to subscribers of the Weekly
Tribune and every patron of the rural routes out of Falls City
( whether subscribers or not ) without cost FREE. Campers at the
Chautauqua grounds will be served with a FREE COPY every
evening by a Tribune carrier.
If , while attending Chautauqua , you have occasion to make a purchase ,
consult the Daily Tribune advertisements. The merchants whose ads will appear therein
are the merchants who have made arrangements for you the ones who can wait upon
you in the least possible time , the ones who will give you a cordial welcome and will
show their appreciation of your business by their fair dealings with you.
Jfatts t Qfrtfam *
For Advertising Space in the Daily Tribune , Call Up
'Phone No. 226
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