The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 17, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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-40 acres well improved , 1 } miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
Henry C. Smith 200 acres 1 > miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land , Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment.
. 1GO acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson-county , Nebraska. 12,000.
160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville , Nebraska.
80 acres -milc from Palls City high school.
LANDS & LOANS 040 acres , ? 8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take ICO acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to lonn.
From O Jer the County
The "Doings" of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Tom Haul nnil family ure visiting
John Knnuly was u Fulls City visitor
Tom Potoet of Fulls City wns In
Rule thin week.
Win. Dorste WHS a business visitor
In Hulo last week.
Hurry Anderson Is visiting with Levy
Anderson this week.
Norm Kermodo was u Falls City vis
itor Monday afternoon.
Andy Mann of White Cloud visited
her aunt hero lust wcclr.
Giirnctt Wilson ol Prcslon spent a
part of lust week In Rulo.
Peter Neldcekcr und wife were Uulo
visitors one day recently.
Mrs Robert Paul visited with Mrs.
Mary Plumb last Tuesday.
Levi Anderson has so far recovered
as to be able to get around.
Mrs Susan Holes loft for Kansas City
Friday to visit her daughter.
Albert Morohouse of Reserve was a
Rule visitor one day last week ,
Doilo Anderson went to the Reserva
tion Friday to visit his parents.
Mrs. Lloyd Glun-nlnl of Fiilla City
visited relatives hero last week.
Lewis Zelglcr of Auburn visited
with his brother Dayo recently.
Rev. Maze spent a few days with
friends here the llrst of the week.
Pearl Anderson returned Monday
from a visit with Kansas relatives.
Pvob Kanaly and John Mann attended
the dance at Fargo Saturday night.
Mrs Bowkcr has put up u now wareroom -
room back of Grant Oeombo's store.
Theodore Andarson and family and
Miss Stoncr spent Sunday in Reserve.
Marie KmIg of Ida Grove , Kansas is
visiting her brothers family in this
Clarence Henry came In from Lin
coln Saturday to spend a few days In
Thomas Plumb of Falls City , visited
friends in this vicinity a few days last
Fred Dolman of Kansas City visited
over Sunday with Mae LaLJhincs'
Mr Oliver of Falls City was In Rule
last week distributing Chautauqua lit
Margaret Irvln of Leavcnworth is
visiting with Mrs. Theodore Mujerus
this week.
Wiu. Cnrleo and wife of Falls City
attended the D of U entertainment Fri
day night.
Mrs Mursh has returned from Stella
where she has been visiting her daugh
ter's family.
Mre. Hopkins and three children
left Saturday for Creston Town to visit
her parents.
John Darveau and wife are the
proud parents of a ten pound baby boy
since Saturday.
Miss Stoner of Kansas City visited a
few days this week with the family of
Dodo Anderson.
Milton Zimmerman went to Hum-
boldt last week , to take charge of the
Dave Barch , a farmer Ruls man was
in the city Saturday on his return from
the Pacific coast.
Ben and Charles Frederick are mak
ing some repairs on John Cuvcrzuglo'e
residence this week.
Harry VanVaulklnburg and wife of
White Clouct , visited friends in Rule ,
the last of the week.
Mrs. Kino and two children returned
Sunday from a six weeks visit with
her parents at Johnson , Neb.
Mrs J A Osburn and llttlo son re
turned home Tuesday from n month's
visit with friends in the western part
of th 3 state.
Frank Simon went to St. Joseph Sun
day , to see a physician there who U
treating him. He is somewhat im
proved in health.
Uncle Billy Johnson ajid daughter ,
Mrs Charles Uoerner , Mrs Will Fultoa
and Mrs Henry Ray wese Falls City
visitors one day last week.
Mr ? . Stella Tnompsen and daughter
Grace , after a protracted yieit with
friends at tills place departed last week
to join her husband in Arizona.
The ladies of the D of II entertained
their families and one invited guest at
their hall last Friday nlgnt. Kaeh
member was supposed to bring pen
nies to correspond with their age. A
nice program was prepared consisting
of songs , Instrumental music , recita
tions and dialogues after whleo a two
course lunch was served. The remain
der of the evening was passed In social
conversation and renewing many old
Mrs A. C. Graves entertained Wed
nesday evening of last week in honor
of Alice Tllton Games and music
helped made the time pusa very pleas-
autly. Refreshments were served dur
ing the evening.
Alice Titlow of Unlontown , Pa. , who
has been visiting nero lor the past ten
months left for Kansas City Friday.
She will spend a few days with friends
there before returning home.
Frank Simon and wile returned the
last of the week from Excelsior Springs.
They also stopped for a few days visit
with friends In St. Joseph.
Eunice Randolph , who has been vis
iting relatives hero for the past six
weeks , returned to her home in Kan
sas City Friday.
S I Hunker ol Fortcscuo was a Rule
visitor Saturday. The hand which he
Injured a short while ago , is almost
Mrs James Wagironer and children
of Duwson , returned hemo last week
after a few days visit with friends here.
Pearl Harrison returned from St. Joe
Saturday , after a three month's visit
with friends In that elty.
O A Uurk and family of Falls City ,
spent a few days hero with relatives
last week.
John liustufson \Vymoru xvns a
business visitor here the llrst of the
Anna Emlg of Spnnglleld , Mo. , Is
visiting her brother's umlly bore.
George Celey of { ookford , Neb. ,
spent a few days In n Jo.
Alice and Alia G .hurt were Falls
City visltcrs this week.
Father Sproll spent a few days at
York , Nob. , last week.
Ed Murphy -was u Falls City visitor
one day last week.
Moso Frederic Is building an addi
tion to his house.
Ike Adklns ol Missouri visited in
Rule Sunday.
James Cronin was a St. Joseph visitor
last week.
J. Timmermun of Stella was in our
elty Monday.
Dr. Gandy of Ilumboldt was In this
city Monday.
Willie and Leo Snclllug spent Sun
day In Vcrdon.
H. II. Wooding of Buradn was in
our town Sunday.
Mr. Woiek and wife spent Sunday in
Barada with friends.
Marvin Davis of Stella was a busi
ness visitor hero Mouday.
Mr. Belden spent Sunday on the
bunks of the Missouri river.
J. M. Evans and wife spent Sunday
in the country with relatives.
J. C. Shuleuberg and wife took sup
per with relatives in the couutry.
Mrs.V. . II. Shubert entertained her
sister , Mrs. Snow of Auburn last week.
Mrs. Geo. Allanof near Barada was
trading with our merchants Tuesday.
Win. Snelllng and wife were the
guests of friends at Verdon lust week.
Mrs. F. N. Klnton is now able to bo
out again after several month's illness.
Mrs. Baker of Xemuha has been vis-
itlng her sister , Mr * . Well for a few
Grandma Else and Miss Cam ma Boat
man were snapping in Falls City Wed
nesday ,
The dance which was given by our
people Saturday evening was quite a
Mr. Weddle and wife attended the
funeral oj Jesse Weaver at Verdon
Mesdames Shubert and Sbulenburg
vero Fulls City visitors on Wedncsduy
) f last week.
C. A. Lord returned homo from the
DCIIVOP convention and reports a very
pleasant trip.
Elmer King and family were enter
tained by friends at Ilumboldt one day
julte recently.
Elmer Else and family accompanied
by Mrs F M. Oiithout were Falls Oity
visitors Saturday.
Mr. Ij. Bright and wife wore out
viewing their larm and visiting rela
tives lust Thursday ,
Katie Shulenbcrg came over Satur
day evening to visit relatives and also
to attend the dance.
A. J. Baldwin of Stella was over
Monday evening to be present at the
town board mootini ;
Mesdames Speece and Bursou were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs , J. F. Shu
bert one day last week.
Mrs. Leonard Lloyd and sister Mrs.
Lewis Brlsby were Stella visitors the
latter part of last week.
Tlllle Frederick of Falls City was
the guest at the homo of J. C. Shulen-
borg one day last week.
Mrs. 1011 Rupart was a very pleasant
caller one day last week at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Shulenbcrg.
J. L. Dulbey and wife enjoyed a few
days visit from their daughter , Mrs.
Tlpton one day last > vcek.
Mr. and Mrs. Steel of Nebraska City
were in our elty visiting Mrs. Steel's
parents , A. B. Klnton and wife.
U. G. McGechlo of Broken Arrow ,
Oklahoma arrived here Tuesday for u
visit with relatives and friends.
L. Morchead of Barada shipped two
cars from hero to Kansas City Wednes
day , one of cattle and one of hogs.
Thomas Howard , formerly of this
place , but now of McDonald. Kan. , is
here visiting relatives and friends.
E. Steele and family who have been
visiting hero from Nebraska City spent
Wednesday with Nemaha relatives.
Frances Kelley accompanied by his
lady friend cumo over from Barnda
Suuuday evening to attend the dance.
Madams J. L. Speccc and Burson
started for their homes at QV& Thurs
day after a pleasant visit with friends
und relatives.
Thomas Spenee and family who have
been spending a few days with rela
tives hero returned to their homo at
Falls City Monday.
Mrs John Wolf had the misfortune
ono day last week to full und break
two rlhs and received seyeral bruises
but is getting along nicely. ,
D. C. Hunt of Nebraska City and
Mrs. Glllcaploof this place were united
In marriage at Auburn the latter part
of lust week. Congratulations are ex
Mr. Wm. James and wife , formerly
of this place , but who have made their at Per a for the past six months ,
moved the latter part of last week Into
the property which they purchased of
Mr. Imler.
Mrs Oru Davis returned Monday
from Auburn.
George Grinstead of Falls City was
in town Wednesday.
Mrs C W Roberts was in Falls City
oetwcen trains Tuesday ,
T R Carlisle and son Ray returned
home from Kansas City Tuesday.
Misses Lilllc and Mable Crook were
Falls City visitors on Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs D C Simmons and son
Gilbert went to Shubert Wednesday.
Rev S A Walton of Green Ridge ,
Mo. , preached at the Gospel Union
church Sunday.
Mrs M A Thompson of Dawson has
been visiting since Wednesday wiih
friends in town.
Elinore Estcs went to Deliver Tues
day afternoon to attend the democratic
national convention
Mrs Dora Dlllingham and MissFisher
of Washington , Kans. , visited with
Mrs C A Cook lust week.
Denom Workman , who has been vis
iting at the borne of M L , Dowell's
went to Chicago Tuesday.
Grace Harlin returned from St. Joe
Wednesday after spending about two
weeks with her sister , Mrs Spauldin ? ,
Mrs J P Grinstead entertained at C
o'clock dinner on Wednesday evening
complimentary to Mrs Laura Shirley
of Detroit and Mrs Emma Cooper of
Monterey , Tenu.
Miss Zonu Murts vlsltc'l at the home
of J T Curtis Sunday.
Karl Welck visited with his parents
near Verdon Saturday.
Alex and W G McGehlc of Broken
Arrow were In town Tuesday.
Miss Isubell Mllroy of Omaha Is vis
iting ut the home of M L Hays.
Mrs C L Day of Long Beach , Cali
fornia Is visiting relatives here.
Miss Huzcl Jenkins of Howe has been
visiting relatives the past week ,
E. V. Morgan of Fulls City was in
town over Sunday visiting friends.
Mrs Anna Ryun and daughter Mamie
of Auburn are here visiting relatives
The oat harvest Is in full swing this
week. Some of the oats are light
1 > C and J F Mullen visited at the
homo of their parents , B Mullen at this
place Sunday ,
Gene Holmlckand wife went to Ver
don the past week for n visit with the
hitter's parents.
Mrs Cora A Andrews und son Lale
of Kansas City , are here visiting rela
lives and friends.
Mrs C L McCoy and son from Ilia
wuthu , visited with her father J T
Cain at this place Monday.
Mrs McNInch and Miss Merle Har
mon of this place spent Sunday with
the former's daughter , Mrs Ray Marts
Roy Tomllnson , the decorator foi
Wheeler & Son. begun the work o
putting on a comic opera nt this place
I L Plasters , a fanner west of town
traded his driving ponies to Gee Keith
the latter part of the week for a couple
of cows.
Mr and Mrs D C Hinds left Wednes
day for Pueblo and Colorado Springs
where they will visit the Mr Hinds
The Christian Aid Society held i
bake sale at Burstler & Sons store or
Saturday asternoon and realized Slf . . ' ! ;
for their work.
The Vy" O W Lodge are working uj
u drill team and will drill the last hal
day of the picnic to be held hero the
hitter part of August.
Emrnons and Orville Butemun re
turned from Beatrice Tuesday where
they have been operating a corn pop
per at the Chautauquu.
A supply of farm hands came to towr
Monday und before they were here Ion ?
farmers were fust engaging them ane
Tuesday but one remained.
A letter from Mrs Matilda N Newel
of Colorado Springs this week tells u-
that their country is exceedingly drj
und the water supply limited.
T W Harris and son shipped three
curs of fat cuttle to the Kansas Citj
market Monday. He had forty-nine
head of very line young stock
D W Ryan of near Barada was a busl
ness visitor to this place Tuesday mor
nlng. Ho said they had a good rail
Mondny evening and that the crop ;
look tine.
Stella folks are more than glad te
know that George D Camngton , Jr. 1 :
after the nomination for stats superln
tcndent of public instruction und hope
he will get it.
The report of another wreck came
hero Saturday as bavins : occurred or
the hills near Nebraska City. The
noon passenger did not get hero until
about six o'clock.
The Stella Literary Society met Tues.
day evening In the church to discuss
plans as to the securing of talent foi
the coming lecture course , which Is be'
Ing arrunsrcd for this winter.
F K Faukell was called to doctor the
town pump Saturday so that water
could be gotten. It was hoped the
townboard would order the well cleaned
bMt thus far have fulled to do so.
The Stella Board of education met
Monday evening and reorganized the
new board for she coming year. J F !
Cain Jr was re-elected presldentf .J G
McBride , secretary and J R Bateman ,
A lawn party was held at the home
of G M Andrews on Elm street Satur
day evening in honor of Mrs Andrews' '
sister and some girl friends who arc
visiting here. The lawn was very pret
tily decorated with Japrnese lanterns.
An enjoyable time was had by all-
Sliver honor pins were given out to
about nine Sunday school scholars and
teachers Sunday morning for their be
ing present six montbs without being
absent or tardy. Another prize , a gold
pin , with the Lutheran Sunday school
in raised letters , is given to the one
who is not absent or tardy for one year.
The Sunday school has had a good at
tendance in the past six months.
Miss M C Colglazter and little daugh
ter went to Weeping Water tlio curly
part of the week to' vls'.t ' Mrs Richards.
While there Miss Colglozier also visit
ed Rev Ximinerinun and wife. Rev
Ximmerman was formerly pastor of the
Lutheran church at this place.
Mr and Mrs Joseph Marts returned
the llrst of the past week from Oklu-
homu , where they went in search of
land. They bought 172 acres before
they returned and their son is coing to
take charge of it.
S R Garrison left Saturday morning
for Echo. Minn. , to look after business
interests Mr Garrison has a home
stead near that pluco and says that the
land around that town sells for fifty
dollars an acre.
Mr und Mrs II L Hogrefe and son
Harry went to Tilden to risit the for
mer's sister Mrs Lulkart for a few days.
Miss Hazel Hogrefe has been visiting
there for some time.
Miss Eflle Hum of the Stella Tele
phone company , left Thursday for Ruskin -
kin , Meb. , where she will visit friends.
Miss Verda Timcrman is filling her
Some of the farmers in this vicinity
are stacking wheat this week. G D
Jenkins began stacking wheat for his
father about the middle of the week.
Minor H Taylor of Shubert arrived
here Tuesday. He has disposed of his
interest in the drug business and \vill
go to Sycamore Springs for bis health.
J C Lowe of Minot , N D , arrived Fri
day for u visit with his father and bro
ther at Peru. He has given up school
work and taken up court reporting.
W II Hogrefe & Company have had
their store lighted by electricity , This
leaves about three business houses yet
on the west side to be lighted.
Mr and Mrs J C Reluiers and daugh
ter Edna returned from a visit with re
latives at different points In Kansas ,
James Lambert of Powhattan , Kans ,
spent several days here visiting his
brothers and looking after his Interests.
Gus Moritz sold Joseph Wagner S
head of Aberdeen Angus steers Satur
day. They welshed near 1200 pounds.
Ernest Armstrong of Auburn spent
several days in this place the past week
und on Friday evening lead the band.
John Jenkins , wife and little daugh.
tor Ruth went to Howe to visit with
Jake Jenkins and family Sunday.
W W Marts and ininily of Auburn
vislte-d with F G Marts and W Moore
for a few days the past week.
Mrs C II Thomas and daughter Fairy
arrived Thursday for a visit with rela
tives and friends.
J D Curtis and wife left Monday for
Thomasvllle , Cole , where they gofer
for their heuUh.
Mrs II Hurshbarj.Tcr left Saturday for
a short visit with her brother at Paw
nee City.
A II Barstler went to Lincoln Thurs
day to buy fall goods and returned Sat
John Fiulan of Dawson brought a
car load of hogs to this place Thursday.
J H Holland and family spent Sun
day with their dauchter , Mrs Veal
Mrs J R Cain and son Julian arrived
Friday for a visit with relatives ,
Mrs W C Parriott of Auburn is visit
ing her parents hero this week.
A R McMullen shipped a car of fat
cattle to the market Tuesday.
G M Vocain was a guest of his sitter
Mr Stewart visited with the O'Mara
boys last week.
Floyd Firebaugh visited with Win
Hutchison Sunday.
Mrs Lloyd Kniscly is enjoying a
visit from her sister.
Will Stump and wife were guests of
Wes Nedrow's Sunday.
Mrs Wm Huettner and children spent
Sunday witb Mrs N Peck.
Mrs John Lichty anddangbterMarie
spent Monday at F S Lichty's.
Mrs N Peck and daughter visited
witb Mrs II J Pricbard Friday.
Mrs Guy Lichty is enjoying a visit
from her sisters of Kansas City.
Mrs Whitrock of Falls City visited
with her children a few days recently.
Mrs Tuck Cook visited a few days
last week with her sister Mrs Frank
Mrs Dawean and children have re
turned to their home after a two week's
visit with her mother.
The Misses Jennie and Bertha Brim
of Sabetba , Kans. , are visiting with
their sister Mrs Anson Knisely.
L C EJwards was in town Sunday.
Ben Strainer spent Sunday In St Joe.
Emma Novak came down from Oma
ha this week.
Otis Hunter and wife were In Lin
coln this week.
W. E Kentner was down from Beat
rice on business.
Mary Wutzek was seriously ill the
last of the week.
G L Beurd and wife returned Mon
day from St. Joe ,
Nina Snow Is In Tecumseh attending
the cbautuuqua.
The Jolly Dozen club met with Hu/.ol
Gravatt Friday afternoon.
J. A. Barker and wife left the last of
the week for Bennett , Neb.
Jake Vanecr , wife and daughter
were over from DuBois Friday.
Mrs. Frank Wilson departed the
past week for a visit In Denver.
H. P. Marble and family spent Sun
day at the Tecumseh chautauqua.
Bessie Benford of Nebraska visited
Angelina Rothenbergcr lust week.
A little son was born to Lon Emmer-
son and wife on Saturday , July 11.
Emma Philpot Is visiting her sister ,
Mrs. E. J. Perry at Smlthfield , Neb.
Mrs O L Unkefer entertained the
ladies kensington Tuesday afternoon.
Kozel Bros , have sold their meat
market and will give possession about
Aug 1.
Mrs. J. A. Waggoner returned Fri
day from a visit with Fails City
Marie Varner , who hu been visiting
Lllllth Waggoner returned Friday to
A D Gise and family of Table Rock
were guests at the Butterheld home
last week.
Clarence Scbwan met witb an acci
dent Friday which resulted in a broken
S. M. Philpot and wife left Friday
night for an extended visit in the west
ern states.
Anna Brien left the past week to
spend a few days with her parents at
Amerlcus , Kansas.
Rev. G. C. Aydelott and wife return
ed Friday from Kansas City where they
bad been visiting relatives.
Mrs. E = telhi Sanford arrived in the
city Saturday from Dakota City to visit
her parents , F M Williamson and wife.
Mrs. Mary Mills of Los Angeles and
her daughter. Mrs. Susie Steyens are
visiting the formers sister , Mrs F. M
Tom Smith und family and Mrs. Sue
Miller and little daughter , Naydene
are enjoying a visit with relatives at
Tonkuwu , Oklu.
Mrs. Rae E. Miller , who has been
spending several months with her par
ents , B. F. Gravatt and wife left Fri
day for Fremont.
Mrs. F. R. Butterlleld entertained a
company of ladies at her home Friday
afternoon complimentary to her niece ,
Hazel Ailing of Llacoln.
O. I. Hall , Jus. B. Davis , Frank
Kotouc and R. E. Watzke returned
Monday from Denver where they had
been in attendance at the convention.
Herb V. Dorlaud and Mra. Bell Corn
well known residents of this city went
up to Havelock , Saturday and the fol
lowing day were united In marriage ,
the ceremony taking place at the home
of Ray Cassldy and wife former resi
dents of Humboldt.
Mrs T C Roe was up from Falls City
Laura Mitchell of St Joe is visiting
relatives here.
Mrs W G Kuker was a Falls City
visitor lust week.
I L Presser and son Arthur were in
Shubert .Saturday.
Mrs C H Martin and son left Thurs
day for Oregon , MO ,
George Sailors and wife were Falls
City visitors Tuesday.
Mrs Jennie Collins of Shubart Is visiting -
iting Mrs Earl Builer.
Edna Williamson spent several days
in Falls City last week.
Sylvia Prlno was up from Falls City
Tuesday to visit her mother.
Laura Dykes of St. Joe is visiting
her mother , Mrs Viola Puett.
Conrad Gerdes and Louis Selmer-
ing were in Falls City Wednesday.
Edna Butler returned last week from
a visit in Omaha with her uncleEd
Duerfeldtand family.
DrVan Osdel was called Wednesday -
day to set a broken arm for the twelve
year old daughter of Philip Werner
who lives eight miles southeast of