The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 17, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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J *
An Adventure
with Squaws
( Copyright. )
When my brother Frank diow a
Turky number entitling him to a claim
in the El Rene land district , ho In
sisted that I should go and keep houno
for hjin while ho was "holding it
down. "
Dul jou have not got any house to
Xeep as yet , " I objected ; but Frank
only smiled.
"I shall have n house Inside of two
weeks , " ho announced ; "so you may
is well pack up and gel ready. "
Ho was as good as Ills word. In
side of two weeks his "house" was
completed If a "dug-out" In the fildo
of a hill , with a sod annex , was worthy
of the name.
"You see , " ho explained , "I got rid
of the job of hauling lumber 20 miles
by simply using what nature had pro-
Tided and placed at hand. I didn't
need anything fiom the carpenter shop
isut a window and a door and a few
boards ; those 1 took with mo. Oh , wo
shall be as snug as a bug In a rug , and
will need only a few articles of furni
ture. It Is only the imagination that
cuggcsto the necessity of such trum
pery ns this , " ho wont on with a de
precatory gesture toward the furniture
In our parlor.
I was not surprised nt Frank's out-
vnnrfl r\n
I Was Surprised to See Three Klow ;
Squaws Standing Before Me.
the rtingo and had Imhlhod much o :
the spirit of the wild life.
"But my piano I must liavo that , '
I replied.
Frank looked at the celling ant
gave vent to a prolonged whistle. " /
pianoforte In a dug-out ! " ho said. "Du
of couruo you are only joking ? "
I assured him that 1 was not.
"Dut what would the boys think o
us ? " ho asked.
"What boys ? "
"Tho boys off the range that go
tlultus down in the Wolf Creek val
lay. "
"Do you think It necessary to cor
mil them about our household a !
fairs ? "
"But the absurdity of the propos
lion ; how are we to Ignore that ? " h
"Never mind. " I to-piled. "Wo sha
manage-that all right. 1 know It mus
bo very lonely on a claim , and I kmv
Jon would not want mo to do wlthoi
t'.io comlort cf my piano. "
"Of course tut. ol > > ; but you muf
Xnow that In a solhuuao the acoustic
would naturally bo ubumltmbln. " anne
no laughed softly. "Dut If you at
bound to Introduce a planofotto Inl
Wolf Creek valley for the benollt of 1
society , I suppose you'll have to ha\
your way. " So the matter was settle
and when my goods were packed n :
piano was among them.
Frank's shuck stood on the Hide of
Jlttle elevation overlooking Wolf croc
and It was a beautiful place ; but tl
fact that not a sign of human habit
lion was in sight gave It an aspect
kincllncss and desolation that was i
most oppressive at first. As the da :
went by and as I became accustomi
to the Isolation I grow to llko It.
busied myself In doing what I could
make the Interior of our homo mo
tttlructlvo. Wo had but two roou
eparated by a partition of roollli
paper , and as these were very sin :
1 soon had the walls covered wl
paper and the few pictures I h
I used the boxes our household goo
had been packed in to make vario
articles of furniture. The small
ones I constructed into stools , whicl
covered with colored prints. T
larger ones I used to make n couc
and this I covered with cretonne
fanciful design , Btufflng it with t
leather-like prairlo grass. I fashion
ome sofa pillows out of the sama n
torial used in upholstering the coui
and these I placed In ono corn
imping It with dimity curtains.
When Frank saw what I had be
doing ho laughed. "I suppose you m\
fiavt something to do to while aw
th time , " he commented. "What
y&tf you did not bring a chafing dl
Mmovar and a five-o'clock tea o
9tT Th leaden of the social at
\V < If ( . . < ' A ; ' < < MV : talv" it into
thUr heads to jmy u " 'fir H-RPPCIS. "
"Thou there Is u social set In Wolf
Creek valley ? "
" 1 suppose no , " ho replied. "Most of
our neighbors , I find , ate Klowas , who
took allotments In the valley. I think
Lnmo Dog , the Klown , might bo con
sidered as the loader of the fashion
able set. Ho Is very dlsulpated , drinks
and gambles anil bus three wives.
Lame Dog usually makes his calls un
der cover of darkness , Invariably car
rying away with him unknown to his
host porno little souvenir of the visit ,
such ns a pony or other detached prop
erty. Dut the three Mrs. Uuno Dog ,
wu may expect , will use more formali
ty In their calls , and I should not bo
surptlncd to sec them drop In any
day. "
I was half persuaded that Frank was
only Joking , but nevertheless I was
quite sure that ho was in earnest when
ho continued :
"if they should happen to drop In
you will bo expected to offer thorn
somothlng to cat. An Indian always
expects this. It will do no harm to
keep on friendly terms with thorn. "
Dut despite Frank's admonition , 1
think I should have shut the door on
the visitors when they came for they
did como some three days later had
It not boon for the sympathy I had for
the Httlo copper-colored papooses
strapped on boards , and the fact that
some of Frank's friends on the range
had brought us nearly n whole quarter
of beef , which equipped mo to moot
the demands of the occasion.
I was preparing dinner and Frank
was sitting by the window cleaning
his rlflo when , happening to stop to
the door , I was surprised to see three
Klowa squaws standing before mo.
They were very wretched and dirty ,
but perfectly healthy specimens of hu
manity. Each was wrapped In a blan-
kat und carried on her back some
thlng that resembled a snowshoe , to
which was bound with buckskin
thongs a little brown papooso.
The visitors greeted mo in broken
English , and insisted on shaking hands
with mo. Then , without more ado ,
they entered the shanty and began In
specting the furniture and draperies
with chlld-liko simplicity.
Tlio Instinct of barter is strong in
the Indian , and they began to banter
mo to trado. Ono offered mo her
blanket for the drapery In the corner ,
and another a pair of moccasins for
the covering on the couch. They
wore all three talking at once , gestlc
ulatlng at this and that article ol
furniture , each trying as well as hot
limited vocabulary would permit tc
strike a bargain with me , so that In
my bewilderment I felt as if I had
suddenly been called to preside over e
bargain counter.
Frank looked on the scene with
evident amusement. I was helpless
and know not what to say or do. All
the time I was planning In my mint !
how to gut rid of the disagreeable vis
Itors. I think Frank divined whal
was In my mind , for presently he suggested
gosted that the quickest and sures' '
solution was to servo the visitors wltl
refieshtnunts , and I was glad onougl
to act on the suggestion.
When the meal was finished thoj
sat down In the middle of the llooi
and began to jabber to ono anothoi
In their own language. Present ! ]
they spied the piano which was open
and it was evident that the sight of 1
aroused their curiosity to the hlghcs
pitch. They gathered about the In
strument , talking volubly and touchlnj
It with their hands ns If It had beci
some sort of an animal which they expected
pected to move at their touch.
"Heap teeth ! " cried ono , waving he
hand In the direction of the keyboard
"Oh ! Mah-choo-loo-thee ! "
I was qultu sure they had neve
seen a piano bofoie , for when ono o
them happened to touch ono of th
keys , the sound produced caused he
to Jerk her hnnil away and atop one
In momentary terror.
At this Juncture Frank suggoste
t tlmt 1 play for my visitors , anil move
hy a sudden impulse , 1 sat down o
the stool and struck the keys. Th
effect on the visitors was startllni
They retreated quickly to the far en
of the room , jabbering Incessantly an
pointing to the Instrument. Tumln
my gaze from them I went on playln
selecting a pleco from Wagner su
posing that It would llkoly prove t
I ,
pleasing to the uncultivated ear of tl
three Klowas aa anything else.
I must have presented a strango-
even n terrifying aspect for as tl
notes died away , I turned to find thi
the visitors had disappeared ai
Frank was laughing ,
' I went to the door to see the thn
squaws boating n retreat from tl
house. At sight of ma la the doc
way they uttered excited ojaculatlor
I never saw the three Mrs. Lati
Dog again , nor wns I bothered by ai
more visitors from the trlbo , but
learned afterwards that I waa knov
as the "Mad Whlto Squaw , who mai
the big box howl llko the hung
coyotes , " which Frank declared w
a very titling tribute to my art ns
musician. But for all his badinage ,
am sure that ho was glad I brought r
piano to the claim , for ho remark
that it not only served to make r
to more contented , but opened up f
h , the Instrument a wider field of ui
of fulness , not the least of which w
led its use ns an extinguisher of unw
left como visitors.
h , Bandbox.
ir , Pearl Lot me see. I wonder wh
it was that Pandora had in that we
m derful box ?
st Ruby Oh. I It waa a
* wtfj SM * guess v n ! new i
tumn hat Chicago Dally News.
At the Wvrld > V a .
Aa our lacllOftUoni , 10 o r oplnl
el' ' o tb .
( CopyrlBlit. )
"Well , how did you llko the city ,
Hnfos ? " nskod the ndmlrnl.
HfibB , perched on a high Btool In
front of the tniio-mnchlno , censed
pulling the impor ribbon through her
flngors nntl looked up.
"I'm waver hovered , " says sho. "It's
the figures. I never was good nt
awlfmotlc. "
"Oh , the Quotations ! They nro puz
zling when you're not used to them , "
agrees the admiral.
"I never Hliall ho , " admits Dabs. "I
never could learn the multiplication
table. When people say eight times
nine's fifty-free , how can you toll If
It's twue ? "
The admiral ponders the Indictment
hoforo ho answers. "Your Illustra
tion certainly does place arithmetic In
n new light. All the same , business
would bo rather dull on the stock ex-
changu without It. Kb , Mr. Hands ? "
Ilabs throws a glance over her
shoulder at the stock broker. "If
flngs go up free points how much
would I make on a fousaml ? " she
asks him.
The Question took him by surprise.
Ho had boon regarding the earl's small
daughter with great Interest , but hard
ly an a potential dealer.
"It depends , Lady Barbara , " ho
smllos. "Depends whether It's stocker
or shares. "
" 1 was flnkln' of Mexicans second
prefs , " observes Dabs , sagely.
It Is as much as Mr. Hands can
do to answer. "A rise of three points
on a thousand Mexicans means 30
profit , " ho stammers.
"Fanks , " says Dabs , and becomes
Immersed In the tape once more.
People who meet Dabs for the first
tlmo are usually bewildered by her
haby-llko perspicuity , and the stock
broker Is no exception to the rule.
The admiral evades his glances of
stupefaction by addressing Dabs.
"What Is the trouble , little lady ? "
ho asks , leaning over her chair.
"Noffln1 ; I'm waver busy , " she an
swers without moving her eyes from
the tape.
The admiral dutifully moves away
and rejoins the earl and Mrs. Fane ,
who are now In consultation with Mr.
Hands. Mrs. Fane has certain in
vestments to make , and the earl , her
The Men Come and Stand Over Hei
Watching the Ribbon.
Tustee , has accompanied her Into thi
Ity. For reasons not yet apparent
Habs has Insisted on being of th
party , and persuaded the admiral t
make It a partle carroe.
While the tape machine ticks an <
Jerks under the regard of her big blu
eyes , the others go Into the merits o
Japanese fours , colonial govornmen
securities and English rails , and 1
duo course Mrs. Fane's business 1
disposed of.
"W may as well have a flutter , noi
we're here , " suggests the earl to hi
sailor friend.
The admiral concurs with a no <
"What would you advise ? " he asks th
stock broker.
"Grand Trunks and Hudson Hay
are looking up , " answers Mr. Hand
"You'd much better stand In wl
me , " murmurs Babs from the othc
end of the room.
Mr. Hands sits with start
10 up a , the
turns an inquiring face to his client
"What Is It , Babs ? " asks the a
m mlral. "I didn't know you were n
leas authority on stock exchange transa
tlons. "
as "I'm perfec\ly serious. " Insists Dab
asa "If you want to earn your winter
corn , buy Mexican second profs , "
Mr. Hands , through his plnce-nc
ed eyes her In a fascinated way , but fee
11 0 compelled to dissent. "The very la
or thing to touch. No dividend oxpec
10- od , you know , " ho observes In an u
as dertono tc the carl.
ol "I know .t'B not expected , " retun
Babs , whose sharp oars have caug
the words. "But there's goln' to bo
dividend , all vo some. It's a stab
at secret. "
in * "My dear child ! " reprove * Mi
Fane , fearful of the stock broker ta
lU Ing offense. "How can you know an
thing about U ? "
"Oh , I've Known It for a coupls
fortnlshti. I had It stwolt from tl
BelUtsJni. "
"BcUtelctt" repeat ! Mn.
nfvcr hrard of thorn. Dabs does get
to know the strangest people ! "
"Iloltsleln ! " exclaims Mr. Hands
with sudden Interest. "Ho'a the lendIng -
Ing operator In the Mexican-market ! "
"Where did you pick them up ,
Ilabs ? " Inquires her father.
"I didn't. They picked me up In the
park ono tiny and took me for a wldo
In their motor car. It'o n Cantilever ,
and mops up pctwol by the bucketful.
Tliat'B how 1 got my Illustrated froat. "
"Mops ! " gasps Mrs. Fano. "Really ,
Dabs , you do got hold of the most ex
traordinary "
"Let's hear about her new friends , "
Interposes the carl. "Who are they ,
Dabs ? "
"I only V-now Percy , weally. He's
their son. I met him at a Juvenllo
party ; but I got my maid to look them
up In "Who's Who , " and It says
they're an old Jacoblto family. There
Is somclln' curious about their noses.
And old Mr. DcltBteln takes hours to
tell you anyflng evan wlv all the Us
left out. "
"Dut where do they live ? " demands
Mrs. Fane.
"In n place called Dayswater
where the 'buses come from , " explains
"Was It at the party that Mr. Percy
became confidential about Mexicans ? "
asks the admiral.
Dabs allows her diminutive shoul-
dorr n aMghtly contemptuous shrug.
"Yea , " Hho admits. "When a boy Is
epwls wlv you he always tells you his
pwlvate affairs. "
Mrs. Fane dooms It essential to lift
her eyebrows censoriously.
"It was private , then ? " ponders the
"Ravhor , daddy ! Ho said the only
over person besides me who knew a
word about It was the head rabbit. "
There Is a pause while they revolve
her meaning.
"Chief Rabbi ! " exclaims Mr. Hands ,
with sudden inspiration. "It must bo
something very exceptional , or Belt-
stein wouldn't would you mind tell
ing us exactly what he said , my
dear ? "
Doforo Dabs answers she opens the
Httlo Jeweled bag lhat hangs on her
ivrlst and exhibits a banknote.
"You'll put this on for mo ? " sha
asks. "It's some of my 'Sarewltch'
wlnnln's. "
"That's all right , Dabs , " promises
the admiral.
"Well , " proceeds Dabs , while the
throe men hang on her words , "he
said he'd hoard his favor say that
Mexicans were goln' to soar to heaven
when the dividend came out , and that
if I could pick up a few seconds profs
in the street next Friday before free
o'clock I should go home foelln' li
carat. And I wasn't to bwearo a wort
to anyone. "
"What a little horror the boy mus1
bo ! " deprecates Mrs. Fane.
"He is , " allows Dabs ; "but It's
soft flng all the same. "
"Friday three o'clock ! " muses Mr
Hands , looking at his watch. "If wi
only can "
"Spoil the Egyptians ! " augment
the earl grimly.
There is a short consultation be
tween the three men and then Mi
Hands hurries out
Five minutes later ho returns
rather out of breath , and announce
that ho has got 11,000 second prefoi
ence at C1V4 five each for the oar
and the admiral , and the odd thousam
for Dabs.
"It's like racln' , only not so excll
In' , " observes Dabs as she turns one
more to the tape.
As she speaks , the machine , whlcl
has been silent for half a minute , rt
commences ticking. The men com
and stand over her , watching It. *
good yard and a half of ribbon slowl
exudes In spasmodic Jerks , giving th
prices of various stocks and shnrei
The office clock points to five minute
past three and Mr. Hands , watching 1' '
grows anxious.
"Here they come ! " crie * Dabs , a
the words MEX 1st appear , followe
by the price , and then 2nd Is dii
closed with the quotation 01 % . Mi
Hands seizes the ribbon and reads o
the figures that are now coming a
fast as the operator at the other en
can send them.
"Two to a half three three and
quarter four ! " Ho ignores the fln
i preference stock. "Four and a half-
i five ! Dividend three and throe-qua
tcrs per cent. ! Well , I never ! "
"That's good enough ! " cries th
earl. "Detter close. They'll be up ai
other point by the tlmo you get to th
house ! "
3 Once more Mr. Hands hurries out-
thls time , In his excitement , forgettln
his hat. Dabs climbs down from h <
"It's all over bar the shoutln' , " st
remarks calmly. "How much hai
wo won , daddy ? "
"Dy Jove , they've touched 60 !
cries the admiral at the tape.
"You'll rake in at least 60 for yoi
share , young woman ! " laughs tl
Dabs looks up with a smile at tl
admiral. "Well , how do you like tl
city , shipmate ? " she asks mlechle
"I think it's a thundering fine plai
to como to with you , Dabs ! " is h
prompt answer.
"I'm so glad , " sbo drawls. "Dut
flnk the Beitstelns have a good deal
do wlv it. I shall have to leave can
on thorn to-morrow , I suppose. "
"You may as well leave mine , tc
Babs. " says Mrs. Fane meekly.
How l ThltT
If you hear that a woman Is a genl
it does not surprise you. But
somebody says she cap cook you fi
dead. Chicago Record-Herald.
Btypnd Understanding.
What a woman lUtes aWjut her ht
band taplanln ! hl polUUsU s
can't undent&nd it any MUff tai
ho d M.
Summer Days
arc those in which you don't want to feel
uncomfortable or be annoyed with tooth
aches or tooth troubles of an- kind If they
can be avoided. If your teeth need filling ,
bridging1 or crowning we will do it so care
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dot. scientifically.
Falls City , Nebraska
rsT2"T/ * * * T'W' * ' $ *
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Your account solicited. * $ ?
May 22d , 1903 $20,493.23
May 22d , 1905 $35,174.03 J
May 22d , 1907 $39,225.17 * ?
May 22d , 1908 $61,079.08
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* > ( Operating Under State Inspection and Control )
l * * ! * * ! * * * ! *
111 ii 111111111 n 111111 in
D. S. flcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Hill Illlll Mill II IIII'HH '
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska |
Office nnd residence first door
north of city pnrk. Phone 2GB.
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
] ) R ; M. I. WILSON
Office and Residence over
McMillan's Drug Store.
Phone 329. FALLS CITY , MSB.
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Olllco over Kerr's Pharmacy
Olllco Phone 2GO Residence Phone 271
* W. S. PAST
Phone , : ( Residence 160
Phone 248 Over Richardson Count :
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