THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 17 , 1908. Notice. 8KUM > lln > H , ( MAhhtn Uni Von DOJ.DNi ) erteelvrd 1 > > thi'lunnl of Mienlreirf | of Urnl ; HP Dlftiict No , Utllitl sii ! tj t < wiU.Ndii kn , nt tlioir nllico in Tails City. Nphrnnkn , up * o'clock p. in. , of AtiKtit > t 1 , IWw , for the Milo I noud * nnmlKTs 1 to W. t < ch of the dpiiomUmtk of Sl.CPO , mntiirlni ? $10 too cnch } ir from H'13 ' i IBli , behiB l rt of mi K .ue of $ JiWX ) of tl nondtotmlddminnso district , Ix'nrltiB tire p cent pemi-nnmml Interest , ifitcd for the pn po o of construction of dltchei. lot re * , etc. All b ! < N under former notice ere rcjecte * in hoped thntmmi } Innd owncroill tn k n ni ttfitiiKOof the following pro\l lon of the drnlt V . * > . Ul Un't nrc iMUpdninfoioviUI , mi ) person , \\ho' ' 11 ( 'i ' or property lm\o Ix'ou n es-ed for honcfi i nld district , innj pa } the totnl ns o gmei fj-'nilitt his property or mis trnct thereof mid tl proj erty on which the n" esMnents nro BO pni thnllbo released from the Hen of said dr lnnj nweMiiiMit. " It la not iiece nry to l > ld on tl wholn.0.000. Ifin , can 1)11 } ( inn bond in ikn hid. Thcf-o lx > udn considered n Kood , wife li TpMinciit nnd otmhl to IM tnkeli In tld count ) . DAMM , llii.GV , Chnlrninii , 2S-3 I.i son , Nebrnski Kirnt imbllrnticm Julj 10Wi. . Letfal Notice. To the Unknown Heirs of 1'eter llolen , decen'iH > . 1:11 : isorcKl i.i ) thnt the plnlntifl , n * , did. on the 2Mh of Apr ! : uSl . li'slii ' pstltlon In thoHerk'N OllicoOf th ao Uljt 0)iirt of Hichnrdson county. Neb IM ' 'ml ) ' "it > the object nnd pnijcrof wlilcliist on'ill i dioroi of said court nuietlni ; the tltl It i Mil" i tlu Sin thwpst Qnorter of the Nortli iff i > > Section ; )0 ) , To\Hi hp ! 1 nortl in 'it ) I/ , in Kirhnril on count ) , Nel > . , on th in' ' Hi liltHild pIidntilT hml lidranced nil th , 'i V ' ) pure' ! IH pidd lnnd from the Kovern 'ni ot t ho U ilted 8tnto , the Niid 1'eter Hole , go his llf etlm * ImvltiR bouvht thu land from th ( jovern-n cut nt pub lie nle pnrpimnt to mi Act o ttitroi4 | ii'Ulorizi nu tlinsnleof cprtnln hinds o We8te\ : Fox triba of JHouri Indians , ninoni . , heh ( wi s the hind nbovo de crll > ed , mid innd Jayinnt of the hrs t inMnllmcnt of the ptirchns ' nco thcr ofor , us proUded by Bnid net of con tress. T hntenld I'utor llolen cold nil hU riKht fitlc and InlofL'it in mid Innd to tlili plnintif i.or n val unblo cons idorntion mid wns relinhurHo * > thi 'p InintifT for the nmouut of the first in "tnllmeat of the iurchn o money paid by tali 1'eter Hoi en , nnd Unit nil HiibsMiitent instnlbnent hnvoboon paid by plnlntlllnswainKrced Iratneci them , nnd ho li therefore entitled tothopnpe fee simple tltlo to said land nndn decree iinlcUni the tltlo to the saino in him , im priced in hi petition. Vou vn K ruivniFn NOTIULD that unless 501 plead , nn sner or demur to oaid petition on o before the 10th day of AiiRti t , 1WS , snid potitloi will b3 tn ken'in true nnd judgment entered there on accord iiinly. This pu blicntion is made by order of his honor John H. Itnpar , Jud o of Hild District Court rwiulrint ; tliocamo to bo published in "Tho Fnlli City Tribune , " n newspaper publlsln1 * ! in tuiii ItlcliardKon eonnty nnd ot t-'euernl circnlntioi therein , for the period of four \veekb , from th < 2Uthdiyof Juno , UK)3. Hr.uiNil HE VIS , 2J-lt Attorneys for 1'laintia. (1'irst ( publication Juno 2ii ) Don'tReadThis Unless You Want to Know Something Don't t:0 : Chautauqua Unless You Want to Laugh and Learn DOLLIVERis"IT" in loWa TAYLOR is "IT" in Tennessee Entertainment and Con cert Companies are First Class. The date is Aug. 7th to 16th Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. WRAVKR Fok-y's Orlno Laxative , the now lax ative , stimulates , but does not irritate. It is the best laxutlve. Guaranteed or your money back. Kerr's pharmacy. Heart Strength Heart Strength , or Heart Weakness , means Nerra Strength , or Nerve Weakness nothing inoro. I'o - Itlvelr. not ono weak heart In a hundred Is. In It- elf. actually diseased. H If almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that rnally U all at fault. This obscure nerve the Cardlf > . or Heart Nerva tlraply needs , and must have , more power , more stability , more controlling , more governing strength. Without that the lluirt niu t cuiitinue to tall , and the stomach and kidneys also have these came controlling nerves. ThU clearly explains whr as a medicine , Dr. Bhoop's Restorative has In the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Or. Snoop first sought the cause of all this painful , palpitating , suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Snoop's Restorative this popular prescription Is alone directed to these weak and nastln ? nervn centers. It builds ; iCstrengthens : U otters real , genuine heart help. It you would have strong Hearts , strong di gestion , strengthen tbeae Lnerve * reiUbllib them as needed , with Dr. Shoop's Restorative ( ALL DEALERS ) The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is tba original laxative cough syrup , contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold ofl through the natural channels , Guaranteed to satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER FROM HAWAII. Items of Interest Taken From Th Honolulu Star. Through the kindness of Archi McCoy , \vo this week hud Hie pleiu tire of Bcunninp ; n newspaper pnl lished nt Honolulu , mid Bent hii by his brother , Thurston. who is i that city with the great America lleet , being on the battleship Geot gin. It is the ileet edition of th Hawaiian Star and is composed o twenty-eight pages. It is replet with good reading , bearing on th many industries of that countrj and as to advertising , well it wouli put most of us to shame , as almcB every known business is advertise ! in its columns. After reading th paper and noting the many im provements already accomplishei there , and realizing how little i known of that country by our read ers , we will take from that pape the following facts about the cit ; of Honolulu. Honolulu has : 45,000 inhabitants , includiui 1-1,000 Hawaiians , 12,000 Japnnese 6,800 Chinese , u-100 , Portuguese Ii500 , Americans , British and Ger mans , 800 Porto Ricans , 1000 Xo reaus , 1,200 other nationalities. 170miles of streets. 2(5 ( miles of electric car service Telephone service , with 1,50 ( sudscribers. Five public parks. Aquarium. Free museum , containing tlu rarest and largest collection of Ha waiian curiosities and antiquities 4GlJr pupils in public schools. 32GS pupils in private schools. 29 church editices. Three first class hotels. Two electric lighting plants. Three ice factories. Tannery. Brewery. Two iron foundries. Two fertilizer factories. Lime kiln. Coffee pulping and cleaning mill. Five rice mills. Five planing mills. Sanitary steam laundry. Petroleum gas factory with dailj capacity of 500,000 cubic feet. 230 licensed automobiles. 1G9 licensed carriages. Three daily newspapers printed u English. Seven banks. Chamber of Commerce. Merchants' Association. Hawaii Promotion Committee. Stock and Bond Exchange. Trade and Labor Council. Hawa ian Sugar Planters' Asso- nation. Hawaiian Historical Society. 58 policemen. 109 police call boxes. Battalion of U. S. Infantry , Seven companies of the National jJuard. Two military bands. Public baud concerts. Public water works with daily : apacity of 8,000,000 gallons. Paid fire department. 74 electric fire alarm boxes. Public Library. Young Men's Christian Associa- ion. Young Men's Institute. Young Women's Christian As- lociation. Five social clubs. Flourishing branches of Ma- ionic , Odd Fellows , Knights of Pythias , Foresters , Grand Army if the Republic , United States War Veterans , American Legion of Hon. > r , Sons of the American Revolu- ion , Daughters of the American devolution , Sons of St. George , \.ncient Order of Hibernians , Red Men , Eagle and Elk fraternities. Associated Charities. Six charitable societies. Two opera houses. Three boat and yacht clubs. Polo , golf , tennis , football , base- jail , and cricket clubs. Steam railroad communication vith most plantations on the island. Cable communication with San Francisco and Manilla. Steamship communication with ill ports and landings in the Ter ritory. Aerial telegraph communication ivith Islands of Hawaii , Maui and Kauai. Two liberally endowed hospitals. 29 licensed physicians. 15 dentists. Three agricultural experiment stations. United States Naval Station. Marine railway. More Mall-Order Duslness. To Business Mon Every local merchant in Nc braska has felt the unfair compc tition of the custom mail-ordt house. There is a stale associi tion of merchants , the object c which is to make sentiment antaf : onizing the mail order bnsincei The local merchant contends thn it is unjust to him , a local taxpnj or to permit a company paying n taxes in the state to ship into Nebraska community merchandis at prices less than the local mei chant can atl'ord to sell for , be cause of the insurance , tax nm rental rales lie is compelled to pa for the privilege of doing bushiest He is casting about for som means by which the mail orde business may bo stamped out. In this connection , it is interest ing to cite one phase of the situn tion in Butler county , brough about by some of the towns whos people voted not to issue liquo licenses. A David City banke writes that immediately upon tin adoption of the dry policy , ther sprang up an active mail orde business in wet goods. The sniin is true in Beatrice. All sucl money , of course , leaves the coun ty , and while ns much liquor ai formerly may bo consumed , tin volume of local money is depleted It is said on good authority tha every Saturday night trains fron Kansas City to Topeka carry man ] mail order original packages o wet goods for the individual con sumer at Topeka. A well known citizen of Cook Nebraska , writes of the mail ordei business in wet goods as appliec to that town as follows : "In on ( month there has been shippet into Cook seven and one-half bar rels of wine and whiskey ant twenty barrels and five cases ol beer. " The Chamber and Commerce ol Savannah , Georgia , has issued n circular stating that the new pro hibition law of the state has creat ed an immense mail order traffic in liquor amounting to something like $200,000 a month , which if leaving the state , and in return foi which liquor is received for local jonsumption , During the days when the pol icy of prohibition was sought to be enforced in Iowa , the mail arder business from the Omaha liouses into the various towns of ivestern Iowa was enormous ; the noney of course , leaving the lo al jommnnities of Iowa to enhance the profits of the Omaha dealers. The enactment of the Mulct tnx aw in 1891 put a stop to most of the traffic. These instances are few compared - pared with the large number with- n the knowledge of the people of Nebraska towns svhich have gone Iry. The Federal Supreme court ins. in three notable cases , do- sided that no valid law could be passed to prevent a citizen of one state ordering liquor shipped from mother state for his own use ; : herefore the original package nail-order traffic in wet goods is itrictly legitimate from a legal point of view , or , at any rate , the ight cannot be abridged by law. It is a question for local mer- ihnntB and taxpayers to decide for -hemselves whether or not they mall favor a local policy which , vould be certain to build up an mtnense mail-order business , thus creating a constant drain upon the noney of any town adopting that policy. A Revelation. It Is a revelation to people , the severe : ases of lung trouble that have been : ured by Poley's Ilonoy and Tar. It lot only stops the cough but heals and itrengthens the lungs , L. M. Ruprgles , 3easnor. Iowa , writes : "The doctors > ald I had consumption , and I got no jetter until I took I'oley's Ilonoy and Par. It stopped the hemorrhage and lain in my lungs and they arc now as iound as a bullet. " Korrs pharmacy Pain will depart in exactly 20 min- lies if ono ol Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere. Re- ncmbcr ! Pain always means conges- , ion , blood pressure nothing else. Eleadncho is blood pressure ; toothache s blood pressure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablets also : allcd Pink Pain Tablets quickly and safely coax this blood pressure away 'rom pain centers. Painful periods /vlth / women get Instant relief. 20 Tab- ots 25c. Sold by all dealers. THE TROUBLES OF "DUNCH" Hiawatha's "Dad Nigger" Is In Heap o' Trouble. "Bunch" Alexander blew hit town from Falls Oily on a aid door Pullman early on the tnon : ing of the Fourth. Ho wandore around town and ShoriiV Scama arrested hint on a warrant swor out by Officer Xeiber , chargin him with stealing a ride on train. When ho came up bofor the justice at 10 o'clock Momla ; ho asked lime to got some of hi friends to help him out. lie wa given until It o'clock and failei to find one. He then plead guilt and was sentenced $25 and cost and committed to the county jail He would also have been handei 550 days but ho promised to go I work in the country. If ho doe not keep his promise he will b jerked up for vagrancy and givoi time to leave town. "Bunch'1 ha got to leave town or get all tin punishment coming to him. Oi account of being held here hi could not attend justice court ii Falls City Monday morning when he is to answer to the charge o burglary. It seems that "Bunch1 has become enough of a criminate to have two court engagements a one time. lie did not count 01 being detained by the Hiawatlu end of the business , and not ( lin ing to again steal a ride on a trail it is doubtful if he was able to gel to Falls City. Ho says that walk ing doesn't agree with his health , Hiawatha World. Knockers' Just Desert. Do you know what we thmli is the best story in the Biblei It may surprise you , but it's about Noah and the flood. We say this even in the face of edU' cated tollcs , who turn up theii noses and declare this story n fake. You remember Noah had to work a long1 time on that ark , [ t was uphill business , too , at best , to go on toiling- and sweat ing day after day in the hot sun , building- boat away out on the Jry land while the local anvil ind hammer club sat around , spitting- tobacco juice upon his [ umber , whittling up his pine aoards with their jack knives ind telling- him what a fool he , vas to expect a big- rain in a : ountry that was too dry to grow ilfalfa. But he kept at it. Fin- illy the flood came , and every nother's son of the croakers vere drowned. This is the only nstance we know of , either in iacred or profane history , where i bunch of knockers got exactly vhat was coming to them. Dawson News Boy. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the ummor one needs a tonic to olTsct the ustomary hot weather Nerve and itrength depression. You will feel tetter within 48 hours after beginning 0 take such a remedy as Dr , Shoop's lestoratlvo. Its prompt action in re- toring the weakened nerves is surpris- ng. Of course , you wont get entirely trong in n few days , but each day you an actually feel the improvement. ? hat tired , lifeless , spiritless , feeling rill quickly depart when using the iestoratlve. Dr. Shoop's Restorative rill sharpen a fulling appetitn ; It aide ligestlon ; it will strengthen the weak- ned Kidneys and Heart by simply re- iiillding the worn-out nerves t.lnit thcec rgans depend upon. Teat it u few lays and bo convinced. Sold by al lealors. Hiawatha July 12-18 "The Hiawatha Chautauqua July 12-18 , 1908 , in a tent opposite Public Square. Tent comfortably seats 2,000 people and comfort- ble seats have been provided Junsaulls , Waters , Carleton Lee , jov. Johnson , all the Big Politicians Vm. Allen White , Victor Murdock , Senator Long , J. L. Brlstow , Cyrus .eland , W. R. Stubbs , W. A. Harris , md many others. The Chicago layers and Signers Club , Vandas nos and her girls , Pamhaskla and its pets , and many other entertain- srs. Swimming Pool , and Moving alctures. " _ _ _ Delay in commencing treatment lor 1 slight irregularity that could have > een cured quickly by Foley's K dnoy Remedy may result tn a ccrious kidney llseasc. Foley's Kidney remedy builds ip the worn out tissues and strengthens hese organs. Commence taking it to- lay. Kerr'a pharmacy. gWIMtMtM1MlM1F11M1MIMintMIMFIMIMIM1M1M1MMIM1MtrX ! ! ! | . . .SEASONABLE GOODS. . . 1 g Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure rat fc would interest you at this season of the year.S " " " The MOTOR WASHER , a Monday morning - 3 ing ; necessity that you cannot afford 3 to be without. | 2 Then we have the JEWEL GASjl OLINE STOVE , the ALASKA 3 221 REFRIGATOR , the house wife's j | cr.fcsiM friends this hot weather. 3 Lowe Bros' . , PAINT | will interest you , both in quality and 3 price. - CALL AND LOOK THROUGH OUR LINE g J. C. TANNER i jP Ours Arc "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY , NEB. Hg tCHAS. M. WILSON'S } Headquarters for Cut Glass , Fancy China , Jardinicrs , Chamber Sets , Glassware , Dinnerware | ; 100 = Piece Dinner Sets from $10.00 to $40.00 J A complete stock of Good Groceries * at reasonable prices. ' * CHAS. M. WILSON'S | i The Falls City Roller Mills Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the following1 brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN c < ! I ) The above brands .ire gunrantccd to be of the highest pos I ) sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and O conduct a general < I ) ) O Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business < ) I } i ; and bolicit a share of your patronage i > P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City , Nebr. PRESTON r GRAIN and LUMBER CO. Wlien you liave Grain or Hogs to market do not forget that \ve pay the top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE i "When you need anything in Lumber or Builders' Material call on us we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. T ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. FRUIT PACKERS Berry Boxes , Crates , Baskets of all kinds , including various styles of Cilmax Baskets , Ap ple barrels , cider kegs and bar rels. Write for prices. st. Joseph , MO. J. A. Schroer & Co. LEED'S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED , PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY O-EMX O NEBRASKA