The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 10, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Lerfsx.1 Notice.
Heolecl liroiio-wli" nilln > M > tt to tlio ttoiiornlilp
Mnfur nnilclt ) couiicllniiilonilorpi < < l"l > ro [ > Knli (
for Imllilliin I'owi-r Home nt liluM nmlVntor
t'limt of FnlU Citi" will bo recflvisl lit HIP olllce
< if tht citj-clerk lit tin-clt > nt Falls City. Nelir. ,
until 12 o'clock noon. Mnmlnrd tlnio .Inly SOlli ,
IWtf , mul O.OII < H | at , 7iO : : | > . m. nt tliudly Hull ,
fur tlu > furnlslilng ii [ nil inntoriiil. labor nml
< VtlIimIUIt | | tlltli | < tl to flrOl CdllHlU'tO , CltjV
1'owor llmi'c1. nil In nccordrnico with tlivccucral
fl'ocilicntlon nml Instructions to bidden < m lilo
nt the otJIeu of tliu City KiiKlnrer nml City Clerk ,
Hulls City , Ncbr. Work tncoiiKlct of Imlldiiu :
I'OWIT HOOM ? , on concrete foundations prvimrcd
by city.
All bids mint bp mndp upon blank fomn to IKI
obtnlned of tlio City Knitlncer. mn t isivn the
prlco proposed , both in wrltinc nnd in huuree ,
and lx > clKiiod by tlie bidder with his nddrpss.
Unch bid to be accompanied by a certified
cheek for iifty dollnrp ( $ ' > 0.w ; imjnhlo to tlin City
of 1'nlli Oily , cnld check to bo returned to the
bidder unless liu full to execute tlw contract ,
fliimUl it lie awarded him. A bond of mi muouiit
to lie tixed by the .Mnjor ilud Council will bo ie
Hiiired for the faithful performance of the con
The City reserves the rluht to reject any or nil
Mil * or to accept any bid without explanation.
\v. W. AliHKV. Major
\V. A. 8CIIMEL7FI. , City Clerk ,
J. A. ( . 'ROOK , City Diwlneer
1'irst I'nblicatlon Jnno Jrt. a times .
( First publica'tlon Jnno 2rt )
Legal Notice.
To the Unknown Heirs of 1'eter Itolen , deceased :
You AUK itrnEiiv NOTinmi tlint the plaintllT ,
Henjamin F. 1'oteot , did , on the 2 : > th of April ,
1MH , tile MB iK'tition In the Clerk's Olllco of the
District Court of ItlciianUon county. Nob. ,
nyalnst jnu , the object nnd pmjerof which into
obtain a decree of Bald court ipiietinK thn title
in him to the Southwest ( Jnarter of the North-
cast Quarter of Section lit ) , Township 1 north ,
Kanco 17 , in HicknnUon county , Neb. , on the
KrnnmlR that Mild plnlntllT had ndwincod nil the
money to purchiBo paid lands from the Korern-
nicnt of the United Htates , the paid IVtor Holeu
in his lifetime haviiiK bought the land from the
KUTirnmont at public sale purenant to an Act of
( 'ontrress authorizing thn sale of cprtaln lauds of
the Sac A , Fox triboofMifMiurl Indians , union * ?
which was the land abou > de.iciibed , and made
imtnientof the first installment of thopurchavo
I > rico therefor , ns provideil by paid act of con-
Krow. That said Peter Itoli-n sold nil liUiiiilit.
title and interest in said land to thin plaintiff
for a valuable consideration and was reimbursed
by this plaintiff for the amount of the first iu-
Mnllment of the iiurclm o money paid by said
Peter Helen , and unit nil subsequent installments
htne loen paid by plaintilliiswas asreed Ixitween
them , nml ho is therefore entitled to tlio i i | > or
fee simple title to paid land mid n decree qufotitiK
the title to the same in htm , ns priced in hit >
Klpad , answer or demur to paid petition on or
eforo the 10th day of Auput-t , 1103 , said petition
will lx > taken as true and jud ment entered there
on accordingly.
This publication i made by order of lii honor ,
John 11. Itnper , Jtultio of paid District Court ,
rjHpiirini ? thn winm t | * published in "Tho Falls
City Tribune , " n newspaper published in paid
ItlchnrdBon county anil of Kenurnl circulation
therein , for the period of four weeks , from the
Zrtthdayof June , 1MW.
23-U * AttornejH for 1'laintiff.
Unless You Want to Know
Don't Gt ° he 0 Chautauqua
Unless You Want to Laugh
and Learn
in Iowa
in Tennessee
Entertainment and Con
cert Companies are First
Class. The date is
Aug. 7th to 16th
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. WKAVKK
Foluy's Orlno Laxative , the new lax
ative , stimulates , but does not irritate.
It is the best laxative. Guaranteed or
your money back. Kerr's pharmacy.
I hare found a tried and tested curt ( or Bhra-
Batumi Not romedr that wUl itnltbtentb *
fiitorted limbs ol chronic cripples , nor turn bonr
mirths baoi to fleih again. That U Impossible.
but I can now surolr klu the pains and pang * of
Shis deplorable disease. .
In Germany with a Chemist In the City of
Darmstadt I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfectei dependable prescription. Without
that luo ! intredlont , 1 successfully treated many ,
many cases of Rheumatism ; but now , at last. U uni
formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. ThoM aawMike granular
wastes , found In Rheumatic Blood , seem to dissolve
and pass away under the action of this remedy as
freely as does sunr when added to pure water.
And then , when alssoWed. these poisonous wastes
fmdr I M from the sjtt ( a. and the cause of
Rheumatism Is tone forever. There Is now no
realneed no actual excuse to suffer longer with-
ont oelp. Wo sell , and In confidence recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
The Cough Syrup thai
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
, Bees is the original laxative cough syrup
contains no opiates , gently moves th
bowels , carrying the cold oQ through th
natural channels , Guaranteed to giv
satisfaction or money refunded , ,
Be Decent.
Young mini , be decent. At
least be ns decent ns you can.
Don't stand around on tlio corner
and swear and talk about the "old
man" and exploit his weak spots
and then go home and lot your
mother Ing in all the water and
pull the weeds out of the front
yard. Don't bellyache because
you can't get a job that suits yon ,
The folks at home have plenty of
work for you to do. Don't stand
around and howl because yon
have no chance in the old town
nd want to get nwr.y so you cnn
; et a start in the world. A whole
ot of fellows who didn.t have half
he chance you have got a mighty
jood stnrt in this town. The
hing of being decent is easily cul-
ivated nnd brings big returns.
? he decent chap is the one whose
ays are tilled with music and
vhose nights are full of sweet
reams. The' decent boy hns
riends who boast for him and
vhose home is happy becnnse
lother smiles and is proud of his
oed deeds. The decent boy de-
elops into that class of men who
nbble their fingers in success and
he world scatters ( lowers in their
nthwny. The decent boy lives
eng and prospers and brings sun-
hine into the bleak corners. In
he end it is the decent boy at
vhose last sad rites friends come
ud shed tsarson whose bier they
ay sweet garlands and whoso
grave they keep green. Bert
Heat prostrates the nerves. In the
ummcr one needs a tonic to olTsct the
ustomary hot weather Ncrvo and
Strength depression. You will feel
letter within 48 hours after beginning
o take such a remedy as Dr , Shoop'a
Restorative. Its prompt action in re-
torltiR the weakened nerves is surpris-
. Of course , you wont get entirely
trong In a few days , but each day you
an actually feel the improvement.
That tired , lifolces , spiritless , feeling
vill quickly depart when using the
Restorative. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
will sharpen a falling appetite ; it aids
digestion ; it will strengthen the weak-
ned Kidneys and Heart by simply re-
luilding the worn-out nerves that these
rgaus depend upon. Test it u few
lays and bo convinced. Sold by all
Get Big Tie Contract.
A contract was signed yester-
lay with the National lines for
: he delivery within the next tour
years of 1,000,000 railroad ties
of native pine , and large amounts
of material by C. C. Campbell of
" \ansas City and G. M. Souter
ot Durango , operating1 under the
inn name of Campbell and Sou
These men have just closed a
deal with H. M. Hubbard , a New
York attorney representing Durango -
range parties , for the timber
rights to a large tract of land in
Durango and the ties and other
construction material and tele
graph poles to be supplied under
their contract with the National
will be cut from this tract.
The contract calls for creosoted -
soted ties , and 'a two-cylinder
creosoting plant with a daily
capacity of 15,000 ties will be
erected at once by the company
at Canatlan in the state of Durango
range , where the ties will be
given a thorough treatment ol
creosote before being deliverec
to the railroad.
The comp'any will , in addition
to the creoso'te plant , erect a
saw mill having a daily capacity
of 20,000 feet on the mountain
stream near Canatlan and here
the ties and other material wil
be sawed. All cross ties to be
It is the intention of the par.
ties to conduct a regular customs
saw mill , catering to the wants
of the general trade and the mil
to be erected will be a modern
one in every respect and sum'
ciently equipped to meet de
mands for all kinds of lumbei
used in Mexico.
The machinery for the mil
and creosoting plant is now ei
route to Canatlan and will be
installed as soon as it arrives
The contract with the Nationa
calls tor the immediate deliverj
of a portion of the ties , deliver
ies of the balance to be madt
during the. ensuing four years
The contract is an importan
one , involving $1,250,000 , gold
Alarkct Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
July 0 , l < )08.
The cattle supply last week
mounted -12,000 bend , includ-
ug 7000 calves , the heaviest supply
f any week this summer- The
narket was uneven , but lower pri
es ruled on all kinds before the
nd of the week. Beat beef steers
est 10 to 25 cents , cows and hei-
ers about the same , but grass
cilling steers declined 40 to 00
outs. Stockers 'and feeders rc-
i in i net ! steady to strong , account
f scarcity. The situation is ex-
ctly the reverse of the close of
ast week today , steers up 10 to 25
ents , cows , and heifers ten higher ,
lockers and feeders strong to ten
ligher. Supply today is 8000
lead , which is larger than first es-
imates this morning , but not suf-
icient to dull the edge of the de
mand. All the local packing plants
re in a normal condition again ,
nd the latent fear of more high
vater that was manifested in can-
ious buying last week is absent
odny , thanks to the rapid fall of
he river in the Inst few days. An
other cause of the phenomenal
trength today is small supplies at
other markets , the result of dissat-
sfactiou of shippers with the mnr-
iel Itittl wufk. Unless light sup-
olies should keep up the strong
narket today is regarded as only
emporary. No fancy steers are
lore today , although such are quot-
ible at $8.00 to $8.25. Top today
s $7.10 , Knnsns grazed westerns
5.25 to $0.25 , cows $2.75 to $1.7.5 ,
leifers $3.25 to $0.50 , bulls $2.75
o $4.50. calves $3.00 to $5.25 ,
lockers $3.00 to $1.05 , feeders
U.OO to $1.80 , with a few fleshy
'eeders nt $5.00 or better.
The hog market mnde some gains
nst week , but local packers held
mck first of the week. They came
brwnrd with better support the
nst two days of the week , and to
day all hands are in the buying ,
n is 2000 head today , top price
25 cents higher than Friday , at
$6 55 , nnd bulk of sales $5.30 to
$0.45. Eastern buyers have been
; he main support of the market for
the last ten days , nud set the pace
again todny , ns there were plenty
of orders here todny from Enstern
tillers , account of the light run of
logs in Chicago.
The sheep market began to look
up the last of last week nud prices
took a good spurt upward today ,
25 to 40 cents higher on spring
Inmbs nnd other kinds a quartei
liigher today. Top lambs today
brought $0.80 which is $1 per owt.
above a week ago , wethers worth
$3.75 to1.50 , ewes $3.50 to $5.15 ,
There is n good demand for feed ,
ing stuff , stock sheep at $3.00 tc
$3.75 , lambs $4 50 to $5.25. Run
is 5500 today.
A Revelation.
It is a revelation to people , the severe
cases of lung trouble that have beet
cured-by Foley's Honey and Tor. Ii
not only stops the cough but heals am'
strengthens the lungs , L.M. Ruggles
Reasnor. Iowa , writes : "The doctor
said I had consumption , and I got n <
better until I took Foley's Honey ant
Tar. It stopped the hemorrhage am
pain in my lungs and they * uro now ui
sound as a bullet. " Kerrs pharmacy
To Burn Crude Oil.
The threshers of the county an
considering the use of crude oil ii
the thresher engines. Ed Smitl
hns already converted his engin <
into tin oil burner. Judd Boycf
nnd others are thinking of doin
the snme thing. They are waiting
to see what the result of the tes
will be. Instead of coal wngons
tank wngons will be used. Tin
weight of ronl burned. Thei
there are no cinders to set fire t <
the straw or buildings. The littli
mounds of cinders left in the Heidi
by thresher engine nre a nuisnnci
to the fanner for years. Orndi
oil it is said will do away with al
these objections. The Hiawathi
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to chec !
the ravages of consumption , the "whit
plague , " that claims so many victim
each year. Foley'b Honey and Ta
cures coughs and eoldb perfectly an
you are in no danger of consumptloi
Do not risk your health by taking sera
unknown preparation when Foley
Honey and Tar Is safe and certain I
results. Kerr's pharmacy.
An Interesting Reminiscence.
John ilelfenbein , who has
ivctl in this county for half a
entury , came in Saturday to
onew his subsc r i p t i o u , a n d
vhile here gave us a very inter-
sting account of his expcricn-
es here in the early days. Mr.
lelfenbein enjoys the distinc.
ion of owning one of the tirst
ouses in what is now the town
f Arago , hauling the lirst logs
or the same just tlfty years ago
omorrow , the llth of .luly. lie
Iso still has in his possession
he surveyor's chain used in the
rs ( survey of that town. Of
he number who were here at
hat time only two others are
iving , Otto Keischick of the
vestern part of the state , and
'rederick Nitzsche.
When Mr. Ilelfenbein settled
ere there was only one house
) etween Arago and liulo and
ne between Arago and Nemaha
City. The former was owned by
Ir. Potect. father ol our Ben
'oteet ' , and the other by old man
Barada. He told of the many
nteresting encounters he had
vith the Indians , who were here
n great numbers , and while they
never appeared hostile he said
hey gave him a great many an-
deus moments , due to their
jrowling around his home. At
his time there were but live
mall shanties in Falls City.
rVhen the war broke out there
vere twenty-three families in
\rago , and from this number
hirteen enlisted , Mr. Helfen-
) ein among them , with the un-
lerstanding that they were to
emain here as home guards ,
jut they were sent south , where
hey were compelled to stay
hreeyears , When they returned
L great change had been made.
L'he laud was all taken up and
hey hardly knew their old
lomes. Arago was the leading
: own at that time , having a dis-
: illery , brewery , packing house ,
bur general stores , a printing
office and other minor concerns.
Pete Frederick sr. , owned and
conducted the packing house.
Mr. Helfenbein is 80 years old
and is very proud of the fact
hat he never voted anything
but the republican ticket , cast-
ng the first vote for Freeman in
.850. and if looks count tor any
: hing , he is good for many more
votes , as he is as spry and jovial
as a man of00. His good wife
s still living at the ripe old age
of 78. They have two sons and
a daughter living , and are now-
making their home with a son
out on route 3 , having given up
active work several years ago.
We enjoyed Mr. Helfenbein's
visit last Saturday very much
and hope he will iind it conveni.
ent to call often. He will al
ways find a hearty welcome at
the Tribune.
Pain will depart In exactly 20 mln
utes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere. Re
member ! Pain always means coupes
tlon , blood pressure nothing else
Headache is blood pressure ; toothache
is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve
Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets also
called Pink Pain Tablets quickly and
safely coax this blood pressure away
from piin : centers. Painful periods
with women ( jet instant relief. 20Tub-
lets 2.c. Sold by all dealers.
July 12-18
"The Hiawatha Chautauqua
July i a-18 , 1908 , in a tent
opposite Public Square.
T e n t comfortably seats
2,000 people and comfort-
ble seats have been provided
Gunsaulis , Waters , Carleton Lee ,
GoV. Johnson , all the Big Politicians
Wm. Allen White , Victor Murdock ,
Senator Long , J. L. Brlstow/ , Cyrus
Leland , W. R. Stubbs , W. A. Harris ,
and many others. The Chicago
Players and Signers Club , Vandas
Enos and her girls , Pamhaskia and
his pets , and many other entertain
ers. Sw/lmming Pool , and Moving
Pictures. "
Delay In commencing treatment / era
a slight irregularity that could have
been cured quickly by Foley'b Kidney
Remedy may result in a eerlous kidney
disease. Foley's Kidney remedy builds
up the worn out tissues and strengthens
these organs. Commence taking It to
day. Kerr's pharmacy.
g = Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure 3
5s would interest you at this season of the year.
The MOTOR WASHER , a Monday morn-
iny necessity that you cannot afford
to be without. = 31
Then we have the JEWEL GASOLINE -
REFRIGATOR , the house wife's
friends this hot weather. -g
Lowe Bros' . , PAINT |
will interest you , both in quality and
price. -g
1 J. C. TANNER i
Ours Arc "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY. NEB.
* Headquarters for
$ Cut Glass , Fancy China , Jardiniers ,
$ Chamber Sets , Glassware , Dinnerware $
t 100-Piece Dinner Sets from $10.00 to $40.00
* * A complete stock of Good Groceries
* at reasonable prices.
The Falls City Roller Mills
Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the i *
following brands of flour < i
i >
The above brands arc gunrantcctl to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general I !
| I )
{ )
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and bolicit a share of your patronage
P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City , Nebr.
When you have Grain or Ho s to market do not forget
that we pay the top price and yive yon honest weights.
When yon need anything' in i *
Lumber or Builders' Material
r call on us we can furnish you anything in this line as
cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere.
Berry Boxes , Crates , Baskets
of all kinds , including various
styles of Cilrnax Baskets , Ap
ple barrels , cider kegs and bar
rels. Write for prices.
st. Joseph , MO. J. A. Schroer & Co.
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with mi experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
FALLS CITY o-s : = x > s3-o NEBRASKA