The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 10, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Judicious Selection of Days on Which
to Serve Them Makes ( or Econ
omy and Also Reduces
If the dinner preparations and other
household duties arc properly organ-
Ireil or planned the common winter
vegetables can be cooked us Inoxpon-
Blvoly as canned goods and are far
more palatable. lint when vegetables
require long cooking they should bo
served on a day whott boiled or
stowed meats , puddings and other
low dishes are to bo HOI veil , making
one flro do for all Hero are fsomo
good roclpea for winter vegetables :
Fresh Carrots and Canned Poas. Se
lect eight carrots of uniform small
Bl7e , scrape , pare and wash. Sllco
them about a quarter of an Inch thick.
Lay them In a saucepan \sith two
nprays of parsley , t\vo small onions ,
half teaspoon of salt , two miltspoonn
of white popper , a teaspoon of sugar ,
half pint of hot yutor , or , bettor still ,
of white broth , with toaHpoonfnl of
butter. Simmer for fho minutes ,
then set the pan In a moderate oven
lor over 25 minutes. Homovo from
the flro and take out carefully the
onions and the parsley. Add a cup
of canned peas , from which the Julco
has been poured and which have been
heated In tv teaspoon of butter , Setback
back on the stove , stir gently for a
minute , pour Into a hot vegetable dish
and sprinkle lightly with chopped
Fried Parsnips. I3oll six medium-
sized parsnips at any tlmo when you
are imlng the flro for other purposes
Whllo still warm peel carefully and
lay them aside to cool. When ready
to cook the second tlmo cut them In
fillccs , either across or lengthwise ,
about a third of an Inch thick. Pour
over them a little lemon Julco and
lialf teaspoon of salt , a little popper ,
and , If you llko the flavor , a teaspooni
of ollvo oil. Let them stand thus for
half an hour. There are two ways of
frying them. You can brown thorn
In butter or you can dip them In .1
batter made of flour , eggs and milk
and then drop them In boiling lard an
you would fritters. The use of the
lemon Jnlco prevents that flavor
to which some families object.
Whlto Ileans Francals. Soak ono
pint of small white beans over night.
Two hours bdforo dinner drain them
nnd put them over a flio In two
quai ts of cold water. For seafionlng add
a tablespoonTul of salt , a teaspoon of
white pepper , two small onions cut In
half , thrco small branches of parsley
and a sprig of bayleaf tied togothor.
Add half n pound of salt pork which
has been washed , cover the pan tight
ly and cook slowly for two hours.
Now , In another saucepan molt two
tablcspoonn of butter , add ono me
dium onion , chopped , and three table
spoons of flour. Whllo cooking stir
for live minutes Then pour off the
gravy from the beans and add It to
the inlxturo in the second saucepan.
Stir and boll two minutes Hemo\o
from the beans the salt pork , hoi 1m
and onion halves , adding the beans
alone to the tmuco Ilrlug to a boll
and servo. This Is a popular dish
with French peasants
Stuffed Cabbage Cleanse , soak
and boll a large , firm head of cab
bage until tender , then sciapo out the
inside , leaving enough for a solid wall.
With the sci apings mix a cup of line
bread crumbs , a little salt , pepper and
celery seed and one small onion ( if
liked ) chopped line Heat this up
with a tablespoon of warmed butter
and three eggs. Fill the cabbage
with this stulllng. tlo around It a atrip
of cloth and btiko until brown.
For "Unpremeditated" Suppers.
Chop flvo ounces of soft cheese Into
mall bits and put It into a small
saucepan with ono egg , a level tablespoonful -
spoonful of butter , half a teaspoonful
of salt , a pinch of cayenne , u level
ueaspoonftil of mustard and flvo taWtv
jpoonfuls of milk. Cook over boiling
water until the cheese ts soft and
creamy , then set wheio it will keep
hot without cooking for a few minutes.
Toast flvo slices of bread and keof ,
hot. Poach two egga for each sllco.
Spread the cheeao mixture quickly
over each sllco of toust and place
over this two egga on each piece.
Have a llttlo butter , salt , pepper and
' mustard rubbed together , put a tiny
bit on each egg and seivo at once.
A Luncheon Dish.
Chop a quarter of a pound of good
rich choose Into small bits and rub H
smooth with two tablespoonfuls of
butter , the slightly beaten jolks of
two eggs and a tablespoonful of made
mustard. Add salt and cayonuo to sea-
ton. Spread the mlxturo over half a
dozen slices of hot buttered toast , and
eet in a hot oven for a few minutes.
Serve at once.
Pumpkin Cakes.
Rub two cupfula of boiled pumpklu
through a colander and add to It threu
well-beaten eggs , ono tablespoonful o (
melted butter , two tablespooufula ol
cream , a grating of nutmeg and salt
to taste. Mix all well together nnd stir
In Just enough flour to hold the lu >
gredlouts together , about two table ,
spoonfuls. Drop iu spoonfuls on a hoi
griddle , and serve very hot ,
A Frosting Secret ,
This Is an easy and dainty way tc
make frosting for cake ; Purchase c
quarter of a pound of largo chocolatt
creams at the confectioners. Pul
tlxem in a double boiler and , as thoj
melt , add hot milk , a tablespoonful ai
( a tlmo , until the mlxturo la of the rlghl
ceaslatoiioy to spread. Delineator.
An Immense Parade ,
A disliuKuiBhing feature of the
Selle-Floto Shows is the monster
free open den street cnrnvnn. Who
docs not like toeeo the circus pnr
title ? Who would not view the
giiily colored cn es come along
when Mndniho Vnlicilo is seen
spunking the nose of a largo lion
with n little whip while cheers
greet the act ? The "Kube" clown
who gets arrested for blocking
trafliu on the streets , with his innle
cart , was once great feature. lie
is well known now , but the inven
tive minds of circus men will hnvo
another novelty to replace him.
Another event of moment in every
small town , and largo one. too , for
Unit mailer , is the early arrival of
the circus train. Long before the
long train pulls in on the sidetrack
near the depot the crowd is llieie.
There is an aiiny of juvenile vol
unteers , who ate willing to carry
water for the elephants just to get
a free pasteboard entitling them
to admission to the show later in
the day. Men are there lo see
that their boys , who have passed a
sleepless night do not get hurt.
Even women find some excuse for
going down lo the tailroad yards
and taking a long look at the can
vas-covered cars. 13oys , who have
gathered and sold enough old iron ,
rags and bones to get 50 cents , en
joy a memorable day and the streets
leading from the farming district
to town are covered with every im
aginable kind of vehicle.
Like the others , the farmers
come to bring the children. The
feed dealer , who supplies hay , outs
and corn for the horses on a con
tract made with the advance man ,
wants several extra tickets just
for the children. The same is
true of the butcher , who supplies
the meat for the cook tent.
As soon as the sun is out there
is bustle and activity every place.
If the superintendent of the public
school is wise he will declare a
holiday. What boy or girl can
think of geography , spelling or
arithmetic when there iu a circus
in town ? In the language of the
German comedian , "It is to laugh" .
Th ( > circus does a land ollioo busi
ness , and , as the crowd is pouring
into the circus tent from the mena
gerie at the night porfotmance , the
army of employes of the show
starts to take down the canvas
which shelters the cages and the
work of loading the outfit onto the
train begins. Thousands of tired
boys and girls retire , after having
seen the show , peaceful and con
tented. The following morning
the antics of the clowu cause mer
riment at the breakfast table and
some youths who live near the cir
cus lot hurry through their morn
ing ablutions in order to go over
near the ring and see f any change
has been dropped by the specta
tors of the previous night. The
great Sells-Floto Shows will be
hero Thursday , July 16th , for two
The function of the kidneys Is to
strain out the Impurities ot the blood
which Is constantly passing through
them. Folcy's Kidney Remedy makes
the kidneys healthy. They will strain
out all waste matter from- the blood.
Take Foley'a Kidney Uomedy and it
will make j on well. Kerr's iiharmaoy.
Real Estate Transfers.
Utlwiu H. ISwititf to Samuel II. Han
cock , \ \ < 1 to all that part north of
the Muddy Creek in mv tf so i sec
tion 21-2-lfi $100
Gco. W. Fisher and wife to Lester
Fisher , \ul. to all of the s\v } of sec
tion 27-1 10 c'JOOO
Salcna .1. Sansom to Russell Hill , wd
to lot 1 , block 16 , in E. P. Tinker's
addition to Humboldt $125
RHza A. Jones ami J. P , Jones to Al-
thi : J. Taylor , wd. toyi \ acres iu sec.
II and 10 , twj > 1 , range 15 $100
Lorctta S. Norton to Herbert V. Dor-
land , wd. to part of lot 1 , block 10 ,
Humboldt S 00
Albert B. C'ochr.iu and wife to Robert
II. Duvis , wd. to i interest iu lots 0
and 7 and ten feet oil west side lot 3 ,
block 1. Tisdcl's addition to Salem ,
also full Interest in J1 feet off cast
side of lot 8 , block 1 , TisdePs addi
tion to aalein S12uO
Piles arc easily and quickly checked
with Dr. Shoop'a Magic Ointment. To
prove it 1 will mail a small trial box as
a convlnclnc test. Simply address Dr.
Snoop , Kaclne , Wis. I nroly would
not send it free unless I was certain
that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would
stand the test. Remember it is made
expressly and alone for swollen , pain
ful , bleeding or itching piles , either ex
ternal or internal. Largo jar t'Oc. Sold
by all dealers.
Farmers' Day.
The Chautauqua management
are malting1 a special effort to
arrange a program especially
for the farmers , and to this end
have set Saturday , August 8 ,
aside as Farmers' Day , and se
cured Prof.M.L.Bowman of the
State Agricultural school , of
Ames , Iowa , to talk to them on
that day.
Arrange your business so as
lo attend the Chautauqua on
that day , especially , if you can
not attend the entire session , as
you will hear a talk that will
prove not only interesting but
of great benefit.
A Cleveland Memorial.
tt is enthely fitting and proper
that a memorial in honor of Grover -
er Cleveland , twenty fourth presi
dent ot' the United States should
be erected. The fund with which
to eiect it should be contributed
by the entire nation , that is , the
lists should be open for popular
subscriptions so that all who wish
may participate by contributing
to the fund. As to what form the
memorial should take or where it
shall be erected are details which
may well wait until later. It will
bo generally admitted that the
memorial should be located at
Washington or at Princeton , with
both of which cities his 4Sfe was
linked in a peculiar way. If lo
cated at Washington , the nation
at large would , no doudt be moie
easily interested in the enterprise ,
but whether erected there or else
where , the life and character of
the dead president will furnish
sufficient inspiration to guarantee
ample contributions to accomplish
something worth while.
The memory of Grover Cleveland -
land is worthy to be preserved ,
lie was in every sense a great man
and a great American. His WHS a
strong and sturdy character , one
that was not moved by selfish in
terests and dared to stand for what
he considered right against the
strongest opposition. Ho has
grown immensely in public favor
bince he retired to private life ,
until , today , even his enemies unite
in praising his sturdy manhood
and credit him with being abso
lutely honest in the discharge of
his public duties. A shaft , or
monument or building in memory
of him would serve as a constant
reminder of the fact that the
American people appreciate man
hood and are not controlled , in the
final analysis , by partisan differ
ences. The movement in this in
terest should be pushed to a suc
cessful issue without delay. St.
Joseph Gazette.
Old Settlers' Picnic.
At a meeting of the Old Set
tlers' Association , held at Dawson -
son , it was decided to hold the
annual two days picnic at Dawson
on Wednesday and Thursday ,
August 1 < ) and 20 , 1908. The
committees have all been appoint
ed and they will spare no pains
to make the picnic a success.
For stand rights apply to N. B.
Judd , Falls City , Neb.
GKOKGK SMITH , President
Circus Day ! Circus Day !
At Falls City
Two Performances-
Rain or Shine ! !
Thursday , July 16
Bv s mf
( Under the direction of Mr. Christian Zeitz. )
The Street Parade at 10:30 : a. m.
Clothes u
ALL to mind all your successful friends and
C you will find they are good dressers alert
chaps too , who snap up a good thing as soon
as it bobs up , If you are a quick one , here is
something good in Clothes :
Strike While the Iron is Hot
B. Kuppenheimer & Co. .50
$18.50 , $20 , $22.50 , Fine Suits
See our windows. See the goods in the store. It's
the greatest Clothing Opportunity of today , See to
it that you get yours. Copytjstil 1907
HOUK of Kuppenheuacc
Hargrave & Margrave
Opposite P. O. , Falls City , Neb. "The Home of Good Clothing"