. 4T - - * 8 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 3 , 1908 Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS VERDON. W D Corn drove to Falls City last Monday. Jim Ayers \\ns u Fulls City visitor Monday. Jim Aycrs was a Falls City visitor Friday. John Hall was u Falls City visitor last Thursday. Oraco Bennett was n Shubcrt visitor last Thursday. L L Corn drove to Falls City on busi ness Thursday. George Foglo and wife drove down to Barada Monday. Frank Brlckcr of Shubort visited re latives hero lust week. Cljtlo Lum has returned from his visit at Dodge City , Mo. Jim Aycrs and family drove to Dawson - son Friday and spent the day. Ralph Miller of Geneva , Neb. , Is vis iting relatives hero this week. The Misses Reese entertained a num ber of friends Tuos.day evening. Ed Dowtv came up from 1'rcston Fri day for a short visit to relatives. Ethel ami Elmo Cook returned home from Blue Springs , Neb , Friday. F W Robb and W S Dyerly were county scat visitors Thursday last. Frank Brlcker of Shubcrt was in town a short time last Wednesday. Erna Wilkinson and Cora Douglas were Shubcrt visitor * last Sunday. Leo Johnson and family leave Tucs day for an extended trip to Denver. Mrs Minnie Boyle and son and Lena Shubort were in Falls City Monday. Rev Dillon of Lincoln preached at the Evangelical church Friday night. Mrs Minnie Walker and children re * turned from St. John's Ore , , Sunday. Disraeli Bowman went to Lincoln last Wednesday on a visit to relatives. Mcsdamcs George and Jiilla Hall were Falls City visitors last Thursday. Mrs Dave Grllllth and daughter re. turned Thursday from their Falls City visit. Mrs D G Griffith and son returned last Thursday from their visit at Wy- more. Mrs Ira Ilout/ and son went to Strausvllle , Monday , for a visit to re latlves. Misses Kelley and Armbruster left Saturday for a short visit to friends at Seneca , Kans. Ethel and Elmo Cook left Monday for liluu Springs , where they were sent a ; delegates. Pearl Clements returned to her homo at Stella Saturday , after a month's visit to her uncle. Dr GrlilHbs , Loren Corn , Warret Douglas and flenry Corn were Falls City visitors last Friday. O ] ' Veal and daughters went to Fall City Saturday to visit relatives. The ; returned Sunday afternoon. H. N. Timcrinun and wife spout Sun day at the country homo of Clare Cole man and wife , west of town , Mrs Newt Cox arrived from Elk Creek , Sunday , to visit her mother Mrs Iloopor , who has been sick. John Lecpors , wife and daughter re turned home last Friday from Nobraaki City. The former visited at Dunbar. Rev Lcahman of Maple Grove hcli quarterly meeting here Friday night He also preached Sunday morning am evening. . Mrs Joe Veal and children aud Mr Eliza Goolsby returned Sunday froi an extended visit with relatives a Champion , Nob. Mrs W F Vcacn and daughter an Mrs Julia Pall left Monday for Caiuul where th.oy will visit the latter's soi Will Hall and family. Mrs O W Hart and ( laughter re turned to their homo at St. Joe Tues day , after a three week's visit to her sister-in-law , Miss Hart , The W 0 T U gave a contest Satur day night. The following young ladies took part. Jean Chartrow , Francis Miller , Elmo anil Ethel Cook , Barbara Ramel , Clara Maslngalo , Alma May- Held and Lizzie Fisher. The judges were Mrs 6" W Hart , Mr Cook and Rev Leahman. The medal was awarded to Jean Chartrow. BARADAT Ray Dunn was in Shubert Saturday. Coney Gerdes was in Falls City last Tuesday. Fred Statts was a Barada visitor one day last week. Mr George Fogle of Verdon was In town Saturday. Mrs John Randall was quite ill the fore part of the week. T J Ollrcr was up from Falls City on school business Tuesday. J C Wllomun was In the city with cherries one day last sveek W M Ilendrlcks and family spent Sunday with J A Martin and wife. Jacob Peters anil wife were Falls City visitors on Thursday of last A-eek. Mrs J C Wilcnmn and Miss Audrey were Falls City visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Smith of Falls City visited relatives here several days last week. Miss Uttttle Lilly of Verdon visited Thursday of last week with Mrs J A Martin. A young mare belonging toC II Mar tin was badly cut in a barb wire fence Saturday. Mrs M Siihulenburg and daughter Katie took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Icnry Parchcn. John Rumbaugh and family spent unday at the farm with A J Rum- augh and family. L II Morehcad had the misfortune to ese three head of steers which were truck by lightning on Saturday. Miss Mary Suthmcr , who Is assisting Irs. Nick Arnold with her housework , [ > ont Sunday at her homo near St. Do- oln. Preaching services at Big Bethel hurch next Sunday evening. A Chris- Ian Endeavor society will bo organized t that time also. Leon Vassal- helping Conrad Buch- olz harvest his hay crop. During his , bscnco Mrs. Vassar Is visiting her nether , Mrs. R. M. Williamson. A number of our citizens planned to ttcnd the Woodman banquet at Shu bcrt Saturday evening but were de- erred from so doing by the rain , Mrs Emma Slcmerlng returned last veelc from an extended visit with her laughter , Mrs A C Stelnbrlnk at Rc- mbllc , Kansas. She reports the uddl- ion to their family of a now son. I Ethel , the little daughter of Herbert Stokes , 0110 day last week fell from a once , whore she had climbed , break- ng both bones in her left lower arm. ) r Van Osdcl set the broken member uul Ethel Is doing nicely. At the annual school meeting held on Monday Win Single was elected as dl- cctor for a period of three years to ako the place of C II Martin whoso crm had expired. E E Bolejack was elected as treasurer to fill an unoxplred .crm of two years. Dr Stong was called Monday evening oiittoiul Bessie , the six-four old daugli- .or of John Anderson , living near Faro - o , who was badly burned. The child ay asleep on the tloor when her bro ther accldently overturned a kettle of boiling water on her. The little one was quite seriously burned but It Is not thought fatally. "SALEM" R E Grinstead was In Falls City last Monday. Mrs J E French wont to Stella last Tuesday. Mrs Fuller of Verdon was in Salem Wednesday. Joe Wlndell returned homo from St. Joe Monday. Myrtle Banker went to Forest City , Mo , , Monday , John Fryborger of Table Rock was In town Tuesday. Mr and Mrs J N Wlckhani were In Falls City Tuesday. Mrs Morris Houch and baby went to Falls City Tuesday. O B Lssloy and Will McDougall were In Falls City Wednesday. Mary Russell came home from Uni versity Place Monday morning. Eugene Meredith aud Ben Horton are now homo from school at Lincoln , Mrs N M Kershaw of Humboldt spent last week with L C Mobjoy and family. Louise Rule of Falls City visited a lew days last week with friends in Salem. Ora French came home from Peru Friday to visit a few days with her parents. Mrs George Jennings aud daughter Nellie came up from Falls City Tues day afternoon. Grace Harlin went to St , Joe Tues day to visit for a short time with her sister , Mrs Spaldlng. Mrs Stayer and daughter Lena went to Council Bluffs Tuesday morning to attend the Stayers-Roberts wedding. Mrs Thompson , who has been visiting in and about Salem for the past few days returned to her homo in Dawson Monday. OHIO Henry Albcrs is at home to spend his vacation. Lola Sturms is visiting near Hamlln , Kansas' , this week. Mrs Lutz went ' .o Falls City last week for | a few days visit. F M Shaffer and family visited nt F ] S Llchty's Sunday. Mrs F M Shaffer wa ? a guest of Mrs Wcs Ncdrow Monday , Elsie and Ella Iluettnor visited with Ethel Peck last Friday. Robert Schlndler and family spent last Sunday in Falls City. Will Coons of near Verdon was a guest of relatives Sunday. Wanda and Roma Shaffer visited with Ethel Peck Wednesday. John Ltchty and wife visited at Ches ter Stump's last Wednesday. Wllma and Blytho Shaffer visited with Jennie Burk Wednesday. Mrs Chas Xentner enjojcd a visit irom a sister one day last week. Chas Stump and Win Hutchison spent Tuesday evening with Ralph Ncdrow Wcs Stump and wife of Verdon were guests of Clem Stump and wife Sunday. Amelia Rclschick and friend were guests at John Relschick'sonc day last week. John Yocum of Falls City spent a few days with his daughter , Mrs W Peck this week. The Misses Richards and Thompson of Falls City were guests of Elslo Huett- nor , Monday. Fred Chcslcy and wife of Falls City visited with the lattcr's brother , II. A. Burk and family Sunday. Mrs E D Shaffer and little daughter spent Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Chester Stump. Guy Llchty and wife entertained at their homo last Sunday. Dell Splckler and wife of Barada , II J Prlchard and Ifo and Chester Stump and family ere among the guests. HUMBOLDT. Orin Shrauger wasovor from Pawnee ! lty Saturday and Sunday. A little son was born to Frank Rlst nil wife , Sunday , June 28th. Lloyd Reid was down from Lincoln his week visiting his parents. Mrs H L UolT entertained a company f friends at her homo Tuesday. Frances Little visited Friday and aturduy with Lincoln friends. Elllo Abbott , of Peru , is hero visiting vlth her sister , Mrs Frank Dorland. Norman Rullis and wife of Kansas ity , are hero visiting his mother , Mr ; I A Murphy. Elmer Rousok aud sister , Clcma , at ended the Fenton-IIlrchey wedding In Dawsou Tuesday. tuy ! Williamson and wifecamodowi rom Omaha Friday to remain a few days with friends. Will Bobsl and family arrived In the city Saturday from Chicago to visit S B Itopst and wife. Bessie Little left Friday for Kearnoj where she will remain during the sum mer with relatives. Mrs C M Linn gave a six o'clock din ner on Wednesday evening conipll uientary to Eva Cooper. Percy CJlassor returned Thursdaj [ rom northwestern Canada , where ho has proven up on his claim. Mrs E Cox returned Friday to her homo in Pawnee City , after a plcasan visit at the homo of L C Mann. Motdames S M and R H Phllpot were hostesses to a party o ( friends at the home of the former on Tuesday. John Cowman returned Sunday from St. Louis , where ho has been vlsltluc his sou , Frank , for several months. Joslo Uarshberger returned Friday from Blue Springs , where she had been in attendance at a Sunday school con vention. Ollle Stalder arrived here Monday from Riverside , Cal. Nand will remain some time with his mother , Mrs A E Stalder. The funeral services of A E\Stalder wore held from the family home Satur day afternoon , the services being con ducted by Rev G C Aydelotte , pastor o ! the Christian church. At the annual school meeting held Monday evening C L H-'mmel and \Venzel Skalak were elected to a three years term of office , to serve in the places of J F Walsh and S M Philuot. 240 acres well improved , U miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest. 200 acres \'i \ miles from depot , Richardson comity , Nebraska , Good buildings and land Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment , ICO acres upland , 1 mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000. ICO acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms , Might rent. 107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska. 80 acres if mile from Palls City high school. 040 acres , 88,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan STELLA. M J Clancy and family were visitors rom Dawson Tuesday. F E Morgan Is helping his brother Bert on the farm this summer. C II Thomas arrived from Lincoln londay for a visit with relatives. A. T Parker , a lumberman of Lincoln vas In town Thursday on business. Warren Hartzel visited with his bro- her Harry In the country west of town Sunday. Mr and Mrs S H Bailey went to Union Sunday afternoon to visit the ormer's relatives. C F Vaught of Sterling arrived hero he latter part of the week. " "He is in earch of a locaslon. Ephraim Withce took a new binder nit homo with him Saturday and began < ? ork In his wheat field. Mrs E J Griffith , accompanied by her randdaughter went to Omaha Sunday or a visit with relatives. Charles Mason , wife and granddaugh- or , were visiting the farms In the country north of town Thursday. Jimmle Stout Is again doing business n this part of the country. Mr Stout comes down from Auburn every now ind then. Frank Wolfe , who formerly worked or Wheeler & Son of this place , was icro on a visit Friday. Mr Wolfe is now a traveling man. Thurraan Sarvis visited a few days with his parents at this place this week , lo accompanied his sister , Mrs Ed Thompson to Lincoln Sunday. The Greek extra gang has gotten along nicely the past week. They are now between Howe and Stella , just at the crossing east of the Witheefarm. J T Curtis of this place delivered 2327 bushels of corn to Lafe Hlgglns Friday at "Oc a bushel. Mr Curtis says that he believes corn is high enough at that price. Eugene Allemand-and his daughter , Mrs I II Martin left the llrst of the week for ExcelslorSprings , where they will remain for u few weeks in hopes of regaining health. Harvesting became the real thing from Thursday on until the rain came Saturday evening. Many of the far mers were going to break the Sabbath , but none did however , after the rain. A great call for hired help has been polng out around this neighborhood the past week. Nearly every man you mel wanted to got some one to help with his wheat. F M Wcller is helping Guy Harris put up hay for a few weeks. Miss Olive Harris is also out on the farm this past weelc to take care of the cooking de partment for her brother. Henry D Williams of Cotner Univer sity has been spending the past week In this part canvassing for a Bible company. Ho is studying for the min istry and is spending his vacation work Ing for this company. Nevada Hays accompanied the Misses South to their home at Austinvlllo Iowa , Monday. She will spend a few weeks at that place. Mr and Mrs D Hinds will remain with Mrs Viola Hays during Miss Nevada's absence. D A Watson has again gotten his bottom land in corn and it is coming up nicely. It seems quite a contrast to have corn which Is ready to plow the last time and having some just coming up. Mr Watson's fields are thus The tanners about five miles west o town report that they suffered a heavj loss from the hall Sunday night. Near Rears Brothers farm It is reported to have cut the corn to the ground. Mr Trimmer reports that the wheat In his vicinity was also badly damaged. J M Goodloo got his new auto fron off the car Friday and came up Main street like a whirlwind. He has a now Ford , a four cylinder and fifteen horse power engine machine and it is a dandy Saturday ho spent a good bit of the day with It and when evening came he could go down homo without hitting telephone pole. J H Overman reports the convention of postmasters to bo one of the bcs over held. Ho says there were eli postmasters In attendance. 3 of thesi were first class , 14 second class , 23 third class and the balance fourth clas postmasters and mistresses. The con vcntion was held in the Fraternity hall Postmaster Overman says the enl ; thing ho missed was getting his plctur taken and while that was being done h was going home with C H Thomas car rylng a large watermelon and just a they passed the Library the plctur was completed. Mrs Mary Elliott died at the homo of their daughter , Mrs. G. F. Aller of this place Tuesday cs-enlng Juno 23. Her death was duo to old age. Mary Hull was born in Delaware county , Ohio , January 28,1823 and resided with her parents near that place until 1840 when she was married to David Elliot. This union was blessed with eight children , three of whom arc yet living , Mrs. G. F. Aller of this place , Mrs. J. E. French of Salem and Charles E. Elliott of Denver. "The family made their first move from Ohio in the early fifties to Iowa , remaining a few years in that state and in 1809 they moved to Salon. In ISOS Mr. Elliott loft this earth for the realms beyond at a ripe old ago of eighty years and his body was laid away In the city of Denver. After his death Mrs. Elliott spent her time with her daughter at this place , though quite frequently Isltlng her son in Denver. She. has fteen grandchildrentwenty-one great grandchildren and three great reat ncs. Mrs. Elliott was a member of he Seven Day Adventists church , 'he funeral sermon was preached In he Baptist churcn by Rev. Hitches of ! Christian church of Auburn on Thursday afternoon. The remains vere laid to rest in Stella cemetery. H R Young had an exciting tlmn for few minutes Monday while cutting vhcat. He had five horses and mules iltched to his machine and began vork , but hadn't gone far when the nules became frightened and tried to run away. The teams did not got away but they did considerable damage to he machine before they could be stopped. Mr Young came lo town In ho afternoon ami got repairs. The commercial club met in Judge Baldwin's ollice Thursday evening and elected new olllcers lor the coming year. Dr. G. M. Andrews , president ; A. J. Baldwin , secretary : A. H. Barst- er and and Max Keefcr , vice presi dent ? ; E. Wheeler , treasurer ; and Dr. Montgomery and J. W. Vaught on the executive committee. Old business was completed and now business was discussed. It was decided that we hold our fall festival. II. W. Lowe of Peru carao down to this place on business Friday and uleo visited with relatives and friends while here. Mr. Lowe says that he has the biggest prospect of tomato and other fruit this season that he has ever had. He Is figuring on a greater output by a good many crates. He further says hat his entire output for this your Is already contracted , for by a large com pany. The yearly meeting of the Public schools was held in the high school building at this place Monday evening and the regular routine of business was carried on and the following men were elected for the coming year : I A Mc Dowell and J J Wurfield to the long term of office aud J F Tolly was elected to the short term to fill vacancy. The Stella Light and Power Co. , have gotten a new fireman at the pow er house this week. Z. Pixloy of Brock arrived the first of the week and will continue his work with them. Ho will moyo his family to this place as soon as ho can find a house. S. F. Mutz who has lead the band since last December at this place came his last time Wednesday evening and thu boys are Indeed very sorry to have him leave them , hut they are trying to secure another leader. George Spauldlng Is building a two story , seven room house on the Micheul Shafar farm west of town. E. J. Gil bert Is farming the land this year and has hired men who will occupy the house. J F Dammunn and family of Pueblo arrived Saturday for a visit with M Barstler and family. His mother also , of Mebruska City , visited with the Bdrstler family while her son was here. Mrs Lucy Robinson and babies , who have been at Excelsior Springs for some time , returned for a few days visit with her parents. While hero Mrs Robinson had quite a sick spell. H. H. Harms who lives northeast of Humboldt came to town Thursday for the first time in four months. 'He bus had the rheumatism o\er since the wet season set in. Mrs W C Parrlott and daughter of Auburn arrived Tuesday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Tynan. The Stelle telephone company is in stalling a new switch board and expect to have It ready for work In ten days. R. A. Clark is Installing some fix tures where the new store goes into the first of July. J. M. Eyans of Shubcrt spent Thurs day evening In this city. Max Kcefer and wife made a trip to Lincoln the past week on business. Goldlo Jenkins Is visttng with her uncle , John Jenkins north of town this week. Mrs. A. E. Camblin of E'alls City are visiting Mrs. Catherine Noa south of town this week. Miss M. C. Colglazler and Luella spent a few days In Verdon the latter part of the week. Mrs. Caroline Young just returned from an extended visit in the western part of the state. Misses Christy and Netta South Visited the past week with Nevada Hays south of town. Clyde Baldwin who has been in New Mexico for nearly two years is plan ning to make u visit homo this fall. Miss Maggie O'Brien accompanied her Uncle Patrick to his home at Edmonds , Okla , the first of the week. Mrs. Win. Gulp of Nemaha Is visit ing her mother , Mrs. I. E. Lyanna of this ' place the. latter part of the week. J. R. Cain and I. W. Harris attended the semi-annual meeting of the Farm ers State Bank at Shubcrt Thursday. Mrs. Barstler and daughter returned from an extended visit in Nebraska City and Burr the latter part of last week. Earl Meyers of Peru who is woi king with his brother in Auburn made this town a pleasant call Wednesday even ing with Mr. Mjtz. iSllBERT Joseph Harper of Auburn was In our city on Wednesday. * Miss Hattle Lilly was calling on her friends here Wednesday. Ed Krug spent Sunday at the homo of Fred Meyers la the country. Newton Jarvis of Nemeha srent Fri day as a business visitor hero , Clyde Hill is now at Fulls City assisting - ing the Journal with tneir > vork. Mr II J Bolden was a business visitor at Stella one day quite recently. Misses Lena and Maggie Welck were In town shopping last Saturday. Mr. Crook , our county surveyor , was a business visitor here Tuesday. Quite a number hero have had their sidewalks repaired during the week. Jake Birdsley , wife and little son wore the guests of home folks Sunday. Grandma Lewis and daughter spent a few days last week shopping In Falls City. George Brlckcr has been laying some new sidewalks for J C Shulenberg this week. Mrs Shook returned home Saturday from a few days visit with relatives at Auburn. Miss Hattlo Lilly will leave the first. of this week for a visit with home folks in Illinois. Chas Fqlt had his residence on Rail road street repainted , which adds greatly to Its appearance. Willie Oathout , who has been visit ing home folks here , returned to Portland - land , Oregon , last Thursday. Word was received from Grandma Evans that she reached Ohio safely and is now having u pleasant time. Fred Colglazler and family left last Wednesday for Salem , Indiana , for a lew weeks stay with relatives , Mr Martin the photographer , of Ba rada , made this his place of business Saturday and did quite a bit of work. The many friends hero of Mrs Smiley sympathize with her over the loss of her father , who died at Rockport , Mo. , June 20. Mrs Jno Lambert , who was hurt in a runaway last week is now at the home of Mrs. Hliginsaud Is in a very critical condition. Judge Parsons and wife of near Ver don came in Sunday , when Mrs Pur- sons , who has been in poor health for some time , came to consult the doctor. F M Oathout and wife spent Sunday as the guests of relatives at St. Joe. They were accompanied home by their son Willie , who visited here a few days. The W O W supper , which was had Saturday evening was quite a success , there being a large number In from the country in spite of the bad weather. Wllard Shubert and wife , Arthur " " Shubert and wlfe"Frank Shubert and wife , accompanied by Mrs John Speece and Mrs Burson left Sunday morning early for the river and had a pleasant days' ' outing.