The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 03, 1908, Image 1

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    " 9
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A Real Artist.
- A glance at the beautiful vase
in the window at Davies &
Owens jewelry store will con.
vince you that we have a real
artist in our midst. It is the
work of Mrs. T. K. Mason ol
this city and is an elegant piece
of art. While Mrs. Mason has
been conducting a studio in this
city for some time and instructs
a large class , few realize the
superiority of her work. If you
have not seen this one particu
lar piece it is worth your time to
make a special trip to Davies &
Owens for that purpose.
Pollard to be Here.
H. C. Smith invited Congressman -
man Pollard to be with us dur
ing a meeting of the Horticult
ural society which convenes
here the 21st o't this month and
deliver an address before that
body. This week Mr. Smith re
ceived "a letter of acceptance
from that gentleman. This is
welcome news and' is sure to
draw a good crowd.
Perkins Confesses.
Sheriff Fenton and Chief of
Police Marts have succeded in
gaining a confession from Perk
ins the colored man now in jail
for robbing the National hotel ,
wherein he acknowledges his
guilt as to several thefts which
have occurred in this city re
cently. He has also expressed
his willingness and desire to
plead guilty at the next session
of court and throw himself upon
its mercy.
Kicked by a Horse.
While playing around the
livery barn of Benschoter &
Doerner on Wednesday about
noon , Ha/ley Job was kicked by
a horse and his right leg brok
en. The little-fellow was taken
home and medical attention
given at once and he is now
doing nicely.
The proprietors of the barn
have done all within their pow
er to keep boys from playing
there , and while the accident is
greatly regretted by them they
feel that the blame can be at
tached to no one.
The First Victim.
The first Fourth of July vic
tim in this city is Willie Job ,
who is now carrying his hand in
a sling ; the result of a wound
received Monday by a blank 22
cartridge. So far the little fel
low is getting along nicely , but
will not have the time tomorrow
he might have had but for his
early display of patriotism.
Take warning boys and be
careful tomorrow.
Will TeachTfsan iviarclal.
News comes to us this week
from San Marcial , New Mexico ,
that F. A. Boose of our city has
been elected to the principalship
at that place for the coming : year.
Frank Boose is a young- man
most well and favorably. , known
in our city , -having : been raised in
our midst. He is a graduate of
our high school being a member
of the class of ' 05 , has attended
the University and graduated
from the State normal this spring.
He began his teaching- experience
last year in the Sailor school
west of town and made good
there. He is now to make his
first attempt as the head of a
town school system , San Marcial
being a place of one thousand in
habitants. While Mr. Boose is
young in years and.experience we
feel sure that his steady qualities
and good scholarship will make
him a success as an educator.
Will Sears and wife left yes
terday for Shenandoah , Iowa for
a few days with their daughter ,
Mrs. Elva Vincent.
Once Enough For Him.
Herbert Hedges had an experi
ence Friday night which he says
will stay with him for some time.
He was mail clerk on one of the
trains wrecked that night on the
Kansas & Northwestern out of
Kansas City and is now at home
in this city for repairsIt was a
liead on collision of two passen
ger trains , caused presumably by
misunderstood orders. The ex
pressman on Mr. Hedges' train
was 'killed' outright and man } '
passengers on both trains were
severely injured. Several cars
went down a high enbankment ,
and Herbert was in one of them ,
lie said when he quit rolling he
found himself under a lot of de
bris but was protected in such a
manner as to keep the heayy
wreckage off ol him , otherwise he
would have surely been killed but
fortunately escaped with only
several cuts and bruises and a
horrible scare. His car , as was
the case with several others , was
a complete wreck. After viewing
the smash up Herbert thinks he
is pretty lucky to be-alive.
The home of R. R. Horrocks
was the scene of one of the pret
tiest home weddings on Monday
evening- , June 29th ever witness
ed in our city , when their oldest
daughter , Marguerite , was joined
in marriage to Thomas Palmer ,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Palmer
of this city. The affair was very
quiet , only the immediate fam
ilies and a very few intimate
friends being present.-
The house was beautifully dec
orated throughout with daisies ,
sweet peas , carnations and ferns.
At eight o'clock , the appointed
hour , the bridal party took their
positions in the dining room be
fore an improvised altar banked
with daisies and Icrns and upon
which lighted candles were ar
ranged , where at the conclusion
of the marriage hymn "Oh Per
fect Love , " sung by Mrs. Neide ,
Rev. G. L. Neide of St. Thomas
church spoke the words which
united this happ3r couple for life ,
using the beautiful and impress
ive ring service of the Episcopal
church. They were attended by
Miss Meeker Cain and Robert
Neitzel. The bride was modestly
but becomingly attired in white
and carried a beautiful boquet of
brides' roses , while Miss Cain
wore a silk muslin of floral de
sign and carried pink roses.
After congratulations the
guests were served with dainty
refreshments by Beatrice Bellman -
man and Marion Horrocks.
The bride was born in this city
where she has grown to woman
hood , gathering around her hosts
of friends , who while they rejoice
with her in her new happiness
are sorry to see her go from them
to form new ties. She had ser-
yed as stenographer in different
offices in the court house for the
past six years.
The groom has lived with his
parents in this city for a number
of years , being employed in the
various printing offices here. He
is a thorough and practical news
paper man , and is at present
manager of the Shickley Herald.
He is industrious and possessed
of those qualities essential to
The young couple left Tuesday
afternoon for Shickley , Neb. ,
where thev expect to reside for
the present. The best wishes of
our people go with them.
W , J. Hamilton of Glenwood ,
Iowa is in the city with a force
of men and as soon as a switch
can be built and the wet weather
is over will begin on the new
water works building.
Falls City Boy Honored.
T. L- Lewis , now a resident of
San Diego , Cali. , but formerly of
this city , has been appointed by
the governor of that state to the
superior bench to fill a vacancy
caused by the death of the former
The appointee is a brother of
our 13. 0. Lewis and for years
lived on a farm near this city ,
and is well known by many of
our people who are pleased to
hear of this recognition of his
great ability.
Invest In Panhandle.
Joe Bauer and Charley Xoellcr
returned Friclaj' irom their trip
through Texas. Each invested
in land in the Panhandle. Mr ,
Bauer securing a section and Mr.
/ioeller a half section. This does
not necessarily mean that they
are going t'o leave us , but will
still remain here where their real
interests are centered.
Banana Special. '
Special banana trains are be
coming quite common through
this city. Agent Whitford in
forms us that one train a week is
about the average , one passing
through here Friday containing
nineteen cars loaded with ba
nanas. They are all shipped from
New Orleans , distributing their
cargo along the route to Denver.
Arrangements have been made
with the B. & M. for the conven
ience of the many Falls City
people who wish to spend the
Fourth i n IlumboUU. T w o
coaches will be attached to the
freight known as No. 67 , which
leaves here about nine o'clock in
the morning. This will enable
thosedesiring to witness both ball
games , and return home in good
season , leaving Ilumboldt on the
regular passenger in the evening
at 6:30. : This arrangement in
sures a good crowd for Ilumboldt
from this section.
Fire Escape in Place.
A fine up-to-date fire escape
was this week placed on the Walil
building and is in a condition to
be perfectly safe. Mr. Wahl ever
mindful of the welfare of. the
public , added this improvement
for the safety of the many who
rent his hall on the third floor for
social gatherings , as well as his
regular tenants in the office
building , and this is now one of
the most desirable structures in
the city.
Our Delegate at Boston.
One of the prominent members
of the National Biennial conven
tion of Woinens clubs , which con
sists of 3000 delegates is Mrs.
Anna Reavis Gist of the Nebras
ka delegation. She is a direct
descendant of L. U. Reavis , the
pioneer capitol mover. Mrs. Gist
possesses some of the resourceful
nature and untiring : energy that
was characteristic of her dis
tinguished relative. The Boston
Transcript ) June 24.
Democrats Scarce.
Two months ago it was thought
it would require three sleepers to
accommodaie the crowd going
from this vicinity to the Denver
convention , but since Taft's nom
ination. the combined efforts of
Jimmy Mendcnhall and Agent
Whitford could not unearth
enough democrats in Kulo , Falls
City , Ilumboldt and Pawnee to
fill one sleeper and an order for
the same as cancelled.
Heck & Harlow , the new fruit
firm have fitted up a finely equip
ped up town office in the Heck
feed store , where they will be
pleased to meet anyone interested
in their business. With the
bright fruit prospects before them
this firm is sure of success.
The members of the W. R. C.
to the number of about thirty
planned a very pleasant surprise
for one of their members , Mrs. T.
P. JonesFriday evening in honor
of her seventy-sixth 'birthday.
The ladies took well filled bask
ets and during the evening
served a splendid lunch. It was
a pleasant evening for all and will
be long remembered.
Mrs. Andrew Cameron enter
tained her Sunday school class at
her home Friday afternoon in the
form of a picnic on the lawn. A
fine lunch was served and every
thing possible provided for the
pleasure of the little guests.
Mrs. Mark Goolsby was hostess
to the W , R. C. kenstngton Mon
day afternoon. There was a
good attendance and the ttsu al
good time reported.
The Book Worm club held its
regular meeting at the library
Friday morning with a good
crowd in attendance. The study
at this time pretained to the west
with Ruth Ileincman and Tillic
Herbster as leaders. Very inter
esting papers were read descript
ive of "Yellowstone Park" "The
Petrified Forests ol Arizona" and
"Rocky Mountains. " After the
program the leaders served what
they called Rocky Mountain re
freshments. These club meetings
are proving very beneficial to the
young ladies , and they find it
time well spent. At the next
meeting they will enjoy "A day
in Turkey. "
i- . , . '
The Degree of Honor kensington -
ton met at their hall yesterday
afternoon after a short session of
lodge. A large number were
present and spent a very pleasant
afternoon , Mrs. Elizabeth Pccht
acting as hostess. Lemonade and
wafers were serycd.
Mrs. Levi Kubrick will be host
ess to the Presbyterian kensington -
ton next Friday afternoon. She
will be assisted by Mesdamcs ,
Bailey , Boose and Inskecp. A
cordial invitation is extended to
all to come and have a pleasant
Mrs , Kate Rieger entertained
fourteen of her lady friends on
Tuesday evening at a theatre
party at the Lyric. After the
entertainment she invited the
guests to her rooms where an
elegant lunch was served. The
ladies are indebted to their host
ess for a very pleasant evening.
The Ladies auxiliary to Steele
cemetery association will meet
with Mrs. J. W. Holt Monday
afternoon , July 6 at 3 o'clock.
All members are earnestly urged
to be present as this will be an
interesting and important session.
The Misses Ilutchings enter
tained a number of lady friends
Tuesday afternoon at whist.
Guests for five tables were present
and after enjoying their favorite
game fet a time , the hostesses
served splendid refreshments.
It is surprising how many of
the prominent papers of the
country , especially the Democratic -
cratic paperswhich speak highly
of Mr. Taft's
ly proven quali
fications for the presidency. It
seems to be the universal opin
ion that there has never been a
candidate , within the history of
the country , who has , previous
to hfs election , shown himself
so well qualified for the great
office for which he has been
nominated. Taft is no uncer
tain quantity. He has shown
his great ability. His record is
one of great works accomplish
ed notof great thing promised.
Miss Daisy Gaptt is visiting
with relatives in this city.
Miss Anna Jane Clancy was
born August 15 , 18J55 at West
Day , Saratoga county , N. Y.
ami died at her home on North
Hat-Ian street in Falls OitytJune
29 , 'OB at the age ol seventy-two
years , nine months and fifteen
days. She was married to Lor
etr/.o Dow Lawrence on May 8 ,
1858 to which union was born
eight children , three of whom
died in infancy. One daughter ,
Julia died during their residence
in this county at the age of
seventeen years. Two sons ,
Edward and Fred who live at
Fairbury and two daughters ,
Dr. Emma Lawrence and Miss
Lawrence of this city are left to
mourn the loss ol mother. Her
husband died in April of 1000.
At the age of seventeen years
Mrs. Lawrence united with the
Baptist church and has ever
been a faithful follower of its
In 18o5 Mrs. Lawrence moved
with her husband to Illinois
where they resided for seven
teen years , coming to Richard
son county in 1872 where her
home has since been.
Mrs. Lawrence had been ill
for a number of years but on
March 12 had the third stroke of
paralysis and has been bedfast
ever since suffering from a com
plication of diseases and found
no relief until death claimed
her. All that mortal hands
could do was done lor her , butte
to no avail , she has taken a step
into the other world to join her
loved ones there.
To the two daughters , who
have lost a true and loving
mother we extend our profound
sympathy. They have ever
been faithful always administer
ing to her wants and when death
came it found tinin al her bed
side ready to do what they
could ! "
Funeral services were held
from the Christian church Wed
nesday afternoon conducted by
Kevs. Dunkleberger and Reichel
and interment was made in
Steele cemetery.
Thomas Long died at the Mer
cy hospital in Omaha on Satur
day morning , June 27th , at eight
o'clock , from blood poison , caused
by the bite of a dog. The de
ceased was 37 years old at the
time of his death. He was a son
of F. B. Long of Hamburg , Iowa ,
but was well known in Rule and
vicinity. Mr. Long was solicitor
of the Daily Nonpareil and was
making collections on his route
when he was bitten. The injury
seemed too slight to notice at the
time , but Saturday night lie be
came violently 511 and was threat
ened with convulsions , but Sun
day he seemed better. Tuesday
he again became worse and was
removed to the hospital , where ,
after suffering untold agony , he
passed away , just ten days after
the fatal bite. Three years ago
his wife dicdi and was brought
here for burial. She was a dauglr
ter of John Anderson and wife ,
who lived in Rule a number of
years , but now reside at Reserve.
He leaves an aged father , his
mother having died last Novem
ber at the same hospital where
his last hours were spent , one sis
ter , four brothers , and three little
children , the eldest 14 years of
age , left orphans , and many other
relatives and friends.
The oldest boy , Wilbur , was in
Omaha , attending school , the two
youngest , Floyd and Mable , are
with their grandparents at Re
serve , Kansas. Mr. Long was
well liked by all who associated
with him , was a member of tin
Christian church and always at
tended services when possible to
do so. He was a member of the
K. of P.'s , Tribe of Ben Ilur , an
apprentice in the Masons , and
several other orders. A good
man , a good citizen , a man needed
to care for his motherless chil
dren is gone , all on account of a
worthless dog running : at large.
The remains were brought to
Rule Monday and the funeral
preached by Kev. Maze at the
Holiness church. Thcnall that was
mortal of him , who a few days
before , had been amongst us well
and strong , was tenderly laid by
the side of his wife in the silent
city to await the resurrection. A
profusion of beautiful flowers
were sent from friends in Omaha ,
Council Bluffs and other places.
May he sleep in peace.
Mary Jane Bradley died at her
home in this city on Monday ,
June 2'J , at (5:30 ( : a. m. , aged 5'J
years and 2 days. Deceased had
been a resident of this city for
several years. She was a sufferer
from heart trouble , an attack of
this disease being the cause of her
sudden death. A husband and
four children arc left to mourn
the loss of a kind wife and mother ,
The funeral was held from the
home Wednesday afternoon , coir
ducted by Rev. Reichel of the
Baptist church. Interment was
in Steele cemetery.
Word was received in this city
Tuesday of the death of Mrs. E.
H. Bordner , at her home in Wash"
ington , Kans. Deceased was the
mother of Mrs. Jess Whetstinei
formerly of this city , and has vis
ited here many times , and made
many friends here , who are sorry
to hear'of hcrdeath. Mrs. Whet-
.stine has the sympathy c > f her
many Fails City friends in her
bereavement. /
What's Your Boy Worth ?
Ever sine , : The Tribune has
jeen in existence it has been t > cold-
ng about the careless , senseless
method of celebrating the Fourth.
Repeatedly we have appealed to
: he council for an ordinance pro
hibiting the death dealing , nerve
racking cannon cracker.
We have nagged at parents for
their carelessness , their heedlessness -
ness until we have been called a
common scold. We haven't for
gotten the days when we were
young , but as I remember them
[ wonder that boys ever live to
grow old.
Next week we may publish a
news item of some child killed , or
burned or blind as a result of our
glorious Fourth. Suppose it is
your boy ! Are you ready for
such a sacrifice for the altar of a.
false patriotism ?
Last year 194 souls passed out
on the Fourth of July. Last
year 425 < J were seriously injured
celebrating the aniversary of our
independence. Last year 24 chil
dren were rendered utterly , hope
lessly blind by fire crackers. Last
year 47 children died of lock-jaw
as the result of powder burns.
What will the harvest be next
Saturday ?
Marriage License.
Edward Clift , Ilumboldt . 24
Nannie Chaff in , Ilumboldt . . . .25
Robt. Killingworth , Fargo . . .28
Mary Ilackworth , Falls City. . 17
D. J. Ilinchcy , Omaha . 33
Mary P.Fenton , Dawson . 2S
Sam'l Barker , Bigelow , Mo. . . .23
Cora Belle Roland , Bigelow. . . . 18
Thos. C. Palmer. Shickley. . .25
Marguerite Horrocks , Falls City 22
Misses Mattie and Jennie Shill
ing of Illinois are in the city
guests at the home of their sister ,
Mrs. Sam Mower