The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 26, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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S has been our custom , we now offer the remainder of our Summer and Spring Stocks at Sacrifice
Prices. You need not to be told that we are not offering the remnants of old stocks or inferior quali
ties but only goods that are standard , clean and in every way desirable. We have no hard luck yarn
about getting these stocks at job lot sales nor of some merchant whose misfortunes forced him to sell at
ruinous prices. We buy only new , choice , clean merchandise. Our facilities for owning this kind of goods
at low cost are not equaled by any house in this vicinity. In view of these facts you readily understand that ,
as you have learned to know by past experience , this Clearing Sale means a genuine opportunity to save
money on fresh usefuj merchandise. The very unusual weather of the last 30 days has left on hand an un
usually complete stock of just such seasonable articles as you will require during July and August. The
prices made are for the days above ONLY.
Lace Curtain
We carry the most complete
assortment of Window Hang
ings in the city. For this sale
to close out odd lots and reduce
the stock we offer values that
will interest every housekeeper.
2l/z yd Striped Muslin
Ruffled Curtains , each
2 3-4 yard Plain Muslin ,
ruffled 3 tuck Curtains
2 3-4 yard Plain Muslin
Ruffled 3 Tucks , Lace
Insertions , each
Great Values in
Fine Curtains
6 pairs Irish Point Curtains ,
sold at $5 and $ ( > .50
to close at per pair
3 pairs Brussels Net Curtains
sold at $10.00 , re
duced to per pair
9 pairs Brussels Net Curtains
sold at $5 and $5.50
reduced to per pair
17'pairs Brussels Net Curtains
sold at $6 to $7.50
reduced to per pair
Art Squares
13 9 by 12 foot Union ( Wool
and Cotton ) Art Squares , in
artistic designs , a n d most
sought colorings , worth $6.00
will be reduced in
this sale to
Room Size
15 per cent d i s c o u n t on all
Room size Rugs ,
39 room size Rugs in our Car
pet Department , including : Ax-
minster , Velvet , Smyrna , Wil
ton , Body Brussels and Tapes
try. All sizes from 6 by 9 to
12 by 15 feet , are now offered
during this sale at FIFTEEN
PER CENT OFF our regular
prices. This is an opportunity ,
which will not be offered again
this season.
Shirt Waists.
These Shirt Waists at Low
Cost are thn most approved
styles of the season in a sur
prising variety of design in the
make-up as well as embroidery
and lace. Will be sold at
75c , $1 , $1.25
You will be pleased with the
quality of the materials.
Men's Fine
Shirts Cheap
All Men's $1 Dress
Shirts reduced to
All Men's 75c , Dress
Shirts reduced to
All Boys' 60c Dress
Shirts reduced to
All Bo3's' 50c Dress
Shirts reduced to
Ladies Suits at
Half Price.
A few excellent Tailor Made
Suits marked at $9 to $25 , now
go at HALF PRICE. This is
the most meritorious offering of
this sale. Alterations will be
charged for on these suits-
17 Misses Spring and Summer
Jackets , fancies and plains , 10
to 16 j'eai's
$2.50 TO $6.00
22 Ladies' Spring Jackets.
Silk and Cloth , Tans , Blues
and Blacks
$3.50 TO $20.
All of the above at ONE
Linen Suitings
5 pieces'Linen Suitings , Red ,
Blue , Brown , Green and Grc3r ,
worth 25c , now t Ef *
9 pieces Linen Suiting , all
colors , sold at 40 , 45
and 50c reduced to
Wash Goods
12 pieces 30 inch Mercerized
Chatnbrey reduced
from 15 and 20c to
10 pieces Manchester Cham-
brey , reduced from | A _
12 l-2c to 1UL
20 pieces Manchester C a m-
bric , 36 inches wide , the finest ,
most attractive Percale made ,
reduced from 15c
At 5. 10 , 12 1-2 , 15 and 25c
we have cut our entire stock of
Thin Wash Goods , the reduc
tions in many cases amount to
cutting the prices in two , On
our lOc table will be found
fabrics that we have said at2oc
At 25c are many pieces formerly
sold at 50c.
Wool Dress
Goods .Specials
( > pieces 36 to 42 inch Plaids
and Stripes , reduced
from 50c to .
7 pieces 42 to 44 inch Plaids
and Fancies , reduced
from Si and Sl.25 to. .
Much Reduced
25 pieces small check Ging
hams. sold at S an d lOc
during this sale .
15 pieces very choice imported
/iephyr Ginghams , re
duced to .
25 pieces A. F. C. Toile du
Nerd and Red Seal Ginghams.
reduced from 12 l-2c :
and 15c to . . . .
Linen Specials
This Sale Only
1000 yards IS inch All Linen
Crash , worth 12 l-2c
sale price .
IS by 40 inch Turkish Tow
els , cheap at 15c sale
price .
1 piece Turkey Red
Damask cut from 35c to
2 piece 72 inch Bleached all
Linen Damask , reduced -
duced from $1.00 to. . .
2 pieces 72 inch Bleached all
Linen D a m a s k. reduced -
duced from $1.25 to. .
1 piece 72 inch Unbleached all
Linen Damask , reduced -
duced from ( > 5cto. . . .
1 piece 72 inch Unbleached all
Linen Damask , reduced -
duced from $1 to .
All Napkins at 10 per
cent Discount.
Rain Coats.
20 Cravenette Rain Coats in
Tan , Oxlord , Olive. All sixes.
The most serviceable garment
for women. Reduced during
this sale ONE FOURTH. $10
coas. ! ' ° .r : : : : : : : : : $7.50
$12 coats for .
§ 10 coats for
ia Linens
Sc India Linens re
duced to
lOc India Linens re O
duced to OL >
15c India Linens re"t 1
duced to J. A v %
20c India Linens reduced
duced to
25c India Linens re
duced to
30c India Linens re
duced to
Silk Petticoats
It is our polic } ' to carr } ' over
no Silk Garments , and in pur
suance of this policy all Silk
Petticoats arc reduced.
$5 Petti coats fa A A A
reduced to tfrT.VW
$0 Petti coats
reduced to
$7.50 Petticoats
reduced to
$8.50 Petticoats
reduced to .
$1000 Petticoats
reduced to
Fancy Silks of
all Kinds
Every yard of Fancy Silks of
all kinds , Foulards , Printed
Japs. , Stripes. Checks , Plaids ,
Jacquards , are reduced for this
sale as follows :
50c Silks reduced to
( > 0c Silks reduced to
75c Silks reduced to fiA _
$1.00 Silks reduced J f
$1.25 Silks reduced
$1.50 Silks re
duced to
15 % off on all
Ladies' Dress
Over 200 Dress Skirts all in
new stylish designs marked at
$1.50 TO $15.
Fancies , Blacks , Browns , Blues.
Greys , Keds all are offered at
15 per cent discount. We will
make all alterations free during
this sale.
Muslin Gowns
and Petticoats
Finding that we have an over
stock in Muslin Skirts an d
Gowns a great cut is made on
these particular items. On our
center table will be found Bar
gains such as we have never
offered in Muslin Wear before.
This stock is sure to cut down
to the point we wish it to be as
quickly as the ladies learn the
values offered.
2O % off on all
This is another line that is
too heavy. To cut it down we
offer a discount such as we have
never made before. Mu-Oin.
Swiss and Jaconet' Embroider
ies in all widths of Edgings ,
Flouncinjjs and Insertions are
splendidly represented. Dn not
forget that this discount is for
this sale only.
ftfi ip * 4 ] IP11 * > JK yvy tt *
25 to 50 % off
on all Sorts of
Men's Hats , Boys' Hats. Mis
ses Hats , Fur , Wool , Straw ,
Muslin , Lace , in short , every
sort of Head wear goes into the
Slaughter. Among these are
some especially attractive values
on Men's Fur Hats , any of
which you can buy for * 9 * +
1O % off.
Fancies and Plains in all col
ors and combinations. Plain ,
with Fancy or Jacqtiard bor
ders are very popular , also
Ponge with fancy colored bor
der. White embroidered Linen
Parasols will be quite as much
in favor as last year. Prices
range from . . . . . . . . . . . .
$1.00 TO $5.00
Four Yard
5 good patterns in 10 foot
Linoleumsof one of the
best makes , sq yd . .
0 foot Linoleum at
per square yard
< > foot Linoleum at
per square yard
10 % Discount
Thrcedistinct Grades of plain
colored Silk , fancy borders , in
Black , Blue , Re | Green and
Brown at SI.85 , S2.00 and
$2.75 , there arc lower grade
colored Umbrellas on the mar
ket. These we can recommend
to you. Very special values in
black 20 inch and 28 inch Um
brellas at 50c , 75c , 85c ,
$1 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 ,
$2.00 and $2.50.
White Goods
In fancy goods , including
Swissesi Jaconets , Nainsooks ,
! Dimities , Stripes , Che * KS.
Plaids D ) K AM arc im1 ri-
ally reduced tor tl is sale.
Groceries at a
16 Ibs largest Raisins , sold
formerly at 15c $ >
11 AII 9 n n t
per Ib tJJ
3 Ibs California dried peaches ,
sold formerly at 20o yjLf
perlb.- & \J\j
2 1-2 Ibs very best California
peaches sold formerly
at 25c per Ib
3 Ibs largest prunes
4 12 oz pkg currants
4 12 oz ekg seeded
raisins .
2 pkgs Kern Kinks. .
1 pkg Corn Flakes. .
1 Ib Laytons Baking
Powder with Tumbler
1 Ib Calumet Baking
Powder . 15c
1 Can Lavaline used
same as Dutch Cleaner. .
1-2 box best Soda
Crackers . 75c
1 quart bottle Mexican
can Bluing 20c sizes .
1 Bottle ClubHouse
House 55c Catsup . . . .
S bars White Naptha
Soap . 25c
1 can Salmon , 15c
kind . lOc
1 Ib Blue Grass Plug
Tobacco .