; i i ? THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JUIS'IH 26 , 1908. When Columbia "Primps" on July 4th hi honor of her I'ncle Sam's birth day she \vill never forget that the linsl principle of hygiene ami clean * lincss Is in having her teeth anil mouth in good condition. ( ele- liratc the -1th of .July liy lia\iiitf your teeth attended to , whether they need lillliitf , crowning bridjj iiitf or an entire new set inserted by coining to J. C. VUTZY. Pnlls City , . - Nebraska LEED'S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LIEEDj PROPRIETOR FALLS CITY Q-GB-O-S-S-C NEBRASKA Farm Implements * WE are Headquarters for the famous ST. JOE and SATTLEY FARM IMPLEMENTS of all kinds GASOLINE Also the Light Running Miller Wagons ENGINES Kemp's 20th Century Manure Spreaders And : ( . full and complete line of * Carriages and Buggies on hand at all times. PRICES CHEAPEST IN THE COUNTY Call and see us and save money P-FROSTJKINfi [ GASOLINEt&lOII. , ENGINES ) are so simple that a child can run them and rest less to maintain than other any engine i on the market. With a Lnusou "Frost V King" for power 2 cents will pump 2,000 gallons of water. 50-foot lift. Can you do it for that now } The Lnusoii "Frost King" rims with the same = ? easy glide in both summer and winter it . cannot freeze. It is made from 2J to 20 H. I' . Ask for full particulars and prices. McCumber Glaze Preston , Neb. Did YOV See 1 Those Fine Buggies and Surries we just received a car load of Moon Bros. , Surries , Buggies and Spring Wagons The only place to and buy to see the most up-to- date Vehicles is at Werner Mosimnn & Co. , and the way they go out is a proof they are The Best Money Can Buy We also have a complete line of Farm Impliments just fresh and up-to-date. Our prices are in reach of every one , call and see us before you buy. We lead them all. Remember , we carry everything in the Impliment line , such as Gas Engines , Wind Mills , Pumps , Tanks , Pipe and Fittings. Also are agents for the Pure Sofi Cable Lightning Rod and just the thing you need to Protect your Mouse and Barn. Get our price and be protected from Lightning. Call and see us we can save you money. Yours truly , Werner , Mosiman AND COMPANY Consumptives Made Comfortable Hont-y and Tar has cured cases of Incipient consumption i ml even in the advanced stages all'ords comfort and relief. Refuse an/but the genuine Folcy' * Honey nnd Tnr. Kcrr'f Pharmacy. Odd Fellows Get Busy. The Odd Fellows had a busy session at their lodge room Fri day evening. There were two initiations and worlc in the third degree. The grand master was down from Blair to witness the work and spolce in most Hatter- ing terms of the splendid condition - tion ol the lodge in this city. Quite a number of visitors were present from Venlon and Daw- son. After the worlc there was the usual good time , every effort being made for the pleasure of the visitors. , No Humbug. No humbug claims liuvc to be mode 'or Foley'd Honey und Tar , the well known remedy for coughs , colds nnd lung troubles. The fact that more bottles of Folcy's Honey and Tnr are used than of any other cough remedy Is the best testimonial of Its great merit Why then risk taking some unknown preparation when Foloy'a Honey and Tar costs you no more and Is safe and sure. Kerr's Pharmacy. Prof. A. II. Yoegelein was up from Falls City the middle of the week to attend the Frank-Myera wedding nnd incidentally shako liancls with numerous friends in the city. We understand Mr. Voe- elein has been elected to the prin- cipalship of the Rule schools at n salary considerably greater than that paid as principal here , and with five dollars more per month than they ever paid before. The school board there increase the course of study to eleven grades this year' and there will be six- teachers. Humboldt Leader. VV. R , Wiird , of Dyersburg , Tenn. writes : "This Is to certify that I have used Folcy's Orlno Laxative for chronic constipation , nnd it has proven without a doubt to be n thorough practical rem edy for this trouble , nnd It Is with pleasure I offer my conscientious refer ence. " Korr'a pharmacy. Married at Falls City. A special to the St. Joseph News - Press says that William Ruth ford of Humboldt , this coun ty , and Miss Heuniuger of Falls City , wore united in marriage Monday by County Judge Gngnon. The young people will make their home in Falls City. Humboldt Standard. Weak women should try Dr. Slioop's Night Cure. These soothing , healing , antiseptic suppositories go direct to the seat of these weaknesses. My "Hook No. 4 for Women" contains many valu able hints to women , and it is free. Ask Dr. Sheep , Racine , Wia. , to mail It Ask the Doctor in strict confidence , any questions you wish answered. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Is sold by all deal ers. Besides the great Liberates Military - itary Band and Grand Opera Con cert Company , consisting of GO persons , 18 of whom nre singers of national reputation , the State Fair at Lincoln , August 31 to Septem ber -1 , will have the services of bands from Hebron , Beatrice , Au rora and St. Paul. This should assure patrons of the Fair plenty of music. Your dlnlnc room lloor can be touched up and rellnlsLed with Campbell's Floor Finish and the result will be very satisfactory. Morsman Drug Co. cur- riet > a full line of all size cans and the manufacturers guarantee perfect satis faction If the simple directions arc fol lowed. If ono feels dull and spiritless , In the spring or early summer , thej call It "Spring Fever " Hut there Is no fever usually. U Is the after effect of our winter habits. The norvcs are mostly nl fault. Tired , worn-out nerves lenvo languid , lifolces , nnd without spirit or ambition A few doses of Ir , Snoop's Restorative will absolutely und quickly change all of these depressing Bjinp- tuins. The Restorative of course won t bring- you back' to full health In a day or two , but It will do enough In 4S hours ta satisfy you that the remedy Is reaching that "tired spot" . Urugglsts everywhere are advising Its use as a splcndlc1 | and prompt general tonic. It gives more vim and more spirit to the spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonic It sharpens n falling appetite , aids digestion , frees sluggish livers and kidney ? , and brings new life , strength and ambition , Test It ,1 few days and be convinced. Sold bv all dealers. IVORY POLISH FOR FURNITURE and PIANOS ' . ' Good For Any Wood " CLEAN'S and polishes , remove ! suln > * * and restore ! the finish. Guaranteed to clve perfect tttUfactlon. Absolutely the bc l polish made Accept no tubitl- lute II j-our dealer doesn't carrj it , tend us his . name and we'll lee that you are > up- pllod. prce | 25cnd 50o MANUFACTURED DV ORCHARD A. W1LHEIM , Omaha , Hebr. Miss Lizzie Heitland Magnetic Healer Falls City , : : Nebraska llavinjj recently irrncluatcd from the \Vcltincr Institute of Magnetic Hcal- Injj at Nevada , Mo. , I am prepared to treat diseases of all kinds. Located svt Mrs. Hurris' just south of the convent. PHONE 279 Stop That Cold To check enrlr colds or Grippe with "Proventlw" means sure dofcat ( or lneumonla. To stop a cold with 1'rovcntlci is mfor than to let It run and be obliged to euro It afterwards. To bo Euro , 1'ro. verities will euro oven a deeply ftcated cold , but taken curly at the tncezo stnifo they break , or head oil these early cold * . That' * surely bettor. That's why thor nre called Proven tics. Provcntlcsaro little Candy Cold Cures. No Quln. Ino. no physic , nothing sickening. Nice for the children and thoroughly safe too. It you fe l chilly , K you sneeio , 11 yon * cho all over , think of Prcvcntlcs. Promptness mar also save half your usual sickness. And don'I forget your child , II thcrols feverishness , night or day. Herein prob ably lies Pravcntlc * ' greatest efficiency. Bold In to IXJIPS for the pocket , also In 25o boxes of 48 Provcntlcs. Insist on your druggists giving you Prcvcntics ( ALL DEALERS ) I America's Tliemiiiial Wonderland HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS Curative waters , health ful and agreeable cli mate , restful surround ings every form of rec reation if desired , all completely illustrated and described in our new booklet , also rates at hotels , bath houses , etc. , etc. Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain ttm DIRECT THROUGH ROUTE Call ou 5 our local B. P. PAYNE ( loiioriil I'liMi'iiKiT ami Ticket St. Louis , Mo. Money ! Money ! Money to loan on good farm security. Call on or write G. H. FALLSTEAD Office Over Korncr's Hardware Store Falls City , - - Nebraska You Should Know This. Fole.v's Kidney Remedy will cure any use of kidney or bladder trouble thnt s not beyond the reach of medicine. S'o medicine can do more. Kerr' ? hurmucy. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold jy acting as a cathartic on the sowels is LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough syrup , contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold off through tha natural channels , Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER Burlington LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS TO THE PACIFIC COAST Daily low round trip rates to Port land , Seattle , Tacoina , San Fran cisco , Los Angeles and San Diego. Slightly higher to include both California and Pitgct Sound. One whole business day saved by our new schedule to the Pacific northwest. TO CHICAGO AND EASTERN RESORTS : Republican convention tickets on sale June 12 to 10 , Daily low excursion rates to Cana da , Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota seta , Massachusetts and New York tourist resorts ; also low excursion rates to tourist resorts in Maine , New Hampshire , Vermont. AN AMERICAN TOUR FOR NEBRASKA TEACHERS And their friends Excursion will leave Lincoln , 4:30 : p. m. June 27. Will spend three or fourdays at N. E. A. Convention in Cleveland ; thence Buffalo , Niagara Falls , To ronto , St. Lawrence River by steamer through Thousand Islands and over the Rapids , Montreal , Boston , Albany , down the Hudson to New York , thence Philadelphia , Washington and Pittsburg. Ask the agent for an itineray and full information or write the under signed. To Colorado and Rocky Mountains Daily low rates to Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , Black Hills and Yellow stone Park. Democratic conven tion at Denver in July. llomeseekers' Rates - First and third Tuesdays to the West , including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Val ley , where large tracts of rich irri gated lands are being opened for settlement by th < 5 government and by private companies. Write D. ( J. Dcaver , Uurlington Land-eek- era' Information Bureau , Omaha ; excellent busbiiie-s openings in new gtowing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip , and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost , E. G. WHITPORD , Local Ticlct Agent. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. . , Omaha , Neb. H-H-H-t-H-H-M-H | | | ) 1 I I HI I D. S. HcCarthy ! i DRAY'ANE ) TRANSFER : ; Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. ; ' PHONE NO. 211 iiin i 1111111111111'H-i- C. H. HARION AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in scientific and businesslike - < f > nesslike manner C. H. MARION I tt Falls City , Nebraska $ W NX" > 'V X V ' - i' ' V'Ni'V p'V'V' I , ' Par Good Sales , flood Service , Pro t > Returns Ship Your Stock to < > Qeo. R. Barse 1 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. . & Write u.i for Market Reports' 'T Kansas City. Klo. , x WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS | DR. H. T. HftHN VETERINARIAN Ofiice niid residence first door north of city park. Phone 2G3. PALLS CITY , NEBRASKA EDGAR R. MATHERS Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAUL BUILDING ] ) R ; M. I. WILSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office and Residence over McMillan's Drug Store. Phone 329. FALLS CITY , M3B. Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY Oflico over iCerr's Pharmacy Olllcc Phone 260 Residence Phone 271 W. S. PAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . j Residence ICO Phonoi , , j , oUce 55 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. 0. N. ALLISON 1JEX Phone 248 Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA TBB BOWELS AND MOVE WORK OFF A COLD WITH THE ORIGINAL MOVECOUGH COUGH SYRUP. COUGH BEST FOR A RAISE = CUCUMBERS for Pickles for the Leo Cider and Vinegar Co. and make $50.00 to $75.00 per acre Any quantity will be taken at the factory at So cents per bushel for first grade ( under four inches long ) . Call at the State Bank for sheet of instructions telling how to raise , pick and market them. : - : : - : You also can get seed for choice varietiesatthe