The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 19, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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ftiitured an sccoiul-clasi ! . matter at
I'MIs Ctty , Nebraska , post omce. Janu
ary 12 , 1W4 , under the Act of Congress
hit March 3 , 1870.
Published every Krliltiy at Kails City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune rubllsliinfj Company
E. F. Slitvrls , Manager
One year 51.50
Six ii'ontlis (0
Three months 40
Unless you appeared before the
board of equalization and regis
tered a kick about the assessment
of your real estate , you % \cre not
in with the fashion.
Our democratic friends are not
crying so loud in favor of a bill
requiring the publication of cam
paign contribution. The trouble
is the $15,000 contribution from
T. 1 < \ Ryan has already become
too public to set well with them.
Where are those fellows who at
one time cried so loudly , "Put it
back ? " It is time for them to
put up or shut up. Let them tell
what became of that $15,000.
The election of Victor Rosewater -
water as national committceman
by the Nebraska delegation at
Chicago on Monday was a wise
choice and Victor Rosewatcr
through the columns o the Oma
ha Bee has become a power in
Nebraska politics and hia ability
and industry in behalf of the
party is deserving of recognition.
Nebraska will be a portion of the
great battle ground in the coming
presidential election and Rose
watcr will be of much benefit in
helping maintain the true prin
ciples of good government.
A sale of the" $25,000 worth
of Water work bonds voted last
July has been consummated. It
is now only a question of a few
months until the people of Falls
City will be able to point with
pride to its system of electric
lights and water works. Foi
several years it has not been wha' '
it should of been While tin
electric light system has been
source of profit to the city , it was
equal to the demands of the city
The city has been pumping wate
at a loss , it has been said , with ;
new well a snug profit is prom
I ' Caleb Powers , is now a frc
man , having been pardoned b ;
Governor Wilson of Kentucky
While the assassination of Goebe
was a dark and distardly affair
the public or that portion of i
which are without political preju
dice , have not felt Caleb Power
was the guilty person. He ha
been pursecuted as have but verj
few men in the political histor
of our country. It became a par
of the plan of some of the poli
ticians of Kentucky to convic
Powers whether innocent o
guilty. The public mind at las
arose to resent the pursecutioi
of one man for the political ad
vantage of a few democratic poli
ticians and probably for tha
reason as much as any other , las
fall elected a republican gover
Struck by Lightning.
During the storm Wednesda
night lightning struck the ho in
of Mrs. .T. J. Tanner about
o'clock and while no great dan
age was. done it was indeed
close call.
The bolt entered the corner i
the bedroom where Mrs. Taniv
and her daughter , Miss Olar
were sleeping , stunning bet
quite badly , and complete
shattering a large mirror on t
dresser , scattering the pieces
glass and wood all over t
room. From here it seemed
again go to the outside strild
the porch on the north side
the house , and setting fire to t .
same. This was not discover *
however , until this mornii
when a cry oi tire aroused t
inmates , and the .neighbo
rushed to the scene to find 1
porch ablaze , the tire havi
smouldered there since the ti
it was struck at 2 o'clock.
It was indeed a close call a
the family feel that they escaj
To Proide Shelter
For the wife and little ones is a sacred
duty. Hut this usually involves a sys
tematic plan of saving ; and the habit of
saving often has its beginning in a small
bank account. If you have no bank
account start one now , no matter how
small. It will surprise you to see how
much you can save during a year when
you once "get the habit. "
Palls City State Bank
The CUlcaeo Convention.
While we go to press too early
to be able to announce the names
of the full Republican presiden
tial ticket , by the time this iSsue
shall have reached our readers ,
the convention of 1008 will be a
matter of history. William II.
Taft , no doubt , will be the leader
of the great Republican forces
during the coming campaign ,
and with his name at the head
of the ticket the party is assured
of success. The secretary has
been trained in a school , while
in the cabinet which has pre
pared him for the presidency as
no other position could have
His experience in the organi
sation of the Philippines pro
vincial government , his part in
the settlement of the Friar land
troubles , his part in the adjust
ment of the Panama canal diffi
culties besides the conspicuous
part he has played in many other
governmental problems , marks
him as a man of presidential
she. But few men outside of
the executive chair have shown
such great executive ability as
he. lie has been the confiden
tial advisor of President Roosevelt
velt and in all things is the man
whom the president thinks most
capable and fit to carry out the
policies of the present adminis
tration. The secretary will carry
out the policies of Roosevelt as
Roosevelt completed the poli
cies of McKinley.
Secretary Taft Is in all ways
a great and capable man , not
only is he a man of wonderful
physical proportions , but he is a
man of great brain and heart.
His kind and genial smile wins
all who meet him. He has none
of the qualities ol the dema
gogue. He speaks out honestly
and Irankly on all questions with
which he is concerned and his
position can always be hnown.
His running mate is not yet
known , but with such men as
Hughes , Oummings. Fairbanks ,
Sherman and our Sheldon to se
lect from the choice for second
place will be a wise one.
The platform comes out
t squarely on all great national
problem ? . It is couched in Ian.
guagelfo plain that all can un
derstand it. Any one who de
sires to know what the Republi
can platform stands for and
what it will do in the line of legis
lation can tlndout byreadingit.
It marks the party as a party
of progress. Standing on that
platform , and with his splendid
record of achievements , Mr. Taft
and his running mate may go
before the American people and
rest assured of their support.
Emptied the Larder.
When the cook at the National
went to the kitchen Wednesday
morning to prepare breakfast , h (
omul all the provisions purchase <
he night before gone , and noth
ng to cook. He immediately
lotified Landlord Spence of tin
lilcmna and the two began ai
nyentory and found that abe
$20 worth of groceries , meats
ol etc. , had been stolen. An en
er trance had been gained to th
kitchen by breaking a wimlo\
.h pane thus enabling them to un
ly lock the window and open il
, Chief of Police Marts was sen
I *
. for , and after a close survey c
of the surroundings found tracV
he leading to the livery barn acres
to the street. There he found
n , coat belonging to the cook and
* Jsack J- of oranges secreted in
hack. This was all that coul
.he be found of the stolen goods.
The next step was to land tl
thieves. All the evidence th ;
.he could be gathered pointed I
Perkins and Chas. Fredclr
J"s two of our colored gentry at :
.he they were taken in custody I
Marts. One of the strong poin
me against them is that the she <
worn by them fit exactly in tl
footprints in the mud which Ute
to the stolen goods in the ban
> ed The men are now in jail awaitin
their preliminary.
C E Mlms returned Friday from u
several day's visit In Lincoln.
S M Philpot attended fo legal busi
ness In the county seat Monday
Mrs J 0 Herwlu returned Friday
from a visit with Lincoln friends.
Blanche Knnnons of Tecumseli Is In
the city the guest of Golda Turner.
A A Tanner and family leave this
week for their future home In Lincoln.
Mrs A E Wolfe came up from Falls
City Sunday to visit E S Norton and
Jesse Draper and Helen Allen re
turned Saturdry from a few day's visit
In Lincoln.
Mrs E A Lltch field is this week en
tertaining her sister , Mrs A V Gavin ,
of Alliance.
Lawler Coons of LJrownvIlle , made
llumboldt friends a brief visit one day
the past week.
Helen Relfr returned home Friday
from an extended visit with u brother
in Oklahoma.
Mabel Uuerstetta of Tecumseh , was
numbered among the out of town guests
at the Myers-Frank wedding.
Desslc Lcc came home Friday from
Lyons , Neb , where she has been em
ployed the past year as a teacher.
Mrs Miller of Kansas City , Is being
entertained thla week at the homo of
her daughter , Mrs Harvey Hudson.
Mrs Chot Power and daughter Ollre
of Kansas City , arc visiting at the
country home of Chas Power and wife.
H E Boyd returned Friday from Fre
mont , where he had been In attendance
at the state Sunday school convention
About $15 was cleared at the ice
cream social given by the B Y P U so
cloty on .T C Segrjst's lawn one evening
last week.
The Kensington Club tendered Mrs
A A Tanner u farewell reception a
the homo of Nellie Holman on Mondaj
Nellie Holman returned Friday froir
Lincoln , where she had been in attend
unco at the commencement exercise ;
of the state university ,
Walter Uuland returned Tuesday
morning from northwestern Canada
where ho has lately disposed of hi
claim. lie expects to remain in thl
John Tighe and Logan Cornells
huve returned from a month's sojourn
In Canada , the former gentleman ownIng -
Ing considerable land In the vicinity of
The I O O F , AO U W and Robokah
lodges hold their annual memorial ser
vices Sunday afternoon at the Presby
terian church , Rev Cantrall delivering
the address.
The following university students
have returned home to spend their va
cation : Lulu Hummel , Zoo Minis , Ma-
belle Davis , George Hummel , George
Petrashek and Otto Kotonc.
A miscellaneous shower was given
Bertha Frank on Monday evening at
the homo of Mrs A A Tanner , the host
esses of the occasion being members of
the bride-elects Sunday school class
About thirty young ladles enjoyed the
Dr E E Meyers , a prominent dentist
of this city , and Bertha Frank , who has
been employed In the city schools the
past year , were united in marriage at
12 o'clock on Wednesday , at the home
of S M Phllpotand wife. Rev Cantrall
performed the ceremony in the presence
ence of about thirty relatives and Im
mediate friends of the contracting par-
tie ? . The couple left on the afternoon
train for a visit with the groom's par
ents at Memphis , Mo.
Charles Zoeller , while discuss
ing the assessment of the bottom
lands remarked that "They
should be raised. " He explaimed
that he meant aboye Hood water ,
however and not in regard to as
itf > sessment.
: s
> s Governor Johnson of MinnesO'
a ta will make the opening address
a lor the Hiawatha Chautauqua ,
Sunday afternoon July 12. Th <
First Regiment band will play i
1C sacred concert. In the evening
it the Presbyterian orchestra wil
to give a preliminary concert am
r , Ex-mayor Bradsley of Kansai
> V City will deliver an address or
ts "How to meet the issue. " Chau
2S tauqna tickets will be placed oi
icd sale in your city or may be ha (
: d
by applying to the Hiawath ;
iff Chautauqua association , Iliawa
iffthe , Kansas.
Cleveland's Department Store
Friday and Saturday
June 19th and 20th
What we consider one of our most fortunate em
broidery purchases will be placed on sale here
Friday and Saturday. It includes many patterns
in the finest Hamburg and Swiss in varied widths.
In many of the patterns you will find insertions to
match. We will place them in two lots , and at the
prices we are giving they won't last long.
Lot I. Lot 2.
20 and 25c 10 and I5c
values at values at
7 %
Yours for Satisfaction
Falls City , Nebraska
Odd Fellows In Dav/son.
Tuesday afternoon an even
ozen of our local Odd Fellows
vent to Dawson to assist in
naugurating a lodge at that
lace , and if all reports are true
, ve think it was started off in
good shape.
There were twelve charter
nembcrs and fifteen initiations.
They must have had a strenuous
ime as it required a twelve hour
ession to conplete the work , last-
ng from four o'clock in the after
noon until 4 o'clock in the morn-
ng. The new lodge is launched
with bright prospects made up as
t is with a crowd of enthusiastic
nembers , it is bound to grow and
ilourish , and we predict for it a
lorious future.
Our boys are loud in their
praise of the treatment given
hem by their Dawson brethren ,
and hope that there may be many
nore such pleasant gatherings.
The hobo element in our city
this week have kept the officers
busy and several thefts have been
July 12-18
"The Hiawatha Chautauqua
July 12-18 , 1908 , in a tent
opposite Public Square.
Tent comfortably seats
2,000 people and comfort-
ble seats have been provided
Cunsaulls , Waters. Carleton Lee ,
Gov. Johnson , all the Big Politicians
Wm. Allen White , Victor Murdock
Senator Long , J. L. Brlstow , Cyrus
Leland , W. R. Stubbs , W. A. Harris
and many others. The Chicago
Players and Signers Club , Vandas
Enos and her girls , Pamhaskia and
his pets , and many other entertain
ers. Swimming Pool , and Moving
Pictures. "
Victor Talking Machines
From $12.50 to $200
" fg
Reliable Jewelers and Opticians.
Every Edison Record in Catalogue
carried in stock
1 have bought the Georgia Cummings Millig
nery Stock which is all new and up-to-date. S
We must realize the cash out of this stock g
immediately. This stock will be opened up S
Saturday , June 20. i
A Big Reduction will be made in prices |
Come in and see our line of Millinery and get |
A new and up-to-date f
b Hat at a Bargain
f >
g Will have a Trimmer to make
g any changes you desire
1 Successor to GEORGIA CUMMINGS "T
ac ne ecocoor > ooof RO iOoeef c > oofino < i > rGcoooc > o jc < JOflo