The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 12, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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240 acres well improved , It miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take -Xv
10 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
Henry C. Smith 200 acres } } miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment.
. 100 acres upland , J mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000.
160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville , Nebraska.
SO acres JC-milc from Falls City high school.
LANDS & LOANS 040 acres , -S,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan. .
Chns. Smiley was 11 Peru vlsttor on
M. Welck wus a business visitor here
last Satutd'iy.
Mr. J. Weddlcand lumlly was shop
ping here Saturday.
John Oswald of Falls City was In our
town fjulto recently.
Mr. Cornell of Golden City'is ' now
employed by C. A. Lord.
Jakoltlrdsloy and wife spent Satur
day evening with homo folks.
Miss Bcrthu Shubert , our Hello Girl ,
was in Bnrudn quite recently.
Joe Harper of Auburn was visiting
old time friends here last week.
O. R. Ross of Nelson spent a part of
last week with hi ? family horu.
Mr. Greenish of Stella was a busi
ness visitor hero on Wednesday.
Miss Donna Albln spent Sunday with
her cousin Miss Dora Flshburn.
Grandma Hill and Miss Cora are now
entertaining out of town company.
Miss Chloe Wilkinson of Vcrdon was
in onr city several days last week.
Dr. Shook and wife entertained his
brother and wife of Omaha last week.
Miss Nettle Ankrom spent Saturday
evening at the homo of Mrs Fred Boat
W. W. James of Peru came down
Tuesday evening to look after his pro
Grandma Hunt of Auburn Is now vis
iting with her children , who live near
Leo Tlpton of Albany , Mo. , Is now
here enjoying a visit with his grand
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Cha = . Hall has been quite sick during
the past > vcck.
Miss Myrlo Evans went up to Peru
Tuesday morning to attend the gradu
ating exorcises./
Mrs. Gibson utid little daughter spent
Saturday with her sister , Mrs John
Evans of this place.
Miss Nettle Ankrom of near Burada
assisted Mrs. F. A. Colglozlor with her
housework last week.
L. L. Jones and son Dale left Tues
day for Marsland , Neb. , where they
will visit for some time.
Mrs. Illgglns has purchased the C.
A. Lord property on Elm street and
will take possession soon
Mr * Miller and family moved to the
country the tlrst of last week , whore ho
has employment on a farm.
Miss Floy Stotts lelt last Wednesday
for South Dakota , whore she will spend
the summer with her f istcr.
Mrs. J. L. Dalby returned homo Wed
nesday from her visit with her daugh
ter Mrs. Tlpton of Albany , Mo.
Clayton Henderson left Wednesday
morning for Ourley , Nob. , where he
will enjoy a visit with homo folks.
Chas. Wilson and wife , accompanied
by the hitter's mother. Grandma Hunt ,
was in our town Saturday evening.
Mrs. George Briekor returned home
Saturday from Vcrdon , where she was
sent as a delegate for the Christian
Sunday school.
Quito a number of our young folks
went to Stella Wednesday evening to
attend the band concert. They report
the music ae fine.
Mrs. F. N. Klnton Is now at her homo
after a three month's stay with her
parents during her serious sickness.
She has not yet fully recovered.
Word was received from Mrs. Up
dike , formerly Mrs. Jno. Harmon , of
Merna , Neb. , that she was well pleased
with her new homo and that they wore
doing nicely.
The party given In honor of Miss
Floy Stotts at Shubert's opera house
last Saturday evening was well attend
ed and a good tliso was had by every
one present.
RlLoT )
Agnes Schraderwas a Preston visitor
Cecil Kanaly was a Preston visitor
Maud Boyd is visiting old friends In
this vicinity.
Charlie DeMoss visited friends In
Rule last week.
Mrs. MorebousQ returned homo from
Lincoln Monday.
Charlie Boomer was a St. Joseph vis
itor last week.
Harry Bradford was u FalU City vis
itor Wednesday.
Clara Aikman spent u couple of days
in Verdon last weefc.
Bessie Anderson was a Falls City vis
itor last Saturday ,
P. J. Kmlg made a trip to Atchlson
ono day last week.
Julia Cronln was a Falls City visitor
ono day last week
Dan Sutton of Fargo visited In Rule
.u few days last xvcek.
Elmot1 Arnold and son wcro In Kulo
the last of tlio week.
Dave Anderson spent a few days with
friends hero recently.
F. 12. Kulp of Wymoro was In the city
ransacllng business.
Mr. Moore of St. Louis was In this
Ity ono day last week ,
i\dam BIckle was a business visitor
n Hulo ono day last week.
George Ocomb and eon Harold were
11 Falls City Wednesday.
Grace Cronln has gone to Falls City ,
here she will learn to sew.
Mrs. Clarence Simon returned to her
onio In St. Joseph Tuesday.
Mrs. Dan Katlkln and daughter wcro
'alls ' City visitors last wcob.
Walter Graves went to Verdon , where
c expects to work on a farm.
A. J. Osburn and son Mcrrll , took a
rip to Oregon , Mo , Monday.
Roy DjkuB of Preston visited Rule
lends the llrst of the week.
Hazel Johnson of Fargo visited with
ilrs Enoch Feiglor last week.
Mrs. Williams of Preston paid Rule
rlcnds a short visit last week.
George Boyer of Falls City was a
lulo visitor ono day last week.
Tom Poteot of Falls City spent a few
ays with Rule friends recently.
Ira Phlllpps of Wymore was trans-
ctlng business in Rule last week.
Tom White and family of Seneca ,
Cans. , are visiting Rule relatives.
Hope Ward has been visiting her
nclo In Vcrdon the past few days.
Willis Carpenter and family of Falls
Uty visited relatives here recently.
Cecelia Emlg departed Tuesday for
visit with friends in Council Bluffs.
Mrs. James Huler and children are
Isltlng relatives In Preston this week.
Gertrude Kannly and Clara Aikman
ivero Falls City passengers Wenncsday
Chas Tangney spent several days
vlth his parents In Falls City recently.
Prof. Morrow left for his homo Wed-
csduy , his school work being finished.
Carrlo Nelt/.ol and Bessie Story of
freston were In Rule visiting relatives.
Ellas Martin and family came in to
njoy the band concert Saturday night.
Mrs. Cramer has been visiting her
mother , Mrs. Whalen for several days
> ast.
Ted McKolver came down from Falls
Ity lust week for a visit with relatives
Mrs. Lottie Nichols returned last
kvcok from a visit with Kansas City
Wm. Johnston and wife were busi
ness visitors to Falls City the fore part
of the week.
Gertrude Kanalv returned last Wed
nesday from a pleasant visit with Falls
Ity friends.
Lizzie Tupan and Joslo Vettor of
Kansas are visiting with Mrs. D. Van-
Cherry picking U In full blast , and
there seems to be a .full crop In spite
of the Insects.
Frank Fortner of Barada , who has
been visiting In Rule , returned to his
home recently.
Mrs. Mary Carpenter has been the
guest of Mrs. Wm. Carico of Fulls City
for several days
The band gave an open air concert
Saturday evening , wnlch was enjoyed
by n large crowd.
Edith Kern was the guest of her sis
ter Mrs , Wm. Carico of Falls City sev
eral days last week.
The Misses Brace who have been vis
iting Mrs. Graves and relatives have
returned to their home.
Mr ? . D. Van , Miss Joslo Votter and
Lizzie Toupan left Tuesday for an ex
tended visit In Denver.
Uncle Billy Johnson was appointed
street commissioner at the council
meeting Tuesday night.
Freda Paul returned Saturday from
Verdon , where she had been attending
a Sunday school convention.
Sanies Murphy returned to Lincoln
last Wednesday , accompanied by hU
sister-in-law , Mrs. Frank Morehouse.
Mildred Hlnkle had the misfortune
to fall from a cherry tree last Thurs
day , and though terribly bruised and
shaken up , fortunately no bones were
A. T. Sherman of Table Rock was
hero In a business way the first of the
Mrs. Knlo and children have been
visiting relatives In Lincoln and John
ston , Nebr.
Jessica and Mablo Potcet of Fall 4
City spent several days this weuk wlto
relatives In this city.
\ largo crowd attended the social
Saturday night' but the prollts were
small , owing to the great expenses.
Albert Bachmun returned to his homo
In Toledo , Ohio , the last of the week ,
after an extended visit with friends
I P. S. Weeks and Mr. Darrow of
Lincoln , were looking after the Inter
ests of the Burlington here one day
last week.
The Emlg building on First street Is
almost completed , and when finished ,
will be quite an Improvement to tbo
James Tagney and wife have returned
from a visit with relatives in Wyoming
and Denver , Colo. They report a pleas
ant trip and were delighted with the
city of Denver.
Mrs. George Dletsch and daughter of
Hastings , who have been visiting rela
tives here , went to Falls City Tuesday ,
where they will visit a few days before
returning to their homo.
The Ladles Aid Society will give
dinner and supper on Friday and Sat
urday , Juno 12 and 13. An entertain
ment will also bo given in the opera
bouse on the last named evening.
Henry Fischer's team ran away one
day last week while he was bringing n
load of hogs to market. Mr. Fischer
was thrown out but not seriously In
jured. They also ran into a buggy
damaging it. This is the second time
this team has run away in as many
The big ruin Sunday morning did the
most damage of any of the season.
Three inches of rain fell In thirty min
utes and with what had fallen before
put things in bad shape. Streets were
badly washed and cellars Hooded. The
railroads were badly crippled , several
trains being laid up by slides west of
town. Great stretches of the Atchlson
track Is completely under water , and
sixteen rails washed into the Missouri
rlvar. The track was being washed
from under several passenger coaches
so that they had to be hauled to a place
of safety , to keep them from toppling
Consumptives Made Comfortable
Foloy's Honey and Tar has cured
many eases of Incipient consumption
and even in the advanced stages affords
comfort and relief. Refuse an > > but the
genuine Folcy's Honey and Tar. Korr's
Adam Follmer of Shubert was in
town Monday on business.
W H Hogrefo Is having a new fur
nace installed in his house.
Mrs Caroline Haggard and daughter
returned to Stella this week.
Thos. J. McDonald of Kansas City
was a visitor hero Thursday.
Miss Alice Peabody of Nemaha Is
visiting her sister , Mrs W Hlgglns.
Jesse Brown and family returned to
Falls City the lust of the past week.
Mrs J F Elchert spent A few days in
Kansas City the past week with her
mother ,
Miss May Vanduscn of Falls City was
hero Thursday and Friday taking notes
at the trial.
Dr II T Halm of Falls City wes a caller
lor in this vicinity Monday to doctor
some stock.
M. H. Vundoventer and family at
tended the Sunday school convention
at Verdon Thursday.
This week Is a busy ono fur the far
mer's wife , who Is putting away the
ripening cherry crop.
Andy Hanlka of Shubert cumc over
Friday on business and spent the af
ternoon among our people.
Mrs Curt Lambert ot South Omaha ,
visited with relatives In this part of
the country the past week.
Mrs Martha Weaver and Miss Myrtle
Shafer left this week for a short visit
with relatives at Pulo Alto , III.
The strawberry crop In this vicinity
was a failure. The berries molded uud
mildewed before they got ripe.
The Christian church was wired and
lighted Thursday. This is tbo tlrst of
the churches to have electric lights.
The ladles oversaw the installing and
arranging of the lights and contracted
the placing of the same.
Miss Florence Gentry has returned
rom Lincoln , where she has been vis-
ting relatives
Miss Alllo Davis of Tekamah arrived
icre Thursday fora summer's vacation
vlth her parents north of town
Mrs. Anna 0. ShiMlenbargcr and
laughter Gertrude returned from their
rip to Oklahoma the first of the week.
Our stockmen received word Monday
hat stock could not be handled in
vunsns City , owing to the high water.
Miss Myrtle McCray arrived hero
he first of the week from Salem , where
ihe has been teaching school for the
> ast yeui' .
Mrs S Timerman , who has been tak-
ng treatment at a Missouri hospltuT ,
ias gone to Clareraore , Okla. , to see if
ho can find relief.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shook of Omaha ,
vho have been visiting iu Shubert for
short time stopped In town n few
lours while on tholr way homo.
H. M. Hays and F. M. Weller re-
urned to their homes the middle of
the week. They bad been attending
ho State unlxersity.
Lawyer Art Weaver of Falls City was
i business visitor in this place on Sat.
irday. It has been several years since
Mr. Weaver visited this Stella.
Fred Fankoll and wife , Charles Ed-
vurds and family , W M Veal and wife ,
md J. T. Holland and wife spent Sun
day with Mr and Mrs J H Holland.
Mr. Peabody came over from Nemaha
Thursday for a visit with his daughter ,
Mrs. W. F. Hlgglns and also to be
uresent at the trial on that evening.
Mrs W W Marts of Auburn and
daughter Hazel visited the former's
parents , Mr and Mrs W C Moore south
of town the latter part of the week.
Ira Crook of Salem drove to this
ilace Sunday on his way to Peru where
he will atteud the Normal. Mr. Crook
while here visited with his aunt , Mrs.
J. H. Holland.
Rev. H. L. Martin came up from At-
hlsou Wednesday and visited with
relatives. He left for Muscatine , la , ,
his home , on Thursday , where be Is
pastor of a church.
Karl Welck , the blacksmith , has
: > urchased an auto from S. M. Goodloc
the past week and drove the machine
to Verdon Saturday , where he visited
with his parents over Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hlgglns loft for Glo-
bon Wednesday , where she will visit
with her daughter , Mrs. B. T. Hall for
a while. Upon her return Mrs. Hig-
plns will make arrangements to move
to this place.
Frank MaSonbrlnk and Hal Gilllland
of west of Howe came here about the
middle of the week on business matters.
Mr. Gilllland has rented the place of
Mrs. Bessie A. Haskctt south 01 town
for the coming year.
Rev. Wotton of Bethany came to
Stella Saturday and filled the pulpit In
the Christian church Sunday. Ho took
Rev. Ogden's appointment , as tbo lat
ter could not bo here. Rev. Wotton is
still a student in Cotnor.
Miss Carrie Dietrich arrived hero
the middle of the week for a visit with
friends. Miss Dietrich will teach in
the Auburn schools the coming fall.
She Is at present visiting the family of
A R McMullen , east of town.
John T Holland and bride arrived
from a visit with relatives at Lincoln
and other places , Friday morning.
They are at present visiting with the
former't parents , Nr and Mrs J H Hol
land. Mr and Mrs Holland will soon
leave for tholr homo in St Louis.
The Sunday school convention which
was hold in Verdon the last few days
of the week was largely attended from
over the cojnty as reported by our
people- who attended. Most of the del
egates were present and others who
had time attended and found the meetIng -
Ing very profitable for their future
Several Shubert visitors came to this
place Wednesday evening to attend
the baud concert. In fact It was a very
lively evening and after tbo concert
was over the people were entertained
by a colored musician who happened
along with a guitar and mouth harp ,
Ray King of Sbubert played with the
band boys.
While moving some boxes in the
warehoure Thursday morning Arnold
Barstler missed his footing and fell
down with a pile of boxes. In fulling
his hand struck on the edge of a can ,
cutting a gash , which required three
stitches to close. The wound Is very
painful , but Is healing nicely , and Ar
nold thinks himself lucky that It was
his left hand. He has not missed a day
In the Etore since the accident.
R. L. Coo loads his car out of this
place Wednesday evening for Douglas ,
Neb. , where he and his family will re
side In the future. Mr. Coo did not
leave until Friday night. Ho has a po
sition with the W. O. W. as Camp Deputy -
puty in Douglas.
The trial Thursday and Friday was
very Interesting lor some of the parties
interested and one not soon to be for
gotten. The fact alone that some of
the witnesses were called out as Into as
half after twelve In the night is enough
to make an Impression on their minds.
The trial lasted two nights and wus
finally decided In favor of the saloon
men , but the remonstrators took an
appeal to the District court. The time
for that trial is not yet decided upon
by the J-'dgo. Lawyer Frank Reavis
of Falls City represented the saloon
men and Lawyer McCininch of Auburn
represented the reuionst.'ators. The
trial was held in the city jail , that be
ing the place designated by the ordi
nance. A great number of country
people were in to hear the trial. The
saloons arc now closed in this place.
The petitioners or signers were each
made to bring their deed Into the court
room on this occasion.
Miss Daisy Mason has a new Nelson
A largo gang of Greeks have been
hero this week laying the new steel for
the Missouri Pacific Vailway.
JRCain , jr , and Dr. Montgomery
have been in Omaha this week attend
ing a meeting of the Masonic lodge.
Mrs Ralph Weller and two little
children of Omaha are the guests this
week at the home of H D Weller.
Mrs Martha Weaver and Miss Myrtle
Shafer left last week for Palo Alto , Illi
nois , where they will spend the sum
mer with relatives.
Robert Tolly and wife , and their
grandchildren , Vada Tolly and Earl
Marts , are visiting in Lincoln this
Bob Scott was called to his home at
Willow Springs lust week by the sick
ness of his father , who is past ninety-
three years of age.
Guy Montgomery and Miss Maude
Montgomery have gone to Sterling ,
Colorado , where each expects to take a
homestead If suited with the country
J W Wlxon has been at Geneva this
week. Mr Wlxon has two farms at that
place and on one of the farms some of
the buildings were destroyed by the
tornado , which visited that place.
Prof I G Wilson has gone to Alliance
where he will teach in a normal school
during the summer. Mrs Wilson and
baby are staying with relatives at
Woodbine , , during his absence.
Miss May Crawford returned to her
home In Broken Arrow , Oklahoma ,
Sunday after a week's visit at the home
of A Tynan , Miss Crawford bus been
teaching school at Dunbar this year.
The saloons In Stella have been closed
all this month pending a decision of
the district court which met at Falls
City this week. The town board grant
ed applications to two saloons but re
monstrances were filed and the saloons
were not allowed to open.
Glenn Jenkins and Miss lone. Shick ,
students at the state normal , Frank
Weller and Herbert Hays university
students , and Miss Hazel Hogrcfe , a
Student at AtehlcOu , ure Louie for their
summer vacation.
The Stella band gave their first open
air concert on the street Wednesday
evening" of last week. The band boys
have built a fine band stand on Main
street and will give concerts every
Wednesday night during the summer.
John Holland and his bride returned
last Friday from a short visit at Lia
coin and'Cluy Center. A dinner was
glvan in their honor at the home of his
parents last Sunday , all of the relatives
of both families being present. Thej
left Thursday for St. Louis , where thej
will reside in the future.
Mrs.N S Shrader , ugnd forty-eight
died at her home west of town Fridaj
morning from dropsy from which she
had been suffering since last fall. Funeral
oral services were held Saturday mor
nlng at the Prospect church and inter
ment was made in the cemetery near
there. Mrs Shrader was the mothei
of nine living children , the younges
aged about four years.
Henry Corn drove to Falls City Sat
W D Corn drove to Falls City Wed
Jake Cook was a Falls City visitor
John Mark drove to the county seat
Wm Mowery of Stella was In town
Mr Boyd was over from Humboldt
lust Thursday.
Roy Watson returned home from
Lincoln Sunday. "
Horace Clements of Stella spent Tues
day with relatives here.
Rev Steldley of Omaha spoke nt. the
convention last Thursday
Clyde Lum was a Falls City visitor
ho latter part of the week.
Rev. Teeter and Dunkleberger ol
rails City , spent last Friday here.
Miss McKay of Beaver Crossing was
n town the latter part of the week.
Misses Rlggs and Shore of Shubert
attended the convention held hero last
Mrs Dallas Yoder of Falls City spent
Monday with her parents , Wm Cook
ind wife.
Dr Houston , wife and children spent
the first of the ween visiting Wm Moran -
ran and wife
Rev Bennett Halaerman and Mr
Barthlow of Dawson attended the con
vention last week.
Misses Buser , Strunk and Kllma of
Dawson were delepatesto the conven
tion here last week.
Mr Hendrlcks of Kansas City and N
3 Judd of Falls City were in town last
Thursday on business.
Meta Helneman and Edna Parsons
returned home from Peru last Tuesday
: o spend their summer vacation.
Mrs Gco Brlcker and daughter came
up from Shubert the latter part of the
week to visit relatives and to attend the
Word wus received here lust week of
the death of Mrs B F Wiser at the homo
of her son in Arizona Death was duo
io Appoplexy
Dan Fisher and wife left for Daven
port , Neb , Saturday in answer to a tele-
srram announcing the deathof _ the lat-
ter's sister jThev returned 'home Mon
Misses Stump and Lippolcl of Fails
City and Misses Paul , Ward aud Aik- kl
man of Rule were delegates to the Sunday - *
day school convention cold here last
John Presser was in the citv Satur
Jacob Peters spent Sundajat Boyd
Mrs A C Orr returned last week from
a visit to Auburn
J A Martin was a business visitor in
Sbubert this week
J C WlIonian took five loids of hogs
to Shubert on Monday
Deles Spickler and wife spent Sun
day at Hugh Pritchard's
Fred Stotts and lady of Shubert were
Barada visitors on Sunday
W A Cox is rejoicing over the ar
rival of twin Jersey calves
Omer Sailors shipped three car loads
of hogs from Shubert Monday
* '
Mrs john Whittle of Shubert was
visiting relatives here oil Saturday
Edgar Prine spent Saturday and
Sunday with his brother Guy at Verdon
Miss Flossie Wamsley was the guest
of Miss Priscilla Woodring on Sunday
Mrs Mary Ege and Miss Lela Hack-
worth were severely poisoned with
poison ivy this week
Wynne VanOsdcl returned last week
from Rockport , Mo , where he has been
attending school
Bennie and Anna Franklin and Bert
Dodds entered the Peru Normol Mon
day for the summer term
Jerry Richard and Rooert Thompson
this week put down a well on Mr
Thompson's town property
Mrs A E Thompson ami daughter
Mae were up from Falls City the first
of the week visiting relatives
R II Dunn and Jesse Cox hauled a
couple of loads of produce to Falls City
Saturday for R J Dunn & Son
Jesse Cox and Richard SlaglQ started
for Peru Monday , where thej' will en
ter the Normal school for the summer
AlbaTi Kelley and Otis Spickler were
fishing in the Missouri Monday. They
were in high spirits over their catch-
one four-inch cat
Wm Slagle bad u very sick horse
last week While mowing the horse
was bitten by a rattlesnake A veter
inarian was called and stayed with the
liorse for an entire day The horse is
now getting along all right
On Thursday of last week Miss Edna
Butler entertained in honor of her
twelfth birthday A very pleasant time
is reported by all those who were for
tunate to be present The fact that it
rained so hard that none of the guests
could go home that night only added
to the joy of the evening