The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 12, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Southeastern Nebraska News.
Prof. E , K. Hearst of this city
and Profs. Alex Stoddard and
Roy Coeur of Auburn departed
Saturday for an extended vaca
tion and tour of the Western
states. While gone they will
visit the California summer re
sorts and will go on northward
by steamer into Washington and
Oregon. The trip "will be made
* ' , partially as an outing and for
j , ( the health of some of the mem-
bers'ot the partv. They expect
to be gone about two months.
J. W. Jarrett of Stella and
Miss Mamie Morton of Salem
were married in this city last
Wednesday. They immediate
ly went to Auburn and will go
to housekeeping on a larm north
of Auburn. . -
A meeting of the various com
mittees looking to the Fourth of
July celebration in Auburn was
held Tuesday evening at which
plans were discussed and meth
ods talked over. The committee
on speakers met later on the
same evening and decided to se
cure Congressman E. M. Pollard
as orator of the day. It has
been decided that instead of
importing a band for the occas
ion that Auburn will make use
of its good home talent and em
ploy both the Auburn Cornet
and German-American bands.
Auburn Herald.
On Saturday Earl Bowlsby
sold his dray line to E. A. Kroh
who took possession Monday
morning. Yoch Michael of
Falls City will move here and
run one of the wagons. Mr.
Bowlsby has gone to North Da
kota , where he expects to take
a homestead. By this deal Mr.
Kroh becomes possessor of the
team of young draft colts , which
are coveted by all admirers of
fine horses : Stella Press.
The annual saloon fight is
now on with all the bitterness
and enmity that such a fight
causes in a small town. The
town board met in regular ses
sion last Friday evening , but as
Saturday was a legal holiday
nothing was done and the board
adjourned to meet last Monday
evening , when last night was
set for the time to hear the re
monstrances. Attorney Mcln-
inch ot Auburn will represent
the temperance people and
Frank Eeavis of Falls City the
license people. The saloons
- have been closed the past four
days and the meeting last night
will determine whether or not
they will be allowed to open.
Stella Press.
Miss Myrtle Hooker ot Falls
City and Mrs. Rosa Parries of
Tecumseh came home to spend
Decoration day and visit their
mother , Mrs. James Thompson.
Humboldt Leader.
Mrs. J. S. Babb returned Sunday -
day from a pleasant visit in
Falls City , and was accompan
ied home by Mrs. A. R , Bently
and little daughter , residents of
the above city. Humboldt
While in the field inspecting
the condition of his conn , last
Friday morning , Emile Stoehr ,
who lives two miles southeast
of Johnson , was taken with an
epipletic attack , superinduced
it is thought by the bad out'
look for his crop. He fell to
the ground and died in great
agony , his body being found nol
long afterward. The deceased
was an aged man and leaves his
wife and several children , mosl
of whom are grown. He was E
man of modest demeanor ant
fine character and owned eightj
acres of land on which he lived
Last Thursday night some o
those who were out at a lat <
hour , when the storm was ii
progress heard a roaring soum
in the air as though a cycloni
was in progress. Guy Souden
was one of those who heard tin
noise. Between the lightnin {
Hashes as he looked in the side
he could see a cyclone pass eve
the city. It was quite high bu
its shape could be determinei
and there was no mistake as to
what it was. A number of per
sons remarked at the roaring
sound next morning and at Tal-
mage the paper made mention
of it. NemahaCobnty Republi
Dick Horn and family had
quite a serious runaway while
returning to Auburn from Brock
Saturday night. The tongue of
the spring wagon came down
and the ponies which are rather
wild became badly frightened
and ran away upsetting the rig
and throwing everyone out.
Mrs. Horn was quite seriously
hurt and one child , a little girl
about two years old , received a
bad cut in the face requiring
eleven stitches to close the
wound. The other children , Mr ,
Horn and Virgil Green who was
with them , escaped with bad
bruises and the baby , but a lew
months old was not hurt at all.
Kathryne Melissa , who gradu
ated at the Falls City high
school , will spend the major
portion of her vacation in Ver-
don. This fall Miss Melizawill
either go to Cotner or the State
university to complete her mus
ical education. She has laith-
fully devoted herself to the
piano and has progressed rapid
ly with her musical studies.
Verdon Vedette ,
Mr. Ratekin went to Falls
! ity with his team two weeks
go and on account of high
vatef could not get back with
he team. In a few days he
tarted for his team but more
am had again spread the Ne-
maha and he had to come back.
Tuesday he went again expect-
ng to be able to cross at Pres-
on. Hiawatha World.
The Little Things.
People who mean well , and
ivouldn't give pain to any living
hing , intentionally , are olten
jiving pain becnuse they are
leedless of the little things.
Yesterday , for instance , a man
went to the athletic festivities
and left his horse tied outside
he grounds for three hours or
ID. It was a fine horse , that
deserved good treatment ; yet
ts head was strapped up by a
ight checkrein so that its nose
pointed skyward , and only a
: iorse can know how much it
uttered. A little twist of the
, vrist would have unhooked the
checkrein , and the horse would
lave been comfortable , but the
man didn't think of it.
A man was walking down
own. He pulled a handkerchief
rom his pocket to mop his fev
ered brow , and his bankbook
came out with it and fell to the
ground. A boy who was todd-
ing along behind picked up the
book , and gave it to the man ,
who put it back in his pocket
with the remark that he didn't
mow he had dropped it. Not a
word of thanks or appreciation.
Perhaps when that boy finds
something else he will keep it ,
having been convinced thai
there is no object in going oul
of one's way to be honest. Boys
and girls are usually sensitive
to a high degree , and appreciate
a word of thanks as much as
they feel the absence of it.
Every day in the year people
are doing little things that
wound , or offend , or cause pain
and many of them never Ifnov ,
it , and some of them often won
der why they can't retain friends
Walt Mason.
Piles are easily and quickly cheekei
with Dr. Snoop's Magic Ointment. Tc
prove It I will mail a small trial bo.
as a convincing test. Simply addres
Dr. Sheep , Racine. Wls. I surelj
would rot send It free unless I was ccr
tain that Dr. Snoop's Magic OIntmen
would stand the test. Remember It i
made expressly and alone ( or swallen
painful , bleeding or itching piles , elthe
external or Internal , Large jar , oOc
Sold by all dealers.
Two Masters.
Rev. R. R. Teeter will spea
upon the subject , "Two Masters
at the Brethren church next Sun
day evening. The public is in
yited to these services.
The Pawnee City papers have
he following to say of our 0.
F. Rcavis , who delivered the
Decoration day address in that
ity :
In the afternoon the public
ad the privilege of hearing the
nest eloquent and patriotic ad-
rcss ever given in the opera
louse , by lion. 0. F. Rcavis of
Tails City. Pawcee Rcpubli-
The Decoration Day program
vas faultlessly carried out as
dvertiscd , and was one of the
lost impressive ever held in
\iwnce City. The address by
0. F. Reavis of Falls City was
ne of the best which has been
elivered here in years , and was
istened to with rapt attention
by a large audience. Pawnee
What n. wonderfully extravagant
) eoplo wo nro ! At the recent con-
jresB of governors in Washington ,
) r. I. 0. White , elate geologist of
Vest Virginia , made the statement
, lmt natural gas IB escaping into
.he air from uncontrolled wollB ,
'rom oil wells , from leaking pipe
ines , and many other methods at
lie rate of not lees than ono bil-
ion cubic feet daily , or enough to
upply Atchisou natural as eon-
umers for 500 days. For every
) arrelof oil taken from the ground ,
gas equal to ten times its heating
) o\V5r , is wasted. Five m llion
ons of coal have been taken froin
he ground since coal mining be
gun , and at least an equal amount
ias been left in abandoned mines.
Mie loss , on account of the extra-
'iigant destruction of forests in or-
, er to secure more tillable land ,
caches into the billions , not Ink-
ng into account the washing away
of surface soil , the greater loss by
loads , etc. Look in any family's
) nck yard and you will see evi-
leuces of extravagance. Nine out
of every ten farms visited show
waste in caring for crops , feeding
stock , cariug for machinery , etc.
And it can also be said that in a
majority of business offices you
will find employes who are wasting
ime , as well as the materials they
mndle. Careless train men cause
vrecks , and there is a waste of
jroperty. Owners and lessees of
wildings do not watch for defect-
ivfv flues , defective electric light
wiring , and the accumniatiou of
combustible rubbish and there is a
. .wasting fire , Aichisou Globe.
Wcuk women should try Dr. Snoop's
STight Cure. These soothing , healing ,
intlseptlc suppositories go direct to the
eat of these weaknesses. My "Hook
STo. 1 for Women" contain * many valu-
iblo hints to women , and It is free. Ask
Dr. Sheep , Racine , Wis. , tor mail It
\.sk the Doctor in strict confidence ,
lay questions you wish answered. Dr.
Snoop's flight Cure is sold by all deal
Post Cards.
For the benefit of those who
are spending their good" money
'or beautifullj' decorated post
cards , which for one reason 01
another are , not permitted to gc
through the mails , thereby nevei
reaching their destination , Post
master Crook has supplied the
following : useful information :
Post Cards of same size and mater
ial as Postal Card li
Post Cards of different size or ma
terial with writing- 2i
Same without writing li
Leather Post Cards with writing. . 2i
Leather Post Cards without writiiij
Post Cards enclosed in thin cnvcl
opes , with writing 2
Same unsealed and without writini
Post Cards , with small envelope
attached , unsealed , without writing 1
? ame with w riling 2
Same sealed -
Post Cards with tinsel on arc tin
mailablc unless enclosed in envelope
and arc sent direct to the Dead Lcttc
Post Cards in envelopes must hav
the stamp attached to the envelop
instead of the card ; no matter if th
envelope is of thin paper or 1ms u hoi
in it Put your stamps on the enve
ope if you want it to go through.
Mrs. S , Joyce. Clarcmont , N. II
writes. "About a year u.0 I bough
two bottles of Folcy's Kidney Kerned ;
It cured me of a severe ca&o of kldne
trouble of several years standing. 1
certainly is n grand , good mcdiclm
and I heartily recommend it. " Kerr
EsllinMc ol Expenses ,
Kstlm.ito ot Piponpoi for tlio fiscal fear ,
liiB First Tmwilny , Alny Mil , 11W , nml tlio
> l < s amount nt money neccfwry for nile
o lw rnl p < l In ilil city of Knlls City for inlil
icnl jour , for \\hlch tliun | > | > roirlntloti | U mmlo ,
icliulliiK liilon-ft nml prlnoliml duo on the
onilotl ilrht nml tilnkliw finul , Iti'mUlnu nml
MfyitiRtliuililTt'rviiliibjti'Unnil limnetic * of
'tullUiiTd , M near ns cmi Iwllli n tntimioiit
f tlio vntlro rcnenun of tlio city of Kiilln City for
in previous ) ror nml the ptumi to IHI ontcrod nt
r o upon the mltmtos ot said city.
Itemizing ami clii lfliitf tlio ilUTi-rent objects
, ml brnnchoH ot mltl expenditures , nml the entire.
vonno of Bold city for tlio previous jour ns fol-
) WH I
WATKII > V Ki.Kormu
Conl .V llmilliiK for damn , . . . $11100.00
Rilnrciof ! CltyOIHclnN. . . . lino.W (
Salaries , Wutor nml Klectrlo
l.lKhl ftiulnwr * . : wx.00 )
Hnlnrlot , I'ollcoOlllccrs. . . . 1J.Vi.CO
Huliirlcs , Jmiitor . SSO.UO
Uimdomiiliuj mid ImlldiiiK
\vnlkd . 1000.00
HiilldlnR of rnwltiKN nml
Improving BtiwtB . 1.VX1.00
Burrt.lM roil W AND
plant . SOtHI.OO
Improving plant . looo.un
rrlntlimnml ntntlonvry . . . 51XUM
Itent for Council Itoom. . . . HOO.UI
DriuiiKo . . . 8UOM )
Sanlturynnil Poor . OOO.dO
Kxtt'llitioil of niertrio I , Wit
I'luntiV ! mpro > hie panic. . 1000.00
Purchasing nml condemning
otlan.l . 1500.00
Interest . 120(1.00 (
Hinklm : Kiintl . 1 ' 00.00
KLrcrr.ic laotiT.
Interest . ( IOO.W
Intoroct . , . fcOO.00
Improving Ilond . 10UO.OO
Librarian , Coal , llookrt nml
Periodicals . IMO.M )
Incidental exiieii'-Of . IWO.OO
Total Amount . $30000.00
Impended In the printout ! juar by
Council . „ . $2.1751.85
xpended In the previous ; car by City
Treasiuei for Interest nun payment
of Houds . isis.7.1
'ntil ' Uhrnry I'uml . 1il70. D
Total . $ . ! 7II73.W
Host : W. W. AnnF.v , Major.
W. A. SciiJir.l ZEI. , Ctty Clerk.
iVhen Stuff Steals Away Man's Senses
It Was Time to Quit.
'I'm through with the drink thing
"orevor , " remarked the smooth-fnced
man with the llttlo nub of a cigar lu
that snmo tone 'that the hero uses
down at the Cleveland theater when
ho says : "Yes , I'm goln * away from
hyah forovah ! " The smooth-faced
man was just that positive about It.
"Nope , " ho said , as ho brushed the
ashes off his coat lapel , "tho rum prop
osition leads only to mortification , and
ruin. When a man gets so ho pushes
the bottoii and don't know It when It
comes to a situation Hko that , It's
' .Ime "
"Walt ! " broke in the llltlo chap with
iho Hat-top soft hat. "Just pause and
slip hack up the track about n car
length ! When you tell anything kindly
begin nt the table of contents ; then go
to chapter one , and so on , will yuh ?
You tnlk llko a busted down phone
graph. "
"As I was about to say , " went on
.ho man with the nub of a cigar , just
as if no one had stopped him , "when
' vc got through settling the street rail
way question and n few other matters
of moment that had to bo disposed of
before the bunch broke away last
night , it was lacking just a few rain-
: ites of being 2:30 : o'clock. When I
jot homo I says to myself : 'Why wako
up llttlo wlfey when she needs the
sleep ? '
"Acting on that suggestion , I took
off my shoes Just before I started to
climb tip the stops to our front porch ,
wondering to myself all the tirno how
much of a discount I'd bo able to deduct -
duct from tlio tlmo I came homo when
I spoke of it at the breakfast table
next morning.
"I walked up to the door just as
quietly as a cat and then rang the
doorbell. Yep , I just pressed the
dinky little electric button , and then
I came to. I had my key In my pocket
all the time ! It wasn't moro'n a mln-
ute till my wlfo opened the door and
saw mo standing there , shoes in hand.
"Without going into nay moro details -
tails , Is it any wonder I'm sere on the
stuff that Btonls ' '
away men's senses ?
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
She Saw Her.
"Tho late Clara Uloodgood , " said n
theatrical manager of Chicago , "was
witty as she was talented and beau
tiful. Sometimes , Indeed , her keei
wit carried her rather far.
"I remember once , at a tea at tlu
Auditorium , a remark that the brll
Hant actress made to a socletj
' "You were nt Bar Harbor , I ho
lleve , in the summer ? ' said the eo
clcty woman.
" 'Yes , ' said the actress.
" 'And did you see much of mj
daughter there ? '
" 'Rather , ' was the answer. 'Slu
wore n bathing suit in the morning
riding bloomers In the afternoon am
low neck at night. "
Don't Be Left Handed.
It has been estimated that abou
ono boy out of 15 is left-handed whci
ho reaches the ago of ten. This Is hi :
mother's fault In not making him nsi
his right hand moro during his baby
hood. In Germany there are school
where the boy Is taught to bo right
handed. Nearly all tools are made fo
right-handed men , and the boy win
grows up left-handed will bo awi
If ono can use both hands alike h
has an advantage in some things ; bu
it seems as If imturo intended th
right arm to do most of the work.
Is tlie one who doesn't allow defective
tcctli to mar her beauty or her appenr-
ancc of refinement. A womnn who
would be attractive and possess the
charm of elegance has her teeth rcgtt
larly attended by a tlrst-cla&s dentist ,
who can remedy nil defects l > y crown
or brldpc work , and everything per
taining to scientific surgical dentistry ,
Palls City , - Nebraskn
LDHn E D 9 S
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
Farm Implements.
I AE are Headquarters for the famous
a-of all kinds
Light Running Miller Wagons ,
Kemp's 2th ( ) Century Manure Spreaders.
and a full and complete line of Carriages and
Buggies on hand at all times.
Prices Cheapest in the county.
Call and see us and save money.
are so simple that a cliild can run tlicm and
cost less to Minimum than any other engine
on the market. With a Lnnsoii "Frost
Kiug" for power
2 cents will pump 2.000 gallons of water. ' I
50-foot lift. m
Can you do it for that now ? The LnilSOH "Frost King" runs with the tame
* 5 ? ! casy B'"Ic ' m bom su'"er ' ' and winter it cannot freeze. It ii
"iajc fro > 2J to 20 H. P. Ask for full particulars and prices. H
I McCumber & Glaze
Preston Nebr.
Did YOV See 1
Those Fine Buggies and Surries we just received
a car-load of Moon Bros. ,
Surries , Buggies and Spring Wagons
The only place to buy and to see the most up-to-
date Vehicles is at Werner Mosiman & Co. . , and
the way they go out is a proof they are
The Best Money Can Buy
We also have a complete line of Farm Impliments
fresh . Our in reach
just and up-to-date. prices are
of every one , call and see us before you buy. We
lead them all.
Remember , we carry everything in the Impliment line ,
such as Gas Engines , Wind Mills , Pumps , Tanks ,
Pipe and Fittings. Also are agents for"the Pure
Soft Cable Lightning Rod
and just the thing you need to Protect your House
and Barn. Get our price and be protected from
Lightning. Call and see us we can save you
money. Yours truly ,
Werner , Mosiman