The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 12, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs Chas. Wilson is visiting
friends in Kansas City.
The Misses McDcnuet of Salem
were In the city Saturday.
L. C. Edwards was ti business
visitor to Humboldt Saturday.
D. W. Rccd came in Friday to
spend a few days with his wife.
Ellen Leyda. of Plattsmouth is
the guest of J 13. and W. S. Leyda
and families.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. Harnack and children of
Hiawatha , visited her parents in
this city this week.
Prof , and Mrs. Barrett returned
home Friday from a month's stay
at Hot Springs , Ark.
Fred Zorn , out on Route 1 came
in on Saturday and renewed his
faith in the Tribune.
Mrs. W. S- Fast returned this
week from a week's visit with
relatives at Corning , Mo.
Mary O'Brien of Wymore is in
the city visiting : at the home of
her uncle , Morris Shechan.
Jeff and Lynn Horrocks re
turned Thursday from a two
weeks visit in Kansas City.
E. S.Morris came up from Kan
sas City yesterday for a visit with
his mother , Mrs. J. J. Morris.
Mrs. Jas. Atwood of Humboldt
was in the city Saturday enroute
to Auburn to visit her daughter ,
Frank Ranger of Salem spent
a few days of the past week a
guest at the home of E , EScott. .
H. E. Sargent of Weeping Wa
ter , visited with John Hossack
and family the latter part of the
Hiawatha is organising a ball
team. When completed think of
the fun our boys will have with
Edna DeWald and Louise Rule
spent several days in Reserve ,
the guest of the former's sister ,
Mrs. Sam Stewart.
Myrtle Stratton of Humboldt
was the guest of N. B. Judd and
wife the latter part of the week ,
leaving Saturday for Auburn.
Chas. McCool came down from
Salem Saturday to meet his wife ,
who was on her way home from
a visit with relatives in Hiawatha ,
Miss Josephine Graves returnee ]
the last of the week from Wayne ,
Neb. , having closed a very sue
cessful term of school at thai
Miss Goldie Yocum returnee
home the first of the week aftei
spending a year in school at Peru
she being a graduate from then
this year.
Mrs. J. A. Collins of Kansas
City and Mrs. Campbell and Misi
Gertie Bantz of Humboldt wen
transfer passengers to Aubun
F. A. Keller andjvife and Free
Farrington and wife returnee
Friday from a few days spent a
Big Lake. They report a gooi
time and fair catch.
Mrs. W. II. Kerr , who has beei
in Omaha for the past three weeks
returned home Friday. She re
ports Bruno Hanson as rapidl ;
recovering from the injuries re
ceived some time ugo.n
R. T. Jellison , wife and littl
daughter , who visited relative
here for a short time , left Satui
day for Council Bluffs , wher
they will spend a few days befor
returning to their home in Belle
ville , Kas.
Miss Myrtle Ramul of this cit
accompanied by the Misses Spin
lock and Misses Russel of Salei
left Wednesday for Dorchestci
where they will be guests at
house party given by Mrs. Ro
Hiawatha people are arrangin
for a Fourth of July celebratio
of the sensible sort. There wi
be two ball games , horse she
pitching contest and other amus
ments in the afternoon , and i
the evening at the park thei
will be a band concert and a fir
display of fireworks.
. John Hall of Verdon was in the
city Tuesday.
W. W. Lcekins was down from
Auburn Saturday.
Frank Knickerbocker was quite
sick during the week.
Henr } ' Meyers was down from
Humboldt on Tuesday.
Mrs. M. A. Veach was down
from Verdon on Tuesday.
Ed. May was among the Salem
visitors in town Saturday.
We hear whisperings of a 4th
of July celebration for Falls City.
D. VanValkenberger of Rule
was a Falls City visitor Saturday.
Win. Frank was among the
Ilumboldt visitors in our city Sat
John Ilossack was looking after
business in Preston a few days
this week.
Miss Helen Burcharel left Sat
urday for Tecumseh for a visit
with relatives.
Dr. J. L. Gandy was among
the Humboldt visitors in this citv
during the week.
Miss Grace Saylor went to Peru
Monday , where she will attend
the summer normal.
Sigmund Spaeth is another of
the faithful ones to remember the
Tribune during the week.
Your patience has never been
tried unless you have had exper
ience with a gasoline engine.
J , D. Shrauger of Humboldt
was circulating' among his many
friends in this city Saturday.
Anderson Miller returned Mon
day from Forsyth , Mont. , where
he had been for the past ten elays.
Herman Minnick came up from
Atchison Saturdav and spent Sun
day with his relatives in this city.
' Prof. Harnack came over from
Hiawatha Saturday for a short
visit at the home of Peter Kaiser.
Miss Dorothy White , a student
at the State university , returned
home Friday to spend her vaca
Harry Cain returned home Fri
day from the State university and
will spend his vacation with his
Mrs. J. G. Ranger of Salem
spent a portion of the past week
in this city with her daughter ,
Mrs. Everett Scott.
The baby boy of Mr. and Mrs ,
Tom Spence was dangerously ill
during the first of the week , but
is now much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Reavis are
the happy parents of a baby girl ,
the little one taking up its abode
with them last Sunday. *
Mrs. Fred Cleveland , jr. , and
baby and Miss Nettie Cleveland
came down from Nebraska City
Saturday and remained over Sun
Louis Finck and wife , who re
side on Route 5 came in Saturday ,
making the trip for the purpose
of paying a year in advance foi
the Tribune.
Mrs. George Dietsch and little
daughter Margaret leave toelaj
for their home in Hastings , aftei
a three weeks' visit with relative ;
in this city.
The board of supervisors wen
in session as an equalization boare
this week , and were' kept busj
answering the prayers of the dis
satisfied ones.
A , J. Wheeler of University
Place , who had visited witl
friends here for a few daysf lefi
Saturday for Stella to visit witl
his brother , W. II.
Miss Cleavar of Falls City i :
the guest of Miss Post , 432 Soutl
Thirteenth street. Miss Cleave
is known to many Lincoln peopl
through her paintings and othe
art work. State Journal.
Miss Edna Ilorrocks is no\
employed as cashier and book
keeper in Cleveland & Sons dc
partment store , having begu
her duties on Monday of thi
week. Miss Edna is most profi
cient and this firm is lucky i
securing her services.
IlermsBros , are paying 20c. for
butter fat.
Farm to rent , well improved.
Henry C. Smith.
WANTKD Girl for general
housework. Mrs. Paul Weaver.
Fred Sebold was a Burcharel
visitor the latter part of the week.
Binder twine at Werner , Mosi-
nian & Co. for S and 10 cents per
Mrs. O. P.IIcck and Mrs. I. C.
Maust spent Wednesday in St.
Dr. Geo. W. encker. Gradu
ate Optician. Eyes tested , frames
fitted. tf
Mrs. Rev. Balch and family of
Lincoln are in the city visiting
with the Jenkins families.
Parties knowing themselves in
debted to us will please call and
settle. Helen Brcbeck.
G. W. Spragins brightened up
blue Monday by calling early and
joining the Tribune family circle.
Money to loan , annual interest ,
optional payments. Mortgages
bought and sold. Henry C.
Mrs. Hattie Conner and chil
dren of. Deadwood , S. D. , are in'
lie city guests of G. W. Spragins
nel wife.
W. F. Primley , manager of the
Lyric , made a business trip to
vansas City the first part of the
Miss Hazel Davison left Tues-
ay for Lincoln , where she will
pend some time with her sister ,
Irs. W. R. Hcrshey.
W. P. Long and wife' left Sat-
rday for DCS Moines , Iowa , to
ttend a national convention of
he Brethren church.
It is not a very bright outlook
or the bridge committee when
hey think of the damage to
> ridges from the high water.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ripley of
Shenandoah are the guests of her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. George
Albright , in this city.
For Ren t The residence
* nown as the Southard house just
north of the Weaver residence
and east of Jsnne's. H.C. Smith.
Mrs. Harriet Abel of Sterling ,
. , is in the city the guest ot
Mrs. John Holt and other friends.
She will leave next week for
Denyer , where she will spend the
ummer with relatives.
Miss Hazel Davison was very
> leasantly surpriseel by a number
of her young friends Saturday
evening. The time was spent in
all kinds of games enjoyed by
young people and nice * refresh-
nents were served.
Miss Josie Sproles , who has
been making an extended visit
with her aunt , Mrs. Jane Smith
and cousin , Mrs. L. E. Evans , de
parted today for Kansas City and
offeyville , Kans. , for a visit be
fore returning to her home in San
Jose. Cal.
Mrs. Otho Thompson , nee Stel
la Hergesheimer and little daugh
ter , of Kansas City , visited with
Mrs. Geo. B. Holt during the
week. Mrs. Thompson has been
visiting relatives in Rule ami
came up to attend the funeral ol
John Nulk.
Norman Musselman and family ,
who expected to leave the first oi
the week on their eastern trip ,
were compelled to postpone the
same on account of the illness ol
their son , Beachy , who is a victin
of the mumps. They expect tc
be able to leave today.
Mrs. J. P. Varner and daugh
ter , Marion , who lelt last weel
for Beloit , Kas. , got as far a :
Atchison , where they were forcee
to remain on account of the un
certainty of the train servia
caused by high water. The ;
waited until Sunday and returnei
home to take a new start. Thei
trunk , which was checked througli
reached its destination after sev
eral days travel , and now Mrs
Varner is compelled to borrov
her neighbor's clothes. Iligl
water is no respecter of persons
Wedding Silver
WILL not rx wedding1 soon
take place in your immediate
family circle or among your
friends ? If so , let us show
you what we can do for you
in the way of presents. We
feel confident we can please
regarding quality , style and price
We carry ( he best brands
of both Sterling Silver
and Plated Goods.
Every piece is finished in the
most artistic manner and is of
the highest quality , making
ideal wedding gifts.
Call and look over Our Slock
The Old Reliable Jeweler
Watermelons are on the mar
V. G. Lyford and wife spent a
portion of the week in Lincoln.
Dr. Ralph Roberts and wife were
in Omaha several days during the
A street fakir tried to liven
things up a little on our streets
during the week.
Prof. Tobie and wife returned
Tuesday from a week's visit in
Misses Ora and May Crook of
Salem were the guests of relatives
in this city Saturday.
I. C , Maust and wife and Linn
Norris expect to leave next week
on an extended trip througli the
Edna Holland and Ruth Hea-
cock , university students , have
arrived home lor their summer
vacation. *
Rev. W. H. Miller of Cerro
Gordo , 111. , spent a few days at
the home of Rev. R. R. Teeter
this week.
Misses Alice Yoder and Myrtle
Yocum left Wednesday for Peru ,
vhere they will attend the normal
luring the summer.
Home-made candies always
resh at the Candy Kitchen. They
can not keep enough on hand to
et stale. Everybody eats them. ,
The Lindell hotel is making
substantial improvements this
week , among otTier things being
the addition of new porches.
Mrs. W. H. Crook went to Lin
coln Tuesday to be present at the
commencement exercises at the
university , her son , Guy , being a
member of the graduating class.
Dr. E. R. Mathers and wife and
Miss Anna Shaffer and Miss Fa >
DeWald are representing the
Brethren Sunday school at the
state convention at Fremont thi :
. . . . . i , . . . , _ , i . t
Misses Myrtle Pittock ami
Laura Naylor are among the Fall ;
City people who will be students
at the Peru Normal during the
summer. They left for that place
Just now , when things are :
little dull , is a good time to tun
your attention to preparations fo :
our Chautauqua. Get ready fo
an outing on the Chautauqu ;
grounds from August 7 to 16.
R. B. Payne of Herman , Nebr
representing the Entertainers
League of Indianapolis , I ml. , ant
DesMoines , is in the city workiiij
in the interest of a lecture course
for our citj' during the comiiif
winter , lie is being looked afte
by Attorney James who is aidini
him in his work. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wintjen , mother
and step-father of John Null
spent most of the week in thi
city. They started in respons
to a telegram announcing th
son's deafh , but were compellei
to return on account of hig
water , arriving here the first o
the week awaiting she arrival c
the body.
Another Good Game.
Our base-ball manager has se
cured the Oklahoma Indians for
a game on Monday afternoon ,
Tune 15. This team is known as
the world's greatest Indian base
ball team , and is made up of the
very best players possible to
secure. It is making its annual
tour of the United States , and
our boys were fortunate in secur
ing them for a game.
They have won every game
this season and arc alter our boys
scalps , but will find them on the
war path ami equal to anything
they hand them. Jarrott , who
has often played in this city , will
be here , to relieve our pitchers if
necessary , and so a good exhibi
tion of ball playing is promised.
Let everybody turn out and en
courage our ball team , as they
have gone to a great deal of
rouble and expense in securing
this game for your pleasure.
Show your appreciation of their
efforts by attending. The game
will be called at 2:30 : p. m. Fol
lowing is the line-up :
Die Chief p. . . Jnrrott
Pale Face p..Hoacock
Pa-Shc-Wa-Tlic. . . . p. . . Prior
Red Cloud c..Potcct
Maeqttat c
Eagle Eyes lstb..Heacock
Pah-Slie-Clic-ncii-nn 2cl b , . .Ilcuk
Blue Jacket 3rd b. . .Cornell
Kaubidcau s. a. . . Foehlingcr
Denver o.f. . . Sears
Fleet Foot , o.f. . . Meyers
Mzliickteno o. f..Hcck
o. f..Potcct
o. f. . . Rciivls
Mrs. Jessie Law is down from
Table Rock visiting her son Ben.
Nellie Hossack went to Stella
.Vednesday . to visit her sister
ilrs. Ephraim Withce.
Mrs. P. II. Jussen goes to Kan-
; as City today to addend the
taduating exercises , her nephew
ohn Musselman being a member
if the class.
Mrs. Barnes and two children
of Johnstown , Pa. , arrived jn the
ity the latter part of the week
and will make an extended visit
with her sister , Mrs. Steve Miles.
H. C. Davis , Pete Frederick
and Al Doerner left Monday foi
he lakes of Minnesota , where
ho.y will try their piscatorial
ability. We expect a fine mess
ot fish upon their return.
Will Shock leaves this week foi
LosAnimas. Col. We were ii
hopes Will would be contented tc
again cast his lot among his olel
friends , but it bccms that during
his stay in the west there were
ties formed which are a litth
hard to sever. However , here' ;
hoping that ere long he will conn
back fully convinceel that this i ;
the only place on earth.
Baptist Church.
Regular services next Sunday
as follows : Sunday school 9:4 : ;
a.m. Preaching by the paste ;
at ll a. m. and S p. m. All an
cordially invited to attend. Rev
G F. Rcichel , pastor.
Would like to contract witl
parties to raise 10 acres of Kaffi
cnrn and 10 acres cane or wouli
rent some ground close to towi
to put in Kaffir corn and cano.-
O. P Heck.
No Humbug.
No humbug claims buvu to ho mud
for Foley's Honey und Tup , the we
known remedy ( op coughs , colds ivu
lung troubles. The fuel that mot
bottles of Foley's Honey and TUP ur
used tlmn of any other cough remedy
the best testimonial of Us great merl
Why then risk taking some unknow
preparation whcu Foley's Ilonoy ar
Tap costs you no more and is safe at
sure. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Kate Maddox is home from her
schooling at Wcsleyan.
Ed Hays of Dawson spent Sim-
day in this city with friends.
Mrs. George Turner of Lincoln
is the guest of relatives .m this
Maud Maddox went to Lincoln
to be present at the Weslcyan
commencement. , .
Ncal Thornton came up from
Muskogec Sunday to be present
at the funeral of John Nulk.
Harry Clark of Kansas City ,
was looking after his business
interests in this city during the
Otho Wachtel will leave for
Pcoria , Illinois , as delegate to
the Head Camp. Modern Wood-
of America.
Tom Palmer returned fo Shick-
ley , Nebr. , Sunday night , after a
few days visit in this city with
home iolks.
You are sure of the purest
cream if you buy it at the Candy
Kitchen. All flavors. Also
Orange and Lemon ice.
Steve Miles returned Tuesday
night from Excelsior Springs
where he had been visiting his
parents for a few elays.
The young ladies of St. Agnes
Guild will not give their exchange
Saturday as expected , but have
postponed the same until June 13.
The high water was the princi
pal attraction on Sunday and all
day there was d crowd of people
along the banks viewing the de
Fred Mosiman and wife arrived
in the city the latter part of the
week from Houston , Texas , and
are guests at the home of the lat-
ter's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
The Ancient Order of United
Workmen will worship with the
Methodist church next Sunday
morning. In the evening the
"Children's day" program will be
rendered in place of the sermon.
The regular services of the
First Presbyterian church will be
resumed next Sunday when the
pastor , Rev. Dr. Bailey , will
preach both morningand evening.
In the afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock
the annual "In Memoriam" ser
vice connected with Nemaha Val
ley lodge , No , 3f > , I. O. O. F. ,
will be held in the church and an
address appropriate to the oc
casion will be delivered by Dr.
Bailey. The lodge will attend
in a body , and at the close of the
service will repair to the Steele
cemetery , where the graves of
departed brothers will be decor
ated with llowers. To all of these
services the general public is in-
Bath Joys !
Are found only when you
possess the correct acces
You furnish the
tub and waiter ,
we have the rest ;
Soaps , - Sponges ,
Brushes ,
Toilei Waters ,
Etc. Etc.
You might
as well get a
( DiiraaiK Duuos )