The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 12, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. V FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JUNE 12 , 1908. Number 21
There Are Others.
The Hiawatha papers are com
plaining about the number of
"easy marks" to be found in that
city. Hiawatha is not alone in
this respect. A stranger can
come to Falls Citv with an ad
vertising graft and with no effort
whatever solicit patronage from
people who would not give five
cents to a newspaper for good
legitimate advertising.
Our Cbautauqua.
Everybody get together now
and push for the success of our
chautauqua , The arrangements
are about complete , the advertis
ing matter will soon be ready for
distribution.The programthrough
out is composed of the very
best talent possible to procure.
Aside from the splendid speakers
a great'deal of attention has been
given to the musical numbers of
the program , and at a big ex
pense the Royal Hungarian or
chestra has been secured as one
of the special features , together
with the Norton chautauqua or
chestra band , the Midland Jubi
lee LaDell-Fox Imperial
singers , the -
perial Concert Co. , and others
will be a feast for our music
Senator J. P. Dolliver , the
orator and scholar of Iowa is the
speaker for the first day and when ,
you hear him you will want to
stay throughout the entire ses
sion , as he is a sample of the
talent booked for each day.
Begin now and arrange your
business so you can attend the
Falls City Chautauqua from Aug.
7 to 16 inclusive. You'll never
regret the time thus spent.
Will Have Lecture Course ,
It looks now very much like we
are to have a lecture course for
the coming winter. R. B- Payne ,
of Herman. Nebr. , representing
the Entertainers' League of .In
dianapolis , Ind. , and Des Moines ,
la. , is in the city perfecting ar
rangements for the same. He
informs us there will be six num
bers , one to be given each month.
The first of the series will be
the Sumner-Davis company of
instrumental and vocal artists.
They use eight different instru
ments and are considered very
high class. They will appear
about the middle of October.
Then comes Totten , the magi
cian , who is guaranteed the best
that ever appeared in' the state.
In comparing Totten with Durno ,
another noted magician , W. A.
Porter of Des Moines , says "I
have heard both , but Durno can
not hold a candle to Totten. "
The Carter's Original Carolina
Jubilee singers precede Wiggam.
This organization was formed in
1882 , and there has been but one
change in the original organiza
tion and that was about six years
ago. They have about 300 songs
in theirrepertoire. . They have
appeared many times in Nebraska
and are recommended by many of
our own citizens. Albert Edward
Wiggam is endorsed by Governor
Van Sant of Minneapolis , and
John Temple Graves as one of the
rising : orators of our country.
The last number will be Win.
Rainey Bennett of Indiana , the
popular dramatic lecturer , who is
endorsed by Senator LaFollette ,
who says : ' 'You are a grand suc
cess and should do more of this
kind of work. "
It is sincerely hoped that this
lecture course will be made a
success , and thus give our people
the class of entertainments a
majority of them desire , A lec
ture course is successful in most
of our adjoining towns and can
be made a success in Falls City.
Get in line for the lecture course.
Called to Auburn.
Among those who were court
ing in Auburn during the week
are Norman Musselman , Elmer
Stoughton , J. R. Wilhite , John
Ilinton , J. L. Slocum , John Moie-
head , T. J. Whitaker and 'G. J.
Crook and Jake Vissingcr of
Send a Few This Way.
Putting1 convicts to worlc on
the public roads of Nebraska
under combined state and county
jurisdiction , with such addional
assistance as the United States
government may be willing to
give , is a project now being ad.
vocated in lieu of renewing the
penitentiary laborcpntract with
the Lee Broom and Duster com
pany. Lincoln News.
Lost His Finger.
O. P. Parker , foreman of the
steel gang now busy laying- new
rails on the M.P. track near the
depot , lost one of his fingers
while at work Wednesday after
noon about 5 o'clock. He was
helping to handle one of the
rails and in laying it do\yn had
one of the fingers of the left
hand on the rail when another
rail was pushed against it with
such force as to completely sever
that member.
Horse Drowned.
On Saturday afternoon Bob
Sweeney , a colored man , who
buys mules for Mr. Williams , a
prominent stock man of High
land , Kans. , lost a valuable
horse in an attempt to cross the
bottom south of town. He was
on his way to this city and the
horses becoming frightened at
something , presumably a snake ,
began plunging- and the driver ,
being unable to control them ,
the whole outfit was thrown off
the grade into the water and
mud which was very deep at
that point. Mr. Sweeney suc
ceeded in extricating1 himself ,
but could not loose the horses.
One of the Brackhahn boys wit
nessed the accident and swam
out to the rescue. He cut one
horse loose from the buggy , but
could not save the other.
The next day a couple of men
went out with boats and with
ropes fastened the buggy so it
would not float away , and hope
to be able to save : it after the
water recedes.
A New Drop Curtain.
A new advertising drop cur.
tain is being installed in the
Gehling , which for beauty can.
not be surpassed. It is filled
with neat advertising cards of
our own progressive business
men. The work was done by a
Falls City boy , our own Hank
Wolfe , whose reputation as a
scenic artist is becoming wide
spread , and his services are in
such demand that it is hard for
him to fill his contracts. After
his work is completed here he
goes to Hiawatha to commence
a S700 job of scenic work for
that place. Hank's friends here
are more than pleased to see
him coming to the front in this
Manager Gehling is improving
the opportunity offered by the
dull season and will thoroughly
renovate the opera house and
add many little improvements
for the convenience of his pa
trons , whose comfort he is !
always looking after. He will
also have many of the best at
tractions to offer our people
when the theatrical season again
Norman J. Sansom came in to
day from Decatur , 111. , to spend
his vacation with N. B. Judd and
wife. Norman was raised by Mr ,
and Mrs , Judd , who are now edu
cating him.
Paid His Dojr Tax ,
G- Neal Mulligan , jr. , enjoys
the distinction of being the firsj :
to pay his dog tax for 1908.
While Ncal is only fourteen
months old he paid this tax out
of his own money and now car
ries the papers giving "Gold
Dust" the right to live.
Let's Get Busy.
Just at present this city is ex
periencing one of the dullest
times in its history , owing to the
condition of the roads over the
Muddy and Nemaha bottoms
caused by the high water. For
more than three weeks we have
been practically isolated , living
on an island , and this fact has
produced conditions which arc
becoming alarming. But there
is a remedy if our people will act.
For some time C. II. Heineman
has been corresponding with Hon.
Ernest M. Pollard in regard to
good roads and this week received
a letter from that gentleman
wherein he states he is in a posi
tion to give us material assistance
provided he has the co-operation
of our people and especially the
countv board. He says the gov
ernment is ready and willing to
give their assistance , and will
send an expert to look over the
ground and advise us as to the
feasibility of the plan of raising
the grades across the Muddy and
Nemaha bottoms above any high
water mark and thus eliminate a
repetition of the troubles we are
now experiencing.
We feel sure our business men
will do all in their power to help
irl this work and hope that our
county' board will take some
action upon the matter at once.
A Busy Session.
Our city dads met in adjourned
session on Friday night and trans
acted much important business.
Bills amounting to $2117.72'were
allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the water and light and
occupation fund in payment of
The contract for the cement
bridge on 5th and Wilson street
was awarded to C. H. IleincmUn
Joseph A. Bortcnlanger o f
Omaha , secured the contract for
the foundation of the water and
light plant on his bid of $7.50 per
cubic icet , providing he can give
a good bond to the amount of
$2,000 , and city clerk was in
structed to notify him of condi
ss st tions of contract and the time to
start work.
Street commissioner was in
structed to extend sewer down
6th street , beginning opposite
Jim Pickett's reridence and con
tinuing to point at pitch of hill.
City Engineer was instructed to
prepare plans and specifications
for remodeling park house and to
advertise for bids.
Council decided that in the
future all water and light meters
must be sold , not loaned , and all
now rented be sold by commis
sioner at the best possible rate.
The water commissioner was
instructed to cut off all water and
light if not paid ten days after
notification of delinquency.
Council adjourned to meet
Tuesday evening , June ' )
Convention Week.
The Nebraska City district
conference and the Nebraska
City Epworth League conven
tion will both meet in this city
next week. It is expected one-
hundred-twenty-five people will
be in attendance at both con
On Monday night Brenton T.
Badley of India will speak on
"India. " Tuesday evening the
League convention will begin.
The pastor and a committee of
the League are seeking1 enter
tainment and all the members
should cordially respond.
Mrs. B. F. Wiser died at the
home of her son , Dr. Wiser in
Phoenix , Arixona , on Thursday
of last week , after only a few
days illness. Deceased had been
enjoying her usual good health
when on Monday she suffered an
attack of appoplexy from which
she could gain no relief and
breathed her last on Thursday.
Only a few weeks ago Dr.
Wiser came from his home in
Arizona and took his parents
back with him , hoping that the
change would benefit his father's
health , little thinking his mother
would be the first to answer the
The Wiser family lived for
many years in Verdon and were
well known to most of our people
Deceased is a cousin of , T. L.
Slocum of this city.
Funeral was1 held Saturday ,
interment being made at Phoe
William Thompson , the little
son of Mr.and Mrs. Tom Sperice
died at the family home in this
city Wednesday morning- June 9
aged seven months.
The little one had been ailing
for some time but was thought
to be improving , when suddenly
a change for the worse came
and the tirdd soul took its
The funeral services were
held from the home Thursday
afternoon at 8 o'clock conduct
ed by Rev. G. L. Neide. Inter
ment wns in Steele cemetery.
News From TUurston McCoy ,
JCIirs. G. McCoy received a let"
ter yesterday from her son
Thurston who is on the U. S. S.
Georgia flagship. He states
that he is now one of the ad
miral's secretaries , and that he
is kept busy , as the work at
tached to the office of 2nd divi
sion commander is pretty heavy ,
lie states that as soon as they
arrive in Manila bay they will
be transferred to the U. S. S.
Wisconsin as 2nd squadron com
mander and will proceed on to
the United States ahead of the
first squadron , the one he is
now on.
Thurston is having an ex
perience seldom enjoyed by one
of his age , but think" he will be
awful glad to see home folks
Disturbed tbe Meetings' .
Religious meetings are being
conducted in a tent in the south
part of town , and are drawing
good crowds and doing much
good , but for several evenings
the worship has been interferred
with by a few young hoodlums
who think such actions smart.
On Tuesday evening , however
the disturbance was beyond en
durance and two of the offenders
were arrested , placed in jail
over night and the next morn
ing paid a fine for their sup
posed fun. It is hoped this will
be a lesson to others who are
prone to make light of every
thing sacred.
The safest plan is to stay
away from such places if you
cannot gain any good from
them , and remember that your
rights cease when you infringe
on those of others.
The state cream inspector in
making his rounds in this city re
ports that he finds the cream at
the Candy Kitchen tests 15 per
cent , which is one per cent above
the legal test. With such a rec
ord we do not wonder at the im
mense business being built up by
this institution ,
Florence Parchen returned yes
terday from her visit in Verden. i
John Nulk's Funeral
Mrs. John Nulk arrived in
this city Wednesday morning
bringing1 with her the body of
her husband , whose death was
announced in this paper last
week. The funeral was held
from St. Thomas church Wed
nesday afternoon , Kev. Neide
officiating , using the beautiful
service of the Episcopal church ,
and speaking1 words of comfort
for life widow and friends left.
After the church services the
body was taken to the cemetery
where the burial was conducted
by the Masons , deceased being
an honored member of that
$150 FoTBesTArticle.
The Republican Congressional
Committee offers $150 for the best
article not exceeding 1,000 words
on the subject :
The competition is open to all.
In judging the merits ol contri
butions consideration will be given
not only to style , arguments and
facts presented , but to the convincing -
vincing power , and it should be
borne in mind that Members of
Congress are to be elected as well
as President and Vicc-President.
No manuscripts will be returned
but will be the property of the
The best article will be widely
used both in the newspapers of
thecountry and in pamphlet form.
The award will be made and
check sent to successful contest
ant about August 15th. Manu
scripts must be' mailed not later
than July 15th to
Litcrar } ' Bureau ,
Republican Congressional Conr
mittce ,
Metropolitan Bank Building.
Washington , D. C.
Society News
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Davis en
tertained few frifiuls at whist
Tuesday evening which proved
very pleasant to the guests pres
Mrs. John Holt entertained a
few friends at f > o'clock dinner on
Tuesday , complimentary to her
guest , Mrs. Harriet Abel. Covers
were laid for eight and a very en
joyable time was had.
The City Federation of Women's
clubs will meet at the Elk rooms
Saturday afternoon. It is ear
nestly hoped that there will be a
good attendance.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Thomas church met with Miss
Meeker Cain Monday evening and
enjoyed a very pleasant session.
The lesson for the evening was
"Japan , " led by Mrs , P. II. Jus
sen , assisted by Mrs. G. L. Neide
and Miss May Maddox , and proved
very instructive. After a short
social session the ladies adjourned.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. John Crook.
Guest day of the Methodist
Episcopal Kensington was held
at the home of Mrs. Andrew Cam *
eron i Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Cameron was assisted by Miss
Stella Patxman and Mrs. Herbert
Hedges. Refresh m cuts were
served. Music was furnished by
Misses Cade , Riechers and Mrs.
J. R. Cain Jr. of Stella was
advanced in the Grand Lodge of
Masons this week to be Grand
Marshal of that body.
Miss Lora McCool of Dawson
is in the city a guest at the home
of George Albright and family.
An Odd Fellows lodge is to be
instituted at Dawson next Tues
day evening.
Resolution of Respect.
Falls City Lodge No. 0 , A. F. &
A. M. of Falls City , Nebraska.
June 10th , 190S. A. L. 5908.
WIWKKAS , it has pleased the
All Wise Architect of the universe
to call from this earth unto Him
self and into that eternal lodge
above our well beloved brother ,
John Nulk ; it is eminently proper
that this lodge , of which Brother
John Nulk was an able and faith
ful member , should bear testi
mony to his high character as a
most worthy man and an upright
Mason ,
Therefore , be it resolved by
this lodge , that in the death of
Brother John Nulk the Masonic
order has lost a true and faithful
member ; he was strong and ar
dent in his devotions to the time-
honored principles of the Ancient
Order of Freemasonry ; he was an
honest and justman | , and in the
vicissitudes of this transitory life
he tried to discharge his duties
with energy , zeal and a high re
gard for the purQst principles of
the Masonic order ; he believed
with Masonic fervor that to do
one's duty without fear or favor
was the highest and noblest attribute
tribute of every brother Mason's
moral nature ; that it was the upholding
holding and sustaining law in aid
of which the Masonic order rears
her seven pillars , and that there
is [ no virtue not strengthened nor
adorned by this obligatory sense
of duty as an abiding principle.
It is in the lives of such members
devoted to such principles can be
best seen the teachings of ouc
noble order.
Be it further resolved , that a
copof these resolutions be fur
nished the family of our deceased
brother , that the same be entered
upon our records , a copy be fur
nished his lodge at Muscogee ,
Oklahoma , and a , copy bi fur
nished our city pjpcrs for publi
cation. ID. G WmTioKr > ,
E. S. Jo wits.
The local masonic lodge in
stalls officers next Monday eve
John Mason is at home for his
vacation from his university
Miss Mamie Bacon of Humboldt
was visiting in the city during
the week.
Dr. Roberts was attending the
Masonic Grand Lodge at Omaha
this week.
While in the field inspecting
the condition of his conn , last
Friday morning , Emile Stoehr ,
who lives two miles southeast
of Johnson , was taken with an
epipletic attack , superinduced
it is thought by the bad out
look for his crop. He fell to
the ground and died in great
agony , his body being found not
long afterward. The deceased
was an aged man and leaves his
wife and several children , most
of who'm are grown. He was a
man of modest demeanor and
fine character and owned eighty
acres of land on which he lived.
Legal Notice.
OllDlNANCi ; NO. 21U.
An ordinance , to provide for mi nntuml tiix
levy on nil real i-iitnto and personal property
within UIH corporate limits of Ilio city of l'nll
City , nnil for tlm collection of the tame , ami for
itKUMUind purpose.
Bo it ordnlncd by ttio Mayor and Council of tlie
city of Fall * City.
Section 1. The Major mill Council of snldcity
of Fulls City , hlmll each jo r , nmku and lury a
tux of not lewt than onu mil ! , nut ) not exceedlni :
thri-o mills on the dollar valuation , on nil nvit
ctttntuaml IHTMIIM ! property within the coriv > rnt
llmltu of wild city according to the laws of this
state , which lory shall Iw collected and put into
the city treasury , which i-hall conotituto a 1'ark
I'lirxl of mid city , nud the fund MI levied and
collected , vhall bo UNH ! for tint InyitiK out , im-
provlnt : and beautifying'paid park , oiid for the
payment of salaries and wonen of | H > I > OII $ em
ployed iu I ho K'rfonuiuiru of such labor.
Section 2. This ordinance thalltako effect am !
to in force from and after its pataKt' , approval
and publication according to law ,
W.W. ABBEY , Mnvor.
\V. H. BoiiMKLZEL , City Clerk.
1'aecod nail oj prated June 0 , U08.