THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JUNE 5 , 1908. Alantcel Howe's story. JMnntcel Howe , who cnn \vrile , ns her fnthcr before her , has writ- Ion n alory for tin- huddles Limn Journal Hint I'M Howe hiiUBolf niiplit cliuvBome if it hadn't Iwn Written by liio ovru Kin , for it has a Sob in it for the Sobbing Sisters. The story is in slmpo of letter left by a girl-wifo to bo read after she died giving birth to a child. It is a love Idler in which tin1 young wife tells her liubbimd she is certain she will die in givi birth to their child , and that much as she dislikes ! o die , because she very much loves her husband and child and wants to live , that she fours that if she lived she might drift away from her great happi ness through misunderstandings and changes of time , Fall ! What of that ? She had happiness , didn't she ? All things pass away. Her fears are those of most young women and nrs told with feeling and nut a little pathos and prettiness - ness , but a woman who has had several children will waste no tears on the story. She knows the mys tery of life and death isn't controlled - trolled byBOntimcnt. Women and men die by means appointed. Most of them na naturally as they go to sleep. To llio young bride who may become a mother it in a pretty affection to talk sweetly about dying for the baby's sake , for the love of the husband and for fear happiness might take wings , but the bride and mother who is in that condition of mind gives evidence of .material disar rangemenl. T ho finer , truer mother the ono who is physically and mentally well , desires to live , expects to live , and goes into the valley of the shadow of life-giving yilh no other thought than living. And how much braver it is for the wife and mother to keep away from the false-note of self pity ir Child-birth and think of the splen dor of the achievement and rejoice in it as her mother did before her A strong race is only possible through strong-thinking , matter of-fact mothers. Nimby , pamb nervous children will be born to very-much.afraid little girl moth ers. No little girl should marry until she is ready to give up he girl-lifo for the burdens of UK married woman. And when sh assumes such burdens , if she doe so with the courage and fortitud of her race of mothers , her chil dren will honor her. Eliawath World. Money in Good Roads. A western editor truthfully re marks that "there is money in th western banks , but more of ought to be in the western roads. It would bo just as safe there , and 1 it would bo drawing much larger interest. Money invested in a % good highway , under an intelligent system of construction and super * vision , adds value to every acre of land that the road affects at all. " Wo have been preaching this sort of doctrine for a long time , and believe in it more firmly than ever. And as we have said before , as soon as the farmers and the merchants of the United States fully realise that the good roads movement will pay ; that "there's money in it" for them for every man who lives in the town as well as every man who , living near , does business in the town then the movement will have the im petus necessary to make it succeed The reason why this ximportanl work has not leaped forward hat been the lack of realization of iti importance on the part of thosi uioet interested , and who woulc profit most. If the actual cost o hauling stuff to market can bo re duoed by a large percentage , thei the good road , that makes sucl reduction possible , is a thing tha pays. And if it is easier for farm ers to get to town , and if they , o account of going oftener and c increased profits due to good roadi . are able to spend more money i town , then the merchant will coi , elude that the work pays from hi standpoint. Souio day the nation will buil ' a great national highway and tli states will build fine turnpike wjthin their own borders and me chanlu and farmers will by private subscription build smooth roads for their own use. The United States is nipidly approaching that point. It simply has to come for our advancement and our pros- pprity will not be what they ought to be until good roads and good waterways have simplified the transportation problem. Lincoln | Star. Market Letter. Kansas City Stock Yards. June 7 , 1908. Last week's cattle trade w most unsatisfactory from the seller's standpoint , in spite of the reduction in receipts , nearly 20 per cent here as compared with receipts the previous week and other markets showing a similar loss , demand seemed to flatten out after Tuesday , and the week closed with a loss of 10 to 20 cents on toppy kinds , and 20 to10 cents lower on med ium to common cattle , both steers and cows. Heavy ship incuts from Ft. Worth direct to the packing plants at all the northern markets lately put a weapon in the hands of the buy ers , and a shortening" up of con-1 suming demand rendered them still more independent. The run today is f > 000 head here , and small elsewhere , ' and this big reduction in the supply was ne cessary to break the packers' sway ot the situation. Heavy rains and numerous washouts in Oklahoma and elsewhere are re sponsible for part o f the reduc tion in supplies today but ad vices sent out to sTiippers late last week were against heavy marketing. Prices are strong to 15 higher today , with top steers at SO.U5k The spread in prices is wider than a week ago , medium steers goingat $5.25 to $0.85 , cows $2.75 to $5.60 , heifers $3.75 to $0.25 , calves $ -1.00 to $0.00 , bulls $8.25 to $5.25. Stock , ers and feeders advanced 25 cents last week from the low close of the previous week , and are selling strong today , stockers - ers at$3.25to$5.25 , feedersSi.OO to $5.40. Hog receipts last week were 7-1,000 bead , 25 per cenjt less than previous week , and prices ruled higher tirst ball of the week , but finally closed with most of the advance lost. The run to day is 12,000 bead , large for Monday , with heavy runs at all points , and prices are off 10 to 15 cents here. Top today is $ o.-10 , bulk $5.15 to $5.85. More light hogs have been included recently than usual , and while the demand lor that class is greatest , supply ot good heavy hogs is so limited that they still lead by a small margin. Light weights got the greatest decline today , which accounts tor the wide range in bulk of sales. Weather conditions will govern volume of receipts till work on crops becomes less urgent. Another supply exceeding , 000 sheep arrived here last week , and as heavy runs appeared at all the markets , mutton prices received the biggest cut of the season. Lambs lot least , but sold about 00 cents cheaper , while sheep , especially Texas declined around $1.00. Supply is 7500 today , market about 10 higher , and with smaller receipts - in sight balance of the week . , some strength in the market may develope. Wooled lambs bring $0.00 to $0.50 , c 1 i p p e cl lambs $5.50 to $0.00 , wethers am' ewes $3.75 to $1.50 , goats $3.0l to $3.50. of I .0.1 Re-elected at Falls City. Prof. E. K. Hurst , who for tin past year has taught a very sue cessful school as principal a Falls City , Nebraska , arrivec : in Auburn on Thursday for of visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. J Henderson and other friends ' He has recently contracted fo the principalsbip of the Fall . City High school for the cotnin year to which position be wa re-elected not long ago. Hi ild efficiency in school work is ind .ho caled by the favor with whic he has met in our southern neigli er. bor city. Auburn Herald. Alust Replant Corn. Enquiry mndc among the farm ers from the different parts of the county indicates that the n mo mil of damage done by the recent ruins is almost incalculable. It ia conservatively estimated thfit about eighty per cent of the corn in the county hns had to be replanted as a result of the wash ing mine , and in some localities not a kernel of the seed corn was loft in the ground. tt has been several years since this district has been visited by washing rains and tons of the richest dirt in the county were carried oil' the liields and into the Missouri river , there to be carried to the Gulf of Mexico. Auburn Republican. If one feels dull nnd spiritless , in the spring or early summer , they cull it "Spring Fever. " But there Is no fever usually. It is the after clTect of our winter hahlts. The nnrvcs are mostly at fault. Tired , worn-out nerves leave us languid , lifeless , and without spirit or . ambition A few doses of Dr. Shoop's Restorative will absolutely and quickly change all of these depressing aymp tome. The Restorative of course won t briny you back to full health In a day or two , but it will do enough in 48 hours to satisfy you that the remedy is that "tired " . reaching spot" Druggists everywhere are advising its use as i splendid and prompt general tonic. It gives more vim and more spirit to the spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonic It sharpens a failing appetite , aids digestion , frees sluggish livers and kidney ? , and brings new life , strength and ambition. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by all dealers. The First Regiment band will arrange to give a baud concert in Falls City , and , if possible , get the plug to haul the band there , and all who wisb to go along , returning after the con cert. A right merry time would be bad. Falls City just at pres ent shows no sign of becoming dry it is surrounded by at least ten miles of wet water. liiawa tha World. No Humbug. No humbug claims have to bo mad a for Foloy's Honey and Tar , the wel 'known remedy for coughs , colds and lung troubles. The fact that more bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar arc , tsed than of any other cough remedy is ho best testimonial of Us great merit. Why then risk taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar costs you no inoro and is safe and sure. Kcrr's Pharmacy. Why Not Merry Widows. A heavy tax is to be imposed on the sombrero bat in several Mexican states , for the purpose of abolishing it. Licenses will be issued , with numbers affixed , like automobiles in the United States. Laborers often spend a years wages for -sombrero , entailing unnecessary poverty and hardships. Consumptives Made Comfortable. Foloy's Honey and Tar has cured ilD many cases of Incipient consumption and oven in the advanced stages alTords comfort and ruliof. Refuse unv but the 0B genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. ICerr's Pharmacy. lion. Frank Reavis delivered a masterful address at the commence ment exercises here Friday night. A largo and appreciative audience hero attended. Salem Index. , Roaches the spot. Stops pain. The ManZan Rom. ody. Put VJP lr\ 'tubes with rectal nozzlo. 50 cents- You Should KnouThis. . Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble thtit is not beyond the reach of medicine.1 Xo medicine can do more. Kcrr'a pharmacy , A Puncture in Our Pride. The other day n good-looking , hardy and apparently prosperous middle aged man was excused from jury duty here because he could not write. Naturally it comes as a surprise in a community like this when a person of such appar ent quality pleads illiteracy. But it seems that this man has much company , generally speaking , for according to the last census out of every thousand people in this country 107 were illiterate that is , they were persons ten years elder or older who were unable to write in any language. One person in every nine above the age of ten , therefore , is illiterate. Americans pride themselves upon their wide-spread education , the product of universal free schools associated , in most states , with compulsory education laws. The figures do not support this attitude of self sufficiency. In England , Scotland and Holland only one person in forty is illiter ate. In Switzerland one person in 1GG cannot write , in Denmark one person in 500 , in Sweden and Norway one. in each 12,250 , and it Germany there is practically no illiteracy. The rate in 1908 among the army recruits was one in 2,500 and the army recruits were proba bly below the average of the Ger man people. So we haven't so much to boast of in this respect as most of us have believed. St. Joe News-Press. PAIN Pain In the head pain nnywhcro , has Its causa. Pain is congestion , rain U blooJ pressure nothing clso usually. At least , so says Dr. Snoop , and to prove It lin hns created a little pink tablet. That tablet called Ur. Shoop's lleadacho Tablet coaxw blood prcssuro mvny from puln centers Its cUGctls charming , pleasingly delightful. Gently , though safely , U surely equalizes tbo blood clrcu < lutlon. If you have n hcadacho. It's blood pressure. If it's painful periods with women , same causa If you are sleepless , restless , nervous , it's blood congestion blood pressure. That surely is a certainty , for lr. Shoop's lleadacho Tablets stor it In 20 minutes , and the tablets simply dlstribufc the unnatural blood pressure. linilso your linear , and doesn't It got red , and swell , and pain you ? Of course it docs. It's con. Kcstlon , blood pressure. You'll flnd itivhoro pain Is always. It s simply Common Sense. Wo soil at 23 cents , and cheurfully recommend Dr. Shoop's HeadacHe Tablets ( ALL DEALERS ) I America's Thermiual Wonderland I HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS Curative waters , health ful and agreeable cli- I mate , restful surround ings every form of rec reation if desired , all completely illustrated and described in our new booklet , also rates at hotels , bath houses. | | etc. , etc. Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain the DIRECT THROUGH ROUTE Call on jour local nitout or iul < lrt"-s _ B. P. PAYNE 11 | ( ii'iHTiil I'lu-ocuKW nud Ticket Acont St. Louis , Mo. ' " , ' ta to loan on good farm security , a ; Call on or write r IsIS Ise e ] IS is I Office Over Korner's Hardware Store i i- ib Falls City , - - Nebraska i-1 Arrange to attend our dis persion sale of Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus Cattle at Humboldt , Nebr. , Monday , June 3th , 1908. C. W. Buttcrfield & Sons. Miss Lizzie Heitland Magnetic Healer Falls City , : : Nebraska Having- recently graduated from the Weltmer Institute of Magnetic Heal- iny at Nevada , Mo. , I aui prepared to treat diseases of all kinds. Located t\t Mrs. Rums' just south of the convent. PHONE 279 The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Decs is the original laxativo' cough syrup , contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold off through the natural channels , Guaranteed to giva satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER 'Bmlinfiton ' TO THE PACIFIC COAST Very 1 o w round trip rates commencing- June 1st for at tractive Coast tours , only $00.00 ; slightly higher via Shasta Route and Pit get Sound. TO CHICAGO AND EAST Republican Convention excur sion tickets at low rates in June ; also summer excursion rates in connection with Con vention and Summer Tourist rates to eastern resorts. To Colorado and Rocky Mountains Daily excursion rates commencing mencing- June 1st to Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , Black Hills , Yellowstone Park ; great Dem ocratic Convention ut Denver in July. llomeseekers' Kates First and third Tuesdays fo the West , including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellow stone Valley.whcre large tracts of rich irrigated lands are be ing opened for settlement by the government and by pri vate companies. Write D. Deaver , Burlington Laid-eek- ers' Information Bureau , Omaha ; excellent busline's opeuings in new growing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip , and let us advife you how to make it the best way at the least cost. E. G. WIIITPORD , Local Ticket Agenf. L.V. . XAfiCLCY , 0. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. 4-t-t-H-M I 11 H H t-H I 8 1 I I I I II I D. S. McCarthy J DRAY AMID TRANSFER X Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods , PHONE NO. 211 ii m i in in-f nun ir > f + I C. H. HARION ' AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner ! C. H. MARION I Falls City , Nebraska For flood Sales , flood Service , Pro Returns Ship Your Stock to Qeo. R. Barse LIVE STOCK COMftllSSION CO. . Write us for Market Reports Kansas City , Mo. , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS DR. H. T. HRHN VETERINARIAN Office nud residence first door north of city pnrk. Phdne 263. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA EDGAR R. MATHERS Z ) EX K T T B 1s Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAUL BUILDING ; M. I. WILSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office and Residence o'er McMillan's Drug Store. Phone 329. PALLS CITY , MJB. Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY R. Ofllce over KBIT'S Pharmacy OHlce Phone 2CO Residence Phone 271 W. S. FAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones - I Residence ICO -j Qmce 5- FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. 0. N. ALLISON B 1s Phone 248 Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA THE BOWELS AHD MOVE WORK OFF A COLD WITH THE ORIGINAL MOVECOUGH COUGH STRUP. COUGH BEST FOR A . _ RAISE . _ 6 % .jr\LH4M'ka .jrLH4M'kaBERS for Pickles for the Leo Gider and Vinegar Co. and make $50.00 to 375.00 per acre Any quantity will be taken at the factory at So cents per bushel for first grade ( under four inches long ) . Call at the State Bank for sheet of instructions telling how to raise , pick and market them. - You also can get seed for choice varietiesatthc