The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 22, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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I !
I * 240 acres well improved , 1 } miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment , balance long time at low interest.
ii C. Smith 200 acres \ft miles from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will
Henry take 40 or 80 acres as part payment.
. 1GO acres upland , } mile from depot , Richardson county , Nebraska. 512,000.
160 acres Johnson county , Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownvillc , Nebraska.
80 acres # -milc from b'alls City high school.
LANDS & LOANS 010 acres , 88,000 improvements. Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acres a9 part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan. -
Will McWnlne is on the sick Hat this
Jake Miller was , a Preston visitor lust
Mrs. Sym Burl ; Is quite sick this
Bessie Miller was a Falls City visitor
last week.
James Force was u Preston visitor
Mozo Frederic Is having a cellar dun
at his home.
Newton Ilosfonl was n Falls City vis
itor Sunday.
Charlie Scott of Kansas was n Uulo
visitor Sunday.
Dill Ilalcr went to White Cloud one
day last week.
May Jondron vUitcd with Rule
friends recently.
Besslo Miller went to Prcstou to visit
relatives Monday.
Vcrnlo Brown has been quite sick for
several days past.
Sum Ward wus u Kansas City visitor
ono day last week.
Mrs. John White visited with Salem
friends last week ,
Mrs. Bowkcr has been quite sick for
the past few days.
Dr. Knlo and son visited relatives In
Lincohrlast week.
Joe Uoran and Harry Iluber were at
the Big lake Sunday.
A. J. Oaburno and family drove to
Falls City last Friday.
Tom Potoot of Falls City , spent Sun
day with Rule friends.
nnrry Marsh returned Saturday
from Woodrlvor , Nob.
Garnott Wilson flf Preston visited
Rule friends recently.
Pauline Liberty was a Falls City vis
itor ono day last week.
John Anderson and wife were visitIng -
Ing In Rule Saturday.
Elmer Arnold was a Rule visitor the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. James KcrmocH visited relatives
in St. Joseph last week.
Sam Hall Is working In George Pea-
body's blacksmith shop.
Ilcrman Dorst was a St. Joseph vis
itor ono day last week.
Roily Harrison has returned to hl.s
home in St. Joseph , Mo.
Frank Durloo and family wcru Rule
visitors ono day last week ,
Ed Mathers visited friends in Mis
souri tbo first of thu week.
Mrs. Jud Carpenter was a Preston
visitor the first of the week.
Roy Dvkes of Preston , visited friends
near Rule ono day last week.
Some improvements are being put or
the section house this week.
John Chancy visited with Mlssour
friends the first of the week ,
Grnco Cronin was u Falls City pas
senger Wednesday afternoon.
May Jarrot of St. Joseph arrived li
Rule Friday to visit relatives.
Win. Johnston and wife were count ;
capltol visitors last Saturday.
S , Randall and son wore business vis
itors in Rule ono day last week.
W , W. Brown and wife visited thci
son Frank , at this place Sunday.
John Hopkins and family were SI
Joscuh visitors ono day last week.
Leonard Simon and wife of Presto
visited with Rule friends Sunday.
Mable Kochler of Fargo Is spendln
the week with friends In this city.
John Inks of Salem , visited his slstc
at this place a few days last week.
Mrs. Clarence Simon of St. Joseph
visiting Rule relatives this week.
John Dunn , west of town , vlsltc
with relatives In Missouri Sunday.
Henry Scott spent a few days In W ;
more the latter part 01 last week.
Ellas Packet and family were vlsl
ing friends In St. Joseph last week.
Emmet Illnklo of Fortescuc , Me
was visiting Rule relatives Monday.
Charles Schaffer went to Watso
Mo. , Monday , to visit with relatives.
Win. Biggs moyed his family fro
Rule to Missouri the first of the wee
Stella Butterik returned homo i
cently from a visit with Preston frleni
Frcd'Staram , who was fireman on t
Atchison freight , has gone to Wyinoi
Alice and Mary Ball of White Clo
visited relatives in this city lastSund
Mr. Ewlng is remodeling the bul
ing used by Sherman Hays for ar
taurant , and when completed it will
practically a new building.
Our ferryman was quite busy Sunday
crossing people bound' for the Big
Rov. W. II. Splcor of Behlow , Neb. ,
visited with relatives In Rule last
Jess Harding visited with his brother
Wills family at Salem a few days last
A. B. Uachlnan of Toledo , Ohio , vis
ited relatives In this vicinity the past
George 13 , Ward aud daughter Hope ,
returned from Kansas City Friday
Mrs. Robert Dunn of Missouri visited
her mother , Mrs Wctzcl of this city
A crowd , too large to mention all
names , went from Rule to the Big lake
Mrs. Goln returned from a ylslt with
her sister's family at Preston Monday
Mr ! Majors of AtchUon has opened
up a barber shop in Mrs. Bowker's '
O. A. Burk and wlfo have returned
to their home , after u visit with Rule
John Nedcckcr and Clarence Jondron
were Rule visitors the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Osburn and Bessie Anderson
drove to the country on a business trip
G. Gcssor of Nebraska City visited
with his brother at this1 place the lust
of the week.
Harry Bradford , Edith Kern , Mr.
and Mrs. Wni. Carlco spent Sunday at
the Big lukc.
Joe Bni7.zo.und family returned Mon
day from a short visit with relatives
near McCook.
Llttlo Gladys McClollan has been
v'cry sluk the past week , but Is improv
ing at this writing.
John Mulvany of Mason City. Nob. ,
visited with his daughter , Mrs Thomas
Alkman , last week.
Mrs. Frank Morohouso and daughter
returned last week from a visit with
relatives In Lincoln.
Mrs. John Anderson went to North
Burrow , Iowa , the last of the week. ' , o
visit a sick daughter.
MlltontiZlmmormun has moved his
sawmill from Preston , having finished
his work at that place.
Hugh Aikman of Dunn , Inil. , came tc
attend the funeral of his brother , Tuo'
mas Aikman , lust week.
Annie Hill , who is staying with Johr
Darveuus , visited with homo folks ijeui
Whlto Cloud , Saturday.
Peter Aikmnn of Bono , Ind. , came te
Uulo , to be present at thu funeral of his
brother hero last week.
George Hull has resigned his positlot
with the telephone company hero am'
has removed to Gregory , S. D.
Dodo Anderson und daughter Pearl
and Mnblo Long drove to the Lesorva-
tlon Sunihiy to visit his father.
The ball game between Falls Clt3
and Mound City , played at the Big lak <
Sundap , was won by Mound City.
Mrs. Lizzie Davis and son Edwart
visited with her brother , John Mam
and family at White Cloud last week
Byron Harrison went to Chester
Monday , whore he expects to work o
a brick building for the next six week ;
During the storm on Wednesday a
tornoon last week , lightning killci
thirty head of sheep for Henry Prll
Ed Scott and family of McCook , a
rived in Rule Sunday morning. The
will visit Mr. Scott's mother near Hli
Joe Sibort and Hannibal Harrisc
have been fixing up roads and streo
since the heavy rains , which done
good deal of damage by washing.
Dave Jondron departed last week f <
the Yellowstone park , where ho h
employment for the summer. Ho wl
also visit his two brothers at Living
ton , Mont.
V. R. Marshall has moved from W
more here. They occupy the Watteyi
m house. Mr. Marshall takes the posltli
k. as fireman on the Atchison freight
Fred Stamm s place ,
Is. James Tagnoy Jr. and wlfo depart
for Denver Sunday , where they w
visit relatives a few days. Then th
go to Sheridan , Wyoming , for sovei
lid days visit with other friends.
1 John Thjlges and wife departed It
Id- Friday for an extended western trl
38- They expect to visit points in weste
be Nebraska , also different places in Wj
mlng and Colorado. If his wifi
health U bcncllt' < d anJ they llko the
country they will lucatu sorno place in
the west.
V. W. Smith came from Plattsmouth
Saturday to visit with his family u
couple of days. He visited several of
the scenes of the recent storms and
says ho saw sights. Ono large two
story house looked us If every piece in
it hud been pounded Into splinters with
Rov. Thomas M. Aikman was born In
Vermlllion Co. , Ind , March 21st , 1749
Died at hid home In Rule , Nobr. , May
10th , 1008. Mr. Aikman had a hard
siege of Lugrippe In the early part of
the winter , from which he only partially
recovered , although ho walked down
town on Thursday before ho died , and
his death came as a great shock to the
whole community. The funeral was
preached on Friday afternoon , at two-
thirty , at the Holiness church , by Rev.
Ben net Maze of Dawsoa. A good man
has gone from our midst , wherever
there was sorrow or suffering , his kind
ly face was seen and his voice heard ,
giving sympathy and encouragement ,
and wo fully believe that every ono of
his many acquaintances will any "He
has douo what he could. " Yes , what
ho could to encourage good , what he
could to suppress evil , what ho could to
lift up the discouraged one , what he
could to cheer the sorrowing one.
About n year ago the writer heard him
say "when 1 tun laid In the silent city ,
I do not want my friends to come there
and weep , but I want them to sing by
my resting place. But the many tears
that were shed by friends on the day
when he was laid away from our sight ,
was only for the broken association ,
and sympathy for the lonely wife and
children left fatherless The casket
was literally covered with beautiful
and fragrant flowers , silent tributes of
loving friends , oven the school children
adding their beuutlf-'l offering to the
children's friend. Words of sympathy
to the bereaved ones sound weak , but
they arc sincere and come from the
whole community , only hoping that in
some way they might a lltttlo lessen
the ache to the sorrowing hearts of rel
atives , who grieve for the departed
one. but trust In the Ono whom he
trusted to the end. and sometime will
Miss Nevnea Hays has been the
guest of friends in Omaha this week.
Mrs. .l.R. Cain , Jr. , and children
are visiting with relatives at Seneca
this week.
Mrs. James Morris has been visiting
a son and daughter In Gage county for
the past ten days.
Mrs. .1 acob Uinkle has been the guest
of a daughter at Powhatan , Kansas ,
the past two weeks.
Miss Lavina Armstrong of Webster ,
Kansas , is visiting at the home of her
uncle , W P. Montgomery.
Mrs. Dill Richards of Omaha arrived
here last week for an extended stay
at the home of Dr. Callison.
John Tlmcrman , an inmate of the
Soldiers' Home at Lcavenworth , is
here for a visit with relatives.
Miss Carrie Dieterich , who taughl
at Blue Springs the past term , has
been given a place in the Auburr
school for next year.
Mrs. Sclmo Miller is visiting at the
home of her father , Henry Saycrs
Her husband is now manager of tin
New Lyric theater at that place.
Charley Brown , a former Stella res
idcnt , but now a buyer for a harnesi
house in Oklahoma City , was visiting
his parents here the first of the week
Mrs. I. W. Harris , Olive and Luclle
are spending the past few days ii
in Lincoln. Miss Olive will go frou
there to visit a friend for a few day :
in South Dakota.
Miss Blanche Monettc was awardei
the honorar } " scholarship given by thi
association of colleges , which Is givei
to each accredited school for thi
highest grades In their class.
Mr. and Mrs E. Monod expect t
leave for Madison , Wisconsin , soon
where they will spend the summer
II E Clark and family of Kansas Cit ;
will probably occupy the house durini
their absence.
is Noah McDowall has sold his resi
deuce in the west part of town to Wir
Bryant , who has charge of the lliy
gins elevator. Mr. McDowell an
family expect to move to the wester
part of the state.
Arnel and August F. Moritz wa
called to Franklin the first of th
week by the death of the latter' '
father. Amel has returned home bu
y- August remained for a longer vlsi
y10 with his mother , who is also very sict
Andy Tynon , a cousin of Andy Tyuo
in of this place , is Tisitiug relatives a
this place and at Peru. Mr. Tyno
now lives in the Cherokee Nation i
sd Oklahoma but lived inthiscommunit
111 long before Stella was founded , or bi
„ . fore there was a railroad here.
a I Mr. Burrel Curtis , aged about lift
years , brother of Talbot aud J. 1
Curtis of this place , died at a state ir
ist stitution at Hastings Sunday , wher
. he had been for the past twenty year !
The body vas brought here Tuesda
rn and the funeral was preached froi
o- the Lutheran church the followin
) 's day. Interment was at Prairie Unlor
Joe Wlndle was In Falls City Tues
Charlie Miller went to St Joe Tuesday -
Miss May Shrlmplon went to Stella
Mrs James French went to Stella
Louis Corn of Verdon was In town
Mrs James French returned from
Stella Tuesday
James Metis came up from Falls City
Monday evening
Jess IllckcH came up from St Joe
Monday afternoon
O P Windle of St Joe was in town
soveralfduys last week
Annie Otis McCool visited relatives
in Falls City last week
Wlx Mobley came down from Hura-
o'.dt Monday evening
Will Richards came down from Hum-
oldt Tuesday evening
Iva Meredith spent Tuesday and
Vednesday In Falls City
Miss Llla Spurlock came homo from
' 'alls ' City Monday evening
Laura Kelley and Sadyc Jones were
uests of Ruby Stouffer Sunday
Rev C E Hlllls of Falls City preached
10 class sermon Sunday evening
Miss Coral Wlttmer of Seneca , Kan-
as , was visiting in town last week
Lon Turner came home from Excel
lor Springs , Mo , Saturday morning
Mesdames Joe Wlndle and C L Slm-
nons were visiting friends In Verdon
Miss Beulah Russell returned from
ansas City Tuesdup , after a visit with
elatlves there
J B McNew and Grace Harlln were
guests of Floy Grinsteud In Falls City
Vednesday evening
Mesdames W H Davis and M L Dow-
11 visited with Mrs George Knapp In
Gordon Wednesday
Hattle Mobley went to Humboldt
.londay . to spend a week with her sis-
or , Mrs Will Kersluuv
Forol Barker , Luverne and Mablo
icsly , Bessie Slater , Alice Brlncgar ,
Jru Mobley and Ruby StoufTcr were in
Tails City Thursday
John Fellers spent Sunday In Her
on , Kansas
Fred Billings and family have recent'
y located in Dawson.
A daughter was born to John Cor.
nelius and wlfo Friday
Mrs. Fred Noble of Lincoln , Is In the
Ity , the guest of relatives.
Rev. W. H. Hamilton Is visiting ul
lis old homo at David City , IQJVU.
Homer Beaver Is now in charge 01
the dellyery wagon of Cooper fc Son.
Myrtle Stratton was the guest o
Lincoln friends the first of the week.
A daughter was born to Ray E Mlllei
and wife one day the last of the weel
Cass Wells left Monday night with i
car of goods for his claim in South Da
Humboldt is making extensive pre
partitions for the celebrating of Fourtl
of July
Mrs Gee Sanford lelt Tuesday foi
Dakota City , where her husband Is nov
Emma Frank and Albert and Rutl
Tanner spent Saturday and Sunday ii
Falls City
G. L , Cooper returned Saturday fron
a business trip in the western part o
the state.
The Methodist circle were enter
talned on Thursday at the homo of Mr
John Holmau
Daisy Morris visited Saturday am
Sunday with her sister , Mrs. W. B. Alexander
oxander , in Dawson.
Mabel Buorstettu , of Tecumseh , wa
in the city over Sunday visiting A ,
Buerstotta and family
Mrs Frank Novak , after a pleusan
visit with numerous friends In the city
left Monday for her homo in Omaha
Mrs. John Shenrd was called to Mlt
nesota Monday by a message unnout
clntr the sudden death of her father.
Nellie , Reed has resigned her posi
tion in the city school and has accepte
a similar nlnce in the Stanton school
Nellie Lockard , who has been mak
ing her aunt , Mrs. John Power , an ea
tended visit , departed Monday for he
home in Clarks , Nebr.
S. M. Philpot and wife visited i
Lincoln the last of the week. The lat
ter went on to Sralthfield , Neb. , to vlsi
her niece , Mrs. E.'J. Pcrrj' .
Ruth Lina , who has been employed
as teacher In the school at Grundln ,
Mo. arrived In the city Sunday , and
will remain until after commencement
A company of the friends of Gee W
Scgrlst were entertained at his home
ono day the fore part of the week , in
honor of his twenty-ninth birthday an
O W Cass , of Humboldt , and Bernlco
Mae Hunter , of Rlverton , Neb , were
united in marriage at the latter place
Thursday last They will make their
homo in this city in the cottage former
ly occupied by the family of A J Buer-
Edgar Prlno visited with his brother
Guy on Saturday.
Martin Nolle and family spent Mon
day with Win. Huettner.
Win. Hutchison was a guest of Alex.
Schultz Sunday afternoon.
John Stump and Ralph Nearow were
guests of Guy Stump. Sunday.
Mrs. E. D. Shaffer and mother were
quests of P. E. Shaffer Sunday.
Mrs. O. A. Guinn visited the first of
ho week with Mrs. H. J. Prltcbard.
Viola Fortner of Verdon was a guest
f her sister , Mrs. Lou Schuler , Sunday
Albert Burk visited with his sister ,
Mrs. Fred Chesley , in Falls City , Sun-
Susie Fortner of Barada is a guest of
icr sister , Mrs. L. Schuler , at this
Mrs. N. Peck and two youngest chll-
, ren were guests at P. E. Shaffer's
Mrs. E. D. Shaffer Is enjoying a visit
rom her inotner , Mrs. Thos. Keckler ,
of Manley , Nebr.
Mrs. Guy Prlnc and Lizzie Coons
vere guests of Mrs W. Peck and
daughter Saturday afternoon.
Mrs , Chas. Smith , who came In last
iveek from Jerusalem , is renewing old
acquaintance In this vicinity , where
she lived before going to Jerusalem.
Mesdames P. E. and E. D. Shaffer and
iCeckler and Misses Vera , Douna anil
Mabel Shaffer were guests of Mrs ,
JVunk Shaffer and daughter Monday
Lou Schuler , while out working
ibout his mules Sunday morning , one
of them kicked him under the chin ,
which knocked out four teeth. Mr
Schulor was knocked senseless and was
thought to be dead when first found
A doctor was called and at the presenl
time IB doing as nicely as can be ex
Cleon Peck and wife entertained f
number of their relatives Sunday al
dinner in honor of Mrs. Pock's sister
Miss Way. About fifty people gutherei
at Alllo Dowty's Tuesday evening o
last week and completely surprlsec
Miss Lydia , it being her birthday. /
good time was had by those presen
and at a late hour they departed foi
their homes , wishing for another sucl
an occasion. Refreshments were servec
Edna Shaffer spent last week nca ;
John Hutchison visited Guy Stum ]
Lydia Dowty spent Monday will
Mrs. Ellis Houtz.
Mrs. O. A. Gulnu Is visiting will
Lola Sturms this week.
Mrs. Chas. Stump is spending thi
week with her mother.
Mrs. L. Hurt and children visited a
P. E. Shaffer's Sunday.
S. H. Knisely and wife spent Sunda ;
with the latter's father.
Allen Gllmore was a guest of Ed
Dowty ono day recently.
Miss Laura Naylor spent one nigh
recently with Mrs. N. Peck.
Frank Zorn and family were guest
of Wm. Huettner and family.
Mrs. Wm. Horstman was a guest c
Mrs. F. S. Lichty last Thursday.
Mrs. N. Peck and daughter visltd
with Mrs. O. A. Burk and daughter.
John Schuler Jr. , and sister visiie
with Wm. Streeker and wife Sunday.
Harry Guilliams and family spec
Sunday with Evprett Higglns and wife
Mrs. Wm. Fuller of Falls City , was
guest of her son , Al. andl wlfo , Sunda }
Blanche Houtz of Verdon visited
few days with Lola Sturms last wool
Mrs. Al. Faller visited with her sis
ter , Mrs. Wm , Huettner , last Thursda ;
Mrs. Heaston and children spent
portion of last week with Mrs. F. S
Eph Peck and wife visited tit Morrill.
Kas. , and attended a loyc least there
Mrs. Cleon Peek and sister were
guests of Mrs. F..S. Lichty Wednesday
Mrs. N. Peck and son , J. D Hutchi
son , atlendcd thu funeral of Mr. Aik
man in Rule last Wednesday.
i Mr ? . Thos. Keckler went to her home
at Manloy last week nf turn week's visit
with her daughter , Mrs. E. D. Shafier.
F. S. Lichty and wlfo entertained
Sam Llcbty and family and John Lichty
and wife , all of Fulls City , last Sunday.
Miss L. Naylot * olosed her school last
Friday with a short program by the
school and n picnic in the grove which
the children enjoyed very much.
The school entertainment given at
the Maple Grove school house by the
school last Wednesday was fine. The
children did well and there wa3 a good
About 100 of the friends of Mr. Jim
Gilmore gathered at the home of Geo.
Sturms in Straussvillo to surprise Mr.
ilmoro. Those present had u good
line. Refreshments were served.
Fred Scholl was In Falls City Mon-
Edna Wclnert was in Falls City
Mrs Frank Yoesel Is on the sick list
his week
A good general store Is much needed
n our midst.
Philip Zimmerman finished planting
corn Saturday
Mr C H Wiltse was a Falls City vis-
tor Wednesday
Mrs Barney Vocgele was shopping in
Falls City Saturday
H. J. Schutel was hauling lumber
rom the mill Tuesday.
Mr. John Wemut was shopping In
Falls City Wednesday.
Melome Randolph spent Sunday vis-
ling the folks at home
Fred Nolke made a business call at
the county seat Monday
Alma Welnert was visiting with John
Welnert and family Sunduj-
Two days of corn planting xvas about
ill that we could do last week
Herman Dorsto and Mrs DorstR were
shopping In Falls City Saturday
William Zocller Sr. , was attending to
business at the county seat Monday.
Christ Blutcher and family were
guests of Henry Apel and family Sun
Mrs Wllllrm Bach was visiting
friends and relatives in Falls City the
fore part of the week
Barney Voogele and his brother Ru
dolph , were attending to the regular
routine of business in Falls City Wed
Henry Meyer attended the meeting
of the board of directors of the Far
mers' Mutual Telephone Co Monday
Rubt seems to be visiting some of the
oal fields anp if this weather continues
much longer the crop may bo materially
Herman Wulf of Falls Cityvattended
a meeting of directors of the Farmer's
Mutual Telephone Co , at Julius Wall-
raff's Monday evening
Richard Daeschner , who was called
home to attend the funeral of his
mother , returned to his work In the
Northwestern College at Napervillo ,
111 , whore he isatlending school , Sat
The voice of the farmer may bo heard
as ho urges his horses along in the
many fields adjoining the highways
throughout the country They seem to
be considerably behind In their work
owing to the excessive rain of late
Auguat Decklngerand John Wolnert
are trying the Kemph furrow opener
on their lall plowing. These furrow
openers are fastened on the runners of
the corn planter and seem to fill a much
needed want In the farmer's equipment
Mr Hartman and Benjamin Koof
were in St Joseph the fore part of the
week looking for u team of horses to
1111 a vacancy caused by the former sellIng -
Ing his fine team It was with consid
erable difficulty that they were enabled
to purchase anything desirable , as all
good horses seem to be bought as soon
as placed on the market-
The store Is still closed but hopes are
entertained of selllnsr the stock soon ,
as there are several bidders for it. It
works quite a hardship on the Inhabi
tants of this village to be compelled to
drive five or six miles to buy groceries
and other necessities , when tbo goods
are in town. Still we can not justly
complain , because the law must take
its course. Ferd Harlow of Falls City
is in charge of the store and is patiently
awaiting the instructions of the credit
ors for the disposal of the same ,