THE FALLS.'GITyi TRIBUNE , FRIDAY MAY 22 { r < r * M > * > Fruit Prospects More , Hopeful. , Erouf different portions of'tho county are now eetiding ingeporta of the condition of the product. Since the past few dnys of warm , sunny weather , the nctual condition of the fruit can be ascer- toified. ' ! Jouu T. Swan reports that out of Kis 200 acres of apple orchard , there will be at least 95 acres on which ho will realize not more than 100 bushels. The rest iffill uot produce to exceed one-fourth crop. On the bluffs near Peru and from the higher orchards around Browuville come reports of an al most complete cherry crop. With about half of the peach trees load ed , others exhibit the -peculiar phenomenon of the fruit being do- strayed in spots , some in the top , others at the side of the trees , but the total average is estimated at a half crop. From Stella comes the news that Daniel Kroh had exhibited a peach limb and cherry branch overloaded with fruit * In the immediate neighborhood of Stella all fruit is in peed shape , but further south the prospects are not so good. All in all , fruit prospects are much brighter than a week ago , when total failures seemed certain. Auburn Herald. Every time we have a late frost a lot of people go around weeping and wailing , and gnashing theii teeth over the destruction of the fruit crop in a manner that would make a stranger in these parts be lieve that every man in Nebraska is depending upon his next fruit crop to pay off the mortgage oil his farm , when the fact is our fruit crop is like the old woman's trou bles the biggest part of it never happened. We have lived in Ne braska ever since we were old enough to know better , and we can truthfully say that the only "large" crops of fruit ever raised here were killed by the late frosts , and our observation prompts the belief that every dollar's worth of fruit harvested in Nebraska hae cost ten dollars in cash or its equiv alent labor. It is all right tc dinkey with a small strawberry bed or a few gooseberry bushes , provided - vided you haven't got anything else to do , but if you have , you had better be doing it. Nebraskc is a corn state her equal does uol lie under the shining sun hei horses , cattle , sheep and swim graze and wax fat on a thousand hills ; she has more happy homes more prosperous and contented people and more pretty wouiei than any state in this peerlesi union , and we have money enougl to import Ben Davis apples ant Alberta peaches from Arkansaw but this is not a fruit country anc we may as weil acknowledge it If every fruit tree in Nebraski should be struck by lightning to night it would not occasion i ripple in the financial sea. Thesi are facts as we are able to elucidati them , and we never joined thi Knocker's Club either , althougl we expect to be provided with ai honorary membership just as sooi as this opinion is handed down. Fairbury News. Personal. If any person suspects that their kid 003-3 arc deranged they should tak Foley's Kidney Remedy at once an not risk having bright's disease or die betes. Delay gives the disease stronger foothold and you should nc delay taking Folcv's Kidney Remedy Kerr's Pharmacy , Drainage Aleeting Ends In Row The Falls City corresponden to the State Journal has this t say in regard to a session of th drainage board in Salem , Moc day afternoon : "During a session of thedrair age board at Salem this aftei noon , R. E. Grinstead , a inembe of the board , was knocked dow and kicked by Geo. L. Coon , merchant of Salem , whose clan ior damages had been aote upon by the board adversely t Coon's interest , as he believed. It is a pity to ECO a person neglect li dlcatious of kidney or bladder troub that may result in bright's dlseaso wiu Foley's Kidney Remedy will correct i regularities and strengthen these o gans , take Foloy's ' Kidney Remedy i the first sign of danger. Kerr's Pha macy. orests on the Northern Prairies U .TflMW . MOTtti i. . ' ' &i.U'il ere in the United States , lanting greater than on the Dairies ot Minnesota and the Dakotas , and nowhere is it more rofitable for commercial re urns. Protection from "wind nd storm is essential for the ivell-being of the family , the tock , and the orchard. Indeed , i many cases it is the presence nd shelter o belts of trees .bout the farm building , with heir continuous supplies of fuel , hat mark the distinction be- ween the comfortable home and he one wherein comtort is lack- ng. Owners estimate the value t good groves , on an average , f $1,000 an acre , on the basis hat their property , if placed upon the market , would be in- reased to that extent by the rees. Bankers and land agents ake special note of thrifty groves , for they have learned hat buyers are ready to pay 'or the protection and comfort f a grove. The effectiveness > f the grove as , a windbreak is determined largely by the num. jer and kind of trees planted and their relative positions. When planting for direct profit s contemplated , inquiry be- omes necessary into (1) ) the market , (2) ( ) the cost of produc- ion , and (3) ) the species planted. Vs a result of the absence of natural supplies , posts , poles md fuel wood are shipped into his region from northern Min. nesota at a freight rate of 10 cents a hundred weight , or about $3.50 a cord. .This , with the original selling price and the Sealer's profit , brings the local elling price up to from $7 to : > ! ! a cord. The value of the landls usually lie largest item in the cost of producing a wood crop. Al- hough the best soil will pro duce timber most rapidly , yet ough , sandy , or occasionally overflowed situations can also usually be utilized. In select. ng a tree for commercial plant- ng its hardiness in the climate and situation is most important. tVtter that , rapidity of growth and the quality of the wood , especially its suitability to serve ocal demands , are considered. Cottonwood and white willow are profitable on the deep , porous ous soils of the river valleys. Seven cottonwood groves yield ed in lumber and fuel an average annual net return per acre of $10.67 , while eight groves oi white willow gave products of posts and fuel equal to an aver. age annual net return of ยง 21 per acre. European larch and Scotch pine , produce , respect ively , an annual net return per acre of $11.93 and $13.35 when planted on upland , and would do even better in the river val leys. White spruce , Norwaj spruce , and western yellow pint are also adapted for planting for windbreak purposes. It species ior park , lawn and road side planning , symmetry and gracefulness are important con siderations. Cuttings are usually used ir establishing a plantation o willow or cottonwood. The ex pense is little or nothing. Seed lings ot broadleaf trees are easily procured. Unfortunately , conit erous stock is inexpensive Considering , however , their higl protective value in the winter and their ability to resist drouth heat , cold , storm and snow pres sure , and the quality of the woo < produced , conifers have prove < more desirable for permanen plantations than broadleafs. The foregoing facts and othe information and directions abou planting are contained in a pub lication entitled "Forest Plant ing on the Northern Prairies , ' recently issued by the Fores Service. This publication cai be had free upon application t the Forester at Washington. Three 10-cent shows in a tow this size is about the limit. Let' ' trade one of them for a ban leader. New Books , Following1 is the list of new books i received- our' library md placed in circulation "last Saturday ; * * JUVENILE FICTION , ilabic , . . , . . . , Famous Stories every child should know. Jlanchard Four Corners. Efrglcstoii. . . . . . Hip Br6thcr. j \.lcott. . Louis-i Alcott Kcndcr. llaticliard Pour Corners in .Cali fornia. Bt GOX..I ; . . . .I. . Urowulc * at Home. CgBlestoM.i.Cnptulii sum , sequci to Uip Brother. Duller Hookful of Girls. vummjs1 Kin o the Droncoi. Stuart Solomon Crbw's Christ mas Pockets. White Court of Boyville. ADULT FICTION. \.nderjon Improvisatore. Vtherton . . . . . .Ancestors. Crawford Arethusii. Glasgow Ancient Law. lardy Return of theNatlvc. Hardy Two on a Tower. leiuing1 Spirit Lake. Ljtton Alice , or the Mysteries. Inaon Broken Roadi Mcicditli The Egoist. Kohl Princc&s Nadine. 'arkington. . . .llisOwn People. ? ompkins Dr. Ellen , Turgenev On the Eve. PRINCE ROYAL will make the season of 1908 al ny home one block north of High school building , Falls City , Neb. Prince Royal is a dark dapple gray Percherou Coach Stallion , six years old weighing 1500 pounds lie is a stallion of excellent style and action and has proven him self a sure loal getter , Foi further information and padigrec see owner. TERMS : Prince Royal will serve mares forSlO to insure cell to stand and suck. If mare h parted with or removed from the > riginal locality , service money becomes due at once. A lien on uare and colt is held for service none ) ' . Extra precaution taken o prevent accidents , but am not responsible should any occur. SUNRISE will also make the season at mj lome. Description : Sunrise is a black jack , snow white points and was foaled November 4 , 1901. lie & a heavj' big boned jack , 15/ lands high , extreme length , widi breast and straight back. Ilearl girt 67 ins. , below hock 10 ins weighs 1125 Ibs. Is a good anc sure breeder. Pedigree : Sunrise was sirec by Sunlight(407) ( ) weighing 125 ( pounds ; he by Starlight jr. , ( SO ) lie by Starlight sr.(81) ) ; he bj Belknap ; he by Blackney Imp Sunlight's dam by Importec Paragon (63) ) , which sold for $2 , r)00. FirsUdam Kate by Nape Icon , sr. , he by Peacock ; he bj Imp. Napoleon. Conditions same as for Priuci Royal. Service fee$12. TWILIGHT Is the celebrated Tennessee Jack is 16 hands high , coming threi years old with extra heavy bone has excellent style and action will serve mares at $12 to insun living colt. TWILIGHT , Jr. Black Jacl foaled July 1905 sired b Twilight , h by William' Beauty , hi dam , Fanni Essell , she b Starlight No. 81. Twilight' 1st. dam by St. Martin. ( Imp. ) CIJHTIFICATK OF RKGISTKY Twilight , Jr. , ( Scorlet's ) Nc 1689 owned by G. M. Scott , Res Mo. , foaled July 1905 , black wit white points , 16 hands higl : Sire Twilight , Dam , St. Marti Junnet , has been accepted fc registry in the American Jac Stock Stud Book , under the rule of -Association and will b numbered as above. All these animals will make th season at the home of J. F. Scai lett at the above place. J. F. SCARLETT. Phone 143 B INE ATTRACTION COMING Falls City to Sec the Burwood Theatre Stock Co. from Omaha. Manager Gchliiig is cotiRrattf ating himself over the result of , a long distance 'phone ' talk he lad Saturday with the Burwood vTheatre in Omaha. I sccms that Irs. Fisk is'to play in 'the ' Bur- vood Theatre , June ,4 , , ' 5 , . and 6 , xml in order to make room for her he superb Stock Company , which las been playing at the Burwood ill the season , is to go on the oad for six nights , after which t returns to the Burwood to rc- , ume its run. So with his cus- omary enterprise Manager Gell ing "got busy , " and knowing hat Falls City would appreciate i bouafide high-grade attraction , ic succeeded in arranging for the company to play on Thursday jvcning , June 4 , in Falls City , -\nd it is safe to predict that our citixens will endorse his effort to bring us a known attraction of he very highest class by packing he GchlingThcatretoits utmost capacity. In Omaha the company enjoys he patronnge of thousands every week and its members are cnter- ained socially in the homes of the most exclusive circle of the social set. The Burwood Stock Company is a permanent itistitu- itition in Omaha and really is ooked upon as being a most de sirable necessity. The piece to be played here will be ' 'The Man from Mexico , " most hilarious societ } comedy and formerly played by the emi- icnt comedian , William Collier. [ n Omaha the Burwood company produces one play for an entire week and the fact that "The Man from Mexico" is to be played the entire week previous to the trip , assures a fine performance liere. Special scenery from the Bur wood Theatre will be brought to Falls City , and the pioduction staged with the same careful at tention to every detail. That this is to be the social event of the season goes without further comment. Falls City should pack the Gehling Theatre or this last and best attraction of the season * How proud liiawatha is of her land , and rightly too. It is con sidered the best band in this part of the countryi and the people over there know it and treat them accordingly. LINCOLN is your town , it is the scat of your state government , the officers who spend your money live icrc , you send your children here to be educated , yon send your friendless and cripples here , you send , your insane icrc , you send your criminals here , when you want anybody hanged you send them here , when you wanted a big state fair you located it here , when you hold a convention it's here , when ever you do any shopping it's here , the mo'sl railroads center here. Lincoln was created for the accom modation and benefit of the state o\ \ Nebraska and her citizens have gro\\i to realise that nil we are here for ib foi your service , and that is the reason state people like to come here. The State Journal is being conducted along these lines. It te peculiarly s state paper , realizing its obligations tc Nebrabkans. It is a staunch advocate of all things for the upbuilding am' uplifting of her people , and al ay ; stands for Unit much used and some times abused " .square deal " It Is tin one state paper that can print all th < news all the time about everybody am everything. No olhce-holders or ofllci seekers in any of its departments fron top to bottom. Wo are obeying the new rules o Uncle Sam's pos > tofllce and require ul subscribers to pay in advance. In thi' wav jou pay only for 3'our own jiaper you are not helping to pay for tin paper of some one who doesn't pay hi : bills. Therefore , to introduce the Stnt Journal into thousands of new homes \\e will send H every da } ' , except Bun day , from now until after the Nationa Election for only 81.SO. Make it S2 0 and we will add the Big Sunday paper This will carry you through the ex citing nominating campaign and the , through the presidential race. This i just an introduction offer undthc pape will be stopped at the end of that time We stop all papers when time paid fo is up. The sooner you send in you money the more papers you \ \ \ ' \ \ gc under this cut-price offer. The Journal prints more rcadini matter than any other state daily an we will let you judge of the quality. SEE YOUR POSTMASTER. A TRUE TOOTH STORY * * " * * * * * * ! * u * u t * * l t * is the result of the free examination you got horc.i If you doit't iiced the pulling , filling or replacing ofutccth ypu'll know th'nt faqt when our export dentists have said the word , luAu word , you'll get good dcntnl treat- motit .llcro , nnd at prices * that you won't object tb ! \u ; ' ' Fnlls City , Nebraska L S ( i * LIQUOR EMPORIUM , ,1 III' IV AH Popular Brands of Wet Goods n , , , i with an experienced mixer at yourID , , / service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. . m n 1 illi/-T' ! ! (1 ( L. E. LEED , PROPRIETOR I1 t FALLS CITY NEBRASKA Attention Hog Men and Farmers T T A Do you know a good thing when yeti see it. If so take advantage of it. I have A N bought a car load of Swift's Digester ' Tankage and expect' ' it ; here ebout , May N K 23d and will sell , his , f m the car at thp K low price of S O pcr ton iu any quantity , , A from 1QQ pounds up. Give me your name and when the car gets in I will , notify yo < i A G Don't let your little chicks die , but get AE some Climax Chick Feed and save them. E E " . P. HECK A Notice to Farmers Wehave a Full Line of Buggies , > and Miller also ' " ' ' Carriages Wagons , a Full Line of St. Joe Implements and " , ' a Full Line of Racine-Sattley Imple ments. ? Prices are the Lowest CALL and inspect these goods be fore buying elsewhere , and " \ve also handle FIVE Different grades of 3L , O XJ from the three home mills , Falls City , ' < i | " Preston and White Cloud. ' ! I U1 ' I McCUMBER & GLAZE Preston , : : : : Nebraska ! N@w Jewelry Store Visit the New Jewelry Store and see the latest designs in Table-ware. Everything first-class and prices reasonable. Call and be convinced , R. B. Simpson North Winow Kerr/s / Pharmacy Watch Jewelry Repairing Done.