rr THE FALLS CITY 'I R1BUNH , FKlbAY , MAY 2i , 1908. FOR 12 DAY5 the wise buying public of Falls 'City ' have been rushing and flocking to this Force Sale , and how could they help it. Think of it , good , clean , up-to-date CLOTHING , - SHOES , - HATS , and Furnishing Goods 50c ON DOLLAR The entire $10,000 stock of the Ben Cole Mercantile Co. , of Peily , , Oklahoma , must be sold. You can't afford to miss these bargains. Remember this sale lasts only a . . .FEW DAYS. DO NOT DELAY. . . COME AT ONCE jfor the 'Rig "Red Sign ctbotJe door . 1 ! I Great Western S. J. BARREN ! , " Ad. Maii. " Clothinq Co. * - > ? Five Doors south Richardson County Bank. ooof > nflOfw Rest Farm for Teachers. Atsumuier farln fof/itueMnem. bers off t'lie ' Natibntil Education association , lo be conducted un- tier the auspices of that organi zation and which will provide a ' plac'e where Educators may pass 'the sUnmicr1 months , ig tb be"es. 'tabli'shed in Colorado It the plans of Lewis 0. Greenlee , former superintendent of public schools of Denver , materialise.J It is planned to have members of the association ! taice ' up several thousand 'acres' ' , establish A 'col ony , prdVide for farni work and varidus kinds of recreation , ar range for a dhautauqua and otherwise insure suhimer comforts - forts and pleasures. The prop osition is to have the teachers who go there for their vacations kept in tduch with educational work at theanje.time they are working on tli e far m s a n d strengthening themselves physi cally. That most oi the teach ers in this country are unable to enjoy the right sort of vacations is unquestionably true. This is because they are poorly paid for their school work and cannot af- lord expensive outings. The Colorado plan will provide a way for them to enjoy out-door exercibc and at the same time afford opportunity , through Chautauqua and summer school work , to prepare for the next school year. Lincoln Star. Serious Results Feared. You may well fear serious results from H rough or cold , as pneumonia i und consumption start with a cold , 1-V ] ley's Honey and Tar cures the most ob- etlnuto coughs or colds and ( u-ovents serious results. Rcfuso substitutes. Kerr'a Pharmacy , There's a new "sensation" for the amusement parks' It is called "The Tickler , "and if you wish to try it you , with seven other passengers , take seats in a car that resembles a big wash- tub. The seat is circular and the tub is loaded at the bottom of an incline , carried to the top ' and then released , The tub is equipped with casters , and when they let it go it turns this way and that , bumps into various posts and travels in a most be. wildering and "tickling" way , to say nothing of "ticklish.1' The girl in a "Tickler" seizes the first thing she can get hold of , and generally that is a man. The new device will therefore n.je popular , despite its dangers , Testing tbe Clay. A Kansas City company has been testing the clay in i the vicinity of Howe several days the past week'with ' the view of Installing a brick plant there , pr6vided 'they ' find material of the right kind. At last accounts from there' ' they believed that the clay was of 'the ' best with I reference to quality and thingsJe [ look fayorable toward the installation - " stallation of a plant. Auburn Herald. Laying Rails Fast. On Tuesday of this week the ; jangs went to work again lay ing the new rails ou the Missou ri Pacilic track between Falls ity and Auburn , One gang ot 10 men is working at Verdon and another gang of the same number is at work at Palls City. With the entire force at work the men will lay about one mile of rails each day. Auburn Her ald , "What's the matter with the school band ? It's all right ? Who's all right ? The High school band. Give us a concert. r Graduation Gifts There is nothing- nicer or more appropriate than a GOOD BOOK I We have a splendid as sortment , just in. A few of our best ones : "Dame ' " Curtsey's" Novel Book of En ter t a i n m e n t s by Ellye Ho well Glover at . $ i oo "Men Who Sell Things" by Walter D. Moody. . . . $1 oo Also a few of the popular fiction sucli as "The Adventurers "The Lion and the Mouse" at Try McMillan's FIRST ! MCMILLAN'S PHARMACY FALLS CITY , NEHUASAKA Tbe Age of Publicity. This is the age of publicity ; und the newspaper is the circu lating medium. It is a stirring messenger that makes some ppo- ple happy and others sad. TLe newspaper is essentially a need- dd' occupant of every home. It should stand for the best ideals in life and be the exponent of everything1 that means rightful rogress. , The newspaper is he dial of humanity's clock , and the men and women who nake the newspaper are parts to the greatest machinery of uitnan activity in all the world a good , square , clean , and re- 1' iable ' newspaper. If you want to succeed in business you must advertise , and if a newspaper expects to meet with success it nust win the confidence and respect of the community so that it will attract advertising He who cultivates a cheerful spirit , a smiling countenance and ! a soothing voice becomes a master among men ; so adver tising that appeals is only an other name for advertising that possesses strength. Vigor and individuality are most essential. Mandel Sener. A superb Hnlsh is obtained by Campbell's Varnish Stnin ou lloors furniture or interior wood work. These stiiius are sold in 15 , 25 , 73 nnd Si. 40 cent cans. Ask Morsman Drup Co. for color card. Reaches the spot. Slops pain. The Great Pile Rein , ody. Put up In tubes with rectal nozzle. 50 cents. Heal Estate Transfers. S. IJ. Gist and Margaret Gist to Joe Windle . el 8& acres between sec. 2 and 3 , town. 1 , range 15 SoOO Helen M. Hnrshbcr cr to Edward Ulila w. tl. Its. II , 12 , btlc : tO , Koulcau & Ucdanl's add. to town of Knlo . . $75 J. Wt Lioubcrger anilvf. . to W. A. Al bright , w. tl. to Its 1 and 5 , blk. 20 , add. to Dawson. . . SHOO Louis P. Plcgc and \vf. to Caroline Ku brick , w. il. to Its. 1 , 2 , 3 , 1. 0 in blk. 0 , Crook & Towlc's odd. to Falls City $1000 Wesley II. Maddo.V to Lena MaddoX , \v. d , to und. Yi of w. yt nw. J , the n. Yi sw. k , sw. } sw. } of sec. . ' 1-1-10 , the no. X sec. 28--16 , So i ice. 'H-U- 10 $1 The Carpenter-Morton Co , Boston , Mass. , were the first paint concern to offer Varnish Stains to housekeepers. Campbell s Varnish Stain Is the orig inal , flrat made in 1888 , and today rqc- ognlzed as the most satisfactory article of the kind upon the market. Mors- man Drag Co. carries a complete Block. Color card for the a kinp. Holding office is a-good thing , but holding plow handles is better - ter , says an exchange. The man that sticks to his plow is his own boss ; can work when he pleases and quit when he pleases and doesn't have to ask any favors of any one. Moreover , no one can take his job away rom him at the end of the lirst erm. He has a lifetime cinch on his job. Ex. Colds That Hang On. Colds that toting on in the spring de- tlete the system , exhaust the nerves ind open the way for serious Illness , ako Foley's Honey and Tar it quckly stops the eolith and expels jhe , cold. t Is ii safe and certain in results. Terr's Pharmacy. Heart Strength Heart Btrcnrth , or Heart Weakness , means Ncrva Hronjrth. or Ncrvo Wcakno6 nothlns moro. Po - tlrolr. not ono weak boon In a hundred 1 , In It- toll nctuully dltaiBod , It la almost always a iMdon tiny llttlo nerve that really- all at ( unit. This obscure ncrro--tho - . Cardl-1. or Ilvart Nerve lniply neon ? , and tnuit hare , ooro power , more stability , ffloro controlling , more governing itrentrth. Without that the llcan tnust continue to fall , and the stomach and kidneys also have these 6anv5 controlling nerves. This clearly explains why as a tncdlclno. Dr. ? hoop i Boctorativo has In the post done eo mach lorweak and alllns Hcnrts. Dr. Sheep first ( ought .ho caueo oi all thu painful , palpitating , euflocat. ln heart dlrtrefiSL Dr. Bhoop s llcstorattvo this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and WftFtlng ncrro centers. It builds ; strengthen * ! It offers real , genuine heart help. It yon would liayo ftrong Hearts , strong dU rostlon. Btrenrthtn these nerves ro-ostabll b .hem as aeedod , vrlth Dr. Shoop's Restorative ( ALL DEALERS ) I America's Tlierniinal Wonderland I HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS Curative waters , health- ful and agreeable cli mate , restful surroundings - ings every form of rec- reation if desired , all completely illustrated and described in our new booklet , also rates at hotels , bath houses , etc. , etc. Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain the DIRECT THROUGH ROUTE Cnll on jour local neent or mldro.-s B. P. PAYNE Passenger sad Ticket Agent St. Louis , Mo. to loan on good farm security , Call on or write GUI 15" Jt I I " 'iPP * M P . H. FALLSTEAD Office Over Kornor's Hardware Store Falls City , - - Nebraska Human Filter. The functions of the kidneys is to , rain out the impurities of the blood hlch is constantly passing through hum , Foley's Kldnoy Remedy makes jc kidneys healthy so they will strain ut all waste matter from the blood , 'nko Foloy's Kindey Remedy tit once nd it will make you well. Kerr's Phar" macy. Weak women should read my "Book lo. 4 for Women. " It is written ex- ressly for women who are not well , 'he book No. I tells of Dr. Shoop's Nleht Cure" and just how these sooth- ng , healing , antiseptic suppositories an bo successfully applied. The bopk nd strictly confidential medical ad vice s entirely free. Write Dr. Sheep , Ra- ine , Wis. The Night CurO is sold by ,11 , dealers. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is GOU6H SYRUP Bees Is tbe orlgiriM laxative congh syrnp , contains no opiates , gently moves the bowels , carrying the cold off through the natural channels , Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. A. G. WANNER TO THE PACIFIC COAST Very low round trip rates commencing- June 1st for at tractive Coast tours , only $00.00 ; slightly higher via Shasta Route and Puget Sound. TO CHICAGO AND EAST Republican Convention excur sion tickets at low rates in June ; also summer excursion rates in connection with Con vention and "Summer Tourist rates1 to eastern resorts. ' To Colorado and Rocky Mountains Daily excursion rates com mencing June 1st to Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , Black Hills , Yellowstone Park ; great Dem ocratic Convention at Denver In July. Ilomescekers' Rates First and third Tuesdays to the West , including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellow stone Valleywhere larjfe tracts of rich irrigated lantls are be ing opened for settlement by the government and by pri vate companies. Write D. Deaver , Burlington Landseck- ers' Information Bureau , Omaha ; excellent bussiness openings in new growing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip , and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. E. G. WHITFORD , Local Tlchet Agent. L. W. WAKELCY , G. P. . , Omaha , Neb. ! : D. S. flcCarthy Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 I'l ' I I C. H. HARION 1 AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner C. H. MARION I Falls City , Nebraska 1 For Good Sales , flood Service. Pro Returns Ship Your Stock to Qeo. R. Barse LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. . Write us lor Markct'Reports Kansas City. Mo. , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS DR. H. T. HflHN VETERINARIAN Oflice nud residence first door north of city park. Phone 2G3. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA EDGAR R. MATHERS 3D EX K 1s 'I S Phones : Nos. 177 , 217 SAM'L. WAUL BUILDING ! ; M. I. WILSON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office and Residence over McMillan's Drug Store. Phone 329. PALLS CITY , "Wl'B/TSR ' ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. Collections AUended.To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY Ofllco over Korr's Pharmacy Olllce Phone 200 Residence Phone 271 W. S. FAST , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . J Residence 100 PHnn Phones : j , onCQ 55 PALLS CITY , NEBRASKA DR. 0. N , ALLISON Phone 248 Over Richardson County Bank. PALLS CITY , NEBRASKA THE BOWELS AND MOVE WORK OFF A COLD WITH TUB ORIGINAL MOVECOUGH COUGII SYRUP. COUGH BEST FOR A u V for Pickles for the Leo Cider and Vinegar Co. and make $50.00 to $75.00 per acre Any quantity will be taken at the factory at So cents per bushel for first grade ( under four inches long ) . Call at the State Bank for sheet of instructions telling how to raise , pick and market them. - You also can get seed for choice varietiesatthe